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Midgets females getting fucked
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Sauce? Watermark is cut off
Bump for more literal fucktoys
There are two types of people in this world.
Those that can derive information from incomplete data sets.
this is borderline pedophillia
I know you're a fucking retard but because I've spilled so much seed to the vid in question I will spoonfeed you. Sassee Cassee and Alex Legend
what an unfathomably based thread kek
hat are the other type?
you only explained one?
Eh, not really, midgets are people with sexual desires just like any other. Petite, skinny girls dressing up in pigtails or schoolgirl clothes and doing daddy daughter role play is much closer to paedophilia
You are literally retarded.
Never heard of this guy and I thought the g was a c.
Why's it cropped anyway?
You are an unmistakable faggot
Got any with midget girls getting used like a Fleshlight?
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ignore them.
I know a girl I went to highschool obsessed over me. She's the same size >>27872922 but is extremely conservative and shy. Doesn't have a cute face, I'm in my late 20s haven't seen her but I catch her accidentally follow me on Instagram and quickly unfollow. I just decided to message her and I saw her typing then she suddenly blocked me but then later she would follow/unfollow me back again and again.

I wouldn't mind a relationship with her but desu I've always been insecure of what my parents/friends would think. I know I shouldn't care and just fuck but I'm insecure faggot. I hate my life.
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Who is this??
its a grown ass woman. And if people think she should stay single all her life and not find the right person cause of a disability they can go fuck themselves. But you talking about her like that makes me think u are actually either just desperate or a pedo. which are both no good grounds to start a relationship.

tldr; kys
are you stupid? its in the filename faggot
must be a mobile user
>I've always been insecure of what my parents/friends would thin
You're a faggot.
They can think whatever they want, at the end of the day you get to pound midget pussy. You win.
I said I felt like an insecure faggot for feeling this way you don't have rub in my face even more. Also It's hard to get in contact when any attempt to start a convo I get blocked. Like I said she's very shy.
shortstack threads on /aco/ and /trash/ are a gateway to midget porn
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Tiny Texie
eporner com/video-hZ1CBoHu3nf/sassee-cassee/
My guy I’m a normal looking dude meet a midget on tinder. I thought fuck it why not I have Humor and wouldn’t mind fucking one . So we meet up she’s short we’ll a Midget . She was fun to be around and we dated for a short while . Fucking her was fun but it’s difficult to fit my dick in her . And she wasn’t enjoying it when I was trying to fuck get harder . Wouldn’t do it again .

Yes,People will look at you when you walk around with a midget . They will stare and sure a shit you’ll feel watched and judged . I didn’t mind that much I’m a stoner so whatever . But you’ll notice .
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that could be the most repulsive porn I have ever seen, she looks like a retarded 9 year old.
bro's fuckin a lakafel
You mean a falafel?
Went to school with an autistic midget who did stripping professionally for years. There was always a rumor she did porno and someone posted her nudes on Facebook back when it wasn't so heavily moderated. I always check these sorts of threads incase she comes up but so far, no luck. Feels a bit too weird to seek her out directly,.plus if she did porn it was probably amature and in like late 2000s anyway.
Life hasn't been too kind to little Strawberry Shortcake.
In the long line of your ancestors, millions of people, what are the chances that even one of them fucked a midget? Pretty fucking low.

I've seen a handful of midgets in my life, I only briefly interacted with one of them. In pre-modern times, the chances of them even surviving infancy is miniscule so that probably rules out your ancestors getting midgussy. You can be the pioneer, you can be the ONE. You can die content knowing that you are the first one to plant this flag.

Instead you're just a faggot with low self esteem and a midget pussy on his platter.
took me a while. but pretty much my reaction to
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>In pre-modern times, the chances of them even surviving infancy is miniscule
you are so full of shit you squeak anon
To what?
More of Texie please.
>fucked a midget in vegas
>my small dick felt like a porn star dick to her
>did positions that would otherwise be impossible
>amazing head because she was so cock hungry

honestly do everything you can to fuck a midget once in your life, some of the best sex ever.
Tiny and stumpy hands typed this >>27881091 post.
Short girls can't get love?
I'm a pedophile and this shit sucks
beautiful in all sizes bigot
American moment
even midgets want 6+ foot tall men with 9 inch dicks and 100k a year, so you might as well give up, manlets.
Anon has it right >>27873025, quit being a faggot and fuck her. "Oh no, what would my friends/parents say if I had a girlfriend? What if the relationship was successful?" Who cares? You are both adults, you think it might be nice, worst case scenario it doesn't work out.
i cant fucking read the name
For Cock and Stone?
Don't know why you wouldn't want hobbit pussy. Maybe if you do a good job you could move with her to the shire. Go have some fun Samwise.
So uh... are they tighter?
I used to fuck this chick who wasn't quite a midget, but she was abnormally small. She would do astrology bullshit and tarot and claimed she was psychic. Best crazy I ever put my dick in. I found out later she was scamming old people claiming she could talk to their dead relatives. Ended up running from the FBI. She was a small medium at large.
I wish there was more anal midget porn
>She was a small medium at large.
This is the reason 4chan gets a bad rap.
It's "There are two types of people: those who can extrapolate from missing data"
>points out elephant in the room
>pedo apologists absolutely lose their fucking minds in response, in a disproportionate manner.

Just admit it and get it over with, the only people you're convincing that this is about "differently abled rights" are yourselves. Delusion won't make your jawlines, or families respect, come back. Kid fuckers.
actually I'm here for the sexual exploitation of the disabled
you are nigger, simple as
>4chan gets a bad rap
Yes, bad puns are certainly the reason. Not the rampant racism, porn, gore, misogyny, war footage, weird anime, /b or retarded political opinions. Like always say: come for the puns, stay for the cannibalism.
Small bump
but they're legal adults. how is that so hard to understand?
you are just upset that they dont have dicks, faggot
4Chan X now enables me to see the same IP has replied here.
you're a massive faggot if you really think that
6+ foot tall
9.25 inch dick
10k in debt

And midge pussy can't take what full sized adult women can't.
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think's he meant lalefel, it's FF14 's loli race
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tiny texie is NOT a midget okay
she has normal proportions, but since we're posting her...
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this one might be a goblin rather than a dwarf
The dog.. kek
>love ebony
>like midgets
>The only vids combining the two are this immobile log that looks like she's suffering
Because midgets and dwarves are not the same
Not all midgets look like Dobby from Harry Potter
miss my little nigga
lol you outed yourself with all that projection.
why did you click on this thread in the first place?
Well tell me what the fuck she is so I can search more sluts that look like her.
>tfw you will never fuck a living meat onahole
You upset all the pedophile FREAKS here
This is the webm.
I wouldnt last 30 seconds
Except you literally out yourselves as the pedos because you dont understand why it's wrong to assault a child.

Heres a hint: It's not because of their size, pedophile. It literally has nothing to do with it.
sauce on left?
>literally IMAGINE in real life
why even point it out? There's no victims here, you just want restricted freedoms.
Don't see black midgets very often
Good god you delusional faggots can’t help but project your gey faggotry on everyone else
She has primordial draws dwarf look to her almost fuck one not nearly as tiny though couldn’t do it probably should have but they can be ugly she was.
Pretty much what I was thinking. If you don't understand or agree that it's not about "looking like a child", but rather "thinking and reasoning like a child" (which does not apply to dwarfs), then you fundamentally do not know why pedophilia is morally wrong beyond "it's icky and people say it's bad!", which in my eyes would make a person at the very least rapist-adjacent, and probably also pedo-adjacent. If they cannot recognize that the issue in question is obviously one of consent, then why would they respect consent in general?
My fucking sides. Ill call them Falafel from now.
You weren't already?
Jemma from Suicide Girls
Learn to use punctuation, nigger. It was a chore trying to decipher your garbled mess. Yeah, proportional midgets are fucking rare. It's mainly really ugly ones.
I have identified at least 3 types of midgets
>midget face midgets
>normal face midgets
>permanent children that didn't grow up
There's also deformed midgets who have brittle bone disease or whatever.
girls this small are way too kid looking,
but hey, it's nice that she's getting laid...
good for her being fulfilled
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>>27885177 Kek
Hi moe syzlack
Nah they just look like miniature adults with the proportions of mythological dwarves. Why is everything out of the ordinary a proxy for something sinister in the roastie mind?
>Itt: Freudian armchair psychologist takes from people reading so far into this niche they unlock the scrivener sublass.
It's arousing because it adds variety of choice, nothing more.
I'll grant you that, other than "Tiny Texie" up near the top of the thread.
Are short but proportional women infantile adjacent too in your mind? What about neotenous women? This is utter nonsense
That Tiny Texie is normally proportioned, just small. The hell is wrong with that? Nothing, unless you're insecure and immature. Fuck what the haters think.
Ney... two... small bumps.
Awesome thread idea, I'd love to fuck a midget or dwarf. Cassee takes dick like a champ.
She looks like she's got Primordial or Pituitary dwarfism. Basically, she's just smol. Small framed, but otherwise normal proportions. If I had a *favorite* she'd be it.
Probably calling them Potatoes. Stupidly fun to play though. Cracks me up every time I see em doing something serious.
I'd rather have a go with someone like Tiny Texie. She's more normally proportioned, just small. Totally easier to carry and toss. Just seems like it could be fun. And these captcha things are weird, but I finally figured the damned things out on mobile.
This just in: everything's queer if the participants aren't burly faggots
>"thinking and reasoning like a child"
So how is intellectual maturity measured? Women are generally infantile as it is. Is it IQ? Then what about Negresses? It's all arbitrary I don't think there's a clear answer.
my dream is to have a midget gf that is willing to dress up a a goblin and act as a complete human breeding slut
>Clearly not the rampant racism, porn etc.

It's so adorable you take every post at face value
Chapell Roan
Idk, you tell me
Man, on further consideration I have to alter my stance. That face... nah man. She looks like a little gray alien. Seriously though, if you scaled her up to 4'10" or even 5'6" she'd be normal looking and that's what I was getting at with the [relatively] normal proportions. That face though... I'm out.
I could go either way, but I see what you're driving at
Actually yes, I like most of those other things and consider them the source of our popularity
I've looked through the deepest reaches of the internet for a decade and I'm utterly convinced that midget creampies don't exist anywhere.
the first webms are from alexlegend SASSEE CASSEE clip, where the tiny girl get a blast dripping from her pussy
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audible kek
Captcha K DXXD

And you're beyond retarded.
You can tell he's afraid of breaking her with how lightly he spanks her
The dog walks in
>What's up? You guys fuckin'?
>Alright, just checkin', see you later
What a legend
My cousin dated a midget for like 4 years she was like 3ff tall and had fake tits. It was crazy looking, I'd never seen a midget with fake tita before.
Were they at least nice fake tits?
Sure, they looked fine it was just odd looking, like she had two tennis balls or something
Ok fuck that was pretty hot. Got link to a full scene?
>>143 reply
>>16 Webm’s

Typical in any good thread…
Damn she's cute and sexy asf too adorable
Game of Thrones isn't real. Midgets rarely survived infancy even two hundred years ago
and i'm sure the mentally retarded were thrown off of cliffs instead of raised, which is why they show up sometimes in paintings of french court members
You can see the file name on mobile, dumbass
What the fuck
obviously, she's a halfling
>midgets are pedo shit now
I swear these retards are just overcompensating their own pedophilia.
more tiny texie.
Being married since 2008 and a couple years before that I met a girl who was pretty artistic but also fairly short only 4 ft 2.. when I first met her and her mother I thought she was at most a young teen but she's actually 23 had a graduated from high school already

Because of her autism and being short she didn't date. But whenever I was working at her mom's house she always made sure that she was around to talk to me.

I would humor her, but always kept the conversation safe. That is until the day that her mother had a conversation with me. She told me that her daughter was really attracted to me, and would I mind taking her out on some thing. I told her I was married and she knew that, but the thing is that she knew my wife as they had a mutual acquaintance and she knew friends that she was going to go and visit her for a week.

So I made a date with her her mom would cook us dinner and we would relax and have a movie. Dinner was fine a bit of awkward small talk but before we got a chance to get into the movie her mom got a phone call and she said that she had to go out for a few hours. And it just carry on without her. The daughter informed me as soon as she drove off that that was deliberate to give us some time alone until the late evening. We watched the movie, and she was very Hands-On with me. She put a blanket over us and she had her arm resting underneath my neck and was kind of snuggled up with her other arm over my middle. And it kept string further and further south until it was resting on the bare bit of skin between my t-shirt and my pants. Soon we weren't paying attention to the movie, we were just holding each other in our arms and just lightly kissing each other. She got on top of me, it was kind of funny and she wasn't big enough to stretch out over me keep kissing me and grind our groins together and my dick was rubbing her between her knees. She knew a little about sex and had gone and petted and had a bit of oral with some guys
What's funny is one of my girlfriends who actually was pretty upfront she asked me out because you'd see me a number of times traveling to and from her home town but we lived in different places. I ended up fondling her breasts the first date we had on the beach after watching Indiana Jones and the Last crusade. About 2 weeks later we went to visit her sister in a different city and we had to sleep in the living room and they knew that we had been f****** overnight because she was sleeping on the couch I was on the floor and when she got up in the night to check on us we were both on the floor. It was a lot of fun sticking my cock into Kirsten even if I had to use condoms.

Funny thing is with her Spina bifida, is she had a heap of doctors and specials to look after a care because she'd had a reversed ostomy and a reverse ileostomy plus two hip replacements and a shunt put in. We showed up for an appointment together and while I was waiting in the room her doctor came in and got me to come in so she could talk to both of us. She'd explain to me and her that they hadn't expected her actually have sexual relations with a man. So I hadn't really brought up the subject so gave her a crash course in sex education.

Her relationship broke up because she had difficulty admitting to me that she was a lesbian. I follow her on Facebook but I have no contact with her, and I see she's living happily in a well-known lesbian area of Vancouver called commercial drive. I should send her a gift card from the lesbian sex shop in the area Womyn's Wear
I'd have expected this, so I'd downloaded some sex education videos onto a memory card and put them on the DVD player. It showed a lot of stuff like how to touch one another what areas or erogenous zones how to give oral she had a lot of fun running your mouth up and down me. I really enjoyed giving her her first oral though. She had no idea what to expect so I slowly worked my mouth down from her breasts and nipples her stomach then up a longer thigh before I went and back and started ruffling her pussy hair with my mouth and tongue. When I got to her good bits, she held her breath for a few seconds and then slowly breathed out carefully. It took a little time for me to get her an orgasm cuz I wasn't quite sure what she would like but is it turns out it was just enough to look around her clitoral hood to get her off. Plus she was back lying on top of me sweating a bit, she told me she finally understood what women were talking about with oral sex. I told her while I did like getting it I really prefer giving it as I found that much more exciting so I did it to her again except this time I also fingered her bum hole. She really enjoyed me running my tongue around that and getting a little ways inside. She gave me oral I just sort of getting me to stand up and she just bent over and took it in her mouth. She couldn't fit very much in even though I'm not particularly big at only five and a half inches. I told her I really loved though with my testicles being lightly stroked and I preferred that over just about anything including intercourse.

We got around to doing that and she wanted to do that in her bedroom on her water bed, so I just picked her up and carried her like she was my bride and we were going to the marital bed. I told her that with my bad back it was very rare I had a partner I could actually pick up like that and do that kind of a romantic gesture. I told her it would probably be a little painful and tight the first few times,
I got down by your thighs then lightly explored her with my fingers and I told her to rub around and see what felt good. She like touching her clitoris but you didn't have a lot of experienced masturbating and usually just did it in the shower with the shower head pulsing against her. I told her that touching yourself by hand it was usually much better. And then your mother wouldn't complain about being in the shower so long.

I put some lube on my fingers and ran it around her and could easily confirm that yes she did have her Hyman still. And I could press against it but I could also push it out of the way a bit if I was careful so I did that. I wasn't sure what position, but another girlfriend who had a bad hip usually got to ride me so I suggested that position. She had beautiful long hair so it draped over her breasts and your shoulders not but it also got my mouth a bit too. She was a little self-conscious about her breasts because they were a normal size for someone quite a bit taller than hers but on her they look quite gigantic. I really liked how sensitive her nipples were and she could just about have an orgasm from them being touched. I got a condom on and made sure there's lots of lube on it and rubbed it up and down her and she finally just got excited enough just to press yourself down on it and got it about halfway in before I reached her cervix. She could feel that and said it wasn't too painful but it was actually quite pleasurable to be pushing against that. I haven't had sex in a bowl of weeks since my wife and going her trip so I was pretty excited and I came really quickly.
Never been with a midget but I used to date a girl that was really short. She was 4'10" and I'm 6'7" so the height difference was pretty big. She liked being manhandled when we fucked. One of the reasons we broke up was the height difference, when we were walking in public and she'd say something it'd be hard to hear her cause her mouth was so far from my ear. I had to literally bend down to hear her sometimes.
>so uh...we still cool on those scooby snacks you told me I'd get for being a good boy, right?
>Just checking, no hurries tho
>the bowl is empty, just saying
Kevin Hart
‘Midget’ is actually an old-fashioned medical term for someone of unusually small but proportionate features, whereas ‘dwarf’ is a term for someone who is small but has stunted and/or deformed limbs.
This move to regard ‘midget’ as the same as the n-word is pure retardation on the part of the ‘little people’ community, probably motivated by midgets (who are the minority of little people) being attractive while dwarfs (the majority) are kind of ugly and unpleasant.
Looks like Cardi B
After the seeing this thread and posting this, I decided to call her up and reminisce. She's 44 now has a nice job but isn't seeing anyone and she really wants to see me again I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was excited and she told me she was masturbating while we were talking on the phone I was already pretty hard too and I told her that and that's kind of unusual for me being 59 years old now. I went online and got her a little sex to her cuz she has quite a few of those summer mine that I got her years ago but others are once she got for yourself. She's really come into her own embracing her sexuality
What a chad.

Did your wife ever found out?
Its seems like people in general dictates how to live your own damn life... just sit and meditate that for a bit...
Is it true this beauty is an escort? I'm in UK but I'd fly out and pay a lot for just 1 hour with her.
She'll put up with touching any man for money so that she can go play pretend family with her dyke "wife." She hates men like all lesbians and only interacts with them at all to trick them out of money to support her antisocial parasitism and bigotry.
she doesn’t hate men

Is there source for this? And is there more than just talk?
God damn I'd love to pound her holes
Please dear God give me more Texie
She openly talks about her lesbianism. Don't even try to tell me she doesn't hate men. What are you, a landlord or a cop? Those are the only groups that profit from lesbian theft so I'll just have to assume that you're a wealthy burger parasite like her since you also hate reproductive working people. See how much longer that pay wall and police state keep you and your gentrying dyke gayborhoods safe from the righteous wrath of the people, city rat. You antisocial white wasps are dying out and when we turn your pigs guns on you I guess we'll show everyone just how superior you and these mutant chicken nugget dykes really are. Infertile liberal pests are an endangered species.
I think so but I don't want my relationships outside my marriage so.

Wife is going out of town to visit a friend for a few days next week so I'll go and visit her myself. I suspect my wife looks at my phone function on Google to see where it's been so what I do is I leave the phone accidentally had a business when I go to visit her and then I go back later and get it pretending I've lost it.

She's aged quite well. She takes better care of her hair and her makeup now then she definitely does get looks, even her boobs are bigger now an actual double d. But she's only got a 26-in chest so they look much bigger than that.

She's taking a love to wearing swimsuits so she said she was going to give me a fashion show of all the ones that she got. Her mom knows that I still talk to her from time to time and likes that even though I'm married and has qualms about that but her daughter is happy to see me.
One time early in our relationship, we went to a really nice clothing and store in Vancouver that sells , lingerie called LeJolie Madame.

The owner seemed a little concerned thinking I was bringing a teenager in there but you went and showed her identifying her as 29 years old. She always hated bra shopping so I took her there because the ladies really good at fitting people properly with those. And then ended up getting five bras. Luckily though they were very uncommon sizes that she has trouble moving so she got them for 60% off which was really nice. She asked me to come into the changing room a couple of times to see what she looked like in them and I have to admit it was a prick stiffening site. You can clearly see her areolas through the mesh fabric on it and I could tell from the look on her own face that she finally found some really adult looking underwear rather than stuff that's just meant for teenagers from Walmart

Since we were planning to go away for a weekend at Harrison Hot Springs. She got one really nice peignoir set she didn't preview with me so I would be surprised.

I also took her to a swimsuit shop as the swimming pools at the resort are open quite late at night and have an Adults Only Time so you can have a more relaxing time without kids screaming and running around. She sat around in a hot tub with a few other women who were a little uncomfortable thinking she was a teenager but she assured them that she was old enough to vote drive and drink. I talked with a couple of guys around by the pool and they had a few questions and I tried to use up front as possible. They really admired how sexy she was but only said that out of earshot of their wives as they would probably get in trouble for seeing such a thing about a girl who looks like jailbait
yes, yes, but did she get teh job?
Normally I'm not some guy who gets off on the girl I'm seeing being an exhibitionist but she really enjoyed the attention she got. From women as well as men. She's pretty reserved with people she doesn't know or she's not relaxed around but she has gotten a lot better that. Comes with practice and just trying to be more personable.

I'd actually brought my film camera along expecting to take some shots of her out by the nice Beach there and by the pool. I also brought my digital camera because I wanted to fool us having some good sex in the hotel room. She had gone to the trouble of getting her hair done and she took time playing her makeup as well. I got lots of shots of her in the bra and panty sets lying on the bed in various poses but my favorite one was her with the pillow partly in front of her her arms wrapped around the upper partner legs around the bottom sort of peeking out from behind it with one breast and your bush visible through the panties. When she put the set on that I hadn't seen yet it took a lot of self-control to get just some good photos of her without having sex with her.

We decided to go for a walk to relax a bit. So she kept on the nice set of clothes underneath and put a dress over it all. While we were walking it was kind of windy and a bit cooler and she said that she could feel the breeze blowing through her pussy hair is the material down there was a little bit skimpy. I had wanted to walk down to a restaurant down the road a bit the black forest and get dinner but she said there'd be a lot of time to do that later has the place is open till 11:00 so we headed back to the hotel and started having sex. I have to admit it was great doing that to her again. She discovered a few tricks like putting a finger in a guy's bum hole while giving them a blowjob.

Normally those don't do a lot for me but she'd really put a lot of effort into it and I'm always wearing too shoot off in her. So we just opted for her favorite position.
She likes upper hands because it controls how far into her vagina the penis grows. She found with normal size guys that was okay but the longer bigger guys it would end up bruising her a bit on the inside. During sex that didn't bother her but she found that it was very uncomfortable for a few hours afterward if she went too far too hard. There was one position I always wanted to try with a partner but being not particularly tall and not having very small girlfriends it was hard to find someone and that's that one where they wrap their legs around your hips and impaled themselves on your penis while you hold them up either with their arms around your shoulders or your hands behind their back. It worked out really well and she had a couple of really good orgasms. What you really loved doing was watching us in the mirror while we were doing that I leaned down so I could suck on one of her nipples but I didn't dare free a hand because I didn't want to drop her. And to top it all off I finished off in her doggy style. She wanted another orgasm so I ate her out after all that come got pumped into her. I got all that on a video with her cheering me on seeing all lick up your sloppy seconds. I was getting excited, so I got her to face sit me through a few orgasms. She said she never understand how my wife wouldn't kill me when I do that, as she's about 250 275 lb. I said oh it's all fine you have to be pretty heavy to kill someone that way accidentally

After that we went and lounged in the bed again and she put on her large reset got to drink from our stuff we brought along and she went out on the balcony to go in have her drink while dressed up like that. It was certainly people by the pool and other balconies that could see here but she didn't care some guys were discreetly watching us to see if we would do anything but we disappointed them and just went back inside after 20 minutes.

We never did go out to the restaurant that night though.
We talked quite a bit. She was curious if I'd been carrying on other affairs with my wife and I told her I had but usually very discreetly. I told her about the MMF 3-way a good guy had arranged for me for my birthday. She asked if there's been any contact between us two guys and I told her yes there was that's why I was called an mmf, otherwise it would be called in mfm.

I thought this topic would come up so I brought along my small laptop computer plus a USB key with some of the video I took of that. First batch was us taking turns eating her out and her sucking on us. She admired bills big cock and she said I don't see how that would fit inside me or you. And I told her yeah he did fuck me later you'll see that.

She concentrated more on the video and started touching yourself when I was fondling his testicles while he was plowing her, and then I started licking his ass as well as his testicles. He came pretty quickly after that and so did her. She really exclaimed about how loud that other woman was when she had her orgasms and I said that's why Bill and her usually got a motel room that was in a little self-contained Shack so it wouldn't be heard by other guests

She also like the video of us sucking on her breast. She came from that too she said the woman's nipples looked so good that she'd like to try them herself. I told her that if you wanted to go on FetLife you could probably find some woman willing to come and visit us here so you could do that. Or we could have tried double page

Then we got to the video of me fucking her and she really liked watching how Bill had filmed my cock pushing in and out of her vagina from behind. She especially loved it when I came and pull out the condom all filled with my semen. I told her the woman was on a ID but I didn't want to bring anything home to my wife.

She's been made horny by all of this video so we started having sex again. This time it was a little bit more regular just undressed in the
That is a literal human fuck doll. Imagine manhandling, lifting and pumping into this little bitch.
she is also a gamer.
Bed missionary position. She's also learned to touch yourself during sex so she could reliably have a good orgasm instead of just kind of hoping the guy would get the Rhythm right. I've been honest with her about some of my Kinks like latex clothes, crossdressing dildos and of course my gay dalliances.

I told her that it's kind of like ice cream. Most of the time Vanilla tastes great but you do have a craving for the other flavors. She asked if I had any video of me just with Bill. I told her I did. The girl and I in the video had sex a few times after Bill got called away to help his wife with something for a few hours. I ended up f****** Bill's mistress from behind a few times and she came so many times I lost count and I had one really great one just plowing her from behind while holding on to her hips so hard it left little bruises on them she said the next day.

So I dug into the memory key and I found a couple of times that I filmed myself with Bill one time I was dressed up as a little sissy and a satin dress sucking him off in the back room of the shop he used to manage. Another time was him fucking me well I was dressed in a slip. I told him that time he really hit the spot and I ended up coming all over the bed.

We got to talking a bit more, and she said she was really intrigued with the idea of being with another woman so I went and put a add-on Craigslist and then another one on I think it was double page. I posted a photograph of us on the bed both are faces covered with pillows but they clearly see that I was a regular size and she was quite short. Predictably though that got a lot of guys wanting to just have sex with her. But we held out.

The next day we checked our email and had a bunch more responses, but one that was really nice was a woman out in nearby Agassi who was willing. I sent her my cell phone number and sure enough about 10 minutes later she called. She said she couldn't talk very long cuz she was at work until 3:00 p
the bubble ass on this little troll. Holy shit
laughed away my boner
The individual cannot easily break away from their fantasies despite negative outcomes. Paraphilic disorders are also at play, as their deviant sexual interests and behaviors are beyond societal norms and could impair their functioning.
>dropped 2 hot as fuck sets on SG
>disappeared forever afterwards
it's not fair bros.
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Who is she
Who is he* that's a man
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the girl on the right, not the man lol
A man too
Shut the fuck up, eurofag
name pls
Valentina Midget
Sizzlin sierra/jemma suicide
>Valentina Midget

"Your honor, truly, I thought she was a midget"
Fake and so fucking gay. Kys for writing a book about a gay larp
i'm pretty sure this actually happened somewhere
Check out Bridget Midget/ Bridget Powerz

i thought i had webms of her saved but i can't find them so here's links

xvideos com/video.uuokeoibadd/itsy_bitsy_bang_bang_2_metropolis_

xvideos com/video.kcmubfb012d/midget_mania_2_-_daring_dwarves_love_getting_fucked_by_colossal_cocks

xvideos com/video.hpftmm97d2/bridget_powerz_and_twidlight_midget_friend

xvideos com/video.akklki0d52/bridget_powerz_little_midgets_big_dicks_2_
forgot to reply to OP, check out bridget powerz >>27917899
it's a post-op trans
well there goes my boner then
why does he have a bigger ass than her
can this woman get pregnant and survive without modern medicine?
btw, texie is not a midget, she is the tiniest pornstar without dwarfism
I was convinced by this time chinks would have an ai that would paint them white
Anybody under 4'10" is legally a midget.
Dwarfism is entirely different and a medical condition that affects skeletal structures.
All dwarves are midgets, but not all midgets are dwarves.
Thanks, I would have nutted by the time I got my glans in her ass. I'm much stiffer than this guy, I'd have no problem pushing in. That being said, I almost went off in the holster watching her take it.
I can't enjoy this, it's too funny
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i'm sorry anon i laughed out loud at this
I also couldn't help it, as right as that anon is
it's the other way around, midgets are just proportional as opposed to the ones with stumpy limbs(the disproportionate ones usually have achondroplasia), but they all fall under the category of dwarfism, that's why it's called "dwarfism" and not "midgetism"
>imagine being this fucking gay
80% of the shit on gif is not even black stuff
you should munch balls and choke on them somewhere else
Any midges with big ass titties?
Diana Blake is the only one that comes to mind
Yeah, and she retired. Fucking sucks. She had the RL goblin build.
That's a little ghetto
Limb proportions are adult-like by age 7, maybe younger. Short stature is childlike, small tits are childlike. The whole point of neoteny is looking young.
The only reason I can think of for the existence of the "18" porn genre is that that's the youngest they can get away with. Same with Japs and their obsession with JKs. See also: jailbait, lolitas, nymphettes.
Not true at all. 4'10" is typically the cut off for having dwarfism but that's just a social thing but that's basically it. Theres dozens of reasons and other conditions that can lead someone to being that short. The term midget was just a way to refer to dwarfs that had normal proportions and otherwise didn't look like trolls
Being attracted to a low stature horny adult woman is pedophilia... because after all, adult women are generally infantile.

it's legit funny how your values are inverted
Lol niglet
Fuck, they are so cute!, They are like you would grab a normal woman and shrink her. And you get a tiny woman with extremely concentrated female body proportions.
Pedos are better off fucking japanese girls instead they are tiny and actually look like children
google asktiava
use asktiava to search for midgets
I'm talking to two midgets on bumble, first one was below 5foot, stoked, second one starts talking to me, 4 foot, stokeing intensifies.
That's a tranny
fucking kek
I'm pretty sure that's the only one to exist
It's not fair bros. First girl I fucked was 4'2" with massive hangers and I've had a thing for girls like that ever since but it's like finding a damn unicorn. Diana Blake was the closest I could ever find to her build and now she's gone

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