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File: Paola Nicole Ramos.webm (891 KB, 720x1280)
891 KB
Post girls who are in shape and have visible musculature, the only rule is that they must still have some semblance of femininity, so no roided out shemales. Women of ANY race are welcome, if you have a problem with that then cry about it.
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2.65 MB
2.65 MB WEBM
File: hyo eomma blkpump.webm (3.87 MB, 1080x1920)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM

>women of any race are welcome

ily op.
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2.85 MB WEBM
File: Strong barbie (1).webm (3.27 MB, 1080x1670)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB WEBM
anyone else gets the immense urge of sucking on female pecs?
They’re called tits
when women work out their chest their tits become like a mix between tits and pecs, and I find them incredibly erotic
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1.76 MB GIF
You're also a closet faggot.
At 27 I have never really looked at or been turned on by really muscular girls. For some reason I'm so turned on by these 3 girls my hands are actually trembling. kek
I go to a gym but it's 98% guys there so I've never seen one of these chics I'm real life. I'm going to look them up and have some fun.
Ty anon, kino
Here’s the real challenge. Find content out there of girls with this kind of build getting clapped. None of these girls ever do real OF or porn content as far as I can see. It’s all either fat chicks or 250lbs of Mexican supplements on legs with a clit larger than most dicks.
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3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
Wow sir.
In my degenerate everything must be fapped to days of porn consumption i've stumbled across a ton of porn starring women like this.
More then a little of it is dyke and pegging.

One posted a picture of a swole black chick pegging a fem black chick in an over exageratted pose really turned on the neurons of the dykes and closet cases.
who this?
different strokes for different folks
File: Xinia.webm (2.75 MB, 536x824)
2.75 MB
2.75 MB WEBM
So does anyone have any videos of these bitches getting dicked down? I don't want to watch them flex.
This is weird cute. Like she could beat me in an arm wrestling competition but id still dick her down...im so confused, fuck modernity.
JFC this girl needs to avoid working out, her jawline alone makes her look like a mentally ill faggot, let alone her obsession with masculinity.
Its crazy that you are so small a woman with muscles intimates you.
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905 KB
So much time wasted getting muscles. I'd love to illustrate the futility of her efforts. Me, sedentary and not even that big, kind of skinny actually. But a good foot taller than her, and male. I'd strike her in the face lightly, but the pain and shock would leave her frozen in fear. I take her to the ground and begin to remove her pants. If she tries to cry for help I shove my hand over her mouth and fingers inside to gag her. I align my sex with her anus, she knows it's going happen, yet she still resists. I may hit her a few more times to subdue her and return to pushing against her tight butthole. Eventually her spirit breaks and she goes limp. I push deep inside, searing pain burns throughout her entire body. She struggles, but in vain. My weight on top of her, dirty fingers gagging, a punch to the ribs or arm bent painfully beyond its natural range of motion, she understands what is happening. I sniff the nape of her neck, lick her ear, then bite. Now is the time to begin thrusting. In and out. Slow, deep, thorough, a calculated rhythm. In this moment she is mine to use as I please for as long as I want. She may start to cry or even begin sobbing, but at best that will make me cum 10% faster. We're going to be here a while, and I have no intentions of expedience. Just minutes ago her cocky unearned grin and pride soon turn to shame. I continue pumping. Her proud accomplishments of 1 pl8 bench and 400lb leg press meaningless. I continue to to thrust. Hundreds of gym selfies. In and out, back and forth.
She is a woman. She is used like a woman. She is made to feel like a woman. All the falso pride crumbles as my penis probes beyond her anus, delighting in her rectum, every spasm in response to pain, and psychological satisfaction as each attempt attempts to crawl away is met with the same cold unchanging hump hump hump hump hump. Her mind, will, spirit broken, she goes limp, a tacit acquiescence. "I can do nothing". I ejaculate, she is marked. Mine.
why do you always post this shit webm that has nothing to do with the thread?
Dubs of fanfic damn.
File: hyojin rows.webm (3.56 MB, 1080x1920)
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3.56 MB WEBM

File: hyo chaindipx.webm (3.84 MB, 1080x1920)
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3.84 MB WEBM

lol i meant u. good boi.

*head pats*
File: zengmommy bluepecs.webm (1.3 MB, 718x400)
1.3 MB

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3.75 MB WEBM
read the OP, no roided out shemales allowed
might as well fuck a dude at that point.
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3.83 MB WEBM
Who are these women?
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434 KB
Personally I just really like tight, tone tummies
Some muscle definition is great too, but there's definitely a line
[spoiler]I don't have a webm of 3D /fit/ girls handy[/spoiler]
Better stop the gear before the virilizing train arrives to other parts of her face
And that luscious blonde mane...
Sauce on this one ?
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File: NongFah-Thaiheat.webm (3.98 MB, 720x1280)
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File name, Xinia_official on instagram and onlyfans
what is it about her that makes me so obsessed, shes so fucking absurdly hot
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239 KB GIF
liking tits makes you a faggot. got it.
>the mistakes make you stronger
>my friend after her ex
she's really cute and has nice body
check out gtznmm, she has exactly the physique you're describing
what's the female natty top limit without anything like being a varbie? pics, examples please
File: CC shower.webm (880 KB, 448x848)
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801 KB
without audio for other boards
Kelsi Monroe.
File: hyo stretchcutie.webm (3.92 MB, 662x1176)
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3.92 MB WEBM

hyo is the best.
File: hyojin red bikini.webm (2.55 MB, 720x1280)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB WEBM
File: hyo eomma call me!.webm (3.71 MB, 1080x1920)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB WEBM
File: hyo-jin gymrat callme.webm (3.69 MB, 720x1280)
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3.69 MB WEBM
What other boards you suggest?
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1.37 MB WEBM
she looks fine you fags
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3.58 MB GIF
categorized, this one is just standing in heels in a dress that almost shows her cooch.
She wants to be able to do that trick so bad but just can't.
how is she not world famous?
kys offtopic weeaboo bitch

not a fan of asians but this one even rivals whites
Sophie Larissa Weiss (sophielariz)
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3.7 MB
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That's how it starts. Welcome, anon.
maybe she's doing it to look and feel how she wants and not to get in a dick-wagging contest with you?
File: Brigitte Goudz.webm (789 KB, 480x600)
789 KB
She used to do modeling, anyone got those pics?
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File: Sarah Bäckman.webm (2.27 MB, 640x360)
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2.27 MB WEBM
I found a god tier wheyfu
So much time wasted being sedentary. I'd like to illustrate the futility of your efforts. It, thick, and not even that solid, kind of tight actually. But a good more bigger than you, and metal. It'd take you to the ground begin to remove your sweat. If you tried to cry for help your spotter would shove his hand over your mouth and fingers inside to gag you. He'd align his hands with your hips, you'd know it's going happen, yet you'd still resist. He may hit you a few more times to subdue you and return to pushing against your tight buttocks. Eventually your spirit breaks and you go limp. You push deep down inside, searing pain burns throughout your entire body. You struggle, but in vain. It's weight on top of you, cold bar gagging, you understand what is happening. You spotter sniffs the nape of your neck, lick your ear, then bite. Now is the time to begin squatting. Up and down. Slow, deep, thorough, a calculated rhythm. In this moment it owns you to use as it pleases for as long as it wants. You may start to cry or even begin sobbing, but at best that will make you fail 10% faster. You and it are going to be here for a while, and it has no intentions of expendience. Just minutes ago your cocky unearned grin and pride soon turn to shame. You continue pumping. Your proud accomplishments of LMAO 2PLAET bench and 400lb press meaningless. You continue to squat. Hundreds of gym selfies. Up and down, ass to grass.
It is a squat rack. It is used like a squat rack. It is made to feel like a squat rack. All the falso pride crumbles as its built-in squat plug probes beyond your anus, delighting in your rectum, every spasm in response to pain, and psychological satisfaction as each attemp attempts to crawl away is met with the same cold unchanging pump pump pump pump pump. Your mind, will, spirit broken, you go limp, a tacti acquiescence. "Just fuck my shit up." You collapse, you have failed. Didn't make it.
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This girl is my actual weakness. Sweet baby jesus.
i follow her on instagram, had no idea she had content like this
that's gotta be one of the worst boob jobs I've ever seen, I bet she looked better pre-op
idk shes cute but basic
there are a handful of porn chicks with bodies like these
with how much time they spend in the gym how restrictive their diets and sleep patterns and all of that are I'm surprised there are not a ton of fit girls doing online content to pay for everything they invest in keeping that physique
I'm thankful tho, the couple I know in real life I fuck for some bucks and they keep an appearance of a saint only dedicated to the gym.
if you need to feel more powerful than a girl to feel attraction to her you have some weird insecurities bro
my ex could lift a baby cow with her legs I'm pretty sure. I am still strong from the waist up but her lower body strenght was crazy
we did stuff like any other couple would, except people would keep glancing at her legs because they looked amazing
it's nothing out of this world.
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>actually replied with this much effort
you're too good for this site, thank you anon
Why do hot muscle girls never do porn ?

Why is it that all we get are disgusting roided big clitoris chicks that do cheap femdom ?

I wanna see a leanbeefpatty rides a guy without me having to deal with the shitty femdom and angles
Their self esteem is too high for that, at best they might have an onlyfans. Roided out shemales are disgusting and they know it, so the only way they can feel desired is by starring in weird femdom porn videos.
File: llivia_fit.webm (1.26 MB, 720x1280)
1.26 MB
1.26 MB WEBM
Does anyone have more before and after transformation videos?
File: Thumbs_up .webm (154 KB, 1080x1342)
154 KB
bump again
>semblance of femininity

so far down you dont even realize youre a faggot
>3 10s in bongland
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1.38 MB GIF
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girl is Yesenia Perez
beautiful. soft yet strong.
File: Jessica Gresty.webm (1.01 MB, 720x1280)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB WEBM
check this out
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2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
You can hate it all you want as a sport, but the aesthetics the girls get there is hot though.
>but the aesthetics the girls get there is hot though.
no the fuck it's not, crossfit bitches are built like a fridge
>crossfit bitches are built like a fridge

Yes exactly. Fridge girls are hot.
you're actually gay
incredibly beautiful
Oh fuck, thanks for telling me dude, you were not kidding.
She's fucking perfect
File: PSstfu.webm (373 KB, 1280x720)
373 KB
>3 10s
Listen simpasaurus rex these bitches are 6s at the most. Stop being a cuck faggot and have standards.
that's the point you fucking retard, women in the uk are so fucking ugly that those bitches are basically the best they have
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894 KB GIF
every time
Lol was he trying to lick it?
Thank you kindly. But also, moar plz & sauce if you've got it
Ah! A man of sophistication and refined taste
File: Guusje van Geel.webm (1.57 MB, 1080x1920)
1.57 MB
1.57 MB WEBM
i will post a few that i converted into webms
File: Bella Hills (4).webm (1.22 MB, 1080x1920)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB WEBM
damn she looks good.
File: Lea Schreiner.webm (3.66 MB, 1080x1920)
3.66 MB
3.66 MB WEBM
should i post more of guusje?
i see no reason why not
File: Guusje van Geel (1).webm (1.71 MB, 720x1280)
1.71 MB
1.71 MB WEBM
Fucking money! She looks WAY better with the black hair though
Lea consistently says she's natty which is the most comical lie ever.
File: Guusje compressed.webm (2.29 MB, 480x600)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB WEBM
love her proportions
File: Guusje Posing.webm (1.48 MB, 810x1440)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB WEBM
have you seen her before and after pics? there's no way she's natty

anyways, here's more guusje
Cope harder
You'd still get dicked down by me you sissy
More of Lea, my favourite Amazonian arm needler
File: Lea.webm (3.86 MB, 1280x720)
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3.86 MB WEBM
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2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
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2.75 MB
2.75 MB WEBM
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2.69 MB
2.69 MB WEBM
God I love nipples poking through a girl's sports bra

hello, based shayu jimu enjoyers!

i have a ridiculous amount of east asian wheyfu content. almost 1 TB.
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3.36 MB WEBM
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3.68 MB WEBM
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2.89 MB WEBM
File: oily maia x .webm (1.09 MB, 492x820)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB WEBM

asian o i l ;)
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB WEBM
File: oily maia z.webm (709 KB, 492x820)
709 KB
Can you make a torrent or something for your folder please? I'd like to download the whole thing
>east asian

keep it to yourself pls, nobody wants to see asian uggos.
Nta, but I love east asians, I love them waaaaay more than white women
personally I don't mind the race of a girl as long as she's pretty, but in this case >>27910923 this bitch is mad ugly
Fair enough, no race has 100% perfect women, but for me, when an Asian girl is hot, they are fucking hot!

Sure, I’ll consider it. But I’ve never done that before so I’d need to figure out the best way.

In any case, I’m *very* proud of the collection so far. There are 434 folders, with 48,000+ files of predominantly East Asian Wheyfus with a few Southeast Asians sprinkled in. The vast majority are either Asian-American, Korean, or Chinese (PRC, Taiwan) although there are about a dozen Japanese standouts. :)

I lied tho, apparently there’s only 212 GB. But if you include this one particular Wheyfu Femdom folder I have stored in a different general folder, there’s 515 GB in total of Asian Wheyfu content. :)
Bitch is on so much NPP she's practically a man now. She even has to heavily use a realtime beauty filter now LMAO. She looked infinitely better before going down this road.
Worst choice a female lifter can make is to take steroids, natty women 5 years down the line look great.
Do you know how much it would be with just the japanese girls? I don't wanna be too picky, I just have a preference for them
>big fake bolt ons
what is even the point of anavar maxxing if you care about that shit?
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2.51 MB WEBM
webm of me using mine
I've been thinking about this post
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2.95 MB
2.95 MB WEBM
shes so hot but like most of these muscle girls she's 5'2 so she looks huge like all manlet bodybuilders when shes super small
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3.75 MB WEBM

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3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
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3.96 MB WEBM
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2.93 MB
2.93 MB WEBM

love dizi. :)
File: di careless whisper.webm (2.29 MB, 1920x1080)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB WEBM
File: muscle mommy fuckboi.webm (2.93 MB, 608x1080)
2.93 MB
2.93 MB WEBM
File: wheyfu pegging.webm (3.69 MB, 640x360)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB WEBM
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1.36 MB
1.36 MB WEBM
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3.65 MB WEBM
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3.21 MB WEBM
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1.96 MB
1.96 MB WEBM
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3.18 MB
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File: momo.webm (711 KB, 592x972)
711 KB
never seen such clearly demarcated spinal erectors before. remarkable.
>Fat hands wrote this post
File: 1000027012.webm (3.79 MB, 720x900)
3.79 MB
3.79 MB WEBM
Someone please post some of Vladislava's nude OF vids, I totally missed them on the previous threda.
File: Eunice Oh Seung (12).webm (3.32 MB, 640x640)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB WEBM
These threads have been good lately when they aren't spammed with roided Asian women

azn wheyfu is the way of the future.
No. Ew.
File: jules pullups 101.webm (3.72 MB, 1080x1920)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB WEBM


why does she give u the ick bro?
>why does she give u the ick bro
Gross moon face, bro. Just not attracted to moon rune bitches. Most of the other women ITT activate a deep seated desire within me to conquer and breed high T women and produce fertile offspring. Bugs? No thank you. If that's your thing then I'm not gonna talk too much shit about it. Just not my thing. Sorry thst I have not contributed on your level; I see you, and appreciate your effort
File: nakki bootysing.webm (2.55 MB, 720x1280)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB WEBM

fair enough... :(
Sho nuff
*respek knuckles*
Anyone pls?
would be hotter with a futa cock
No. Kill yourself.
File: julianac (4).webm (1.65 MB, 720x900)
1.65 MB
1.65 MB WEBM

mommy mommy mommy

>why isn't she world famous

she's certainly getting there. she really blew up last summer iirc. hasn't really been online for all that long overall.
File: janyceyelloshorts.webm (2.06 MB, 720x720)
2.06 MB
2.06 MB WEBM
amrap - as many reps as possible?
File: jules is a wheyfu.webm (2.64 MB, 1080x1920)
2.64 MB
2.64 MB WEBM

yezzir, amrap!
futa cock reigns supreme
Thanks, I didn't even know she had an OF until last week... thought she was just a tame IG chick, I know she did a photoshoot for some book recently but yeah.

Who was in the wrong here?
File: jenny is a boss.webm (2.1 MB, 720x1280)
2.1 MB
No, just Anavar, blessed genetics and a healthy diet, in that order.
File: Unknown mommy.webm (1.84 MB, 720x1280)
1.84 MB
1.84 MB WEBM
File: Who.webm (2.67 MB, 1920x1080)
2.67 MB
2.67 MB WEBM
File: Riley Habel.webm (1.49 MB, 576x1024)
1.49 MB
1.49 MB WEBM
File: Nice kick.webm (1.67 MB, 720x1280)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB WEBM
Fuckin fat ass.
holy shit, we need the names of these girls!
File: 1726337617073088.webm (3.73 MB, 1000x563)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB WEBM
found the name of the blonde one, it's Faith Jefferies (Nikkita Lyons)

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