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Thrusting with plap
bonus points for creampie and dick/pussy twitching
Post 3 faggot
post three
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thanks for the laugh, anon
cmon 2 more
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He's nafri
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is this a faggot thread that it matters?
>Added thread to watchlist
Another one
yes, nobody wants to see brown boys, we only want to see BWC
I've grown tired of seeing you, now. Stfu.
no, this isn't your discord server, keep crying brown sissy
Samefag, please stop waiting for a thread to drop so you can spam post this
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is there a soul on the precious mother earth who knows anything about this video?
girl is Ruth Lee
mia z with girthmaster
Ruth Lee of course
is this girl asian or white
She's white (possibly also some latina in there) but for a long time punted her videos in WMAF subreddits with face blurred.

I think a lot of girls do this on reddit; spread themselves across as many spaces as possible to maximise views / revenue. She's very hot though so it's permissable.
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>Pump the pumped
>the state of mutts
Still white take your ranjit ass out of here
I love white men so fucking much I could cry when I suck their dicks
Ruth Lee + Jack and Jill
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thanks blud
Sauce on the girl plz
top right of the webm. Ninacola
Thanks anon
Bumpety bump
Clattery clump
dont die on me
oc with arab
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Kill yourself
Sauce?? Been looking for years
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I'm not cool with white women race mixing, but I personally love doing it myself
>I think a lot of girls do this on reddit; spread themselves across as many spaces as possible to maximise views / revenue
They do. I go there to steal porn, and all it is is bitches grossly misrepresenting themselves in subs they very clearly don't belong in. There's a nsfw mixed race girl sub, but there were lots of straight up white women posted. Or subs for curvy women are full of emaciated stick figures.
Just all karma hunting, and trying to get people to go to their bullshit OF where she probably doesn't even show her pussy anyway
Come live here and see how long your inbred pedigree lasts. Your dick won't care she's not pure English or whatever gay ass blood you have
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I love chubby Asian girls
>I'm brown
>mutt confession
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Small blackboi penis detected
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Anyone have the source for this? I found a longer clip on erome, but it still cuts out the part where he fucks her.
God black girls are the best
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notice the plop when the cock falls out
the only thing I got is pictures but no penetration
honestly I'd love to see those. It was frustrating when I realized the video cut before the good part haha
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3.9 MB
There's over an hour of videos out there. https://www.erome.com/a/1YiR4To0
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sauce pls
thanks, anon

I found this: https://bunkr.ci/a/sxBfagan
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Wrong one
You need an account to see it
never knew Cartman did porn
>and sugg on my baws
J D "Sofa King" Vance & Usha Loveseat
Fun size!
guys dick is p average here ngl
Post more. How did you get with her?
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Holy Based
Arab girls will always be built for BWC
Sorry, those are the only vids getting posted
We went to school together
Drop kik I can share pics

She def is. Hoping to visit once more and try and fuck her sister too. Would love to take another Arab V card
Greentext please

>Met in school completely by chance
>Other guys in class kept talking about her all the time
>She's absolutely gorgeous with a perfect thick figure
>Can't stop looking over at her during class
>Catch her looking back at me a lot
>Exchange smiles
>Beautiful eyes
>Over at classmates house one night
>She's there cooking
>Talk to her the entire time making her laugh
>Making it completely non-sexual
>Become friends
>Invite her over one night to study
>She obliges
>Study a little, flirt entire time
>Drop her off at home
>Playing long game
>Creating tension
>She invites me over
>Kiss her for first time
>Carry on with class for few months seeing her the entire time in secret
>Begin making moves
>She's never done anything sexual
>Eventually hands make it down south
>Use 1 finger
>Fuck yes
>Work for 2 weeks
>Eventually enough to fit myself in
>Begin to work it in
>Must go very slowly
>Has to be good experience
>Long game
>Squeeze inside of her
>Holy fuck this is tight
>Begin having sex
>Few times after she asks what that was
>Tell her that was sex
>She cries and curses me for a couple of days
>Silent treatment
>Comes over to visit
>Asks if we can do it again
>Yes we can
>Begin having routine sex, every day we could until graduation
>Best year of my life
That's pretty hot. What kind of things did you do with her? Did you ever nut in her? What happened after graduation?
>What kind of things did you do with her?
Every first except anal
First BJ, facial, swallow, cum inside, sex in different positions and places. She was completely submissive to me.
>Ever nut in her?
Yes, once, I had to do it to convert her to a total slut for a white American

After graduation she went back to her country. We visited each other one time each for a few days of sex and that was it.
I'll look her up in a few years. Would be really hot to hook up again especially if she ends up married
Post your stuff here:
Or here: https://www.file.io/
What a good slut for BWC. She religious?
kik is beunar1221
madison moore
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Who is she?
DannyD's dick lookalike
it's him
I'm a dick analyst, so it seems.
Goodness that ass
super cute
maybe you can answer this question, because it confuses the fuck out of me. Why are all the middle eastern women we see such fat pigs? You'd think people that grew up in the desert would be pretty slim, due to the scarcity of food
Damn, didn't knew Shaggy packed that much heat
I will take the bait
are americans really this stupid? do you really believe there is only sand? they have normal roads and streets like in every other country
You're probably not here anymore, but how did you keep this secret, I thought muslims did honour killings and all that.

>Few times after she asks what that was
>Tell her that was sex
>She cries and curses me for a couple of days

Yeah, great larping, faggot.
"Oh gosh what's that inside of me? Is that a fucking cock? Tee hee, what does this mean?"
"Oh you fucked me? Bastard!"

Literally kill yourself.
File: plap.webm (3.91 MB, 834x480)
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3.91 MB WEBM
Are there Scouts badges for recognising dicks?
God DAMN that popping sound when he pulled out lmao
Like a cartoon soap bubble
>Anchoring successful
>Thread needs a bump.
No need to make fun.
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so jealous of this guy. Nice big dick and tiny brown fuck machine. Dude is living the dream. Only thing better is if he had a whole stable of little brown girls to ream out.
Dude has the fan set up right for the perfect plap session
another bump
>Why are all the middle eastern women we see such fat pigs?
Have you tried their food?
No fucking fair. There's very few Arab women where I live, lots of Somali women, but they stick to Somali men exclusively. I feel like I'll never fuck one.
Their diets are predominantly carbs.
>No fucking fair. There's very few Arab women where I live, lots of Somali women, but they stick to Somali men exclusively. I feel like I'll never fuck one.
Let me guess, MN?
>"Oh you fucked me? Bastard!"
Blody benchod basterd sar
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Ooooooo who's the redhead on top?
afaik it only cuts to them fucking after they've done it for a bit. the video is pretty hot, but i wish they recorded her finally relenting on the offer to fuck. curious if there's a more complete video out there somewhere
fucking bump
Her nipples look like coffee table stains
What's the source?
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Yet I'm the one who fucked her lmao

Here she is sucking my very white cock
Dude, make more.
Kik : James25112

Willing to trade some OC too
Correct. This place sucks
Kek, welcome brother.
Fucked a chick couple of times, best sex ever, always wore a condom and never went any further because she was 100% retarded we're both in military and after finding out she has had 3 kids with some ticket scaper she is now getting out of the military as her 3rd child is being born. * dodged a huge bullet*
What does this have to do with anything?
oh no. She's retarded.
sauce please?
Probably an insult for "she's asian"
any native american vids
Brittany White
>Anon just blessed this thread with utter digits
needs another bump?
Seems like so
what's her name?
Met him at a bar that night and went home with him. She had over 30 guys when she was 19. One day when she was 18 she had three fuck buddies over in a row to her aunts condo. The door men must have started hitting on her after that.
another one
That guy is girthmaster, he fucks a ton of chicks with his massive cock.

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