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Islam is a scourge upon the Earth, the motherlode of bad ideas, founded by the grifter, warlord, murderer, pedophile, rapist, slave trader, thief, liar, torturer Mohammad (piss be upon him) that Muslims revere.

The last thread is now deleted, and I don't see a new one. I'm not the OP of the past threads, but I enjoyed them.

This thread isn't necessarily about Christianity being better than Islam (although it is, and Sam Shamoun content is encouraged). I like the Hitchens approach: all religions may be equally false, but that doesn't mean they're all equally bad. Islam is by far the worst.
The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it when they become ten years old...." - Sunan Abi Dawud 495. Grade: Sahih (authentic).

The following two hadith are about Aisha, the 9-year-old Muhammad raped:

Narrated Aisha, "Abu Bakr came to towards me and struck me violently with his fist and said, 'You have detained the people because of your necklace.' But I remained motionless as if I was dead lest I should awake Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) although that hit was very painful." - Sahih al-Bukhari 6845. Grade: Sahih (authentic).

This Hadith tells the story of how Aisha secretly followed Muhammad one night, but he found out. Narrated Aisha, "Muhammad said, 'Was it the darkness (of your shadow) that I saw in front of me?' I said: 'Yes.' He struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?" - Sahih Muslim 974b. Grade: Sahih (authentic).

It is literally an Islamic command to beat children.
There are good Muslims out there, but there's no good islam. It is literally Sunnah that Muhammad beat Aisha and raped her at 9.
Luai is a based swede
Here we gooooooo
Fuck all abrahamic religions.
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cope jew
even normies have learned of how disgusting zionists are
Who the fuck cares
Why would I listen to some jeet talk about Islam?
Pls be nice to the one guy denouncing his shit religion
It's ok for Jesus, a moral figure, to kill Jezebel in Revelations 2?
Typical Reddit atheist, misunderstanding the religions you so ineloquently criticize.

Yeah, Islam calls itself Abrahamic, but that's a neologism. There's enough scholarly criticism of the term to bring it into question,.for example, https://compass.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rec3.12339

You may as well call Islam Greek, because Muhammad copied the (incorrect) Greek view of The human embryo forming from a blood clot. Or call it paganism, since its practices - including Hajj itself - are inherited directly from pre-Islamic Arabian religion.

You should have said, "Fuck Abrahamic religions, and fuck Islam, too."
Least obvious arab
Hajj to Jerusalem's temple is in the Bible
based real life Carrie Matthison
Erase Islam. Replace with Zoroastrianism
One day this little wad of shit will be beheaded by another faction of Mohammads Islam.
What a repulsive, neurotic woman. I'm supposed to feel sorry for muhammadans now? Lmao.
Why are muslims so ugly? They all look dysgenic and demonic and most of the women also look masculine.
Sure, but Muslims are still the most repellent group in the world and suffering under Zionism doesn't exonerate them. Arabs are even Semites.
Christianity, islam, and judaism are indistinguishable. You're following the same religion with a different grifter chieftain.
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Islam has no redeeming qualities. Anything positive in the Quran was simply plagiarized from other religions.
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no one expects anything from jews except barbary and violence.
ITT: true Islam as practiced by Mohammad.
>Homeland (stylized as HOMƎLAND) is an American espionage thriller television series developed by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa
>based on the Israeli series Prisoners of War (Hebrew: חטופים, romanized: Hatufim, literally "Abductees") which was created by Gideon Raff,[1][2]
>who serves as an executive producer on Homeland.
>The series stars Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison, a CIA officer with bipolar disorder,
>and Damian Lewis as Nicholas Brody, a Marine Corps Scout Sniper.
I tried paging you last night, why didn't you respond?
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>I tried paging you last night, why didn't you respond?
good good
show the world.
To the guy in the webm:
Why are muskims like this? Well it's because islam only attracts violent retards to it, and boy howdy are arabs aee that to a T. And to top it off, over 80 generations of cousin/sister fucking have made their genepool an inbred swamp. This isn't a problem that can be fixed with 'introspection' or 'reform', but rather cullings of the sub-100IQ populace will.

TL;DR - muslims are violent, inbred, rape babies that are too stupid to do anything else but kill and rape. No different than niggers, really.
Found the butthurt muslim.

Islam IS Abrahamic though. It's just the arab equivalent of christianity being forced on the European by shizo dick-cutters from the middle east. Both are poisons the jews introduced to competition populations in order to destroy them. Christianity made the European lose his in-group preference and Islam made the arabs inbred and retarded.

That would be the 80+ generations of inbreeding, because these arabs couldn't keep it in their pants and rape their own female family members.
>Tucker being a cuck as usual
You mean I have to not revel in the removal of all these different flavors of brown "people" and jews from my people's lands, or else I am worshipping satan? Even though jews are the literal satan worshippers?

Verification not required.
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>You mean I have to not revel in the removal of all these different flavors of brown "people" and jews from my people's lands, or else I am worshipping satan?
no you're satanic by virtue of being a jew and acting jewish.
>Even though jews are the literal satan worshippers?
>Verification not required.
such a faggot forced me.
Not just Islam, anon. All religion. You can argue all day about whether pancreatic cancer is worse than stomach cancer, but it doesn't change the fact that they're both cancer.
next time read the whole post before commenting
does anyone have the other angle of this?
Does anyone have that webm of the Arabic hijabi girl that is speaking softly to the camera saying she wants to be raped by white men?
Guy in the OP is an ex muslim.
christianity was a self insert oc fanfiction of judaism
islam is a self insert oc fanfiction of christianity
and there are lots of cults that make random ass claims of prophets hearing god and real god and no guys i swear it's really god this time
so why is islam the one that took off
if joe schmoe said "hey yall i got a vision from god telling me that everyone needs to listen to me" will he get labeled as crazy or found a new religion
>only jews hate islam
Sandnigger, please, I'm White. I hate both of your shit in my White civilization and want you both dead or sent back to your isolated sandbox to endlessy kill eachother while the rest of us live in peace.
So? I still answered his question.
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>Sandnigger, please, I'm White.
Jews aren't white.
> I hate both of your shit in my White civilization and want you both dead or sent back to your isolated sandbox to endlessy kill eachother while the rest of us live in peace.
tell me why you hate jews.
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>christianity was a self insert oc fanfiction of judaism
no it wasn't the New testament was written down before teh Talmud you dumb nigger.
Rabbinical Judaism is the satanic inversion of Christianity.
I know they are not White, Achmed. I'm not jewish. I hate jews for subverting my people, stealing their wealth, and raping our children. That doesn't mean I have to like you either, cus you goatfuckers do the same to us. Return to your shithole so White people can resume our lives without your barbarism.
Damn I hate Pisslam
Christianity does not allow terrorism dumbass
Ahahahaha Hamas members having sex with jews out of fear, AMAZING
Islam is the only right religion in the world terrorist were warriors trying to make an Islamic State why would we hate them Christians live life like someone is looking at them Muslim live freely without anyone care
I don't get it what is wrong with the stores you told, is it because he hit a woman
Islam is the only right religion in the world it is the only one that say live life like you're meant to leave it Allah did not throw us into the land to suffer but to live
>Islam is the only right religion in the world
Post more ISIS quotes please
I'm not even a Christfag but imagine Christians seething so much over a Muslim pointing out basic facts in their text.

>"Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan"
And the police are arresting the guy who spoke the truth.
The big three are like powerful giant monsters fighting each other. If you only destroy one, you'll just make the remaining ones more powerful. Only getting rid of all three could rid humanity of their destructive influence.
pick 1
This is the benefit of having internet... you can find the truth just with YouTube short... what if dive deeply! Go find it yourself!
Go to /pol/ mouthbreather
owning christianity doesn't make your plagiarized version more real . They're both fan fiction

Israel is sick of the Palestinians causing shit and I don't blame them. Imagine you lived next to Chicago but instead of gang warfare they had Iranian rockets and were launching them at you year after year.

Stupid fucking terrorists can't leave well enough alone. They're a threat to every nation on the planet, even their own.
Quintessentially Bri'ish.
The Arabs were some of the most advanced and educated people in the world before Islam took over their area. Not only did they regress back to the dark ages but they haven't progressed a single step since.
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My only problem with what Israel is doing in Palestine is that they haven't exterminated them all. They need to finish the job so that there is no one left to take revenge.
Most Muslims are completely illiterate and have no idea what the Qur'an actually says.
The demiurge's lies
The difference between an ex-muslim, and a muslim, is that the ex-muslim understands the Quran.
It's moreso that they simply have never read the Quran. They only know what they need to do to pray, their weird little autistic things they say when doing things and a few choices verses here and there. Most Muslims nowadays have probably read more of the Bible than the fucking Quran lmao
not disagreeing but its fucking funny that 4chan the hate women and minorities shithole are very upset that the women of minority are oppressed by islam regimes
its true that places run by the taliban and stuff are garbage for the many people who live there but they're not white so its funny that now 4chan cares
> guys guys i swear all of these new rules and stuff come from god
> no the real god im serious guys
> i know this because the son of god told me you have to follow these rules or youre going to suffer forever guys
> uh he left
Bomb all of them, all of them, don't left anyone, deport all of them from europe and usa and bomb them too, no mudslimes should exist, i hate reddit leftists cucks so much bomb them too with those sandniggers.
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>25 Saul replied, “Say to David, ‘The king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies.’” Saul’s plan was to have David fall by the hands of the Philistines. 26 When the attendants told David these things, he was pleased to become the king’s son-in-law. So before the allotted time elapsed, 27 David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage. - 1 Samuel 18
It's so obviously a cult with a pedo leader who made up rules that benefited him. Even the child he raped noticed this.
That's all the UK police do.
>If you only destroy one, you'll just make the remaining ones more powerful.
Right, but only one of those giant monsters beheads people and straps bombs onto little girls. So even a moron can see it's clearly the one to focus on.
People focus on the damage that Muslims cause, but Muslims are a victim of this. 20% of the planet and they produce almost nothing.
Virtually no scientific discoveries, inventions, art or literature, for a thousand years. Almost every one of their countries are shitholes.
The crusades were not terrorism, both sides fought mutually. Also they were morally justified, educate yourself
>white people are racial victims
the official story is he ruptured his own rectum.
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>They're a threat to every nation on the planet, even their own.
trying way too hard
'they believe Palestine is a nation right?"
>My only problem with what Israel is doing in Palestine is that they haven't exterminated them all.
yeah I know you're jewish I came here to make fun of how obviously jewish this thread is.
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some of the best evidence that Jesus is real, lived, died, and was resurrected from death because he is God, is the sincere and never-ending seething of jews.
Nice try rabbi, but we all know the Jews are even worse. Stop trying to redirect. The whole fucking lot of you need to go, Jews, Arabs, Christians, Chinks, Japs, everything.
go join their desert war cult, they'll take your worldly possessions and ransom you to your family, just to execute you anyway
Best part is that this is inconvertible proof, that the Ulama unanimously agree on, to the point that it is considered an inseparable part of Shariya. Disagreeing with Hadith means you left Islam.

But Muslims don't care about anything, not even their own religion, so long as they can "win" - whatever the cost. This is why they share the same bed with Communists, who act exactly the same way.
>instead of making a kike hate thread, he goes to seethe on Muslim hate threads

Transparent attempt at Taqqiya. You all need to go Abdul.
Islam is a wonderful religion. The main problem of Islam is the Arabs and Semites.
>arab religion
>the problem is the arabs, you see

are you genuinely retarde?
Not all Muslims are Arabs. The problem with Islam is precisely that the Arabs and Semites spoil it. Islam itself is a modern Abrahamic religion that greatly helps modern society heal from postmodernity.
While I cant argue that Islam is a god awful religion and the main branches are legit some of the worsts theological work ever produced, you forget the true culprit; The Jews. They basically wanted to make golems out of the Arabs, but shit backfired on them when they exponentially spread due to the power vacuum caused by Genghis Khan recent conquest.
isnt that isis? so.. jews? bad attempt at create discord towards muslims because you are psychotic. btw.. the world wants both gone jews and muslims. no one needs a reminder that their khalifate system causes exactly what you said.. but jews do the same and are worse. So i can only assume you are dangerously toeing the line because all you guys cant think of doing at this moment is create hatred towards them.
btw you guys created the problem to begin with.
may the lord have mercy on both of you people.
>The problem with the Arab religion is that it is Arab. But that's fine because most Muslims aren't Arabs.
Literal proof for the Quran is that its Arabic is "so perfect", none but your pagan God could replicate it. So over 90% of your pagan peers can't even confirm whether or not the book is divine, because you can't even speak the fucking language.

>Islam is a modern religion
Because legalizing child marriage is truly the way to defeat the Jew, who uses homosexuality to achieve the exact same result.
Actually I take it back. Justifying pedophilia is a modern thing, so by that standard it IS a 'modern religion'.
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All three Abrahamic religions are foolish and their alleged practitioners have committed varying degrees of heinous crimes. State religions have co-opted science for similar purpose through multiple industries. I do not know enough about religious motivation for war in East Asia to make a judgment call, but I do know caste systems exist in India, Russia is a shithole, China has been involved in some of the worst acts against living things in history, Japan has followed suit, and Southeast Asia has seen a few violent revolutions in recent history.

All of this begs the question: if Man is a byproduct of nature, and therefore of God, are our conscious destructive decisions mirrors of the divine or have we defied divinity by acting as we do toward one another? Everything seems to be in disarray.
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What am I looking at here?
they're licking the black stone at the kaaba in mecca
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No, I'm all for exterminating the Jews too, but I'm sick of these retards half assing their genocide. Just nuke the whole fucking country and call it a day already.
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Chapter 13: The going out of women for answering the call of nature

Sahih al-Bukhari 146

Narrated `Aisha:

The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi` at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. `Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes).
fuck pisslam and judaism
Jews and Mudslimes are equally repulsive to me. I am psychotic because I posted a webm of mudslimes mass murdering their own? The fact that isis is a kike derived and lead jew organization makes the Muslims look even worse. They allow their arch enemies to trick them into killing each other instead of teaming up and wiping out Isreal proves you are total cucks. With all the webms posted thr bedt your inbred brain can come back with is a comment about a video of Arabs killing Arabs? The only psychotic thing going on is a serial killer mudslime enjoying a public murder spree. Kids are getting beheaded and you blame the kikes for it. the kikes are disgusting but they are smart enough to make you kill your own kids. You shitbags belong together, keep up the good work.
The crusades were fought in self defense after hundreds of years of encroachment by the Islamic hordes.
Yes live a good life by raping killing and kidnapping defenseless women children and ederly at a music festival. Barge into family homes and murder them while being too pussy and cowardly to fight actual soldiers. Call yourself freedom fighters but the people you fight are civilians. Cause anytime you go up against a real man military you get shit on and embarrassed. Your culture and religion allows you to legally enslave, beat, rape, and force women to be your wife otherwise suffer consequences because your so undesireable, incel, and unattractive with 12yr pre pubescent bodies with no muscle mass that cant attract a woman unless your insanely rich and lie to them about who and what you are.

Yes such a real religion, fucking jihad yourself with gasoline and a lighter you fucking brown sand rat faggot. Go jerk off to CP like your faggot prophet muhammed.
>all religions may be equally false, but that doesn't mean they're all equally bad. Islam is by far the worst.
christianity and islam were going back and forth on which was the worst
but the jews have really entered the running lately, and are definitely the worst of those 3 right now
>Jesus is real because the guys I hate disagree
What a fucking proof
For real. If I worked in a building that big I would keep a parachute in my office.
Russia is the best country in this world :3
Christianity would be gaining more popularity if it was actually offering solutions to make men feel in control, seek purpose, and find relationships. I remember reading a thread on /pol/ of an Italian faggot converting to Islam and just mere months was able to find a wife to marry being shipped to him by a family in Tunisia.

Christianity focuses on saving your le soul for when YOU'RE DEAD and to the afterlife. Islam focuses on the now and how to be a society builder to keep order in place, and that is appeasing the men who are the lifeblood of a society. That and Islam is gaining popularity because the world has become incel. 60% of Zoomer faggots are still lamenting over never interacting with women.
He is a literal faggot
ISIS unironically had the best gore

It's not the insult you think it is
Afghanistan is great for Muslim men

Even Lord Miles and Callum agreed
Arabs were a backwater before Islam
You are just listing reasons why Islam is based

"The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. 44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.

45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you." HEBREW BIBLE, Deuteronomy 28
Before Islam, Germans were in Africa (Vandalic Kingdom) fighting Egyptians
All the modern issues of Muslims can be blamed on Jews
He's got his flaws but it's not common your hear a story about a migrant from the middle east coming to Europe, rejecting Islam completely, respecting the natives and praising the nationalist party. That's pretty based.
Islam is a brutal religion, but I just know this video is taqqiyah, or probably funded by a berg, baum or stein
You realise the Jews are just going to send all the terrorists straight to Europe right?
all I hear is glurg glurg glurg glurg glurg to Muhammad
Muhammad (piss be upon him)*
Islam is closer to the truth than christianity lol god isnt an old man with a beard, its unknowable. also jesus wasnt born from a virgin... hes a human just like mohammed. also the Quran is a beautiful piece of poetry while the bible has been bastardized over the centuries.
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Yes, Muhammad Tells you it's ok and welcome to be a lying manipulative sack of shit
Goddamn I cannot cope with your smartness. as the intelegent and deep person that you are, can you please tell me why would Israel send all the terrrorists muslim straight to Europe? and how would they do that?
ITT: Kikes and Christian kike cocksuckers replying to one another
They are all spawned from the mind of The Jew, directly or indirectly.
That alone makes them all inherently, objectively and irrefutably evil.
There is no need or room for debate.
When is this law coming to the west?
أنت تعتقد أن القرآن ليس فيه تناقضات، أنت ابن قرد.
we jews live rent free in your head. we like free things. cope and seethe. also fuck the goatfuckers.
holy fucking cope lmfao not even other muslim nations tolerate palestinians because theyre so insufferable and violent
rolling for 10K more dead palestinian 3 year olds
some evil genius on this board once saw this video and came up with a modification to this device.
if they would tilt the cage so that one of the corners are still above water, the prisoners would have to drown each other to stay alive as it gets lowered deeper and deeper into the lake.
i always think about that post whenever i come across this video now. thank you, based executioner-anon.
The world needs an annual day of remembrance for the Banu Qurayza, genocided by the thug Mohammad (may he burn in Hell).

Mohammad (piss be upon him) sat and watched while hundreds were beheaded, and their bodies thrown in the ditch. Even the male children weren't spared if they had started puberty (little girls and women were simply enslaved and raped.)

And today, very few know about the genocide. I mourn those people. Those children.

Inhuman cruelty is allowed, but pork isn't? Music isn't? If Allah is real and Mohammad (the piece of shit) is indeed his prophet, then Allah is evil and doesn't deserve to be worshipped.
jews literally have sold white american nuclear bomb technology to soviets

How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb


this thread is jewish propaganda

>>27888961 >>27888968 >>27888983
>>27889000 >>27889028 >>27889095
jews have sold white american avionics to russians

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions


Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb



jews are literally the enemy of everybody
Adult Santa Claus is a /pol/ thread
I don't think you'll find many Muslims on this board
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I don't hate jews
jews hate christ
why is that?
because they know they blew it by killing God when their messiah came.
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yeah Israelis have a real hard time not mentioning their gay sex fantasies.
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>holy fucking cope lmfao not even other muslim nations tolerate palestinians because theyre so insufferable and violent
this is true
but Palestinians have never flooded Europe with africans and muslims, Palestinians have never turned my PC into a havana syndrome weapon, palestinians have never even attempted to genocide of Israelis or anyone else.
Palestinians have never insulted Jesus .
That's all jews do though.
All I know about it is the muslim dudes are funny asf when they shit talk pajeets to me on campus.

Never heard a bad word out of these guys apart from jeet hate.

I think they assume they are more aligned with me than any other race and I let them believe that.
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>all religions may be equally false, but that doesn't mean they're all equally bad. Islam is by far the worst.

Unfathomably based.
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middle easterners and north africans were attacking Europe centuries before that happened
To genocide White people and by calling them refugees. These are like 4th grade tier questions man, did you just arrive here?
I love these anti islam threads they just prove how scared you guys are but everyone who is above room temperature IQ knows how to research by himself and not believe everything they hear. No one of you has ever read the quran
Fragile Wests keep seething your time is over
He's a closeted homosexual
>Right, but only one of those giant monsters beheads people and straps bombs onto little girls. So even a moron can see it's clearly the one to focus on.
That's the youngest of the three.
The middle child has let them march into our countries and occupy us with such nonsense lines as "we are all one under god" and the oldest was the ones whispering in their ears that they should do it.

All abrahamic belief systems are bad. Only a racial religion can be true.

Muslim men are obsessed with porn. This is the best board to reach them.
Just pray it away noob. gg ez git gud wit baybee jayzus gawd

That's a pretty powerful video OP.

I doubt it will do much now, but the future has a chance to be better.

People are too stuck in their old ways to change.
That's why you have to teach the kids.

Kids are the future - teach them to think for themselves and the future will be brighter
You make a fair point
>Islam is by far the worst.
i hate islam
judaism is even worse
atheism is stupid hitchens is burning in hell
>White people can't be racial victims
Found the nigger.
So much islamophobi, OMG!!!
I haven't laughed so hard in days, bro really explained it well and put all of his dick sucking pantomime energy into it
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we literally can't. Being a victim because of you're race is for niggers.
We can be attacked out of seething jealousy.
But only you--a nigger--is a victim.
Vidrel: proud white man 10000x whiter than you, a nigger.
Muslim myself, reading through this thread is just a shock to me
Idk how to feel about this...
>Dude follows women out to the shitting spot in the middle of the night (which is in the middle of a field instead of a hole in the ground like the rest of the world chose to do)
>The dirty perv watches them in the faint moonlight and gets turned on but freaked out since they were shitting at the time.
>in his guilt/disgust he complains to the husband of the woman he was spying on that he shouldnt be able to perv on women taking a dump just because he sneaked out to spy on them.
>instead of husband punching dude for perving on his wife, they decree women should wear even bigger dresses so that the local pervert cant watch them take a dump in the middle of the night.

?? Was the husband just too weak to fight the pervert? so he shifted the blame to his wife?
Supposedly some bullshit sparky special rock God sent from the heavens but turned dark because of the quote "impurity of mankind" on some Disney movie shit XD

I had to sit through and study 3000 hadiths in middle school in Saudi Arabia I can't begin to tell you of the BS but I'll refrain cause MBS literally spies on everyone I'll avoid criticizing
Yes, brown people can't control themselves when they see even a modicum of bobs and vegene. They are retarded animals with no impulse control that should be sequestered to their shitholes forever.
>we literally can't. Being a victim because of you're race is for niggers.
>We can be attacked out of seething jealousy.
Sounds like you're just a retarded kike who hates White people, good to know. Or you are White and are just retardedly spouting off things with a dumb sense of bravado.

>But only you--a nigger--is a victim.
We are literally being invaded by every other race, and being assaulted, raped and killed in our own lands, but we can never be victims because we are White? White people need a victim narriative to keep them together and united, like the other races do, even if that victim narrative is for a not-so-hypothetical future of enslavement and death.

>Vidrel: proud white man 10000x whiter than you, a nigger.
Wow, you show me a vid of a monkey talking to another monkey in a tv interview and repeating boomerisms means the monkey is White. Pathetic.
Fuck, that was meant for >>27914829
Is this from type of documentary? Where can I watch it with sound? Damn mudslimes are disgusting.
shut the fuck up, mohammed. you and your boyfucking goat sucking nogfags can die in thermonuclear cleansing
Audio? Could be fake
>Biggest terrorist organizations in the world are Muslim
Nope. Zionism.
Yes Jews destroyed the Roman empire. So Arabs evicted the Jews
We need a dormant deadly virus that activates when melanin is too concentrated.
Fuck around, find out.
I can't believe the West is losing to these fuckers
>Sounds like you're just a retarded kike who hates White people
how does it sound like that?
>We are literally being invaded by every other race, and being assaulted, raped and killed in our own lands, but we can never be victims because we are White?
pilpul to defend this kike narrative is so funny.
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by a mile.
and nearly all 'islamic terrorism' are Zionists in hijabs
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you funded Hamas and knew the attack was coming.
are you in need of assistence of understanding of you are just doggmatically programmed to act as a dumbass?
can you point me to the verse in the old or new testament that says when, where and how to beat women? that gives an ephasis on that and show case studies of how, where, when to hit women and kids? to hit or kill promptly?
that tells one to lie and decieve so to gain control? to demonstrate hateful behaviour?
to encourage borderline psychotic behaviour?
>Hamas killed innocents
>It was actually Israel
You actually belong in a mental institution.
The majority of israel fucking hates Bibi. he's a laying sack of shit. Before 7/10 and ten times more after 7/10.
the current govrenment just appears as democratic, yet Bibi is busy brain washing it's followers, he keeps on decieving and laying to the entire nation's face.
he is the worse prime minister this tiny ass state have ever had. THE WORSE. right now israel is acting far more like monarchy than like a democratic state.
well that title is manipulative to say the least but he it isn't wrong.
this is how it's like with that piece of shit Bibi
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Nothing wrong with being a muslim, as most of them were indoctrinated into it or lied to about it to convert. Nothing wrong with brown people. The problem is Islam, as an idea. Every scam artist that calls himself a prophet that invented a new religion did so for their own personal gain, and Muhammad is no exception.

Muhammad reintroduced the pagan tradition of fasting. However, he found it difficult to observe it, so he ate whenever he pleased. Ibn Sa’d writes: “The Messenger of Allah used to say ‘We the prophets are required to eat our morning food later than others and hurry in breaking our fast in the evening.'”

In none of the wars that Muhammad fought did he put his own life in danger. He stood behind his troops, wearing often two coats of chain-link mail, one on top of the other. The double armouring made him so heavy that he needed assistance to stand or walk. While in that state, he would shout toward the front row and goad his men to be valiant and not fear death, promising them high-bosomed virgins and celestial food in the other world.

To finance his military expeditions, he exhorted his followers to contribute their wealth. He urged them to serve him and wait upon him. He encouraged their adulation of him and strongly frowned on dissent and criticism. Orwa, the negotiator of the Quraish who visited him among his men in Hudaibiyyah, witnessed that his followers “rushed to save the water in which he had performed his ablutions, to catch up his spittle, or seize a hair of his if it chanced to fall.”
What about it is shocking? Do you mean you're second-guessing following Islam?
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>The majority of israel fucking hates Bibi.
not true.
The libs are united against him but make up less than half the country, Bibi has had broad support since Oct 7.
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>well that title is manipulative to say the least
>You actually belong in a mental institution.
very on brand.
English please
true, their high production really shines
>The People's Crusade (1096) - targeting and killing of Eastern Orthodox Christians

>The Crusade Against the Albigensians (1209-1229) - extermination of thousands, with cities like Béziers experiencing mass slaughter of mainly christian women and children

>The Northern Crusades (12th-14th centuries) - targeting pagans, they often included violent campaigns against Orthodox Christians, leading to cultural erasure and significant bloodshed.

>The Crusade Against the Hussites (1420-1434) - This conflict against the followers of Jan Hus not only led to brutal warfare but also deepened divisions within Christianity, with severe persecution and loss of innocent lives.

>The Crusade of Nicopolis (1396) - Though targeting the Ottomans, this campaign highlighted the tragic consequences of inter-Christian conflict, resulting in significant loss and suffering.

>The Fourth Crusade (1202-1204) is the one that infamously sacked Constantinople. Originally intended to retake Jerusalem, the crusaders diverted to Constantinople, leading to a brutal siege and widespread looting in 1204. This event significantly weakened the Byzantine Empire and deepened the schism between Eastern and Western Christianity.

>story made 100 years after the events
>somehow it's accurate
>not even in the original language
I'm sure you believe everything you hear in the news too
chrosscucks in a nutshell
>having a young wife that you'll be raising the way you want
>somehow it's a bad thing
kys tranny
let's not kid ourselves christcucks bend their knee and eat the flesh of jesus off some old pedo
why would the government do this to it's people
>They allow their arch enemies to trick them into killing each other instead of teaming up and wiping out Isreal
I could say the same thing about muttoids and their wars in Ukraine killing and replacing white people, goys are so pathetic it's unreal
did you count the kikes who mass evacuated israel in the last 11 months
muslims are sandniggers, but you kikes aren't even human you filthy vermin scum I hope I live long enough for the next pogrom. I wouldn't wanna die before feeling the joy you killing you kikes
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>>story made 100 years after the events
absolutely nonsense.
The early church made up of Jesus' disciples immediately began spreading his message. And many were alive for the events they described. So there wasn't actually time for the story to be twisted before being spread. It was written down ENTIRELY within a hundred years, with the gospels completed within the lifetime of Jesus. For a historical event of that era, it is LITERALLY the most well documented event from that era. There is more and better historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus than there is for anything Alexander the Great did.
If we evaluated religious claims as we would any other historical claim, his resurrection would be considered historical fact.
>somehow it's accurate
Its the inspired word of God. You don't have any inaccuracies. Every historical claim made in the Bible has been confirmed.
>not even in the original language
the one we read you mean? Of course, there are plenty of surviving copies of the new testament that were written in the original Greek. There are surviving manuscripts from the second century.
>I'm sure you believe everything you hear in the news too
There is nothing similar between the news and the Bible. The news is part of globohomo, an anti-religious satanic post-modernist regime; which you represent. You ARE the news. You aren't even human.
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there's only 1 people on the planet who seethe this much about Christ.
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>did you count the kikes who mass evacuated israel in the last 11 months
This thread was brought to you by mossad.
There's a reason muslim countries refuse refugees from Palestine, they literally are subhuman animals who destroy everything they touch.
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>There's a reason muslim countries refuse refugees from Palestine, they literally are subhuman animals who destroy everything they touch.
I wouldn't put it like that, but they are uniquely terroristic and overthrow every government that gives them shelter.
I've known that for years and years.
And your barbarism has shown me that you are not better then they are, you're just better armed, and actually you're much worse because you steal from me and corrupt US politics to do it.
see >>27895640
Fuck Israel.

Free Palestine.
They were jewish wdgaf.
what do you do here mr mossad? cant you see the environment you nurture in this board
I just saw a clip the other day of a Swedish nationalist kneeling for a jew LMAO.
even though I am against violence and suffering, but you're right. that shit has been carrying far too long. some side has to go, preferably both, but then another insanity would start with Christianity. Humans are retarded fucking monkeys. But I'm pretty sure that if we nuked that area of never ending conflict, we would avoid a lot of suffering. Now it's a prolonged, torturous process of insane suffering, we could make it surreal for a day or two, and save all these people from suffering for years.
It really do be like that on this fucking shithole planet.
In general there's no oxygen for fundamentalists of any religion on this planet.
If you don't even care to watch the video, why'd you come posting in the thread? Oh right, you're muslim.
Sounds fake
If you ever read or watched a documentary about the origins of cults and their leaders, such as the Mormons, and you read about how Muhammad acted so similarly, you'll realize that he's just the same, the similarity in which, on a whim, they'd just decide God told them in a revelation that he needed to fuck a child, you'll realize it was all made up bullshit to satisfy their perversions.
In their book they talk about him making little boys suck his tongue and how his child bride had to wash his clothes covered in dried up cum.
The western educationan system is going down the dwai pipe because of the implementation of neliberal policies that sommand the education to be fun and a game.

Thenteachers become clowns and animators for the spoiled very ften tiramical childeen they can not put them to obey them. Why? Because of neopiberal policies.

No motherfucker.
Every horn childnis a little greedy monseer who understands wasnly one thing - brutal force, pain and violence.

Only beating teach children how to beha e and tobecome civilized.

Islamic teacher is doing the right thing.
Mo, it a a british woman wjo gave the plans to Stalin for the nuclear bomb.
She wa interviewed in the 90s in a newspaper. She said she did it for a just world for a better future.
white me advosating for women's whoring. How umusual, really.
Why am I not surprised.
Femimism spread by white men.
>He's a closeted homosexual

That was hilariously obvious.

He was protesting and denying it so hard that I don't even think he himself knows that he's gay.
>christ disciples
yeah right I'm sure people from Syria and Palestine regularly call their kids Paul and john
>it's historically accurate
LMAO you mean the 4000 year ago global flood that has no scientific proof? or how the laws of nature have changed on earth after adam ate the apple?
>muh original Greek text
yeah sure retard the one that was written 90 years after "jesus" death the original language was aramaic not to mention the church deeming anything other than what it preaches heretical the trinity didn't exist till 200 later and you think you're any different than the globohomo news ?
Yes, it is okay for Jesus to kill anyone He chooses as He is the Author of life and holds us in existence. As to Revelation, you really should read closer and realize that Jezebel is not an actual woman there, but is a symbol of a people.
>thread about Islam
>People talk about Jews


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