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YLYL but only horizontal videos
That should take care of the problem
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Thanks I was looking for this
You're just posting stuff that is in that other current thread
It is compromised with you know what
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I don't get it.
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He was playing with his sharpie, marked the button, and pressed it by accident while trying to clean the mark, I believe
ive lurked these threads for a decade now and its literally always the same videos
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>ive lurked
lurk more
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Only horizontal videos you say?
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I will never stop losing to this
Why is fag porn so hilarious?
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Oh no that would be horrible haha.
Imagine if women were the ones doing all the work for fucking once instead of standing there like plants.
Is it too much to say I kinda wish he died?
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Is this the same guy?
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this is better than it deserves to be
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Always love this one.
From virgin to chad just like that.
holy shit based
QRD? what's going on here?
What is this?
What is this all about i don't get it
the guy playing totally sucks
Some retard donated 600 bucks to her and she didn't even see it because she ran off during it.
Then somebody made an edit with a scene from Blade Runner (Gosling was called agent K in it).
why the fuck someone donated 600 to her who is she? onlyfans thot? who is the guy that fell? simps should be sterilized
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She goes by Pokimane, one of the original e-thots, don't know the context of the guy in the back, don't care what retards spend their money on.
i don't understand why he donated 600 to her? for charity is she dying of cancer? she send him nudes for 600 dollars? why people donate money to her?
I cannot know why exactly he donated, but I can assume he is a pathetic and desperate individual who doesn't want to face the reality of his situation, which in turn makes him do retarded shit like giving away 600 dollars for a sliver of attention from a pretty girl.
But that is my point, if he wanted attention, he could have hired prostitute for that money, if he wanted to do some good deed he can donated to public kitchen or something, its mind boggling to me what is he getting by this donation to her....
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It is common courtesy to shake a cripple's stump stop making fun of this man who didn't mean anything evil by it!!
jokes aside yeah I doubt it was malicious. probably just muscle memory from doing that all the time
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Not in the slightest.
Holy kek
They don't look or sound like each other.
Stroke buddies before it was cool
Man, long ago I started minding my own business. Because if you constantly keep worrying about what other people are doing, you'll never enjoy life. Yes, it's mind boggling, should you care? Not in the slightest.
Well, that escalated quickly.
dude makes a $600 donation to egirl
while donation is processing, dude is frame trips and scares cat
egirl finds content opportunity, takes of headphones and runs to get full story
$600 donation processes and plays without egirl in room to hear it
$600 was not only wasted on egirl, but egirl didn't even know it happened, lulz ensue
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Dude what are you Indian?
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I don't understand this trope. No men actually do this. And for the very few who do, well, do you consider junkies screaming at the sky to be talking to you? Because they're the same levels of unhinged.
>Describes anal fisting in great detail
>"Anyways if we got any kids now is a good time to leave cause I wanna show porn"
incels triggered
This is not "triggering." at all. It's so nonsensical it doesn't even need a counterargument. It makes the case for it's own stupidity.
can someone please do a sigma edit on this with the caption "sigma rule 4035: remind whores they are whores"
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How does it feel to be an insufferable faggot?
hard loss
What a recovery
Doing god's work man, keep posting seared bite
I don't understand how this came to be a staple. Obviously, it's not funny, and that's the point, but humor doesn't even come across as the intention of the video. Dude's just reviewing fast food. He obviously has that Youtuber personality, but the video is hardly classifiable as comedy.

I'm just wondering how it ever got here. Was it one guy trying really hard to force a meme? If that was the case, why this video of all things?
Who's this guy?
Ritalin-addled zoomer brains just laugh at anything, no matter how unfunny it is.
It's funny because it isn't funny, but its still somehow funny
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It really isn't. It's just funny to assholes who like to be annoying.
Is this the new fligu shit?
>muscle memory
that would just make him a meme martyr. A memtyr if you will.
the first one was expected but then I lost
F.L.A.R.T always make these threads worth it
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>then they eat the poo poo
always gets me
are you old enough to be posting here
brain rot
Why keep making these videos? They're God awful and he can't be getting much from it.
>you wouldn't get it boomer
is a likely response
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>posts same fucking shit every day
>Samefags as the only replys it gets are fuck you's
>Has literally less life than logfag.
>still thinks the same stale memes are funny
Anon, go for a fucking walk. Get some fucking sun. But most importantly, dont fucking come back here. Your life sucks precisely because you let this place put you in that position and you are a bit unstable.
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what you dont realize is that kids under 15 actually find this kind of shit hilarious and will endlessly scroll through it for hours on tiktok. we dont get it bc we grew up in a time when black lives didnt matter and jerome and shaniqua couldnt get all of the dei jobs as caregivers, teachers, and administrators at schools.
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oooh... nooo...... not that......
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tbf I'd lick Holly's fucking arsehole, she's such a good sport
Probably older than you, which is why I can talk about things rationally and not resort to retarded and smug retorts like the one you posted
I unironically want this.
I was catcalled by some girls when bike riding once, made me feel like a million bucks.
Is it seriously ? I need to know for future social events.. thanks
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Where can I watch this full? Is it on yt?
What is the 2nd song these guys are singing?
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I think it's kinda funny how hard he tries to act like that vegan trash is actually good. But it also makes me a bit uneasy seeing a nigger in a comfy YLYL thread.

That and what amazes me that man had it loaded in several seconds after she said that.
I would say around 10 second mark he was ready to respond.
not funny
Did he wanted to punch her out cold to hide the truth ?
Yes, it's called Boys Beware from 1961.
Average /gif/ enjoyer.
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That car has exceeded its maximum autism load. Its damn near tismgeddon.
So simple yet so funny
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All this butthole talk got me hot.
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a-ha - Take On Me

Bryan Adams - Heaven

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer

the glory days of music
Love these guys
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Confusion of da highest orda!
yeah, same
I was catcalled while running with my dog around 12 years ago and it's still a highlight of my life to this day lol
I can't hear what the heckler is saying
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Love these guys
She says "yesterday"
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Boomer with an american flag button up shirt spotted.
holy hell

you know, the moment i first heard my mom use the word "based" is when i realized none of this is real anymore
I'm half convinced 40 yo neo nazis will laugh at a black man speaking no matter what they are talking about, it would explain half the humor posted on pol
and when i say "this", i mean my conscious existence
the one with pink and blue hair, I wanna take home and treat with love and care
and then lick her asshole
"the 999 service"?
what is this?
...and that is indeed very "based"
hard loss
the fucking troll face makes it funnier i love these vids

man i wish people would give me attention
Every time the guy chants "Well?", I lose it.
Love it.
Wait, is this a Mexican accent? Sounds like Singlish to me, but I'm not a native speaker.
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British emergency services. The equivalent to 911 in America and 112 in Europe.
>British emergency services. The equivalent to 911 in America and 112 in Europe.
oh wow, i expected a more obscure service
that's kind of edgy to call the cops and masturbate over the phone, i would think they would punish that for disrupting the service
thanks though
Black girls are like this with me unironically
>i would think they would punish that for disrupting the service
It's Britain. They don't punish rape gangs, why would they punish prank callers?
i guess so
i thought they just made an exception for rape gangs, not that the whole system was that fucked
This was pretty funny, because it was very loud.
he has that young edward snowden energy
Kike with a small bug hat spotted
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Pastor Manning deserves his own thread on /gif/.
>What feminists think they see whenever they enter public transport
Watch how you talk to your master MIGApederast
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>Probably older than you
i doubt that

>No men actually do this
you're commenting on the gender reversal of the cat call
you doubt that men do this and don't understand it
seems like something someone very young an inexperienced would say
just pointing out the obvious
youre the one who's butt hurt and calling me retarded and smug
you need more of a spine on 4chan newfag
dont let the other anons see you're vulnerable to personal attacks
they'll fuck you up
>laughing at autism or trannies isn't funny
did you even get to the m&m blast part?!
the combo of tranny voice + autism got a kek outta me
i dont get it
Love these guys
too bad.
too bad.
Extremely accurate. lol thanks!
Women are 100% unable to replicate anything like this.
Jenn Melon has made some genuinely funny videos.
>smug retorts
Only literal children with a weird superiority complex say shit like this kek
You sound like a very sad individual
>oh the world is eroding around me? Ill just ignore it
Go die in a hole and see that your attitude is why people wont care
classic meme
I could use a girl to spoon with right now.
>Beast was my favorite X-man
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are you legitimately retarded?

comic: "the first time I ever had sex"
heckler: "yesterday?"
comic: "..."
comic: "glad you remember"
audience: dies
Still would
But what the fuck can you do, really? Seething and posting here won't fix shit. You can't influence the world through action because the majority of y'all are pussies. You can't influence the world through politics because fat retard Trump poisoned the well forever. You can't even argue your position irl without being labelled a nazi. You go to reddit with your statistics and foolproof Holocaust denial bs and you'll get btfo in 5 minutes flat lmao. Call me a jew or a faggot or nigger or tranny, i don't care.
It's just satire, get over yourselves faggots.
Poor kid.
Did he bump her stump I wonder.
The same school of acting Steve Rambo went to.
dude, fuckin lost
Live action GTA vibe.
>Obviously, it's not funny
>Was it one guy trying really hard to force a meme? If that was the case, why this video of all things?
he spammed it enough we've all seen it. Personally I've been thinking it's kind of surprising how long it's been since I've seen the gandalf epic remix and came to this thread expecting to see it
>doesn't even drop cigarette

Black mean truly are the strongest
See, you are the exact type of person I do not want to be. Presumptuous and arrogant.
satire needs to be about things that actually happen.
lost. very nice. azura demands more morrowind memes.
Now that you draw it this way, i think i might be.
Brilliant dialogue and sufficient acting.
This isn't real, this has to be AI.
I cannot accept that this is real.
This kind of shit doesn't happen in my country.
Holy fuck, I want to die
I can clearly hear the music without sound.
Did he ever get that bitch?
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Do you have the one with Coolio's Gansta's Paradise?
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Some say he still wanders the hood, a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in hand and the rage of 10,000 volts coursing through his blood, ever longing the day he can get that bitch.
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He appear from the darkness of a night whenever there is a dispute between two gender. He's drawn to the escalating and clashing energies of people arguing. T-shirt ripped, cigarette unlit, if you listen closely you can hear taser cables being dragged ground and sparking of electricity before he approaches.

Eternally seeking that specific bitch that he still cannot find. This entity claimed many female victims.

He can manifest to you asking for light while mumbling about some bitch..
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Peak humour to me really is just stupid shit like manhandling birds and scaring the shit out of them.
You probably have aspergers
The fuck? Were they just all THAT drunk?
ne'wah forget
who keeps feeding these retards? it's not like they can procure their own sustenance, put them on a diet for gods sake
Honestly it was not easy to come up with a response
Nice save
This has no fucking business being this funny
What am I looking at?
I really don't know.
Some kind of electric phenomenon ??
no clue.
Come on Anon, one of the girls clearly said it was the emergency service. I suppose you were too busy thinking about licking Holly's arsehole to notice. Fair enough.
man the new sonic movie looks good
he's invited to the ethno-state
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I don't want to live on this planet anymore
masterclass in shit-talking
this is played as ironic but the man is based
slaughter your foes and see them driven before you
hear the lamentations of their women
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That's what the average person is like and the people that think otherwise are usually controlled-op hipsters part of publically allowed movements. This is /gif/ so people here have zero conviction or long-term thought on anything in larger scale so of course they'll just leave a couple insults, they're part of a comfy cattlenigger mentality.
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someone trying to do a chola accent but poorly
this might be funny if simply smiling at a woman and saying good morning wasn't considered catcalling or harassment these days
he did hire a prostitute, only this pros turns tricks by not fucking the john and just lets him publicly humiliate himself by being an e-simp, the lowest form of life on the interwebs
filename is not okay, this isn't a gore thread
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That's fucking terrifying. If I as her I would move. To the planet Pluto.
Damn bro how can they be so advanced and so far behind at the same time
>Gender swamped cookie monster
Women's fantasies about what they really want. This is a new level of delusion.
Not bad.
This is why you should have kids in your twenties and not your thirties, women.
you just know the 3 amigos fuck like crazy
Just finished watching this one weird to see Unsub on 4chan
Smartest black man
Twin Peaks Laura Palmer?
Who killed Laura Palmer?
Kek. Makes me think about Candeez which always makes me lol.
Nothing funny happened.
I didn't watch it because I thought it was the big black man with his meat hanging out. It was not
i kinda love how SEA is 10 years behind on memes
I recommend the Opie and Anthony segment they did on this

https: //youtu.be/ hnPxzi3fQZQ?si=34wuYOCuPgpjxWDq
anyone have the aaha tamatar bere mezedar video of the tomato dancing a hindi tomato song?
they feed em to shut em up, or else tard tantrums. no one gives a shit about their health anyway. bad side is that they're now two weight classes above you
god i wish that were me
How fucking DRUNK do you have to be!?
it's an ad campaign, he's advertising a product
it also is forced, one intern spammed it so much that others eventually jumped on.
there are more forced memes but most just don't survive
Any baby monsters remember this one?
This poster may be conflating things.
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Agent K. Men in Black. Blackrock owned agency. It's all a play
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Lol starcraft edit came out of nowhere
The chubby blonde girl has pretty eyes.

I'd jam it in her pooper.
That's pretty good
god she was so hot back then
please i actually need more flart for my project send all the ones you have
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its prolly a giga lightning, its messing with the lights all around it, cant imagine how much charge is moving to make dat happen
Hes obviously being paid to review the garbage dump of the "impossible whopper" which is made from credit card shavings and old pizza box cardboard.

The OBVIOUSNESS of the propaganda is the joke.
>giving away 600 dollars for a sliver of attention from a pretty girl.
Can we please stop calling this streamer "pretty", and gas lighting people to manufacture some kind of interest.

She is below average in looks. I teach high school, 100% of girls in every class are prettier than this post wall streamer. 100%. EVEN THE FAT GIRLS LOOK BETTER.
He should never let Kamala take his place
doesn´t he look...walrusy?
Michelle Obama?
Of course there is one contrarian in every thread that just has to let everyone know how much he/she doesn't find the female in question attractive. Nobody cares faggot! The point is the donator obviously does.
You mean Michael?
Yeah. Maybe someday some espstein sort of blackmail will leak and we'll fap
What makes this is how he know to act embarrassed when he already knew what to respond. Good stuff.
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>be me
>oh this is just some nice old lady taking care of some autist young adult, bless her
>i got an m&m blast
>holy shit i fucking love retards
Smart idea for a ylyl thread desu
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No u
This desu
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I love flou-ridea
sufficient acting lol
"I teach high school" & talks about how every single minors looks. What a pedo
Is that......... The same girl from Black Mirror?
times I have defended m’lady’s honor on the internet: MMMCLXXVIII
times m’lady has rewarded me with sex: 0
what's an m&m blast?
I haven't laughed that hard in quite some time.. thanks for that.
No, he doesn't. You're a fucking sperg with facial agnosia and to you everyone looks the same, but in reality they don't.
That's you
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This you?
I love this one. Well done
A civilized nigger, making pointless content for the Jewish masters.

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