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File: O9ePbckze0kzqtu.webm (3.99 MB, 384x688)
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Girls Gotta Go. A random assortment of pee/desperation/wetting tiktoks, voyeur, security cams and more.
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Oh yeah and if you see a tiktok that's been muted, just have the peace of mind in knowing that the original audio is just some annoying negroid music.
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Wow thank you
Imagine the smell.
Awesome. Cute girls should be forced to always squat down in that position to pee. It should be the law
It's squirt
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carnaval in rio de janeiro, beautiful isn't it
nice! That is probably the best I have ever seen. It's so cute how they all are are flocking to that one corner and bunching up against each other :3
>he must be 6+ feet tall, make 6 figures, have a 6 pack!
>he must smell good! Some of y'all walking around smell like shit! >:(
>he has to know how to lead me properly so that I may deign to follow if I feel like it!

Also holes:
>.webm related

Why do we allow holes to have rights and to vote?
Can someone explain this to me?
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shut up bro
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Trash females are great for a laugh.
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He fuckin loved it
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I think this one where they're so close to actual toilets hits the hardest. Anybody has similiar content?
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Desperation is one of my main kinks, but sadly there doesn't seem to be that many fans of it here in these threads, so I don't get to post them very often.
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I feel you, female despair is good when caught in public like that. For me, this kink isn't even about the urine itself but it's more about the humiliation that follows wetting your pants outside.
And thank you for your contributions because I have none myself.
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Cute tranny.
I have one but she also shits, so I'm not sure if it's good for this thread.
What a nightmare. Imagine getting ticks all up in your coochie. Thank god I was born a man.
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hmmm no thanks
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>gorilla piss
I don't understand why they don't piss first.
Damn she had to pee sooo bad.. The torrent of piss coming out of her is wild
>no one reacting
Is this actually normal for weightlifting women?
These girls are too nice. Why give up your place in line when you're clearly about to piss your pants?
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>female despair is good when caught in public like that.
For me it's when they find a naughty spot to relieve themselves and avoid the wetting. Very rare sadly
Can you post it in the scat thread? I'm curious
Great thread OP, do you have any involving pissing in plantpots, flowers, phone booths or other kinky place? Also, does anyone here knows if this pic >>>/s/22064947 comes from a video or its backstory?
Jeelie beelie peet rat goomeye candaiii
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it seems most people are normal and will try ducking into an alley or behind some flora, but they will ruin some public transportation if they absolutely have to
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>it seems most people are normal
Well, I've seen a lot of pics of girls pissing in flowerpots/planters but sadly I can't find the same amount of videos. Apparently it's more common than what you may think, it's a convenient toilet-shaped receptacle easy findable in public and often ducked in some corner afterall. Same goes for phonebooths, basically public urinals for both sexes
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pissed herself
If your nights out aren’t ending like this, you aren’t partying hard enough.
He had a good day
I'm jealous. Her piss was steaming too.
Go to any concert.. you'll see tons of girls pissing in public.
can you faggot ass pedos post someone whose actually above the age of 40. tired of seeing these jailbait ass posts, you're an actually faggot that needs to be woodchipped if you jerking off to this
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Please aggressively and quickly end yourself, you miserable pile of shit. Jesus fucking Christ.
talk to one woman in your life instead of reading what /b/ thinks of them and you will see that you have been lied to. we are not so different. there is still hope for you, anon
bump, Allah willing
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Pathetic simpoids
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and westerners make fun of India…
Aren't you busy enough ruling France monsieur Macron?
>could have discreetly pissed in the sea
>chose to piss herself in front of everyone instead
What did she mean by this?
Im confused who is filming this because the camera is clearly moving.
>wearing all those expensive cloths
>To then piss right where your sitting and stew in the puddle.
There are so many mentally ill people running around.
It's not uncommon, so pro/semi-pro events like these people accept it as part of the game and don't freak out over it. You don't participate in limit-pushing sports without getting used to the fact that bodies sometimes do whatever they need to to cope with the stress being put on them. "Normal" is going a bit far.
why doesn't she just use the mens bathroom when its clearly not occupied..?
Imagine the smell of that street corner.

I would strip my clothes off and roll around in their puddles
That nose is really really long.
not staged. random camera dead center of pee location. you tarded?
when the lift so heavy you get downs syndrome
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Apparently (like in OP webm) women tend to pee in the same spot over and over. Something like a designated poo street for indians. That said, it wouldn't be that hard to place a camera between the bushes at the oktoberfest and just wait for it to happen. In particular for that video a german anon translated what they were saying about being on the edge ro piss themselves and how much good it felt for them to release, then switching to random answers to people out of frame
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Comes off as a slut trying to hide something. She was out there with a dude.
Could you imagine how jacked youd get if you drank some? Friggin super power pee pee.
I think lifting 500+ lbs stresses the body so hard it just comes out. Just imagine squatting like that and picking someyhing heavy up and you accidentally let a fart loose you werent even aware of.
Please see>>27910074
But yeah, i was curious about that aspect of this thread. Also i dont jerk off on 4channel btw
LMFAO did this mf just stick the camera under her cunt so she’d piss on it and then lick it?
Like a flock of birds
right girl has pretty smart position desu. you can't see anything.
what having censored porn does to a mf
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>why a thread made mostly of tik tok content and focused on hangover effects has young attractive girls instead of walled grannies?
I should've expected this level of cleverness from a stale uterus fetishist. Remember, the gene pool always wins
>no way I'm pissing in the bushes, I'm going to pollute this fresh water creek and catch pneumonia in the process instead
Women logic
Damn this ends too early, she was going to water those flowers
>piss on the floor to avoid contact
>places her face in the urinal instead
Women logic 2 electric bogaloo
>police lights flashing behind their makeshift toilet tree
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For me, it's the fact that they made sure to insert pads afterward that completes the whole thing. Why urinate in the sinks though? It looks like that place had toilets. Maybe all of the toilets were occupied. Who knows?
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Holy fuck this one gets me every time. The way they're trashing that place is absolutely naughty. I'd pin her on that elevator wall and smash that pee drenched pussy until she squirts piss everywhere again. All that while her friend stares in awe giggling by herself
Is she peeing her pants? I mean, she ducked in a somewhat hidden spot, why not pulling them down and piss freely at that point?
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Best to keep it out of this thread

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