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still looking for the source myself
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Ariana Aimes
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Thank you brother
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I'm at such a strange place when it comes to black women. On the one hand marriages between black women and white men are statistically the most successful hererosexual marriage pairing. They also have the more superior pussy biologically speaking. Tests have shown they generally have better defined vaginal muscles and their recovery time after sex and even birth is better than other races. HOWEVER, they're also statistically WAY WAY WAY more likely to have STDs and STIs than any other demographic and they're biologically the absolute LEAST intelligent human beings on the planet. Just goes to show how sick mother nature's sense of humor is.
>muh STD's
>muh IQ
Imagine actually believing any of this. You probably think the prostitutes you fuck actually like you too, retard.
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Just breed em and leave, homie
This is an exorcism
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Stats speak for themselves anon. I bet you're the center of attention at a party aren't ya little dude?

Also not the dude who you quoted just some oldfag that fuckin hates your stupid generation for being that braindead.
You know what I hate about black woman white male porn? They always enchant the cumshots with AI and high tech NASA grade cum rigs in order to make WHITE MEN think that BLACK PUSSY is superior to the WHITE CUNT.

A woman's cunt is biologically designed to accept a penis of a man from her own race. White cocks belong in white women's cunts and white men's asses (if you're a homosexual), and it's the same with black men's cocks and asses. They belong to other black men. WE NEED TO STOP SPREADING MISCEGENATION THROUGH RACE BAITING PORN AND ARTIFICIAL CUMSHOTS MAKING IT SEEM VIABLE AND DESIRABLE.
>On the one hand marriages between black women and white men are statistically the most successful hererosexual marriage pairing
Because they instinctively know they cannot do better and there is tons of evidence for it. That de not mean you will like it though
The good news is that the more intelligent ones are also much less likeley to have STDs. Just bag yourself a nice oreo girl and you're all set.
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worked with a black girl back in 2017 that asked for an oreo baby.
got to rawdog her for four months straight before I moved to another state.
Haven't heard from her since. Wonder if I did knock her up.
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Probable some Erkel nigger running around taking care of a very light skinned child
I'm sure I've seen her before but I can't remember her name. Something Rose?
So how did that happen? Were you dating before or did she just casually ask you to knock her up one day?
>and they're biologically the absolute LEAST intelligent human beings on the planet
Abos are way dumber
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Jokes on you im still a virgin.
stupid nigger wearing a KKK headband
You gotta keep in mind its black men keeping their IQ down. Men have a wider bell curve distribution than women which means we are smarter than them and more retarded than them at the same time as a group because women's bell curve distribution is heavily clustered around the average and below/above average. The problem with this is there are no smart black men so they just have a bunch of retards and their "smart" guys are 100 IQ. As a result black women actually tend to score a lot higher on IQ tests than black women while it's the opposite for white men and women.
Black women really aren't much less intelligent than a white woman on average.
It's true tho. They're dumb and most of them have an sti.
Find any evidence to the contrary.
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Yeah no, go talk to any black woman and you'll know better. And I'm talking about the heavily mixed and somewhat educated ones roaming the Americas.
Genuine african women bred and raised there are about as intelligent as a pile of bricks, not a joke.
Yes, no bad spirit can withstand good dicking.

>. On the one hand marriages between black women and white men are statistically the most successful hererosexual marriage pairing.
I feel like the reasoning for this is pretty obvious. White men are very high class, very desirable for most women in the world, at least among those willing to look outside their racial group. Black women on the other hand are the least desirable. If circumstances ever allowed this pairing to become married in the first place, those two people would be very committed to their choice. The woman was willing to outwardly date and has scored a high class, desirable man. The man has not only chosen to outwardly date but has even chosen to settle. The woman isn't giving up what she got, and the man has made peace with his decision, whatever it is that may have led him to it. Both of them have very little reason to rock the boat.
Who is she?
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It's pretty much just ghetto bitches that have the STD's. You have to find a good looking, in shape and well spoken black girl who is into you.
Good looking black women are the easiest to bleach.
What's it like to fuck a black woman compared to other races?
breed that niggress, white man
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look for massage rooms british ebony
actually it's Jasmine Webb apparently
I think their cunts taste better.
Had things with 2 ghetto black chicks and idk what to make of it. Good pussy and they can be sweet despite the stereotypes but they do really weird immature shit that’ll piss you off. Suburban ones can be way too preppy and act whiter than most white women
My brother in jungle fever. Although I do not know the exact source to those two posts:
because there are tons of videos of this particular lady. However, her name is of course none other than Zaawaadi, and anything you can find of her will be great. Have fun!
Victoria cakes
who is this damn
source PLEASE
Cringe af
Notice how these threads are wholesome love care and devotion while the BMWF is all hate, prejudice, degradation and humiliation?
Sauce please
That's sweet

Holy shit you are sheltered. Wait till you find out about the closeted homosexuality and incest in the black community.
The types you want to marry and lead to a succesful marriage dont have stds and low iq, anon, thats the whole point. You want an assimilated black bunny, not a hoodrat
Yeah because bmwf is mostly pushed by porn, and degradation is the whole point
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>Possession is actually sex tourism
REALLY whitewashed upper-middle-class ones (especially if they're half white) are top tier pieces of fuckmeat.
anni star but the bitch has been deleting whatever gets uploaded, bitch thinks that whoever doesn't find her shit online will subscribe to her inmediately.
this. if you're white, they're one of the races you can skim off the top and get what you want. Find a middle class mullata and stop worrying. As long as she's not a worthless gold digger and appreciates you, then you're gonna have a good time. In 100 years no one is going to remember your white bread ass swirling if you're worried about your kids being mixed.
If you breed a nigress, nuke your nuts first so you only have girls.
the difference is that the "bmwf" threads are posted by sissy cuckolds, mostly troonsgenders, who get off on the idea of themselves being a white woman being degraded and humiliated and used like a piece of meat.
Because in here, we all want to fuck these women. In those threads, it's largely cucks that want to watch their own women get fucked or get fucked by black dudes themselves.
dude found a way to make fucking a girls pussy sound gay af
>yea, show me what your sisters learned from your grandma, yea
>yea, show me how much bigger my dick is compared to your dad, yea
>yea, show me what your uncle taught you about sucking dicks, yea
Africans practice lots of incest. I general if pushed African women resort to offer pussy
>marriages between black women and white men are statistically the most successful hererosexual marriage pairing.
There's a WMBF couple in my town that sell candles. who've been together for 20 years. very sweet people.
Need sauce on this badly
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me getting ready to select my next brood mare
Name of video?
Retards who don't go outside don't realize that you can assess individuals without just assuming thet they reflect some generalized average. Doubt you're at risk bud.
>You just have to outdo the spirit in question
Who is this girl? And whats the name of the video?
This board would be so much better with the ‘lunchtime rowdies’ like you banned, we could actually have a board without twenty black male/non-black female threads and could also have threads not spammed with shitlog dicks. Kill yourself.

Jmac and Skyla Sun
Where is this from?
Need source
Gonna need sauce on that vid bro
>>27904698 >>27911876 >>27912388 >>27912954
>Cute Tight Ebony Teen Skyla Sun Gets Fucked and Folded by J Mac
Just more info.
Such a shame that Zaawaadi is getting fat. Fucking current day politics/culture
She's just getting old.

this is what I did, the best part is you can easily get a 9/10 black or mixed girl as a 6/10 autistic white guy
Something Dior
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Imagine being so Charmin soft that you’re in the midst of a WMBF 4chan tsunami, and you’re still bitching over racial pairings that don’t involve men of your race, even with other races you don’t even like or care for. Does black men’s existence make you that insecure?
> no plap plap plap
I married a black woman. She isn't 100%, but both parents are between 50 and 75% black. She has been the best wife ever. I wake up daily to bacon and eggs and eat them before we have sex at the start of the day. Even if it is just a quickie, she demands sexual contact daily so she feels emotionally secure. She has her Masters degree and has a good job. She is loving and considerate. My friends are jealous of how good I have it. I was her first boyfriend and we have known each other since we were neighbors at 11. We are 34 now. Married 13 years.
Get her while she is young and hasn't had time to complete the STD Pokedex.
They put more active effort into using your dick to make themselves cum. That's the best part.
Love how much of a whiteman’s whore Victoria Cakes is. Perfect black Barbie bimbo.
Her lips look like it makes perfect seal
What's it like wasting all of this effort only to still get ignored?
Love her vids and her head-game is on fleek.
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quality thread. posting the greatest woman to ever grace this board

whoever has the source will be blessed with 10,000 years good luck
Name please? There's nothing hotter than flagrant raceplay.
I need this.
This is a fake dick, anon, but as for the sauce, it's been sauceless since the day it was first posted 6-7 years ago
It's allegedly a tumblr user that went by "dirtylittledolly" not to be missed with a plebbit user that went with the same name
All nuked though and her online presence is nothing outside some server-side caching.
>Beauty Dior, Michael Stefano
probably because everyone on here is white so it's easier to self insert

most of these interracial threads are started for the purpose of some mini race war (which is hilarious again once you consider that this website is at least 80% white)
>they're biologically the absolute LEAST intelligent human beings on the planet.
Well no, technically Australian aboriginals are, but then who's really counting since they're not far behind, I guess.
Top kek
Except, y'know, the incontrovertible fact that Cleopatra was descended from Macedonians and Greeks, i.e. not black.

No hate though. I'm just an average middle aged white guy married to an afro-latina.
found it

S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S + Jeans

^first and last name + search keyword

Does anyone know??
Not really feeling that explanation. If the average of nigs is 85 iq the women will hover around that. As they have even less geniuses than the Black men group. Result is still most often a near retarded specimen compared to most other haplogroups.
It's unironically primarily nutrition and upbringing, not genetics. Genetics give you a potential, like with height, but environmental factors do most of the heavy lifting as certain genes are expressed or not. A controversial take on 4chan, I know. Problem is, Africa on the whole and the black community in America have some of the worst nutrition and least education oriented cultures in the world right now. Look at Thomas Sowell. That man was raised well, well-fes, well-educated, and he's frankly smarter than most living academics. It's not race, it's everything else, but the everything else falls along racial lines right now.
Look at that dudes face throughout the whole clip, that guy is in heaven.
gonna need sauce on that
man that scene is fucking gold, holy shit. they were really into each other and it made it even hotter
My man is laying it down
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What's the difference between the two?
Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971

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