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Apparently Russians are already in Ugledar.
Only 500km to go.
Do you think Ukrainians will reach Moscow before Russians reach Kiev?

I'm a bit scared
To go to what?
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Oh you silly piggers, always living in some fantasy :)
Fact of the matter is, the whole Kursk invasion laid bare the extreme manpower shortage the Okrainian army is dealing with. Since the Russians are advancing anywhere they apply pressure in the East, it goes to show that there are no major reserves left to commit. Even the Kursk incursion isn't looking too good despite the cannibalizing of the Eastern front for units to send.
it's part of the 3 days operation's plan to lose an entire region of the country during the 900th days of the mission?
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All the reddit maymays in the world won't be able to stop Russia from doing what it set out to do. The only difference now is the cost will be a lot higher than it would have been at the start.
does anybody have that one video of the guys standing around with guns and then a truck blazes past and there's a big shootout?
I'll describe the video:
there's a bunch of dudes with guns in an arid environment, maybe Africa or Australia or something, and they're on a road looking at something and there's a car nearby
I think I remember one guy with a gun that was wearing like business casual with a white shirt with vertical lines who had long and maybe curly hair
they're on a road looking at something and like to the right of the road is flat land with sand and maybe some shrubs and to the left of the road is some bushes?
but anyways the truck comes from behind the camera man I'm pretty sure and something happens and I think there's gunshots but the truck barrels into view and then off the road into the sand and there's more gunshots and that's all I can really remember other than the camera being shaky
it's an older video pretty much a classic at this point, the truck was a white Toyota like and I think it had a brown stripe or something like hadjis use
if anybody knows please post it or link it and if there's a news article about it please post that too I've been looking for it for a really long time

You mean this? Is it a meme to ask for this every time?
I mean it's a fucking awesome video
thanks though
fuck you get your own board. freak content.
nice propaganda, but won't change fact that russia has suffered over half a million casualties already
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No problem.
Just that every time somebody asks for this exact video, and I just assume shenanigans because it's 4chan after all.
>real videos proving that Russia is winning is "propaganda"
>false claims of a half million Russian casualties without evidence is a "fact"
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I can post random videos of Russians getting killed and Russian vehicles exploding too and claim it means Russia is losing.
With the one difference being you keep posting the same vids over and over and over and over and over...
Literal projection.
>Literal projection.
Not really when you consider the spammer that has been ruining these threads for the past year or so with ancient crap videos. You are either new if you're unaware of that or disingenuous otherwise. Either way, I'm not accusing you of being them, but the one video you did post has a time stamp on it from back in May so that's not exactly new content either. Still, not as bad as the 2 year old slop that we've been dealing with thousands of times and its all in the archives if you don't believe me.
lmao,love these guys but why the rail covers by the scope. Guess they look cool.
not enough video of these guys either.

In the same thread, lol
Wake up in the morning to the smell of russian corpses

Is this what your attempts at trolling have come down to? Where's Lilly the thread killer? Did he suicide now that the Russians are advancing too fast for his liking?
does anyone have those videos of animals eating corpses on the battlefield?
no idea what yall arguing about but I know this video had sound at one point can you find the one with sound please I bet it is 1000x better and cooler to watch it with sounds thanks haha thanks
It's linked to the other thread where there is one with sound.
Apparently Ugledar is today in an operational encirclement and some reports say Russians have entered the Western part. Along with the entrance from the East yesterday.
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Here's an oldie but goldie.
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And a more recent one.
On the topic of Swedish vehicles...
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The second pigger prong into Kursk isn't looking so hot.
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Nice filter evasion, you fat greasy faggot.
Remember kids: Russia doesn't have air superiority.
>Remember kids: Russia doesn't have air superiority.
Too bad we never see the aftermath of these strikes, but then again there probably isn't much left to see... just tiny giblets of meat scattered around at best. And then wild animals come and gobble that up so that there isn't even that much by the next day.

This is really something to think about because so many of the Ukrainian videos focus around one lone soldier suffering an agonizing death and then it gets spammed a thousand times and they think this proves Ukraine is winning. But its just one soldier. Meanwhile, these FABs and so on are smoking hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers at a time with each bomb. Russians never show the aftermath of this in terms of the dead bodies, but as I said maybe there isn't anything left to show anyway... they're just completely gone. This is convenient for Zelensky's government who won't have to pay the families since these soldiers can just be written off as "MIA" since there is no body or trace of them left. There are hundreds of thousands of AFU soldiers who are listed as MIA. Where did they go? The answer is these FAB strikes atomized them.
Hundreds at a time is a bit of a stretch, unless they manage to get a building in the far rear or something. But yes, many of these MIA are unidentified dead, they get lost in the chaos of war and then it takes decades to finish their cases. They're still digging up remains of WW2 casualties up to this day.
There was a segment on DW on the topic with some interesting comments by the forensics people, like getting a box containing 6 people.
> PMC foward? A clothing company?
>They're still digging up remains of WW2 casualties up to this day.
I don't have it as a video I can post here, but I remember that when that dam blew (maybe the Russians blew it, or maybe Ukrainians, or maybe it just gave out on its own I don't know) last year and the reservoir was emptied, there was the remains of a German soldier from WW2 found at the bottom. So that is an example of that.

I imagine from this war there will also be remains still being uncovered decades from now. Ukraine is being depopulated and a lot of these villages are becoming ghost towns and being abandoned. The wilderness is taking over a lot of these places. Its going to probably be a long time before these places get cleared and rebuilt. So any soldiers that died there and got covered in rubble and have wilderness grow over them is going to be lost there for a long time indeed.
I fucking love this shit
The BRDM? I love it too.
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I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before, BUT, it always bears repeating.
Since the beginning of time war has always been a dysgenic process where the brave go and die. This sentiment has been attested multiple times throughout specifically during the medieval times. Example
> 1139 Pope Innocent II again forbade the use of the crossbow, and the bow as well
The mechanizing of war has always been seen as a disgusting unhuman way of fighting. A coward shooting a crossbow at a brave man, whom he is unwilling to square up against and duel. We have came a long way since this... we know have chemical warfare, guns, explosives, tanks, drones. etc. at our fingertips.
The cowboy duels in the midwest shows a merging of mechanized combat and values... a modern knight dueling with advanced weaponry allowing some form of romantic chivalry to exist despite the use of modern weapons.
Basically, all of this is just for me to say...die for a real reason. Don't be manipulated by your government to enlist in a pointless war while nerds chase you with drones. No matter how cool, how much music, movies, celebrities, propaganda (this thread) they produce.

Die on your own terms. Not jewish wars.
Rofl what are you even talking about
You didnt answer the question FUCKING SLAVE
Disingenuous questions don't deserve an answer.
are you winning, ukkies?
Obviously things didn't go according to plan. And? Russia adapted and faced reality, while Okraina keeps lying to itself.
Any showing POWs?
I'll dump some that I have.
There's always plenty. But to me those are by far the least interesting. Here's a recent one from Vyhilidyr.
Around Siyivirsk.
Watch Diary of a Chambermaid on Tubi: https://link.tubi.tv/0IGMQwXfcNb tslive.com/
"Russian hero squad" hahahahahahahaha
They really are pigs, aren't they? Leaving that mess behind for others to have to clean up.
>>27935502 https://youtu.be/rdm8VHPZwYI?si=alWiIjZz4_lAvEmE
Yep. There's a reason they were considered backwards yokels in the USSR.
>thinks this
The Ukrainians are operating off foreign aid and unwilling concripts while the Russians are increasing their levels of production, ignoring this is pure /k/ope.
Won't change the fact Ukraine has suffered over 750,000 casualties.
Does anyone have the classic Isis beheading videos with their theme song playing?
This would get you banned on /k/.
This documentary was pulled from the Toronto Film Festival because it caused too much rectal bleeding.
Getting Kursk invaded was part of the 3-day special operation, yup
But yea all these US, French, British and German armored divisions sure are tough to destroy, surely the 400 russian armored brigades will crush them at Kursk
So much yapping about nothing from you piggers.
Why would it be pulled from Toronto, of all places? The trailer presents a film that doesn't appear to be sympathetic to the official narrative coming out of Moscow. You'd think the Canadians would want to show it since they are so openly supporting Ukraine.
Oh you Silly Billy. You know you can't show Russians to be human beings with nuanced individual opinions! They're all orks with a one-track mind!

They also pulled it from the Zurich Film Festival by the way.

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