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Bye nana
What the hell was she trying to do
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She's a witch, she tries to appease gods in order they stop the landslide.

But her mana bar was too low.
Did she died

She gave herself brain damage and died like days later if I'm remembering right. Some German girl
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>She gave herself brain damage and died like days later if I'm remembering right. Some German girl
She was a Russian tourist and died instantly. Her head got decapitated. This happened in the Dominican Republic or some Caribbean country like that.
If my neighbors did this I would exterminate any survivors to prevent any future reoccurrences
Died she did
Russian, but not decapitated. Severe head trauma
can you imagine hitting the water from that high up
>"dukes of wuhan"
>not "gooks of hazard"

That's some reddit tier naming.
High up?
They leaked pictures of her dead afterwards. Her head was still attached.
can we imagine hitting the water from the height of a diving board you mean?

Just for you anon, I saved it and used that name
hitting concrete at that height is like hitting water
As I said, not decapitated
It's like hitting concrete from that height
How did that even happen?
Why wasn't the paint yellow?
Did she live?
This is the history of white people dealing with other races.
Something out of sketch comedy.
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But "Gooks of Hazard" would be Koreans in the deep south doing shenanigans, the filename it has is actually decent. Also you're not unique as it was previously named that most of the time it's posted, and people who invoke outside sites are migrants who need to go back to them.
Is that wing even an airfoil?
That whole clip is fantastic.
Falling from that height is like hitting water
There is no fucking way he survived that shit.
Damn, her head lost its head?
to be continued
/*roundabout starts playing*/
pretty sure they exterminate themselves by pulling this shit
and that's how she learned she was an earth bender
Clearly they need better ramp engineers.
it depends on how your enter the water.
Professional high divers jump from even greater heights with no problems
everybody's so creative
White Man's Burden
at least he wasn't some bleeding heart retard who tried to save her and got himself killed for it
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the women had a stroke iirc
Legit had sick in my mouth
Looney Tunes was a documentary.
Why don’t they steal a plane and reverse engineer it?
Hamas paragliders are evolving
I burst out laughing
Libtards are dumber than any other sub-culture in history.
you are a retard if you think this is a "darwin award" video. The whole concept of darwin award is that people do stupid shit. Now I don't know exactly what is going on in that video, but I am 99,999999999% sure that the person in that car passed out, had a stroke, heart attack, or some other medical emergency. If you actually think this person just did this for fun, you are literally retarded.
Getting in a car when you are about to have a stroke is pretty fucking dumb. So it still fits the idea.
how are you supposed to predict a stroke? they could have been in the car for hours, retard.
Almost half of these are not Darwin Awards, this thread was made by retards.

Do you think strokes are scheduled and send you a reminder 15 minutes ahead? You dumb fucking knuckle-dragging, mouthbreathing conservative subhuman. You belong in a gulag.
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What a retard, why would you jump out? The water is directly below him. Stupid nigger.
Be asian bug subhuman with no spatial awareness, get into vehicle, drive vehicle.
He won’t be missed.
It's an asian, it was on it's phone or something.
Does this shit really count as a Darwin? Thought it had to be unintentional
Why would you get into a car for hours if you're about to have a stroke, that's fucking retarded.
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The guy got sepsis from this.
STFU. Kek.
retards and fireworks, name a better combination
Jeez, i had a similar fall without a helmet but my head hit my arm first. I guess i am lucky to be alive.
weed vs tobacco
*motions to slow down* Proceeds to drive head first into oncoming traffic
good right under the fuel tank
this broke her neck %100 look at her arms & legs
a step in the right direction i say. usually their contraptions fall apart on the runway
Noice, he did a flip
>faggot russians
color me surprised
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Did the faggot mods take my post down?
Pools closed due to AIDS.
tank u come again
He was dead either way because from that height the water is like concrete
What a fucking retard
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my grandpa was right to hate motorcyclists.
Dam his steroid dealer is sad he just lost his walking atm boy. Faggots ego lifting full of juice laughable
water from that height is like concrete, but concrete from that height is like lava
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Drowning is a great way to go once you've gasped in lungs full of water you stop panicking and start to slowing drift away because water is oxygenated you don't just passout its a slowed down distortion of time taking what feels like minutes when only seconds pass. I've drowned before and been revived. Was a heck of an experience
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He was a biased one sided bitch that seems like never experienced one thus having only a faggots perspective from the outside because once you learn to ride and you master how to ride and you ride to be free and when your free your ride then you get the full picture of motorcycles then it's only people you hate not the machine, faggot
fuckin hilarious
His spotter got this dude killed, has no idea what he's doing. You don't try to grab the fucking bar, you grab the guy who's squatting around his chest so you can both lift it. If he had no spotter at all he could've even dumped it behind him. Both idiots who had no business playing with that kind of weight
Still makin dem gang signs mayn thats dedication
Wearing speedos like that is like hitting concrete while wearing girls panties
the lengths perverts go to
best thing to do in that situation is to float on your back - legs and arms wide apart
And then what?
Ride on
Why do people insist on not using a rack with safeties for this kind of shit?
I know someone that drowned and they said it sucked and was terrifying and now they can't even wash their face in the shower.
wait for rescue
Swim out. "Quicksand" is just a layer of mud/sand over water, and to get out you spread your weight as much as possible while swimming out.
When no more vodka
fucking lol

>weed smoker has severely lowered motor functions and thus falls and dies.
Is smoking really worth frying your brain and dying over?
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Can't tell if nignog or pajeet
she was hot, rip in peace
Russian, this occurred slightly before or after her wedding.
The file name is retarded. Those are clearly not white or black people, and that's clearly South America.
Lurk moar faggot
That's from the movie Hardcore Henry, retard.
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Your mom, my dick
stupid messicans!
Another shitlib gets a dose of reality.
Suicides don't count as a Darwin. That's when you do something stupid that you think you're going to live through.
Go die in traffic while trying to lane split you piss baby
Nothing but POV bad motion sickness
Bad action movie and vulgar extravaganza
Ineffectual plot
Too faithful to the storytelling of bad video games kek
The point was that it's from a movie, not that the movie was good.
People with drawings on their face should not be allowed outdoors.
Got any more? I would love to solve the mystery of what happens next.
Falling from that water is like hitting height
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It would have been funnier if it was not from a bad movie tbqh
yeah its the same as those zigger ukraine webms
This without sound is not even worth posting nigga...
Those guys make interesting corpses once they're dead and their brown skin is rotting out and they're bloated
I wonder how much vodka was involved
And after this, the woman (coincidentally jewish) started simping for nigs.
It's crazy how quickly this got memory holed too.
Here's source before libniggers start crying "nooo that's misinformation":
Literally no one cares or is arguing with you, you schizo retard.
Look at the little newfag too scared to say nigger because he doesn't know how to use a VPN.
I'll uncover every memory hole given the chance. Not sure why that got you so upset though.
>He cant feel when he's about to have a stroke
And you call me dumb
You're placing effort towards something that isn't important to anyone who isn't schizophrenic, yet you think its important. Literally no one cares. Hence me calling you a schizo. Take your meds retard.
They heard "reverse engineering" and thought it meant "no engineering"
Post the right shit or don't post it at all you stupid subhuman motherfucking NIGGER. Happy now, you dumb fucking faggot? God fucking damn, I swear, if I could kill you and get away with it, I would do so without a second fucking thought. I spit on you and your mother's face motherfucking triple omega nigger .l.
audio is clearly fake
>Getting this triggered
Underage newfag confirmed.
if the white man believed her instead of disbelieving, she would have had enough power to stop the earth. This is typical of yt pipo, as usual they denigrate other cultures and lower their life force. he's the reason she died, and perfect example of white colonizers sticking their noses in other cultures business and ruining everything
When they are not in war they are making shit like this lolllll
I once went up a half pipe style ramp on a snowboard, fell on my back 15ft down smashed my head on the ice. Helmet saved my life.
Helmet is a blessing and a needing, but some times you be good falling without them and sometimes look like you easy die without them, I think this is a question of resistance, but the better way is use them
lol none of these have anything to do with the vax. young teen canadian hockey players died on the ice more regularly before covid than after. and for a lot of these in the video, they didn't even get approval of the vax for kids yet, so this video is just the usual conspiracy bs.
and yet when you find yourself in quicksand, you will owe this anon your life you ungrateful bitch.
Only a liberal would say this isn't important, because they don't like certain stories being brought to light. Which is why you don't see crimes by POC on the news anymore.
It's a try to misinformation make by a racial militant tranny to give them a "receive that your racist" sentiment, probably the girls says something to a cartel and cartel kill her
>store bought 4x4
>store bought powered parachute
is that even africa?
Play stupid games....
lol is this real?
Instant brain damage posture.
Man is fucked for life if he isn't dead
>Samfaging this hard because you got overly triggered then called out for it
Sad. Take your meds
Please tell me that's a real person. Something feels off but those facial expressions are awesome
People who treat kids like this aught to be publicly beaten and humiliated.
I don't have any of the videos but there's numerous videos/angles of people falling from great heights as the plane is taking off. This was from when America was leaving Afghanistan iirc if you wanted to look them up. It's sad because a lot of these people were attempting to flee the country which had been somewhat democratized/westernized when the Taliban were taking control of the country.

I may be wrong because I hardly pay attention but that's what I seem to recall
Shame she goto turbo fat and does awful content on OF now had she stayed skinny she could have made a killing and been doing she with Belle Delphine or something.
New faggot
What's her name? I just want more of those facial expressions, don't really care if she's fat. Someone with a lot of control over their micro expressions is always impressive
so weird to see a weight i squatted as. a 17 year old natural killing a roided mid twenty + something competitive bodybuilder. genetics are crazy
Dude was being sarcastic. There's no mystery to solve here. The only people who don't know what happens when you hang off a jet like it's a passenger train in New Delhi are the people who are stupid enough to hang off a jet like it's a passenger train in New Delhi.
Cope more vax cattle. No refunds
Guy thought his faggy little hand movement would save him, what a piece of shit
Helmets aren't very protective if you land directly on your head. But they work great when you land on your body or arms and then smack your head on the ground, which is most accidents.
I can't believe I laughed at a man dying
He might not be completely dead, just brain-dead.
That's what made it funny. I imagined the sounf of the hammer hitting his head like a little hollow coconut plonk. And then it was funny about how stupid the entire scenario was.
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>clear road
>clear road
>clear road
>oncoming traffic
>NOW I will do the thing.
I understand the apprehension with which american police approaches potentially dangerous situations, but does that mean every situation with rowdy people should be instantly met with - maybe not excessive, but clear and intentional aggression on the part of the cops? You never get the full story even with news coverage, so maybe they already knew from dispatch that this woman was throwing punches at people, but was it the case? I can't ever be on the side of the cops because I've seen them beating on people without care, just because they can get away with it, even punishment for them is mostly just vacations rarely do they go without pay, even when the violence wasn't justified.
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10% survival rate. I can guarantee you that guy is dead. That was strong enough to damage his brain stem from the front, unless Rajesh has a neuroscience degree.
Lmao wtf happened there? Electrified by the fan? Guys face was bulging and the worker just ignored him kek.
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Is that shit on his back or bruising from the fall?
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you can see it chop his arm clean off
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two more weeks schizo
my sides

Yes lol that's why the filename. Worker dngaf
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My older brother taught me to drive and I'll never forget what he told me "no one wants to crash into you, obviously, but you should drive like they do."
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ego, nothing else. there's like 4 people behind him and instead of having some safety setup, safety straps, gear, resistance bands, or even like having guys on each side and 1 guy behind him so they can lift it between 2 people and have one dude pull him out, the bare minimum.
It's crazy that the people with her were like
>yeah, gonna post this to the internet
It's not surprising given that this scenario is happening at all, kind of informs the kinds of people who would be in the car, but wtf. The probably posted it to snapchat before they even called an ambulance.
the guy was an active campaigner for libshit like migrants rights. it should be sad but its hard to empathize with someone who was begging for this to happen to him.
>I'm here!
>Kill me, I'm here!
>Come oooon! Do it!
>Do it now!
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It's even funnier because the truck broke a bunch of laws and the only one who suffered was the cyclist. Who the fuck thinks to do this?
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>gets motion sickness from screens
it's ok pajeet, we can't all win the genetic lottery
>Is that shit on his back or bruising from the fall?
Bruising, but that's an understatement. When you hit water at a great speed you smack into something called surface tension. That's where that saying "like hitting concrete" comes from. Its become a meme, but its also true. Water is normally considered very soft, but that surface tension (which allows bugs to walk on it and so on) is no joke. It can literally break bones, rupture internal organs, and kill people.

Bruising is a way to put it, but its actually massive internal bleeding. He may not have died instantly when he smacked into that water, but once he went under he was never coming back up again.

That's why diving into water from a gazillion feet up is a dangerous thing. A skilled diver might have pulled it off and survived, but as you can see his form was bad and he landed on his torso. Instead of like feet first or something like it should be.
Nothing quite like a good old-fashioned weiner roast.
How much would it cost for me to have a bunch of jolly black men dance my coffin to the grave?
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Black Lives Splatter
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that same year a truck driver stopped and they pulled him out, stomped his head and killed him. I can't find him but the video is from heli surveillance I think, bc you can see the guy from above and hes lying next to his truck dead, if you try to look it up you'll only get news from the truck that drove into a bunch of protesters in minnesota https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTu7Q6N3yBk
Did we ever get a story on how the fuck this happened?
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I know about the surface tension but I'd never seen someone "bruised" like that, but I wasn't sure if it was just actual shit from the chink river lol. I wonder if the hit knocked him out or left him so hurt he couldn't even swim. A shame this future engineer doctor neuroscientist met this unfortunate fate.

How did bro even get there? Also the woman is speaking portuguese not spanish, the flag right there is argentinian so idk why the filename says mexican. If you're going to be racist at least don't bring shame on your race by showing your low iq.
I'm flashing back to that video where the ostrich breaks its own neck
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Yes, basically the ride was modified to allow fatasses to ride, the employees weren't trained on weight limits they are told to push down the restraints until they click and light goes green, however this nigga was so fucking fat (14yo) that the safety harness could not do its intended job and malfunctioned when the pressure became too great to handle at the modified setting. The park and the maker settled with the family outside of court bc I think the DA couldn't name a single responsible individual.
They will be haunted by that face for the rest of their lives
Yep, the ride shouldn't start with a latch open but the microswitch could be pressed enough it detected locked without the bar locking.
It was a known problem that management ignored and they tried to blame the operator in court.
Is he ok?
the one thing you dont rep until muscle failure is fucking bench press. pushups, squats, dumbbells but not a fucking benchpress.
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You can see that the kid's harness wasn't down all the way and there was a huge gap that he slipped under. He was too big for the ride.
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every other ride at the same park turned the kid around because he was too fat, the maker (Slingshot) accepted responsibility and said it was possible that the sensor misalignment could have been from QC testing prior to being shipped out.
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Based he got one
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I don't think it's the same guy. Look at the pants.
What was the thinking here?
I was about to say, no fucking way can people seriously take this as the actual audio
Pretty intense filename bro
A free ride to America
>His smile and optimism
"man" is doing a of heavy lifting here. They're poojeets.
Because to the nigger
>Metal is metal
>Wings look like wings
>An engine is an engine
>Props are fans
>Tight is tight
None of the specifics matter. What type of metal? Metal. What shape of Wing? Shape it like a wing. What engine should it use? An engine. What profile prop should we use? One shaped like a fan. What do I torque the bolts to? Tight.

None of it matters. None of it makes sense. Make it look like a plane, and it will work like a plane! It's genuinely the same process of thought as orks from 40k, except that niggers can't make a scrap pile with a moped engine fly just by believing it.
wtf is that some sort of albino monkey with dead soulless eyes?
Lmao. Fucking browns.
Got the soul smacked back into him.
it has nothing to do with surface tension you complete fucking retards. Hitting any liquid at extreme height is going to kill you, you double digit iq faggots. You shouldnt be posting when you are literally too stupid to pass highschool physics
If you're gonna troll in English you should try and learn it first. Nice try Vlad.
Ironically if the person posting it who thought it was real dies, chances are they'd qualify for the Darwin awards
How do you know they are russians? Are you a russian yourself? Does it mean you are also a fag?
never date libtard women guys
I don't have the energy, can someone else post the link that clearly shows she didn't die and is in fact fine now? so sick of seeing this her reposted everywhere
Waste of a nice piece of ass but that’s what she got for being an attention whore.
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wdym? water gets nervous and tenses up. are you retarded?
waste of good cunny
He was based. You can instantly know that someone on a bike will be a faggot like this >>27939726
>hurr I'm freeeeee
He's right though. Bikers can be a pain in the ass when you're driving a car but wanting them to die is just jealousy. Just stop being a bitch and try to ride one it's fun.
Yes you're more free on a bike than in a car the same way that you're more free in your car than in a bus the same way than you're more free in a plane than on a bike.
>dangling off the edge
Last plane away from Taliban ruled Afghanistan. They thought it was like hopping a jeet train.
>ZOMG, a nigger actually complied with the police!
I'm pretty sure that was a fragment of his skull
>brown people
They stopped doing that a long time ago. They're happier that way, I think.
Look at the little faggot too scared to say nigger without using a VPN.
they deserve credit for trying
Wow. You impressed everyone on the internet with that obvious lie.
>It's true
Post physique
Muslims are such great thinkers
here you go libshit
Boost faggot.
LMAO Black frontal Lobes Matter
Unless there's a nigger nearby. (he WILL try to drown you)
These faggots are in every fucking thread. Seen one video on brain damage and spew the same fucking copypasta on every post preyending they are neurosurgeons.
His disappointment is immeasurable and his day is ruined.
lel good one
what in the FUCK
Are you dumb? These aren't innocent people. These are the cunts who sold their country to muhrican invaders. Traitors like that deserve everything that comes their way
I've sold my country and worked traitorously with invading murican soldiers. Now with them not around to protect my weasel ass, I'll be punished as traitor. So let me hop on to this plane
Typical subhuman republican comment. And you wonder why women don't talk to you.
Vax rolled out in '21 you illiterate nigger
Biden took it in 2020
Gaslight harder tranny faggot.
same time that all those kids started dying suddenly.
that's a good projection. yours must be too busy fucking niggers.
Covid Q boomers are so retarded
"Stop...drop...shut em down open up shop..whoaa...nooaa...thems a nig riders whoaa"
He made it
Professional divers have water that is sprayed into the landing zone to disrupt surface tension also
People dont look for bikes going 2-3x the speed limit lol.

People also dont look long enough to judge speed. They give quick glances at yields and stops and assume people are going around the speed limit.
Falling from that water is like hitting height
Could have just put the safety arms on. This exact situation is what they are made for. Also learn to squat by yourself so that you can drop the weight behind you.
Buddy look at that guy. Theres no way hes repping that LOL
WTF where is this from?
Never collar your weights without a spot. Nothing was lost here.
I can see the Brain Damage was done before taking the video.
every other developed country's police force are taught to deescalate the situation and use the least amount of force neccessary, but american police have been captured by an ideology that believes the best course of action is to overwhelm the suspect by escalating to the extreme as soon as possible. all the leadership knows that this is statistically the worst way to handle situations but they believe the police force isnt there to help the citizens its there to dominate them and put them in line at any cost.

basically usa police force is run by ego tripping morons who are free and encourage each other to play out their power fantasies. other countries dont have these problems because they have legistlated and educated them away over hundreds of years
I love these edits
Died with his ear buds in. Wonder what was playing while he kicked the bucket, would extra suck if a song he didn't like was playing while he died.
Wtf was he even doing? Lighting a firework?
She looks 25 at least
>is a retard
>is a faggot
>is a retarded faggot
We'll see you in one of these threads in the future.
benny hill music is needed
delightful to see niggers dying
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>other nations police forces
Are either completely ineffective (most of Europe) or are ultra brutal totalitarian enforcers (China/Russia/Iran) the police in the US have to deal with feral niggers, entitled retards who really should get their heads cracked open, and all the while corrupt leftists sabotage them.
He didn't look over this shoulder before and after signalling, moving, or doing anything else. Also don't ride on that road. Fucking idiot
No-one died.
the most exciting part of spic migration has been watching their dumb, 85 IQ fingers try to do American traditions.
Hey newfag, cunny specifically refers to little girls.
I don't get this webm, one guy does a slap, then the other one does a targeted strike on the ear that will knock out anyone. Are they too retarded to set rules or too retarded to understand?
NEVER go near blacks in ANY watery situation.
it's accurate and honest you fucking zoomer
>jUsT sHoOt tHeM iN tHE lEG
That was the femoral artery and he died.
Sorry I hurt your feelings anon. It's not the end of the world though, you don't need to kill yourself.
Lol, that made you pretty mad huh?
She has fake tits, i'm glad she died.
.The last airstrike on Afghanistan was an Afghani striking the ground. How poetic.
both are gay and that is the approved mating ritual in russia. After 20 minutes the burly gay was fucking the gay elf's brains out, what had not flown out his ears anyway.
>but american police have been captured by an ideology that believes the best course of action is to overwhelm the suspect by escalating to the extreme as soon as possible

The planes have bay doors for the landing gear that you can stand on when the gear is down. People thought they could jump on and ride on the landing gear doors. They fell off when the doors closed.
Lmao I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

Sure, I think I wont sleep well this night, especially since I dont have a vpn so surely the FBI will probably arrest me.
Thx I understand how this guy >>27941636 got stuck, he must have tried to enter the hatch during the few seconds it was open
>I think I wont sleep well this night,
Ah, esl. I think you're confused, retarded, drunk, or some combination of those.
Take it easy lil bro
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I don't think she's eligible for a Darwin award on account of the fact that she had children.
Afghan traitors who sided with USraelites to be more precise

This is beyond art
Love me some dead niggers
I don't think it's legit.. when he jumps off the bridge, he's wearing a black speedo and has no shoes or socks on.
In the second clip he's wearing black shorts and looks to have black socks or shoes on as well.
Died from having a huge ego
Retards not falling with their arms. A broken arm is always gonna be better than becoming a vegetable or dying.
Literally can't make that shit up. Lol
I bet da white man did this!
at least he did a flip
obviously not
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Didn't think about it before, but yes.
>Retards not falling with their arms. A broken arm is always gonna be better than becoming a vegetable or dying.
You're right. No broken bone is fun, but if a bone must break its better to be anything else other than your skull or spine.
"boom!" he added his own sound effects to his strikes.
she didn't die. in fact she was totally fine.
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lol, you're a literal weak-ass onions boy liberal fag who can't stand the thought that two people might be disagreeing with his stance on reporting minority crimes. You're a weak idiot. Here's the proof.
My parents always taught me not to pick fights i cannot realistically win. Who in the absolute fuck would try to take this thing on barehanded lmao. He deserves his fate.

Don't care if you're 7'2 at 400 pounds or a fuckin snow camel, there's no fair fight about it. I'm either shooting you with a gun or we're simply not fighting.
those are the rules of slap contests:

1º the starter is selected by coin flip
2º you have right to slap, you cannot separate feet from ground
3º the receiver cannot flinch and cannot move, if he does, its a penalty and will receive another slap
4º the first one that dies loses, pizes usually goes from 10$ to 1000$ in the USA POWER SLAP LEAGUE
5º if you jaw is broken, if you die, if you receive brain damage... at least think that someone far far away from the scene, get rich from your misery
an airplane usually travels at 800Kh/s, it's literally impossible to survive the flight even if you are seated with a 5 point seatbelt, if not for the airspeed alone, the lack of pressure at such altitudes will

but, ofc, we are trying to describe airplanes to muslims that live in literal 2.500BC, ofc they will jump inside the engine and feel proud of themselves
Imagine being this triggered by something you read on 4chan. Under 18 confirmed.
You are too generous. People don't care, they just assume nothing bad will happen to them, I've been crashed into about 5 times in the past 6 months and every single time except for 1 it was their fault, arguably the one time it was my fault it was kind of the other guy's fault because he saw me trying to fit my mom's huge truck into a tiny lane and he pushed his car all the way until he touched my rear bumper and I backed into him, every single other time they just sped directly into my spare tire. 4 fucking times. And every time it was "I thought you were going faster" "I didn't think you were stopped" "I thought you were gonna keep going". Car crashes happen 90% bc user error bc drivers are retarded niggers.

>t. Social Security Institute intern of 8 months
when I see someone wheeled in like this live I'll let you know bro
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I don't disagree but I also have to contend with the fact that there aren't other countries like the U.S., simply by bringing up black crime stats you can tell inner city crime cannot be dealt with the same way you deal with rural small town crime. I've also seen the video of the traffic stop cop that gets executed with an ak-47 with basically no warning.

How long did it take you to figure that one out Sherlock?
He should have said get on the highway.
bro shat himself hahahahaha
XD in some martial arts they teach you to yell something when you throw a punch because it does make you throw better punches and kicks, something to do with breathing correctly I'm sure I don't remember what my teacher said
I wasn't the one triggered. It was you who had to defend a criminal because of the color of their skin. I know, you can't handle the truth, doesn't mean you have to be a retard on 4chan and put your illness on display for everyone to see.
Also, btfo with proof, again.
>never seen black lipstick before
>riding on a highway
>going slower than all other traffic
>puts out hand to change lanes
>expects vehicles to slam on their brakes to let him in front of them
>changes lanes without looking
Cyclists are retarded. The road is for vehicles that can keep up.
Hapreesh really thought he could stop a moving truck. Then his head got pancaked... not like he was using it anyway
I've totally forgotten about covid, vaccines and everything to do with it at least a couple years ago. It's you conspiretards who can't let go and keep bringing up your stupid unsupported "theories." You're better off arguing flat earth.
that''s when it was approved, not when it was rolled out. not all places even started vaccinating until many months later. And even then, it was slow and hardly any kids got it compared to adults. Nice try. And what I wrote still stands. The examples were from BEFORE vaccinations for kids even started in any significant way.
Also, even if every kid was vaccinated on the same day it was approved, there's still no correlation. At all. Like I said, in canada, fewer teen hockey players "died suddenly" after covid than were dying before. Some countries with millions of people had LOWER than expected mortality rates, even though they had high vaccination rates, while countries with low vaccination rates had many times HIGHER than expected deaths, even far higher than highly vaccinated neighbors.
There is literally no correlation, except for the google ad-sense bucks you're giving to the blogs you're clicking on. The more they push the conspiracy stories, the more money they make from idiots like you.
You mean not dying suddenly. >>27945414
Especially if you're 5'3" and your bones are made of pure Chinesium.
Yeah, the elite got access before the general population. Most people didn't get vaxxed until near the end of 2021.
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don't bother wasting your time it might as well be a chatbot because it's not gonna gaf about what you wrote

post something freeloading niggers
I didn't defend anyone, I just wanted you to know your efforts are unneeded. Go take a chill pill kid, it was just a bit of chain yanking.
ok but if thats such a big deal then how do those guys manage to fall into those 2 feet pools from great heights and survive?
>J-Just forget about it goy!
Not my fault you're a retard who gave up their bodily autonomy for a fucking free donut. But whatever, go get your 12th booster, since it works so well you need to take it multiple times
>ok but if thats such a big deal then how do those guys manage to fall into those 2 feet pools from great heights and survive?
Develop vocabulary.
Isn't that Penn and Teller trying out a new trick?
Both open femur fractures and chin split to the bone, dayum
One hundred years after the Wright brothers, niggers come up with this. Boeing is not intimidated by Wakanda engineers

and they wonder why we call them pajeet

Take it easy, it's the same guy
I couldn't imagine being this much of an autistic faggot .
Your punishment you will die a lonely chud
All of it.
If you see a Russian, you better believe they're drunk as shit on the VoDka!
This ain't Darwin. Dude fell legs first, landed in a relatively soft spot and didn't even hit his head.
Broken legs at most, but he will be fine.
lore? qrd?

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