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this belongs to ylyl thread, fucking hysterical
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What a crazy bitch lmao
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Not one webm from India.

When you match perv stats to the billion population, India is actually a pretty safe country. You're more likely to get perved on in western countries because they're way higher than India in per capita stats, especially since they started sucking Muslim refugee cocks.

This is just me observing, BTW not invitation. Please don't show up with your henna tattoos and Buddha statues and a copy of eat pray love to smoke Meth and give head to the local spiritual guru in lieu of room and meals.
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>Not one webm from India.
>2nd webm posted from Mumbai

no they have many pervs, and bad things happen if pervs are caught

>walks around like this in public
>on video like this for hours
>won't take a photo like that
her bf is a pussy
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Did she think it was someone else? But she was recording, so how did she not see the asian dude on her phone?
Ladies, the man across from you on the train is touching himself over his pants, what do you do?
>ask "what are you doing?"
>move to a different seat
>mace him without warning
Bu bu bu sandniggas don't look like pajeets
That's a mexian
Those kinds of guys need to have their junk fed to them before theyre killed.
sure but from a legal pov her crime is more serious and more harshly punished. It's firstly a crime to board public transport vehicles with chemical weapons, and to actually use in an enclosed space under a very shaky self defense justification. Her actions are 2 levels of aggression higher than his basically, so even if self defense is allowed it's not going to be enough, but if it's not allowed then she could also get charged for vigilantism depending on the local laws. If I'd be that guy I'd make a complaint for assault and separately I'd ask for damages in a civilian court, and more likely than not that would actually succeed. You know laws are not about who is right and who is wrong, but it's actually about what is written in the law. I think in most of eourpe he'd get community service or a suspended sentence, while she definitely goes to prison lol
Ok, thank you reddit. That was very enlightening.
based creeps making women uncomfortable
Stupid liberal cucks. Letting your woman get assaulted by a bunch of weak 3rd world shitskins while wishing them a happy holi

I'd have smashed the first cunt's jaw so the rest are taught a lesson.

Fucking dumb cunts deserve this.
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honestly deserved for having their feet on the table in a restaurant

Based schizo white peasants terrorizing colored businesses
Doing the jobs that white nationalists can't
My wife sometimes says she likes the thought of going to shit hole countries - but these videos are proof enough why nobody should go. Uneducated horny poors that can't control themselves, cooking food on the fucking concrete crumbling infrastructure, everything dirty and stinky, and the people mentally backwards. Nope.
She seems stable
Pajeets should have gutter stomped this fucking roastie
fucking hell what a demon
Cause a dude jerking off in public is sane and can be reasoned with. Don't jerk off in public and maybe you won't get maced.
>its now or never big brother...
This guy is fucking based
yeesh, you're intentionally distancing yourself from the most sane thing posted here? Good luck in prison, I hope (know) you're truly miserable
can anyone translate this. why is he calling that guy an old man and what is he saying?
Its just like my animes!
Goddamnit mom.
That's enough, Reddit.
Women really have come a long way, for her to be alone and still speak so aggressively to a man who is clearly a weirdo......Like imagine if he just decided to blast her in the face for having an attitude, what would she do?
That's battery.......
No, those are beverages. Batteries are on aisle 4.
Is this that superior white race pol keeps telling me about?
>He doesn't know about the legal impunity of D.A.P.
found the dude who got maced.
Since none of us are the guy who got maced, obviously, your comment just makes you twice as retarded
i have no idea what he does here. piss?
From what I could hear all it was is stop, die, bastard, general angry japanese words
>pol keeps telling me

no, but you got radicalized, you low brain cell retard
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he wasn't jerking off, he was adjusting. I have an enormous cock and sometimes if a pretty girl sits in front of me it gets uncomfortable and I need to pull on my pants or reach in and adjust position. but I wouldn't actually jerk off. This guy might have been me and got maced for no reason. what a bitch.
they're in the middle of getting hammered and women aren't the fastest creatures to begin with so i can see why her reaction time would be so shit
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lmao bs
Fuck around and find out
it doesn't look like he actually did shit, just seemed like he was looking at the products in the store and stood too close
>premeditated murder
That’s kind of a schizo reaction tbqh, you sound like a dangerous and mentally unstable person. Spraymacing the guy is enough
What’s morally right and what is practical are two different things. Don’t forget, you’re in THEIR country. You act up and what will happen is you wake up the next night to a circle of guys with knives. Then you disappear. Don’t start trouble in third world countries
Kek, look at what we have here boys- a reddit lawyer!

The way law works in the US is that popularity determines both the onset of a prosecution, and the outcome of a trial. Nigger juries for example will never convict nigger felons. Yiddish prosecutors will never even initiate prosecution of their nigger pets.

Pedophile hunters are popular. Everyone hates pedos. Pedophile hunters do what most people wish they were brave enough to do. Prosecutors will never initiate charges against them, and juries will never convict them. OTOH, self defense against a pedophile hunter will always result in some kind of criminal charge, and a conviction for it is really up in the air depending on what happened. If I were an attorney I would advise you never to physically defend yourself if you are accused of pedophilia, ESPECIALLY if the allegations are true like with this idiot pedophile in the video.

Furthermore, “citizens arrest” laws, which are contradictory and often grant people the right to harm (or even kill) you (just like police officers can) AS WELL as negating all legal justifications you may have to any form of self defense. Even running away could have you charged with fleeing an arrest.

This is how ALL law works at the state level in america

For example, kyle rittenhouse probably only got acquitted because the people he shot were literally all convicted pedophile serial child molestors who had illegal guns. Normies HATE guns, so theoretically kyle should have been comvicted based on normalfag bias against self defense via gun all by itself. However, normies hate pedos more than they hate guns.

Speak to a real lawyer sometime and stop going on preddit.
What a retarded post
Shut up you horsecockist. it's people like you that made me uncomfortable in gym class and the changerooms. I've grown up since then, I'm proud to be huge and your kind have no power over me anymore.
you wrote all that, but it's still illegal to hit someone.
Take a few days off from cooming, stupid nigger
My GOD how satisfying that is to watch!
What did he do
tried to steal her donut
Anglos are not White.
He prolly dindu nuffin
You sound like an actual bitch.
based woman
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This guy is dedicated
she was too busy looking at herself... literally, then she felt his stach and noticed it wasnt her friend.
you need to pay for her onlyfans to get those pics

death to all simps.
whats wrong with getting your dick sucked so that she could get a kabab? are they gay?
Those guys aren't creepy, she's just being weird. One photo with them she doesn't want to show her cleavage, but she's streaming her cleavage at least 30 photos per second on video no problem.
What a bunch on nutjobs...only that bald is the only one who try to stop it but he was too drunk to do much and that poor girl in white who came out of nowhere just to get her head smacked onto the concrete stairs
Level 10 sneak perk.
keep crying jew you're gonna get what's coming lol
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Lmaoooo that chick rules
I don't think you know what citizens arrest means.......
You still can't just hit people who aren't doing anything or are not an active threat to anyone.....
Not a perv. Just Indian
"you look lonely, i can fix that"
Down bad
Goooood morning Saar, thank you for typing this
cctv doesnt lie
exactly why you can't believe whatever she told those guys. Maybe he touched, but you can't see anything like that. It looks like maybe he got too close and she didn't like his bad breath.
this is common in some countries. good way to kill someone. say there's a pedo, point out your enemy to some random dudes and watch as a whole mob chases down your enemy and beats him to death for you. then go to their home and take whatever you want.
The second they put their hands on her they became creepy. I don't give a fuck how nonsensical her cleavage displaying standards are. Keep your hands to yourself.

I feel like I shouldn't have to be explaining this
you know what else is common in some countries? Pressing your cock up against a girl in public and pretending it was just a big oopsie. Look at all that space to her left he could have gone to instead, without needing to rub up on her at all. Don't be an idiot.
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this pervert is still in denial, fuck off pervert
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It shorts out the brains of the thirdie migrants because they’re so used to societies where women will just take the abuse out of fear / fucked up gender norms. When a woman asserts herself they take a bit to get full on rapey out of shock.
Accidentally blackpilled a bunch of my friends on unchecked migration when I posted a vid sorta like this a few months ago in our discord channel. I don’t think people can comprehend how backwards most people from these places are. Women are literally just meat to them. Even the biggest lefties I know are drawing the lines at south Asians.
Show vids like this any time someone says every culture has bad apples and we can’t let the actions of some perv immigrants impact our views of their society
Dangerously based
Thats what you get for groping a fat chick. Next time have some standards.
Standing too close IS doing something, stupid
Lol didnt read
"let me scream like a fucking retard without actually helping"
-every woman ever
Why are they like this? Are they sexually repressed? Does their society normalize this stuff? Is it genetic? What is it about indians?
most indians are autistic, or at least sub 90 IQ.
Should have stomped that rapists head until he was dead
Videos like these make me so happy, thank you for posting anon
Same as you. Die.
You're a huge faggot.
You're a huge fag.
NO ONE is gonna take your side on the Muslim v Hindu thing panjeet, nice try tho
You're the biggest faggot nerd ever.
>Don’t start trouble in third world countries
Sure, but they didnt. Its supposed to be joyous, not an excuse for horny pajeets to touch girls who dont want it.
Be honest /gif/, have you ever done some irl perv shit?
Thanks! I most definitely am.
what a retard
>have you ever done some irl perv shit?
We lived near a public pool growing up and around when I was hitting puberty and suddenly girls were neat I'd try to get people to play water polo and use it to basically grope/molest any girl who played the thing is they were split about 50:50 between the ones who just kinda ignored it and the ones who would linger, lean into it, press back into me, and in retrospect were clearly just as horny and confused as I was. Shame I was just a dumb kid because I never took advantage of that and would just be like well guess I rubbed against some boobs and butts today just gonna go home now rather than trying to push it further with the girl who started dry humping my thigh I was such a stupid fucking idiot god damnit me.
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Got em
very nice

I wanted to bang my cousin so I begged my uncles to let me stay the night.

She slept in her room while I slept in the room with her brother. I attempted to sneak out in the night and enter her room but she had shut her door locked. I attempted to open it as silently as possible but it was too risky. I gave up and ended up jacking off in their bathroom.

Whenever I remember this and other perverted things I've done I want to kill myself.
would bang with condom
Jokes on her, his real fetish is getting punched by fat chicks
What a perv. Poor guy can't even get off without some sick bitch recording him and trying to tell everyone else about someone's private activities (in a public place, ok, but still, mind your own business)
based indian guy take
Gross, control yourself pervert
>one video changed their entire worldview on an ethnic group of people
sounds like your friends are just as retarded as you are anon
You already got it wrong, his fingers were in his pants. You're retarded. Mace his ass.
Not just women. People in the west have 0 survival instinct and just assume nothing bad will ever happen. Its why they can get shocked when the bullied kid ends up killing someone.
>low iq generalization
actual brain damage retardation. if someone doesn't want something in some context, the answer is still no. ffs. "you have so many pictures kissing your dog, why won't you take pic kissing me?"
>Pickpocketing in an rpg
>comprehend how backwards most people from these places are.
Its not backwards, its just flipped. In western countries women walk around basically naked before they hit puberty. And the men in the society are supposed ignore their sexual impulses. If you say anything then its slut shaming. In these shitholes the incel men are just more open and honest.
you know what else is common in ALL countries? Women lying about things men did to them.
Emotion + performance reportage.
>actual brain damage retardation.
yes, actual brain damage retardation. she's already putting her cleavage on display on countless people's phones. whats the difference if there's one more?
You're just as creepy as the men in the video.
When I was like 13 I saw some lady in short shorts with really nice thighs outside my apartment, got so horny I took a video of her and some pics then jerked off to it, only now looking back do I realise how creepy it was, child-brain me had no issues with it.
Female teacher who was a milf bent over in front of me in black leggings, many times too, but we never did anything together, the only redeeming feature she had was her ass in her leggings/whore pants, one day she did this and I photographed it with my phone.

I went to the bathroom and jerked off to it, public bathroom with one toilet stall, came onto the stall wall and let it drip down onto the floor, never cleaned it up, summer break began, ended, I came back to school into the bathroom and saw that that exact same huge series of cum stains was still there on the door, all dried up and cleaned by no one.
More please. This shit is warms my heart.
We had a guest staying at our house from overseas when I was 15. Cute nerdy girl in her early 20s like 5 feet tall with nice boobs and a really fat ass that I would always be checking out. Because of the age gap I never tried to do anything with her, figured she at best saw me as a little brother. So whenever I was home alone I would go into the guest room she was staying in and sniff her used panties while jerking it. I would take pictures of everything just to make sure I put it all back how it was. I don't think she ever found out or was suspicious of me, and if she did she didn't treat me any different
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kek she was happy at first

I explained why she's the weird one. Now you explain how it's not wierd to cover your cleavage in a photo, after streaming 30 photos per second of it to thousands of people. wierdo.
HARDMODE: No third worlders
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you have a tiny little sissy clitty
thats michael ironside
I think there was someone, since she said "can you help me, please?" at the beginning. Unless she just fumbled words.
She grew up on modern Disney with girl power and equality forced into her head, and it's safe to assume she has not once in her life been hit in the face. Is it any wonder?
Retards. Creepy = ugly
At least the ugly simps on stream she doesn't have to see, and they are donating
Why the fuck do women still go traveling to brown countries alone
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controlled ejaculation.
>Creepy = ugly
of course if she liked how they looked, it wouldn't be considered "creepy" right?
That's an idiotic stance and just proves that what they're doing is not creepy, she's just a weirdo.
If hot men asked for a selfie, she wouldn't try to cover up
Classiest Scottish bird
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Women are toilets
>walks alone with a cleavage like that
>expect to be safe
women are retarded
Perhaps she grew up in a white nation and hasn't been able to adapt quick enough since the country was overtaken by Jews
Hot, I can't wait to wear skirts every day when I visit Japan. T. Femanon degenerate
a whore is a whore anon, the country doesn't matter
Imagine if she slipped and fell on that glass..
you are brown
>guy clearly with his headphones on, cranking it to porn on his phone, not even looking at her

they always have to, don't they
Is this dude in jail yet?
There are few if any repercussions for acting this way so they just act on their urges
Then they take that and bring it to your country , enjoy !
It's always a manlet. You will never catch a tall man doing this shit
Dumbass tried to play hero and ended up getting beaten up. Nothing more humiliating than publicly losing a fight against a loser that jacks off in public
And /pol/ says that brown people are the savages lmao.
Anglos are literally a Germanic ethnicity, they are as white as you can get.
shut the fuck up you disgusting freak. actually kill yourself.
inverse correlation between male sexual marketplace value and thirst
6 year old me in front of the tv with the weather woman
fuck off homo
Except Dr disrespect lol but yea I mean women hate short men
I want to see one of these where the girl being perved on encourages it or helps the guy out. And not as a setup for porn, but an actual interaction caught IRL.
>girl being perved on encourages it or helps the guy out
Lul, never happens. think about it, if he's attractive enough for her to not mind his pervyness than why would he be doing it in the first place
There's gotta be ONE video out there of this, I could get it being rare, but with how many humans there are on the planet, someone out there has to have done this.
tactical cumshot, textbook execution
all public jerkers should be hung by their cocks, he got off nice with that fat spray right into his eye. I hope he lost it.
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I thought it was funny, anon.
everyone mad in this thread is a maced perv
There's the old one that used to be posted here a lot where a guy is behind a girl in a tight line and starts rubbing his hard cock on the girl infront of him and she eventually starts rubbing her ass on it
Pathetic country. Can't even stand up to one overweight smoker. What is he going to do? cough? Just kick his ass
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They're being sarcastic, retard.
Isn't this type of behavior normal in Europe? I even think they have a politically correct term for it called "sexual emergency"
Fucking based.

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