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wow Cheney huh?
that's a cool endorsement.
super jelly....
for real.
oh man
if only Cheney supported us.
oh it's too bad he doesn't.
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pt 2
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>50 million feral spics
got something for them too
When he says "american dream" it can be translated to zionist goals.
>The illegals
Trump did nothing the first time and the dreamer anchor babies are fat and retarded too. I don't want to hear vance talking about illegals when he's jerking off to all the legal Haitian niggers shitting up his state.
> Let them rape your sister, they're legal. Maybe then we might deport them.
>T. Vance
And here I go again getting banned for a few days for saying an obvious thing like this.
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>When he says "american dream" it can be translated to zionist goals.
All war is deception anon.
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>Trump did nothing the first time
oh I'm sorry
I thought the song bird was singing in hell.
>And here I go again getting banned for a few days for saying an obvious thing like this.
the jews are busy, I should be range banned by now.
It was all this one guy. It's just a guy! All the bad things were done by this one guy! Its not like mccain tried to do campaign finance reform or anything with BCRA. He really tried to get soft money out of politics, the same soft money that funds both the left and right today. That crypto jew bankman got exposed for giving billions to both parties. Lol how many other Jews are greesing the wheels while they rape us?
>But mmmmmcain did muzzie extremism
Yeah and Jews did 9/11
Imagine being eviscerated by king midwit Joe Rogan lmao
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Sadly he was not.
Both midwits eviscerated themselves.
I just can't stop staring at his eyeliner, it makes such a huge difference from before he was wearing it
Post the clip of him getting told the actual facts about Haitian Migrants and him then stuttering over the mic to tell the moderators how "The rules were that you weren't gonna fact check!"
this guy sounds so fucking retarded lmao
>b-but y-you guys said you weren't gonna fact check
his eyeliner didn't save him
>not arguing anything becuase you're stupid
lmao indeed
>Trump did nothing the first time
lies. just blatant stupid lies.
you should kill yourself.
bitch, you think just cuz you dont have a cat its not true?
speak English.
He's not actually wearing makeup is he?
That was the best clip you could think of to start a thread?
JD's opening statement saying
>we'll do better then them
How convincing.
not unless he was born wearing it, google is full of his childhood pics showing he's always had that colouration
God damn you faggots are so fucking bad at this
Chris Cuomo of all people, was on CNN of all places talking about how Vance was right and the moderators were full of shit and it wasn't right that they refused to let Vance respond.
you're getting your pay docked lol
we eat the same shit in canada so not the problem
is that faggot wearing eyeliner?! Jd vance looks like he slithered out of a fat prolapsed gay mans asshole
>muh eyeliner
>muh fact check
dem media is telling their audiences that vance won
You don't though. Put the boxes next to each other and look at the ingredients, not the label on the front.
American dream means young people being able to buy a house. That ability disappeared under this administration. Beside home affordability, fully 1/3 of Americans are struggling to meet basic expenses such as food and shelter.
But yeah, let's do four more years of this bullshit. Trump will win for a third time and again will not be inaugurated because western countries are no longer choosing who leads them. The global cabal at the UN, WEF and WHO are. The simps will cheer because the global cabal's media orange man bad is on repeat 24/7.
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>Trump will win for a third time
>The global cabal at the UN, WEF and WHO are
Jesus fucking Christ look at how small her frontal lobe is.
>send them back!
>build the wall!
>drain the swamp!
>lock her up!
trump won't do shit
just like last time
The debate ended when the moderators violated the rules. CBS should fire them. They have no integrity.
No, my eyes are similar and kids would give me shit in middle school about it. Ladies love them though, lol
This thread made the jews frothy like rabid dogs. This proves what dogs they really are.
it's a pity this guys voice is fucked up, he stood no chance at winning the charisma contest that is politics
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>34 time convicted felon, confirmed sex pest and failed businessman as Prez
>guy who fucked a couch and lusts after dolphins as Veep
>Veep described Prez candidate as "American Hitler" and "worse than opiates"
>such unpopular liars they have to cry about being fact checked
> getting banned for a few days for saying an obvious thing
this isn’t reddit, fb, insta, threads, discord, or telegram - you don’t get banned for running your mouth
> crypto jew bankman got exposed for giving billions to both parties
false - bank man gave to bank owners
>t. fellow j00z
> posting for deaf people
> wearing eyeliner
your RHPS is showing
> trump won't do shit
> just like last time
that time when all of congress was like
>“no wALL! wE dOnT hAvE 5 biLLiOn dOllarz”
or all those other times when congress was twisted-up trying to impeach and convict him over a fukkin FONECALL?

somewhere there’s a dry diic
stick to what your good at
>That ability disappeared under this administration.
Yeah, stopped reading there.
The death of young home ownership was even a talking point on 4chan before the 2020 election.
Either underageb& groyper cattle or disongenius retard.
Fuck JD Vance.
why are thosr rabbis wearing crosses?
Norfag here. This SHOULD'VE been your new president, Muricans.
But you're too bewildered by the media, making politics about your heritage and identity, and your political system is so corrupt now that there's no telling if either result is hacked, or if it even matters in the end.
For once you had the opportunity to let go of your made up duty to vote for A or B, and vote for someone who is unbiased and actually care
He does actually look like that though kek
Thank you brain worms roadkill man, my children are saved
Imagine hearing your candidate explicitly complain about not being allowed to lie to you and thinking the debate went well for him. You morons really are on another planet.
I agree, but while our system makes these things seem within reach, they never truly are
>pronouns in bio ahhh webm
there was a danny jones podcast the other day with some neurosurgeon talking about a lot of this stuff. kennedy came up and he had just come from a meeting with him and that shanahan broad.
Because AI, why else.
It's actually insane how easy half of the american population has been brainwashed to just sweep shit like that aside as if it doesn't matter that a potential leader of your country is blatantly telling you he's lying and making shit up to win.












Unless you get a work visa for mara lago or another trump country club. You dont even get mininum wage so itll feel like home guys! Oh, we need folks to tend to the racing horses too. And farming, especially fruit farming so maybe dont pack up to quickly.
Then what did he do?
If you don’t see that both of them are skipping around the big problems you’re the retarded one. Also, the Ohio problem is real and the news can’t report it for some reason. I wonder why!?
100% false, you either haven't been to the US or are naive.

The processed foods in the video may look the same but Canada has banned a lot of shit used in ultra high processed foods like Potassium Bromate, Olestra, Ractopamine, BHA, BHT, rBGH.

Go to a half decent restaurant in the US, nearly everything deep fried, covered in butter or cheese, the proposition sizes are nearly double. Go to a fast food place and the US "Medium" sizing is equivalent to our "Large" sizing in most cases.

Go to your generic grocery store, meats and milks riddled with steroids and growth hormones. I wouldn't even feed my dogs that shit. I've never seen such low quality meats and dairy in Canada. Granted you can find quality meats and dairy in the US, but your average American is more concerned about cost and likely doesn't even educate themselves on the slop the eat.
>bragging about the corrupt courts weaponized against your opponents
isn't it weird how none of these so called crimes existed until election season
Where would you recommend going for groceries in the states?
lol what is that last bitch talking about "the audacity"?!

>No no no don't vote for THAT retard
>vote for THIS retard, instead - the one with literal brainworms who eats roadkill
>yeah that's the ticket
>that's your man
>that's the one gonna lead us all to glory

Literally nobody is voting for Kennedy, samefag.

He's just Rand Paul Round 2 but somehow lower-effort AND lower-quality.
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>Yeah and Jews did 9/11
they participated
how'd jews do this?
>It was all this one guy. It's just a guy! All the bad things were done by this one guy! Its not like mccain tried to do campaign finance reform or anything with BCRA. He really tried to get soft money out of politics, the same soft money that funds both the left and right today. That crypto jew bankman got exposed for giving billions to both parties. Lol how many other Jews are greesing the wheels while they rape us?
1) congress can't regulate campaign finance after CU
2) McCain didn't do shit for campaign finance regulation.
3) McCain started ISIS
4) McCain used his privilege as a Senator to refer the case that became crossfire hurricane to the FBI which avoided the typical processes that would have prevented the case from being investigated for being political or too close to an election. And that case was used as a basis to spy on candidate Trump, without a doubt the most damaging action done to American democracy in its history, which of course matured into spying on a sitting President. In other words, McCain is uniquely responsible for the greatest offence to American democracy in history, which is orders of magnitude more important and severe than Watergate, maybe 1000x worse, since it uses the power of the federal government to spy on political opponents, rubber stamped by the feckless FISA court and was ongoing and continuous. McCain was a key player that used his power as a Senator to undermine the country's decision to elect President Trump. He is UNIQUELY evil but he was part of a large conspiracy and is certainly not the top of the pyramid. May he burn in hell and you with him.
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>Imagine being eviscerated by king midwit Joe Rogan lmao
our enemies see Vance as a 4chan poster.
That made me take a second look at Vance and I'm glad I did.
why are all the Trump is jewish meme mass-produced by AI and totally lacking in creativity or humor?
because it's inauthentic.
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>I just can't stop staring at his eyeliner, it makes such a huge difference from before he was wearing it
Not all, shalom, God be with you. May you see His blessings in your life, and others find in their hearts and minds to discern fake Jews from us the real ones, that believe the way of our descendants, to enrich the world not take from it, Torah, not Talmud.
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>bitch, you think just cuz you dont have a cat its not true?
she knows it's true lol
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>Torah, not Talmud.
non-rabbinical Jews are based af
and there are plenty of rabbinical Jews who do good work, nearly every anti-zionist I've ever met in real life has been Jewish.
Shalom my friend.
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>there was a danny jones podcast the other day with some neurosurgeon talking about a lot of this stuff. kennedy came up and he had just come from a meeting with him and that shanahan broad.
she's pretty impressive too, I'm shocked how good she is.

I couldn't figure it out either.
I assumed she was kind of pantomiming the response she wants to viewers to have.

>it's a pity this guys voice is fucked up, he stood no chance at winning the charisma contest that is politics
he'd be dead if it wasn't.

>Thank you brain worms roadkill man, my children are saved
that will unironically be true.
imagine having to pretend that Cheney is a good endorsement. lol couldn't be me.

>Norfag here. This SHOULD'VE been your new president, Muricans.
blame democrats.
> and your political system is so corrupt now that there's no telling if either result is hacked,
no it's super easy. They did covid to stop Trump, and their theft of the election in 2020 will lead to them almost entirely being removed from politics for a generation and a golden age of American prosperity.
>For once you had the opportunity to let go of your made up duty to vote for A or B, and vote for someone who is unbiased and actually care
You know he voluntarily stopped running and joined Trump.
People who support him can vote for Trump. No one had an opportunity to vote for him ever.

is this thread autosaging?
Yeah you do. I've gotten 3 day banned several times for things as innocuous as saying the nigger word. If you're not racist enough to get banned you need to do better
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>Post the clip of him getting told the actual facts about Haitian Migrants and him then stuttering over the mic to tell the moderators how "The rules were that you weren't gonna fact check!"
you massively misread that exchange. Vid rel.

The reason why I think this is funny is because to a normie it would communicate that they are eating dogs and you don't think it's a big deal.

it was the only part I clipped and I clipped it as soon as it happened. It's less about Vance than it is about Walz looking absolutely terrified. And it was the defining mood of the debate.
>How convincing.
you're not really capable of being convinced.

>God damn you faggots are so fucking bad at this
I don't envy their position, they have nothing.

>we eat the same shit in canada so not the problem
lol when you were a kid did you think, "I can't wait until I grow up so I can defend massive agribusiness processed food manufacturers from having to not put poison in food"

great comp of clips. Saved.

its so weird how much you guys think Trump saying in passing that he narrowly lost the 2020 election, which is the premise--the foundational fact--to even debate whether the election was legitimate, is a somehow an argument in your favor. Even weirder how much it's been pushed by shills, like you think that it would change anyone's mind. You stole the election, and you will suffer immeasurably for your crimes.

they why are you shilling against him?

first day in clown world?
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> explicitly complain about not being allowed to lie to you
excellent example of leftism
You are literally lying--he did not explicitly complain about not being allowed to lie--while pretending to advocate for truth.
I cannot wait until we're in power.
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>half of the american population
way more than half
if it was half you wouldn't need to steal elections.
please please please steal this one.
Vance wants to end the Nuclear family though
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>Vance wants to end the Nuclear family though
Walz is literally a pedophile.
Bro laughed way too hard at that
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>Bro laughed way too hard at that
you do not decide what memes are dank
kek decides.
we are blessed with dank memes because we walk with kek
you'll find me dead before you catch me voting for any of these faggot looking retards.
im not voting for the jeet queen and the socialist retard and im not voting for epstein's butt buddy and his troon first lady
>you'll find me dead before you catch me voting for any of these faggot looking retards.
sounds good to me
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>is this thread autosaging?
mods are such faggots
nigger nigger nigger
>it actually didn't bump it
lmao holy shit
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it means we're winning
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unironically yeah
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feels good man
>Page 11


Off you fuck, /pol/tards.
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Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison
Where the hot again videos?
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Imagine simping for someone who actually shits their own pants.
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>Imagine simping for someone who actually shits their own pants.

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