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belle/petite thread
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Still such a disappointment we never got any videos of her just propping her feet up and showing off her soles. I know she's got pics but it's not the same as her just putting up her feet for a few minutes in a video
She’s so sexy
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Belle is my dream girl. One thing that really bothers me about her though is that I am way better looking and in much better shape than the guy she is actually fucking. What kind of sorcery does that guy know to get her?
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she lost momentum the moment she decided to be a porn star
she shouldve stuck with thrist trapping cause now shes just another brick in the wall
Well for starters, he actually met her.
Nah ,its just that her porn is boring 4/10 amateur skills.
She need to work with a decent actor film crew.
Thinly-veiled pedo thread.
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I swear it's like she intentionally makes shitty content.

I honestly believe that women in general are just stupid. Most of the time when a girl is really successful at this kind of stuff it's because they have a man behind the scenes managing and directing them.
why hasnt anyone Noticed. her stage name is a big key to who controls her and her content.

Delphine, a half maiden, half serpent Greek legend. zionists are HUGE into greek history/myth. she is either a sex slave for the zion cultists or is trapt by one in their sinful lifestyle. uk girls have been rap3d/groomed for the last 30+ years by shitskins and kikes and the parents didnt stop a damn thing.

she admitted to "only meeting up with and doing nothing with" 2 different 30+ year old men when she was 13. at 14 was watching that kike youtube show with the "i live with mommy" bowl haircut and HE ADMITTED HE KNEW UNDERAGE GIRLS were watching his content and it was loaded with inuendo and adult themed content. he groomed her and i wouldnt be surprised if he is her unofficial pimp.

she is a psyop.

stop watching porn and go to the gym instead.

belle will an hero because she wont date anyone "normal" outside her circle of sex worker "friends" or even outside of uk and everyone she dates will only use her for fame or fortune. when she reachs 30-35 she will mature finally and it will hit her the lifestyle she lead Thousands of innocent girls into and she will rope.

her only salvation is repent. become a woman of God. marry a trad christian, move away from society/technology, be saved. start a big family. but she wants money, if you crave only money, you will never have enough to be happy. if you crave family, you will Always be happy. reject hook up culture. embrace God.
take your meds bro
I would take you more serious if this wasnt a porn board and the fact you're here making you a hypocrite
She's actually not all that great of a "pornstar"

Belle's chief trait is her E-girl style and her problem now is that a LOT of chicks are doing that look
can't believe someone like that is fucking her
what do you mean it's not some gigachad that turns gooners gay?
I don't understand why you would care or give a single shit about her, she is not special, she was just the beginning of what is now a market of thousands of e-girls many who are much more attractive than she is. All she has going for her is that she did it "first" or was the first one to get real traction and popularity.

You have almost unlimited options of this e-girl aesthetic now on onlyfans, twitter, pornhub, many of them are younger, sexier and prettier than she ever was.

I really don't get it man, I was around when she was blowing up and selling her bath water but I never for a second cared or ever would've given her a single penny, you have to be stupid to give money to her.
Yea, but unfortunately there are millions of stupid people.
this might shock you but girls dont actually just move to the hottest, strongest, tallest guy theyve ever seen. which is why lots of girls date retards, you just have to keep them happy
lmao that dude and his micro penis
Holy shit I had never seen her asshole before. This could solve world hunger
I am NOT schizophrenic when I say that she used to have breast implants, RIGHT?
She had perfect perky little tits and like most retarded women was insecure and so she got shitty implants. They looked like shit and made her even more insecure. I think she did recently get the implants removed and now her tits look good again.
bait or anon is off of his meds.
say no to all propaganda, lads.
>if you crave family, you will Always be happy
to anyone who truly believes this, you need to step out of your bubble.
you would be shocked how many parents are unhappy.
I've never given her money but the appeal of her is super obvious. She's the first of her kind. For years in porn 99% of the women looked rather normal, even the cute "girl next door" types were only cute for a couple of years before they started to look mundane and like all the other porn stars, add how common it is for porn starts to get plastic surgery, and things start to feel kind of boring. It was taboo to like neotenous women, one guy almost got sent to prison for having Lupe Fuentes porn. She's the first woman who harnessed her child like, cartoony, but very beautiful face and body to do adult work, the cosplays, bright colors, she hit a good timing being able to produce good armature porn in your bedroom using a ring light, an i-phone, and social media, along with paywalled fan sites. Even now with the e-girl look being common she's still easily one of the most attractive and appealing women with that look. She simply gave men something they hadn't gotten before.
>Lupe Fuentes
And I know she played up into her young looks heavily but 99% of her work was still studio porn and therefore had the professional kind of papery look that porn from the 90s and 2000s had, her makeup still somehow made her look her age in the face and like she was done up as a porn star. Belle really leaned into the armature aspect and doing her makeup and styling her costumes to look young, cartoony, and anime waifu-ish. And she obviously had a good sense of humor that captured the crowd of people that love weird internet humor and memes, which then eventually brings in the "normies" as well.
Didn't she quit
That is an old picture
if you really think you have a chance just go find her at the one event that everyone knows she goes to every year. she walks with a circle of friends though so it can be tricky but I've at least talked to her that way.
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lol i have never given a single penny to belle or her merch. never gooned to her. emo belle is hotter than egirl belle.

missing the bigger picture though.
okay, so when jewish controlled jordan peterson called her the whore of babylon, yet Another tie to Greek mythology. is it REALLY by chance she called herself Delphine at a time in human history when the 1% are super obsessed with Greek legends.

she will be the downfall of the next generation of girls. because she has set the standard for egirls, any girl that then wants to become a streamer (porn or not) will Always copy at least 1 or 2 ideas from belle. which will always lead girls to OF for more money.

i follow most belle threads as she has been known to wonder in and out of 4chan from time to time and one day i hope to see that she quits and got married to a white trad and has a bunch of kids.

all children deserve parents
not all parents deserve children

if you WANT a family, you will always be happy. White women are happiest when Mothers.
Yes you are schizophrenic
I lost
>What kind of sorcery does that guy know to get her?
IDK man, maybe hes actually fun to be around? Or maybe it was something as simple as actually asking her out at the right time?
I was in a quite lame party with my friends, a very obscure and shitty place with mostly ugly women. But there was this one beauty. An extremely beautiful girl in the middle of the room but no one approached her. She was so beautiful that she intimidated all the men and no one dared to came near her, thinking they probably had no chance. Then one of my friends, by far the ugliest of us, and when I say ugly, I mean crooked teeth sticking out of his mouth ugly. He approached her, talked to her and they made out. I don't know what he said to her, but I know it worked out very well for him. Sometimes some men are just at the right time in the right place.
Attraction is weird. Most people would call the women I like conventionally attractive, but then I there's this type of face, long, drowsy eyes, alien looking face that some girls have and it drives me crazy. They're not ugly but it's not what most people would call "hot" just weirdly cute or average. The first girl who ever really put effort into pursuing me, flirting, talking to me on the phone had that type of face and the appeal of it has apparently stuck with me from puberty until now. So adding personal taste, and the fact that men typically don't understand what women find attractive in men (hence nearly every guy on the planet being confused by why so many attractive women like Pete Davidson) and you get your friend, who YOU think is ugly, managing to bag the hottest girl in the room.
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I mean looks wise she is my dream girl. Personality wise I am sure that Belle would annoy me so much that I would drown her in a bathtub.
Does anyone know where to get that underwear set?
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>Sometimes some men are just at the right time in the right place.

Honestly I think this is 90% of it when you see an ugly guy with a hot girl. His timing was just perfect.

Also women will often convince themselves that the guy they are with is more attractive than they really are if he has other qualities she likes. They have done plenty of studies that show that women will rate a man looks much differently depending on if he is a stranger or not.
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You are right, Pete Davidson, is an ugly motherfucker. But that's me from a guys perspective. I have often noticed that guys that look like orcs to me have no problem getting girls. I think a lot of the facial features that us guys think are unattractive are a major turn on for some women.

I'm kind of the same with women that have features that I can only describe as classically English nobility looking. Kind of big noses an with unusual combination of facial features. Objectively I look at these girls and can see that they aren't that pretty but their features come together in a way that I find extremely attractive.
well, statistically speaking there's more than a million alone in the U.S. and that's only the diagnosed pedos, so statistically, belle Delphine is lying her pussy of here.
the non diagnosed internet pedos are mostly kids so LMAO
>type of face, long, drowsy eyes, alien looking face that some girls have
post examples
learn to sew
I wish she had a cock, then she would be perfect
not him, but anya taylor joy comes to mind. she's got that ayy lmao face. personally i think she's hot but i know lots of guys think she looks weird af.
>>her only salvation is repent. become a woman of God. marry a trad christian,
"man up and marry the whore"
Never change tradcuck, never change.
>she admitted to
she lied for attention on a podcast
did she actually make this?
Delusional betas like you are truly the most hilarious kind. This combination of entitlement/arrogance and inferiority complex creates astonishing retards. I don't know why, but lately there's seems to be whole army of new Elliot Rodgers in making.
That ass is getting fatter
>half a dozen webms and a fuckload of text
yep, that's a belle delphine thread alright
can i have this but without the retarded edit?
that's fae magic.
Sounds like a you problem
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sure, I didn't actually realize it I had it without the gay voice over. The other one is the one that always gets posted.
I fucking knew it wasn't unobtainable.


For all the faggots or guys with girlfriends (if such a thing exists here).
Fucking whore
>I am way better looking and in much better shape than the guy she is actually fucking
Stop looking at mirrors, anon.
lol lemme guess you're the trad christian she should marry to save her soul from ((((((them))))))?
> looks wise
You do realize she most likely spends literal hours into crafting the perfect image...
She's cute without it, no doubt.
But go out and find any moderately petite and in-shape girl, pay for her to spend a few hours putting expensive warpaint on her face, and she'll be just as good.
Imagine not wanting to eat out of that precious little poophole
>expensive warpaint

LOL yes.
>board called /gif/
>mostly gay talking
But if the subject was nigger dick the entire thread would be nothing but video.
Please seek mental health care
Still no blacked Belle.

>Shalom to you too.
Twomad kinda did it
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Just dropping by to let everyone know you can grab here entire archive at >>>/t/1304273
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She is special. Her combination of perfectly thin, supple and tight, "slim thick" if you will, is extremely rare. Prime Ai Uehara is another example. I guarantee she would be the softest thing you ever touched. This is before she ruined herself with implants of course.
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Belle got implants?! WTF?!
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I actually used to be against reformed hoes, but I saw a meme about a meme account dude going to hell because he was flaming saved women who used to be hoes, and it made me realize that they found their way out of sin and thats respectable.

Do I *want* to marry one? Not really, but its definitely something I wouldnt fully discount either. A person who can change is respectable. Look at me, Im a pos whos on a porn board. I wish I wasnt on this board rn but I have a problem.

We all sin and the amount we forgive is the amount we'll be forgiven. I think we all need to keep that in mind.

Anon I think you're a little immature/didnt think this statement through fully but I agree with the general idea. My main point of concern is that pursuing a family isn't necessarily for everyone, and in order to truly be happy one must live their life according to Gods will. I think Gods will for us is to get off this stupid porn board right now. Thanks for reminding me I shouldnt be lusting so hard. Lust is definitely my biggest sin.
Isn't this the girl who sucked on that dead niggers toes?
she's so hot dude
perfect body

You could sell the water after
Christianity is a pedophile cult and everyone that pretends to believe in their false god is deluding themselves in a vain attempt at living through their pathetic lives.
TIL I get turned off my tats
>slim thick
she was hotter when she was just slim
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this is her most fapable vid
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I think she was free advertisement for yum yum brands, popped about the same time as that gamer fuel mountain dew and failing pizza hut. She was smart and used her credit to fund and fuel some interesting campaigns.
She hit a demographic that had failed yum yum foods and they failed her.
I commend her on the bathwater, she filled orders without payment because PayPal withheld, that is a serious commitment to the costumers. Just giving the finger to the man, not stopping the supply while the bean counters increase their liability until breaking,
this is what the world has become
I recently learned some girls are so obsessed with having a pristine looking vagina they don’t want kids and don’t even want big dicks of toys in it
I’m surprised she didn’t enjoy it at all.
You can tell she hates it but wants the money
>Into rape
>Into pain
>An Exhibitionism
>Loves Ageplay
>Gets off on degrading, weird shit
>All her porn is boring
Why? She clearly wants to go all out. She's got a history of ageplay shit before she shot into the mainstream. She's shown from the occasional vid and things dug up from the past that she loves the thought of being raped. So why the fuck does she never do any actual degen porn? What's the point?
she’s not really into all these things. That’s why the content is merely a soulless act
she really didn't enjoy this one, and her "boyfriend" seems very hateful, doesn't feel like just roleplay
this video must be the reason she disappeared for months
>I've at least talked to her that way.
holy pathetic jesus
her bf looks like that? theres hope boys
Every single whore floods down thinking getting "rapped", anon. Only difference is by who.
Whats her next move, becoming a heroin-cracked out junkie whore?

Nice try trying to get me to give a fuck about this dumb cunt whore and all of the fucking loser men who tossed their money into the toilet paying for her content, you just lined another man's pockets, you worthless cuck losers.

Tick tock, she's going to be completely used up and irrelevant eventually.
The tats are fake idiots.
She looks cute even with limited make-up. There's a few pics and videos on her twitter, like the one where she flies a plane or the ones where she's visiting Cape Town.
god won't help you find a trad christian girl, a trad christian girl won't like you and make babies with you because you're an ass who goes to the gym to mask his problems, and praying won't solve your problems, that's not god's job, it's your fucking job. You're not even doing shit right now because you're on fucking 4chan right now on a porn thread
My point still stands regardless
What she is is a multi millionaire from doing gimmicky shit like selling her bath water and vials of her spit.
The thing about 'reformed" people is that they are only as good as their circumstances allow them to be. In other words when shit hits the fan, they revert back to previous behaviors every single time. I've seen it so many times. For the women that date bad boys and clean them up, get them a job, provide a stable home life, start a family with them...what's the first thing these guys do when they can't pay rent or the mortgage? They go right back to selling drugs, or robbery or scams. The guys that "save" or "wife up" women who were strippers, or prostitutes when money gets tight she goes right back to the pole or calls up an old client. Without fail, when you are with these type of people you've got to constantly be on top of life or they panic and revert without a second thought.
You would prefer to talk to Biden, right? Pathetic.
I have had the exact same experience. The few handful of girls that have given me sexual attention have become my preferred phenotypes and I find myself enduringly attracted to women who look like them, even if they are not the most objectively attractive even by my own standards. Pretty interesting actually.
>Tick tock, she's going to be completely used up and irrelevant eventually.
I'm sure she'll be very sad to have her career over with nothing to show for it except 8-9 figures.
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>zionists are HUGE into greek history/myth.
>t. cvinat neocon good goy republican

You're a fucking retard if you think Jews support Western philosophy, mythology, or culture, or classical Greco-Roman civilization. I mean like you're genuinely a fucking retard.
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ironically your post reads like a psy-op 4chan schizo posts always do
Where is the video of that then?
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>I swear it's like she intentionally makes shitty content.
>almost figuring it out.
This is what I really like about her, that she's the biggest troll on the internet, and no one seems to be catching on. Ever heard of a tease? That's Belle Delphine. She has really distilled it into an art.

You retards fall for it in so many ways. One is simping and desperately gooning, waiting for her to drop something good, and then she just drops some video that's just so almost nearly fappable, but not really. And you're left with a failed nut and blue balls again, and a $10k hole in your bank account.

The other way you fall for it is you get irate and angry. You get political. Her intentionally being annoying is "Hillary trying to ruin your nut." You try to destroy her by impotently rage about her online. If I were to guess what she masturbates to, I'd say it's thinking about all the haters angrily calling her a trap. Then there are those people who fall for it by playing into the joke. Buying her bath water as a joke and shit. Making youtube videos, giving her publicity and fame. Meanwhile she's rolling around in cash and jerking off your forehead vein.

You can really tell that she has some sort of power fetish because of her limp dick boyfriend. All the gooners and incels freak out because he's so lackluster and frail. But the truth is that he's her gimp. That's what she likes. And the funniest part is all of you are also her gimps. Somehow even more cucked than her boyfriend-gimp.
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>she is a psyop.
I know for a fact that she's a highly trained and DEADLY Mossad special agent. Sent to destroy your nut and make you annoyed! Be very careful! She will un-Nazi you and make you GAY!!!
they didn't do anything sexual they just took cosplay photos
>and then she just drops some video that's just so almost nearly fappable
nta, she has plenty of normal porn, wish she did better b/g but that's armature porn for you.
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>stop watching porn
>knows detailed account of belle delphine's life
>obviously a butthurt simp
>clearly butthurt because after paying her $50k, she didn't love you back
You all come to these threads to fap to Belle. I come here to fap to your butthurt. We're not the same.
>be autistic
>try to argue with me, a non-autist

ok buddy
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Why hasn't Belle been BLACKED?
Lots of South African young girls look like her. She just kept her youth.
She did. She got them removed.
Where's the version without the text?
A little bit stupid, which is expected.
Everybody has a God-shaped hole in them. Question is what you full it with
It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person (Mt. 15:11)
Brown people and gays are the new modern gods.
now that she is "retired" is there a pack with all her stuff?

Fuck your 'god' and all the pedophiles Christianity protects. Get your own house in order before telling anyone else how to live, you hypocrite
they were pretty good friends, at least enough that when he died from niggerdosing, while everyone else was busy accusing him of this or that she actually paid respects and treated his death like a sad event (as any loss of human life is)
i never especially cared for twomad (although he followed my stipud 1 joke twitter) but seeing belle act like a human and give real dignity to the dead built up a lot of respect from me. psyop or not, she's at least got some common decency.
Of all the schizoposting I've read, it's the most schizoposting I've read in my entire life. Put me in the screenshot.
bc shes not a loser
> I think a lot of the facial features that us guys think are unattractive are a major turn on for some women.

You just need to look like you have no problem punching people. Orcish, dangerous look is okay. And it doesn't matter that women aren't sapiosexual. An Orc with philosophy degree is way more attractive than the one without.
did she? I thought she ignored it
Pete Davidson isn't that ugly for one, and he has a lot of confidence. Confidence is something women respond very well to, more so than looks.
Pete also has a big cock so that helps a lot.
>years of OF and patreon supporters waiting to see Belle get her ahegao face plastered
>bf is a dribbler
She's such a fucking troll
has Belle ever once had a believable orgasm on video? I swear, she's always using lube, she has a dry pussy, and doesn't seem to enjoy sex at all.
My gf has almost identical tits to belle which she’s slightly self conscious bout but god damn do they make me diamonds
When is this stupid whore going to have sex with someone with atleast an average sized dick or larger?
She's not from the UK, she's from South Africa
based take, anon.
It's the internet, where they can band with a whole bunch of likeminded retards and support eachother in their little echo chambers. Same with woke redditors or discord trannies or whoever else. It's lead to an explosion of delusional assholes in the past few decades.
holy shit, something decent of her?! i'm amazed
You cant even see his face, what do you mean
Cool video
She obviously knew what she was doing.
Her anus is too far from her cunt. Fail.
Fucking hilarious.
Thats a nigger
>doesn't feel like just roleplay
Thats whats good about it.
No move. She has her money.
because, go fuck yourself Rabbi
Is there more to this clip? What video is it taken from?
Yeah, but she's still got that inbred Islander accent that makes her wholly offensive to anyone but the most hard-core closeted pedos that are so turned on by childlike bodies that they can ignore her repulsive British accent.
People complaining about the size of his dick are fucking insane - it looks longer than average if maybe not as proportionally thick, but yeah the guy could at least save up a day or two's load. It looks like the type of load after already cumming 3 times in quick succession.
People complaining about the size of his dick are fucking insane - it looks longer than average if maybe not as proportionally thick, but yeah the guy could at least save up a day or two's load
how can you tell
>Anon comments on his dick size to an anon who made no mention of it.
Project more, seething retard
im sure his face makes up for his average dad body
amen it's infuriating
I came here to fap, not to lol.
I still love her /gif/
I love this dirty dirty girl
Her cute little butt is the most perfect butt in existence.
I stopped liking big fat asses the moment I saw her tushy
lol what
anon thats a face mask hes not actually black, now go back to your containment cell Jamal.
what is this schizoid saying
Do you think her father cooms to her content? He's probably long since disassociated her in his mind as his daughter so he doesn't feel disgusted about it
You ever watch a snake devour it's prey? That's what watching Belle sucking dick is like
belle threads attract lots of shizoids
I dunno man, if I had a belle daughter I would probably ask her for sex and see if she bites
You faggots are mentally ill
The seething of the eternally online niglovers because Belle doesn't fuck with shit colored people is the biggest reason I like her
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Has there been anything new from her yet anymore b/go content?
I think this was the first I ever saw of her and at the time I was absolutely convinced there would be more of her to find that was actually naked but there wasn't
.......... Hello?
>Nice try trying to get me to give a fuck about this dumb cunt whore
Dude you just write a whole long ass message about her. You already lost.
If you really didn't give a shit about her, you wouldn't even be on this thread.
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This is your divination what will you do when you grow up :D
Nevermind fucking her, I'm more envious of whoever got to slap her in the face
>hasnt anyone Noticed. her stage name is a big key to who controls her and her content.
>Delphine, a half maiden, half serpent Greek legend. zionists are HUGE into greek history/myth. she is either a sex slave for the zion cultists or is trapt by one in their sinful lifestyle. uk girls have been rap3d/groomed for the last 30+ years by shitskins and kikes and the parents didnt stop a damn thing.
>she admitted to "only meeting up with and doing nothing with" 2 different 30+ year old men when she was 13. at 14 was watching that kike youtube show with the "i live with mommy" bowl haircut and HE ADMITTED HE KNEW UNDERAGE GIRLS were watching his content and it was loaded with inuendo and adult themed content. he groomed her and i wouldnt be surprised if he is her unofficial pimp.
>she is a psyop

I said the same shit about that tranny corpse that!

All these so called porn stars are owned assets by Elite monkey and are all child trafficked victims
The ones that aren't clearly chil trafficking victims are just dumb bitches who fell for the stardom and we all know women are gullible for shit like that
>I come here to fap to your butthurt.
Another man of taste as well. Glad to see that there is more than me.
she's an adult
This what mentally ill troonism looks like
>as any loss of human life is
All things in their season, peaceknik fag.
>Christian pedophiles
Wait till you find out what statistics are lol.
She needs to do some anal scenes
it's too bad about the retarded face
4chan never disappoints kek
some of you need to hit the bar at last call and get some lot lizard to purge all the nut clogging your brains
you're backed up anon, too backed up
Idk, it gets old lookin at some of you sayin she's ugly or this or that. You're only lying to yourselves. We all know you're not bullshitting anybody.

I'd cum inside her so hard her dead ancestors would climb out of their graves pregnant. idgaf what any of you retards say.
why are you all typing gigantic paragraphs?
stfu faggots this isnt ur blog
bump this weird thread
peak Belle, it all went down from here
smug pink haired e-girl mode makes me wanna hatefuck her so hard
but her porn videos are so sad I almost feel sorry for her, not really because she's a millionaire but you know what I mean, all the hardcore stuff killed the magic, truly disappointing
ngl anon, I don't care about magic. I just want to see her spread her asshole
The frog hat is a nice touch though.
She never relaxed
Nah, anon. It's just a peak, not the peak.
belle is cute as fuck. You faggots need to stop talking about porn like it makes a shit
I always love when we get a genuine schizo on this website
Once she retires for good, she will marry her bf, make some babies, and raise a nice family.
She will be very happy.
I love Belle, but I really wish she would grow a full bush.
If her input looks like that, then it's not a matter of appearance, but resources
Main problem, this pleb doesn't look like lots of resources either.
why she always dry af
have you seen his other videos? they are into fisting
there's nothing pristine about her pussy
She's a millionaire so she really doesn't need the money from making it look "authentic" for you

So is that a D-holder instead of a Beholder?
>I smell like crap
Take your meds, Steven.
Did she get her braces put back on after her tit fiasco?
holy based
It's not like she would ever stop wearing retainers later on...
What, why?
Look ma, the guy who thinks 'Zionist' means 'Jew' is calling people retarded again.
>Anon doesn't know
Innocent anons.
Google it dumbass
she has such a hot accent and voice, why wont she talk more in her videos? any JOI scenes?
post webms or stfu
>Shut up and let thread die
I love how she rides/sucks dildos better than any actual dick. Do you think this is her fault or his?
She still has time to do it anon
I liked her old tits better
>stop watching porn and go to the gym instead.

Ive been doing both for like 20 years mate
>Anon doesn't realize most dildos are 2 standard deviations above average, so it's his fault for not being born to be within the upper 2.5%.
ok but are you guys gonna post webms?
She's the cause why modern egirls and fake nerd girls doing cosplays on of exists..

I used to hate the gamergate but, maybe gatekeeping some girls from the gaming/nerd community wasn't totally a bad idea..
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Mate, get help, for a range of reasons.
Anon, beta fags like that are the only ones willing to lower themselves to date a fucking ethot OF girl.
>t. guy making statements like this while lurking this appalachian crocheting kink club
The lack of self-awareness is stunning
Yet still not as low as a retard who dates OF girls kek.
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Whatever lets you cry yourself to sleep at night I guess
>Cuck is mad

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