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File: breedinsmalltwink_s.webm (3.8 MB, 720x480)
3.8 MB
oc :)
File: smuvetwinkbare.webm (3.47 MB, 854x480)
3.47 MB
3.47 MB WEBM
this is moi
File: boy drilled.webm (1.91 MB, 640x360)
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File: Deep bareback (1).webm (1.83 MB, 446x720)
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Gaynal for short
Enjoy the HIV
I dunno man that's kinda gay
Any tips for taking dick for the first time? I've played with a small dildo before, but I have full control over it. Not sure how to communicate to someone else regarding how to warm me.up and all of that.
Mental state. You gotta think you WANT it.

Poppers are great for opening up your hole. A couple of hits and you’ll be able to take on any cock
you've been posting the same shit for a year now
Try to train with anything that helps losing this control, like a toy that vibrates or a fk machine. I got my partner to ease me into anal by having me have control until I was comfortable with his dick. Then he started taking more and more control/movement over a couple times.
Idk if you trust your ONS or something that much though.
Play with a big dildo, wear a plug before getting fucked, use lots of lube simple as.
as the top or bottom?
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1.35 MB WEBM
Yea my new FB doesn’t like recording anything. :(
Bttm :)
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3.2 MB
Sauce pleaseee
I tried playing with my butt but it smelled like shit and wasnt really pleasurable
the thing I was using was small
Let them do anything you want, if it hurts then it is what it is.
Asked this on a different thread but got nothing.
Anyone got a video of some dude in rainbow socks getting plowed in someone's bed room? He also had two videos where he was getting fucked by some guy in his truck with the windows covered up.
File: 2088641.webm (3.95 MB, 640x480)
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3.95 MB WEBM
longer vid
Any tips on dealing with the poop smell?
douche out. clean your hole. shoot some water up there
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1.92 MB
1.92 MB WEBM
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2.46 MB
2.46 MB WEBM
get a shower attachment enema. shoot some water up clear and push out until clear. then after run it again a couple more times to be sure.
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3.77 MB
3.77 MB WEBM

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