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File: 9111.webm (2.74 MB, 480x826)
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scat thread

women only
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huge load
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theres something incredible about seeing a super hot woman take a shit. like seeing a unicorn
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File: lickylicky.webm (2.62 MB, 960x720)
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2.62 MB WEBM
What about a hot girl eating it?
File: 0022.webm (3.62 MB, 1280x720)
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3.71 MB WEBM
fuck, source? that's hot as fuck
File: I Gotta Go Potty!.webm (3.99 MB, 352x202)
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File: 4300.webm (3.91 MB, 608x576)
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Jesus fucking christ. As a 220lb male i dont even take shits like this. Thats disgusting.
Healthy diet. Rich in fiber.
Lmao little rabbit poop anon can’t even take bigger shits than a woman can
Women are superior shitters than men, because they have larger colons. Women have wider pelvises which give them an edge in the shitting competition.
I bet your diet is horrendous, and you probably have low-grade IBS due to this.
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Where is the “all the eggs” webm????
I'd eat that >~<
anyone know her name?
Imagine if you learned she was interested in you and you were colleagues. You'd probably fall head over heels, not knowing she eats shit on her spare time
I only like seeing men eating it, like in the yapoo market femdom videos.
id: iot
Any pawgs that aren't rachelle?
File: 1945783457.webm (3.29 MB, 640x480)
3.29 MB
3.29 MB WEBM
I wish there was more desperate scat
You should have seen that brunette girl eating shit
File: p.webm (3.94 MB, 1280x720)
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File: tK744aTv7QfuNB3i (2).webm (1.86 MB, 720x1278)
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1.86 MB WEBM
fucking kek there's no way this is real
That might be the first fake one I saw. You can just tell from how it looks, and all of a sudden it was conventionally hot women doing it.
>conventionally hot women
these are ugly brazillians
The one "receiving" looks fine. 99% of them in scat before this, late 90s, were like if you picked a random mom picking up her kid from 8th grade.
I think she has to be the hottest woman I've seen in scat
where did you get this? I've been hunting for her scat vids for a while now
she seems really fucking into it
holy shit WHO
damn, her face would look so much better if that stupid chink filter was off
a lot of these scat whores deliberately hold their shits for days so they can prepare a "spectacle". that wasn't even the 5th worst thing I saw on these threads.
Need a name OP
women are fucking nasty
The noises girls make when they are shitting is the best. Some girls exaggerate it for the vid, and some are pretty silent while taking huge shits. But I love seeing them moan and groan while making stinkies
File: 4157629.webm (3.94 MB, 720x1080)
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anyone know where i can find ninounini vids? i dont want to pay $35 per video
Fat bitch
Fat shit
Shows the toilet

Am in love
top tier video
just fucking pay you pussy. Actually support the people making great content

i do not come here to pay for porn i come here to share porn wagie

Need to get my girlfriend to do exactly this holy fuck
File: 1704765032979666.webm (1.86 MB, 320x568)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB WEBM
Who is this?

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