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Shills are butthurt because The Ukraine is losing.
I personally donate to immigration funds because with hundreds of thousands of Russians being fed into the meat grinder by putin, many Russian women are left without men. So the immigration groups i financially support ensures that many middle eastern men get safe passage to Russia to fuck your women and breed them
It's beautiful seeing cope like this. Day 900+ of the 3 Day Special Military Operation: Kursk Oblast is partially occupied by a force of 2-3 brigades, Russians still don't have full control of the Donbass. Oh and just a few funny events: coup attempts by PMCs, Admiral Sokolov (then commander of the black sea fleet) killed in an airstrike, fucking 4th guards tank division (most prestigious division in the entire russian ground forces. based in Moscow) literally routing and leaving entire brigades worth of equipment to be captured during the Kharkiv offensive.

We have direct photographic evidence for the destruction of thousands and thousands of tanks, armored vehicles, dozens of modern fighter(-bombers), 3 very precious AWACS airframes (out of 10-12), and - according to the actual Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation - hundreds of thousands of casualties. Just check the Oryx database.

Oh and Ukraine has been striking ammo depots, oil refineries, fuel depots and military airfields deep inside of Russian territory for months now, using MacGayver-esque drones built with off-the-shelf components. Oh, russian propagandists like Solovyev claim to be at war with NATO.

How an actual conflict with NATO would go, well, you can imagine how they'd handle a 1000+ Tomahawk strike.

did I mention a Russian S-70 stealth drone - of which there are 2 in service - has just been shot down, likely by friendly fire, and recovered by Ukrainian troops? https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/10/05/a-rare-russian-stealth-drone-fell-to-the-ground-inside-ukrainian-territory-what-brought-down-the-okhotnik/
i don't get the hate, aren't they like the same people, same religion?
to Putler, that's enough to justify trowing hundreds of thousands into the meat grinder

It's just what fascist dictators do

What russia did with Ukraine was basically the same thing as Virginia and west Virginia becoming their own states. That's it. They are pound for pound the exact same group of people. Not a single difference. Yet russia is to Ukraine what China is to Taiwan
Huh, look at that, two subhuman groups behave similarly. I wonder if scientists have studied this...
Same people, same religion, same language. It's logical and right for them to unite. Only problem is that one of them are filled with Muslims and Mongols.
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Okraina is gripped by a cult of historical revisionism. For the past 30 years, since the commies went away, they've built their national mythos on blaming communism for all their ills, even though commies gave them everything they have. Then they equate Russia with the commies and the result is what you see today.
A country of retarded mostly Russians fighting against Russia itself.
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>it's just some carvings in a rock goy!
>commies gave them everything they have
What do Ukrainians have?
If nothing else, they HAD land. Since they managed to ruin everything else they got at the end of the Soviet Union. But I guess that wasn't enough for the piggers, they had to ruin that too.
But what did russia give them? What did communism give them?
So where are the woman soldier/civilian rape videos?
>i don't get the hate, aren't they like the same people, same religion?
One has a CIA controlled puppet regime forcibly imposed on them, and the other does not.
No mention of Vuhledar/Ugledar in this essay of /k/ope. Why not?
Pretty much everything outside of Galitsiya and Volhiniya.
I will never comment on this war one way or another because despite following the news assiduously, I have no fucking idea what’s going on
What are the Ukrainian war goals? What are the Russian war goals? Who are the piggers? Who are the hohols? Do actual Russians want this war? How about actual Ukrainians?
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You wish that was you, huh? I can't imagine someone keeping that on their hard drive otherwise.
No, rabbi, I'm asking you what communist jews in Russia gave Ukraine
I understand you are having withdrawals after going 6 hours without sucking a freshly circumcised baby dick, but stay with me here. Answer the question
These fakes are getting more pathetic by the iteration man.
2 day war
Winter is coming
Gonna be another Afghanistan
Only difference Russia isn't making profits of it
>Winter is coming
Yeah, its going to really suck for the country which has seen their energy infrastructure obliterated.
Dude literally just said "cope" and wrote a NAFO troon essay about the whole collective west losing in yourkraine
What? You can't read?
>over 2 years and 20k dead russians with at least 3 times as many russian soldiers being severely wounded to take a prewar population city of 14k
>One has a CIA controlled puppet regime
and the other one has a domestic shadowy organization calling the shots. So much better.
Ruskiemir - A desolate wasteland, because if we can't have then no one can
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Russian propaganda is so bad they just have to claim over and over what they want you to think
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>over 2 years and 20k dead russians with at least 3 times as many russian soldiers being severely wounded to take a prewar population city of 14k
Yes, every Russian loss in this war was exclusively for just taking that one city and only that one city, as opposed to that one city in addition to the other 20% or so of Ukrainian territory they hold....

But I applaud you for giving reasonably accurate Russian loss figures instead of the 600,000 gorillion that many on your side claim (without evidence).
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>and the other one has a domestic shadowy organization calling the shots. So much better.
Regardless of how corrupt or shadowy it might be, at least those who control Russia are indigenous to Russia and Russia therefore has sovereignty. Ukraine does not. They did prior to 2014 when Obama sent in those spook snipers into Maidan square, but...
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The 20k number is specifically the dead russians in the fight of Vuhledar you idiot
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>those who control Russia are indigenous to Russia
lmao you wish. Georgians and jews
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Look how literally every single paid russian shill bot in this thread will ignore this webm
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>russia will completely overrun ukraine in 3 days
funny thing about russian propaganda is that they say the stupidest things that nobody believes and is easily disproven, but they say it anyway.
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stupid komrad. ukraine had exponentially more when commies crumbled and they embraced western ideals. Puting got butthurt and jealous, and that's why he invaded. (oh yeah, and also because of "nazis" lol)
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How many more Russian men do you think will die?

At the moment it's around 150,000 dead, but I think we could easily go much higher than that, with the de-mechanisation of the Russian army and the change in the balance of firepower as the Russian military runs down it's supply of 1950s artillery tubes.
I think we could see 500,000 if this war goes another couple years.

Personally I hope as many as possible are killed, having seen the way they act and brag about their crimes on the internet, it's clear that it would do the world a great good to shrink the future of the Russian nation as much as possible.

Whilst Russian men are willing to make themselves lawful targets for the equivalent to a McDonald's servers salary (as much as 8 times the average salary in the shit holes they live in), we should be doing our up most to eliminate as many as possible.
Millions of artillery shells, hundreds of thousands of guided munitions, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, cluster munitions, mines.
Anything that can put shrapnel into warm Russian bodies.
It's a generational opportunity and we shouldn't pass it up.
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Someone PLEASE post war rape and sexual violence. Doesn't matter if against females or males as long as they're adult.
nta, but I guess you're admitting that communism gives nothing. Pole here, I know. Russia is a shitstain on the world, and Putin is like the turd greasing it up even more
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The russian military isnt giving out accurate numbers about casualties domestically because they dont want to pay the fee to widows. We will only know the real numbers when the census is run after Russia's defeat
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Funny how every single independent nation bordering on russia hates russia. AND YET Russians think its the fault of everyone else and not their own that they are despised.
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cant wait for trump to defund nato while upholding russia as an ally when they hit poland. you guys really are retarded
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Meanwhile, in reality...
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cool tactical somersault you fucking faggot
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I would expect this of the russian navy, But gays in the russian army , i've never heard of this.
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How do you fuck up that badly wtf!!!
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Ohh no that's not good chinks in Ukraine
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>he now begs on 4chan for gibs
lol, things are going well i see
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What is the context here?
>someone trying to kill steal
lmao, unlucky to be born a russian
They're russian first of all and they are probably drunk out of their mind, on account of being russians
Russians are the gayest population on earth. It is always the people complaining the loudest about troons and faggots that suck dick at the local glory hole
>Who are the piggers?
The Ukrainians (hohols). Their fascination and love of pigs is disturbing..
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>Russians are the gayest population on earth. It is always the people
It appears Rabbi has entered the chat
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AFU dont even bury or report their dead
>they keep them on the payroll roster to collect their paychecks
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Legor Igor loses a leg protecting MAP/Trans/Pedosexual rights..

My point proven instantly. Why do you have gay porn saved on your computer?
>Russians are the gayest population on earth.
Yeah, its definitely the people that live in the country where LGBTQ+ pride parades and gay marriage is illegal whom are the gayest population on Earth, and certainly not the (((west))) where such things are not only legal but promoted by the government.

Remember when that Russian tranny shooter by the name of Aiden Hale went on a shooting spree in the Nashville Oblast and President Putin responded to it by decreeing an official tranny day in celebration of it? Oh wait no, that was Biden.
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In the end, the side that protects
>gay marriage
>trans rights
>4yr old age of consent
>man horse love
will win..
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One of your goys/boys got droned with posting to 600million.com That make you mad Rabbi? feel like anoda shoah?
Why do you have gay porn saved on your computer, faggot?
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AFU Colonel in charge of TDU Odessa arrested by SBU after refusing to share his tranny with Brig. Generals. Refusing to share your tranny side piece is illegal in Ukraine.. who woulda thought?
>they must be very progressive and tolerant
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Denounce the Talmud, the West and NATO kike faggot..
>oy vey I cant! Rabbi wont let me oy vey!
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Joe Biden thanks you for standing up for MAP/Trans/Pedosexual rights!
how is he still alive ?
basically almost all of his mammalian brain is gone
full lobotomy, and all his memories and higher thought are gone
at best will probably only be able to follow simple commands
Russia: A nation built on failure. A nation built on spite.
When will you Red faggots learn that you're nothing? You have nothing but your endless list of failures.
You hate the west because we built better empires than you. You hate your neighbours who refuse to be subsumed into you because they are better states without you. You hate your people, who you lie to every single day because you know they would abandon you in the face of the truth.
Fuck you, and fuck Putin. I hope he dies soon.
Why are russia and Israel similar in so many ways? It's uncanny
>Russia: A nation built on failure.
Nations built on failure are the ones which don't last. They mostly aren't even around today since they got weeded out by Darwinism. Open some history books and look up all the countries which once existed but no longer do, because they failed.

Russia is anything but that. They've got a very long history which goes back over a thousand years. Not only do they still exist today, but they are the largest nation on Earth. Obviously they must be doing something right. Ask the Khazars, Mongols, Ottomans, Tatars, and so on how much of a failure the Russians are... oh wait, you can't because Russia defeated all of them and they no longer exist (because of Russia defeating them).
>I hope he dies soon.
You can hope in one hand and shit in the other. But hope and /k/ope is all you got. You can't actually do shit other than seethe impotently. :)
Tampons absorb blood but do not promote clotting like gauze. Gauze also doesn't contain dangerous levels of heavy metals, which may explain why women are retards.
>We'll show him we're not gay by posting our entire collection of gay porn
It's fucking gross, stop it and kill yourselves.
You will never understand their happiness
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>two dudes getting married
>gay porn
Pigger intellect again?
He was probably actually alright. Those tires only hold about 12-18 PSI, and they're very flexible, so it may have busted up a rib or a couple of fingers but overall he can fight still.
you think im clicking on your gayporn propaganda you jewish faggot?
>up most
You aren't smart. Stop thinking you are.
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You are correct.
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lol, pigger intellect it is then.
fuck is that?

Then why don't they rule the world?
Why did Communism fail so completely?
Why do they hate so much?
Because they failed.
Go back to your Krokodil, Russkie.
>Why did Communism fail so completely?
Because its shit. Good thing Modern Russia has a market economy.
sounds perfect for NAFO
>Same people
Not even close to being true.
I can tell a russian from a Ukrainian just by looking at their face. They are culturally and genetically different from us.
>Same religion
We are orthodox Christians, they follow a heretical FSB-controlled "church".
>What did russia give
Death and destruction.
There is no source for this, there is no evidence, unlike with other CIA involvement which have plenty of leads. This is just another cope from retarded ziggers. You're mad that you don't control us anymore.

>Ukrainian goals
To repel russian invaders and get back all of our territory.
>Russian goals
They hate us, they have hated us for centuries. Their goal is to destroy our nation. They have tried many times before, and each time they have failed.
>Do actual russains want this war
Most russians grow up watching state tv, thus they are brainwashed to completely agree with everything the gov says.
>Do Ukrainians want this war
No, we don't want war. But right now either we fight and live, or we surrender and die. We did not start this, but we will finish this.
>Nobody believes
Low iq's and midwits do.
The russian will tell you that everyone hates him but will never tell you why.
>t. pidor
Communism is retarded. Probably why commies decided to give Okraina land and industry.
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Fuck Russia AND Ukraine.
That's just the Eastern Euro butthurters. And no matter how important they think they are... nobody really cares about Euros, let alone Eastern Euros.
1) it's just Ukraine
2) they literally have taken russian territory

Cope harder
Oh nice they brought Stevie Nicks over!!
lol, love this one!
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Will be funny when China starts salami slicing their borders like they are with India if they aren't already. What a win indebting themselves to daddy Xi over some shithole and blowing away their arms export market outside of BRICS.
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>Winter is coming
good times hohols gonna freeze to death
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did he got ass raped?
the ukraine jew king: YEP, he's good to go back, now stop bothering me while I am counting the free gib cash
>the truth of ukraine anti armor ambush.webm
LMAO why do NAFO weapons suck so bad?
>Don't worry, Steiner will counterattack from the East and drive the Russians out!

fucking lol
A country with the average paycheck of 350€ before the Russian invasion. Sure sounds like a lot.
Retard do you think that the money and weapons your shithole country is getting from the US is just free of charge? Your government made a deal with the devil and mark my words the end of this war is going to be Russia keeps the regions it took and you and all your countrymen will be proxy slaves to the US regime, you let your blind hatred of Russia lead to selling out your own country

The sad part is almost none of us in the US want this shit but I see the writing on the wall

Also your government started this shit by bombing Ukrainian citizens who identified more with Russia in the east back in 2014/2015 and then your retarded government wanted to join NATO in direct violation of Russias agreement with them

The funniest part is this is really a war between NATO and Russia and it’s being played out as such, all of the men in your country are just meat in the grinder and NATO doesn’t want to send troops to fight but they don’t want Russia to win either so basically it’s a war of attrition and your fighting population will dwindle much faster than russias will

This is what it means to be an ally to the US

Good luck
Yeah, it rose steadily ever since russia left ukraine and only went down every time russia attacked ukraine. Komrad.
Apes doing ape things
I don't understand why every soldier doesn't have to carry their own bodybag in their packs at all times.
>these faggots faggoted at us
inb4 russian shill or some shit like that. its fucking sad.
its a weird mix. some of them must still blindly believe their masters, but im sure many of them are just typing the words they are paid/force to type or they know theyre next on the frontlines

the guy in this gif has worms. he behaves like a strange animal that has a parasitic infection it would like to pass along.

basically he looks like a city squirrel with rabies trying to walk right up to people...
cutest Ukrainians i have ever seen!!!
russian mentality is this
its not gay to rape men, the men who get raped are faggots and thus not even considered men
gays are people who live life as gay
thus the checnyan saying, we have no gays in chechnya

Russians dont consider all of this gay, but it is, they are among the gayest nation on earth with the highest hiv and aids rate.
Rape of weaker men during wartime has happened throughout history
Russia does this with and without wartime, whats your point
It rose steadily to 350€? Lol, what must it have been before.

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