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File: 1719900938516098.webm (3.35 MB, 1280x776)
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Traps/trans/femboy/twinks punishing their prostates with sex toys. The bigger the butts and dildos the better.
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Nevee have i felt so gay. Who is this?
why can't I ever find these fucking gorgeous twinks? is this all over in the US? we need more sluts over in EU
File: Snapchat-1240502359-1.webm (2.29 MB, 1088x1936)
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More oc
Which website you recommend for buttplugs? I want to get one I can sit with without issues, preferably metallic as it doesn't take on smell.
I'm from Europe so I'm looking for something that will get to me within 2 weeks
Any tips on how to clean the poo off my plugs?
Question: I have tried many prostate massagers and dildos and I am able to reach prostate orgasm pretty consistently. It feels great, no doubt about it, but I am not able to cum from my dick like these guys here. How are they doing it? What's the secret?
File: 1726016338729097.webm (2 MB, 360x640)
2 MB
>where were you during the blip?
I want to claim him
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the loads i spendt on that semen demon

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