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Russians are literally forced to disabled people in wheelchairs after losing 600,000 soldiers in their 3 day special military operation
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Literal peasants fighting peasants over there.
Imagine getting handed an old AK variant and a couple mags then dropped off in a frozen scrubland. You have 4 cans of beans.
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What's wrong with an old AK variant? Is it going to kill you less?
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It was 300k a few threads ago blueh
This is a shill thread created by a CIA glownigger who accidentally namefagged in this thread once: >>27054672

The real organic and legit war thread was here >>27964813 but this glownigger spammed 300 videos in quick succession—sometimes 2 or 3 at a time—and disabled bumping of the thread to guarantee that it would die as quickly as possible because they don't want people to see the actual truth of the war. Whoever is doing this either has mod powers or is a mod because no one else could be able to do this. This is also the reason why the IP counter has been disabled, in order to help obscure this bot's activities.

Now that this shill thread has been established, the spambot will periodically dump its catalog of silent 2 year old videos at a predictable rate of 4-7 minute intervals to keep the thread constantly bumped. One additional interesting thing to note, is that this spambot never seems to operate on saturdays. Would anyone happen to have any theories as to why that may be?

If Ukraine were actually winning, this spambot would be unnecessary. It is also a violation of the site rules against automated spambots, but again nothing is done about this, and it has been going on like this since February.

yup. the usual.

Ukraine is so fucked, and I don't feel bad for them. they wanted to be traitors, suffer the consequences of treachery.

like you aren't a basement dwelling cuck regardless of any political conflict.
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Ukraine will either end up another destabilized war torn nation being tugged at by the seams by two major world powers,

a part of russia,

or a puppet ally to the US/EU to pay back what they owe them.

either way their future is pretty grim, even if they manage to hold ground and get to a ceasefire or some form of agreement between RU and Ukraine. leaning more towards a wartorn nation slowly crippled by either side which works to Russias benefit over the course of time.

big money sink for other nations comparable to Yemen or Libya.
Lillitts9 is a low IQ autistic tranny wignat
She needs to put on a uniform
>She needs to put on a uniform
I doubt he's a wignat. He probably spams BBC porn here like the rest of the faggots. Right about the rest though.
imagine in two more weeks
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>when ukraine
da it shill
>when russia
organic thread comrade 2 rubles deposited in your account

Who did ukraine betray?
>Ukraine will either end up another destabilized war torn nation being tugged at by the seams by two major world powers,
nigga this has been the political reality of ukraine since 1991
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for a moment i thought the RIDF shills must have been sent to the frontlines that they managed to let a thread go this long without seething
>AKSHUALLY, the real organic thread is the one where it is 300 straight reposts of 2+ year old (3 day special military operation lmfao) videos of ukrainians getting killed, and not a single video that shows russians losing. its ORGANIC goy!
heres a little taste of the reality, in 10 minutes a squad of 6 is reduced to 1, this is how we can calculate average lifespans of mere days for the victims of the russian meatgrinder. let the cope commence
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i cant tell if you are pro ukro or not but that video shows russians dying so ok
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it must be a hard life, being retarded
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>U-Ukraine is w-winning... that's why we got to use an automated spambot to dump the same old garbage thousands of times instead of posting new stuff!
>Who did ukraine betray?
Its' people.
Who are you posting this for? We all see you doing the exact thing you accuse the Russian side of doing.
that looks so fake
you mean the ethnic russians in the donbass that revolted, sided with russia and allowed russian soldiers from russia to enter ukraine and facilitate a civil war that helped putin justify his weak pretext for going to war and invading ukraine?
by definition a government doesnt betray a group that acts as a 5th column dude.
bro we are 4 months away from year 4 and snow season is just getting started, every day russia has to fight on is a victory for ukraine.
>bro we are 4 months away from year 4
Why can't Ukraine ESL shills do math? It would be year 3, retard. Where do you get an extra additional year from?
>double kill
>triple kill
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Weird things that a person has never seen before irl often look fake.
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Yes, I'd rather be under fire from a cosmoline soaked ak47 from a soviet bunker than something developed and used in the last 5 or 6 decades.

>no rails
>shit ergonomics
>shit sights
>hollywood larp reliability/poorly maintained w/ decades old moving parts
>inconsistent munitions

Theres a reason for continued small-arms development, we didnt finalize modern firearms 80 years ago.
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No, I mean the whole populace. Russian amd Ukrainian alike were all screwed by Ukraine.
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Well done, Maverick!
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Whats the point of spamming this here constantly? You guys won right? You got your land back and btfo the asiatic hordes and your women aren’t whoring themselves out in brothels in Western Europe? You won so why spam us constantly to tell us you won?
>>Why can't Ukraine ESL shills do math? It would be year 3, retard. Where do you get an extra additional year from?
22-23 year 1
23-24 year 2
24-25 year 3 we're in this one now you retard
25-26 year 4 this coming feb
do you get it retard?
there's 300 russian bombers working on ukraine 24/7 dropping hundreds of glide bombs on ukrenian soldiers to the point where ukraine is mobilizing by shoving random passersbys off the street and into vans. just because russian MOD choses not to post gore videos because its gonna cause disgust among the russian population dosn't mean ukraine is actually "winning"

if during ww2 they had internet ones could also post casualties among the russian army all the way to Berlin but it doesn't mean much in terms of who is achieving his objectives
to post the kind of gore videos that Ukraine is posting one needs only two things.

an fpv drone
a DJI Mavic drone

both are available in plentiful amount in the russian army. the russians can post gore videos too they just choose not to because the russian population, having see those videos, will get the impression that the russian army is composed of blood thirsty sadist who take pleasure in killing.

the reason Ukraine does post gore videos is because ever more russians sign contracts with the russian army so ukraine tries to scare applicants on the russian side.
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poor guy. he died alone, in pain, and afraid
i hope he's in a better place
why ivan thinks its cringe to be gay thobeit?
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They say that yet male rape is most popular in Russia
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Why u nigas lying when we've had 2 years of CHUG posting gore same as UHG on /pol/ and right here on /gif/?
>inb4 uh ackshully its not the russian MOD directly posting on 4chan
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ukraine is winning so hard its fucking drowning in freshly dug graves and has to scoop geriatric meat off the streets to send into the grinder, meanwhile most russkies forgot there was even a war.
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If the point was to take Ukraine, Russia lost.

If the point was to make Russia suffer massive losses in a EU/US Proxy war....?
Oh look at that

Russia: -600k "soldiers"
USA: -3 or -4 schizophrenics who joined the foreign legion.
what are the odds
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Nah, Ukraine is the next S Korea, no matter where it ends up that place is gonna be full of the same shitty US fast food restaurants and outlet malls you see in your own shitstain suburb. Too much money there to let Russia use it as a empty buffer zone/breadbasket slave country.

S*** the banking yuppies are probably already lining up to figure out who's going to lend the next face of government all that reconstruction money at an exploitative rate.
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/uhg/ niggers tongue my anus. Goreleaf, one of the avid goreposters, has a remarkably feminine set of body features, so don’t forget to remind him about it anons, he likes it
why do women need more pockets?
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it's = it is as in "it's the people who betrayed ukraine"
its = it (possessive form) as in "ukraine betrayed its people"
its' = ????
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A snail would've crossed Ukraine by now.

Russia is fucked.

600000+ dead young men, there's no future for Russia.

Iran, North Korea and China are next in line to get fucked.
The point was to make Ukraine heel.

Now Ukraine will lose a lot of territory in addition to it.
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Just like my survival vidya!
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the average russkie is oblivious to anything not in front of their noses. of course they dont know shit, they're still peasants.
>>The point was to make Ukraine heel.
for what purpose?
since 1991 ukraine has been giving russia everything its ever asked for with america right behind ukraine urging them to do so including nuclear disarmament by giving up their nukes, to russia.
Even during the obama years ukraine was still complying by destroying stockpiles of artillery munitions and SALWs
Liberals like you cry about Trump being a dictator and banning political parties and banning religions and languages and then waddle into your room and get on your knees infront of your altar you made to Zelensky and cry about Ukraine.. literally the definition of /k/uck
600,000,000 dead you fascist nazi putin lover!
Makes sense but seems like a waste of resources in wartime since the utility of women in this case is freeing up men for combat, not participating in combat themselves.
So did he ever actually say any of that in the conversation or did you just hallucinate a caricature you dislike lol
Ask your/xer/xem self
>Has Russia really lost 120% of it entire cimboned armed forces, and how is it still advancing?
No, Ukraine cant be "transwinning" thats not a real thing
Can you please point out to me where in my only post on this thread >>27987151
I ever implied or mentioned what you're saying without any of the schizo-posting or hallucinating arguments with characters you dislike in your head
Someone needs to edit this to have his hand in his pants
>for what purpose?
To keep it out of NATO among other things.
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Hololnigger and Vatnigger war is just grim, depressing, and or boring. Post kino sandnigger war footage instead.
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This thread = botted echochamber
>no rails
>shit ergonomics
>shit sights
Also untrue
>hollywood larp reliability/poorly maintained w/ decades old moving parts
You said old, not run-down
>inconsistent munitions
The fuck does that even mean?
File: In trouble.webm (398 KB, 800x334)
398 KB
I'm sure the 600,000 dead Russians and their families feel the same way about that lol
>if i keep saying it, it'll come true!
How many Russians do you think have died in the conflict?
man i never argued any of these points.
its not the 19th century any more man, the
"russian sphere of influence" is non existent and the russki myr is a mirage. NATO has grown larger and has a sense of purpose even if its just to help ukraine blow something up that will be of little consequence later.
My guess is close to about 100k.
>NATO has grown larger
Its also become more DEI.

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