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File: russian prison part1.webm (3.39 MB, 444x250)
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The gayest of rape
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This isn't something I've seen before. This thread makes me feel bad. Thanks for opening my eyes
anything that isnt war?
Many of the clips are not war related such as
Which aren't even in Russian and the first 3 posts in the thread are leaked footage from a Russian prison where people were being constantly abused
Full video of the torture footage if anyone wants to see the other rapes or clip them
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What a batty boy!
Anyone has the webm from Joker 2?
here u go
Much obligued, Jesus I was right it sounds really gnarly with the sound on.
I feel bad for cumming to this
I never saw the clip but this actually doesn't seem like rape to me. There's a vague connection with him talking about his mother, but that's a stretch. Dog shit movie though.
Hell yeah dominate that little bitch. Shit gets me hard as fuck
Wearing that bitch out. He's in for a long night
i was just reminiscing when i was first raped by my meth and extacy dealer a little over 20 years ago. good times
It's heavily implied when you see the guards suddenly taking his clothes off and then getting on top of him, he even says "aren't you going to buy me a drink first" (meaning before you fuck me), the implication becomes more obvious with the following scene not in the webm where they return him to his cell and he just has a thousand-yard stare as the other prisoners ask what the guards did to him. I've been around the block and seen a lot of implied gay rape and this one is very obviously supposed to be a gay rape.
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apology for lack of audio. in addition, he's dragged back to his cell without pants.
This is going to sound strange, but this thread is a hell of a lot darker than the last thread about this topic.

This clip is a fragment: Anyone got a bigger one?
What the fuck is wrong with Russians? Seem like most the rape in the Ukraine war is going to against men rather than women.
And people meme about US prisons being a rape dungeon fucking hell.
I have basically the same clip, but it's a few seconds long, and the cameraman tells the guy getting fucked "Shut Up. The more you scream, the more he'll fuck you harder, and deeper"
I've tried to find the source but haven't had any luck either.
I doubt more men are actually being raped than women but raping a man has got to be way more of a power trip than raping a woman which is why so many of these are recorded for the purpose of further humiliation. There was a clip of some Ukrainian woman who claimed when she was held captive, the Russians didn't rape the female captives, but did rape the male ones.
There's a lot more genuine male rape being posted. Any man who does not want to be fucked will fight until the end as most do.
Actually a genius move to have the joker raped if they played it off well in the movie, but they didn't
Crazy how lives get destroyed.
are all these russ on russ? russ on ukie, or ukie on rus? whats the backstory
>forced to watch her husband (?) being ravaged by fat bastard
This is something taken out of a doujin.
As far as I can tell

Russ on russ, source link posted itt, they are prisoners in Russia who were abused by guards
I believe this one is russ on russ. Text where I got it said: Boeннocлyжaщиe, apмии кoтopyю нeльзя диcкpeдитиpoвaть, нaкaзывaют cвoeгo cocлyживцa зa кocяк, в Укpaинe. Soldiers punishing another soldier for smoking marijuana (?) in Ukraine but unclear if it's Russians or Ukrainians in the vid, I would guess Russians since they are speaking Russian to each other
Have to split this post because spam filters are being unbelievably gay

This one the source claimed is some drug dealer being punished in Kazakhstan
Russ on russ, guy with camera has a weird accent though
Appears to be russ on ukie
Source said this was ukie on russ. I can't paste the link here cos 4chan is gay but it was on alivegore with the title "Ukrainian Nationalist Rapes Russian Soldier"
Text from where I got this said: Poccийcкиe вoeнныe нacилyют cвoих мoбилизoвaнных Russian soldiers raping one of their own
The rest of the Russian videos all seem to be russ on russ.

Hard to tell sometimes with the war related ones because Ukrainians will usually speak to Russians in Russian and unless they say certain words it's hard to hear the difference. Someone who knows better about the area/countries/events/language can correct me
Utter disappointment that fag rape seems to be more common than regular woman raping
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Im sure if you ask for it you'll get plenty
>And people meme about US prisons being a rape dungeon
Becuase they are

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