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Give me some boys/trans getting some fun
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God i wish that was me
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I've been waiting for this thread for literal days. Thanks, anon. Here's my favorite from a past thread, the sounds of his cum shooting inside are so fucking hot. Also the splat of that fat load as it leaks out.
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If anyone has the rest of these, I'd be a very happy gooner
is that guy huge or did he buy a child sex toy
Love seeing them fuck tiny sex toys ;)
and I loooove this woman lol
its just an onahole
Anyone have the one with the big booty tran in some kindve red skirt? Think she's pounding a doll missionary.
looks about 8", pretty long.
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le bump, I like this sort of stuff
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I think this guy posted here before, I remember I had one where he's wearing one of those bad dragon cock sheaths but I cant find it atm, I have this one though which I apparently download 10 months ago
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I mean a toy in the shape of a 9 year old, look at how he grasps what could be interpreted as the waist of that thing
Ikr its so fucking hot
>Is that a gore sex doll? Where's the rest of the body?
Fucking retard
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>anon sees sex toy
>immediately thinks of a child
that was his second thought, his first thought was that the guys cock was huge
you're illiterate AND a puritan. sad! many such cases.
women have dildos shaped like dog penises
That's what happens when you hire a trans babysitter
It's worthless without the cumshots you faggots
I'm going to do my due diligence and thoroughly explain why you may have this misconception.

You see most of these toys use either pure silicon or a compound known as tpe or thermoplastic polyester elastomers.

These materials are typically not as cheap as many other mass manufacturing materials especially when used in such high amounts for sex toys.

Hence why those huge lifesize sex dolls are priced in the $1,000 - $10,000 range.

So companies will usually make these smaller designs to cut down on manufacturing costs in order to make a profit as well as enabling them to sell the items cheaper and to a wider audience.
Probably slightly above average 7-8" if no camera trickery taking place, That's just how the more basic sex toys look. If you want anything close to "human" size your looking at probably $1000+ and they weigh 100's of pounds.
why put in this effort when that guy is trolling...
I need more of him.
That's what i said when i hired her, not sure how my kids are doing tho
stop pedo posting and post more asses you fag
That one on the left modeled after midna?

Where do you get these?
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source is pierbi

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Yes. and like >>27985103 said, it's from a site called Mouldforged
We need more
Does anyone have the clip of the brown femboy dressed like a belly dancer fucking a fleshlight?
How tf are the femboys hung like horses? Wtf
It's the fluoride in the water
They absolutely mog my little dick, it’s embarrassing but kinda turns me on.. I think id pay them to fuck my throat ngl (no homo)
Okay, Jacobtard
No idea.
I've dated three femboys and each of them were taller than me. I'm average US height.

They're just tall and hung.
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This man is literally a pedophile.
love that guy's videos when they show up
he is sexually attracted to prepubescent kids
Proof? Or is it just because he has small toys?
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I have some more vids of him
dont feed the retard any (yous), he's just trying to derail the thread by being unfunny and gay
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How good are these? Better than jerking off? Looking these up on Amazon $30 seems pretty cheap.
They're fine. Sure, the more expensive pocket pussies last a little longer and feel a little better, but the $30-50 pocket pussies last me a few months with proper cleaning and I feel they are worth it.

Which sex toy is this one?
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dunno desu senpai. I haven't got one myself but apparently the japanese ones that the people in /jp/'s ona general recommend are supposedly much better than the shitty ones on amazon and the like
This clip convinced me to get one.
I want to rim that asshole out so badly.
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theyre great
get a tomax
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Glad to hear it lol

Here's longer versions of these 2 vids
zonbik is the maker on Amazon. fuckable nipples too. the 28 lb version is great but a pain in the ass to move.
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been trying to find sauce on this
aww man, that broken index finger
I wasn't trolling, I was legitimately asking why are company openly selling fake torsos of 9 yo girls (or boys, I have no idea), to fuck
I see, it's still a very weird consession to make to make them the size of a tiny human.
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That's the last time i'm hiring a tranny as a babysitter
The fate of whitebois when bnwo
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damn this is a good one. any more like it?
Ugh me pls
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I want to rim a sweaty tranny asshole while it pleases itself
What is this toy?
Have you considered that maybe people want a human-shaped toy but also don't want something that's 20 pounds and that's why they're small, not because they're childlike?
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lilith uterus apparently
itsukarine on xtube, you can see he used to post here if you search the archives. Sadly from what I'm gathering his content went down with the site
Thanks! I've seen those before, but only still shots and without anything decent to give a size comparison to.
What toy is this I must know

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