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File: 58C69A8 2.webm (2.74 MB, 320x240)
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Post deep moaning from girl being stuffed full. None of that high pitched fake orgasm screaming crap.
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>real orgasms
So this is basically a bbc thread
you are so gay dude LMAO
what is up with that penis??
He's wearing that over his actual dick.

Gotta be a supreme degenerate cuck to do that.
Nah probably just been married a while. You can always tell the virgins when they say dumb shit like this. Believe it or not sex gets stale and boring after a while so you do things out of the ordinary to keep it fresh.
his penis is augmented
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The fact you see it this way tells me more about you than the couple in the video.

>Semi related
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This video makes me feel uneasy. Does she actually enjoy the pain, or the psychological aspect of taking all of his dick? Are all women like this, or is she weird? It's for sure sounds of pain. I don't understand people like this. Is it just a fetish where it's some crazy experience for them? Must be, because normal people don't film normal sex.
grunts and strange sounds they would be embarassed about r the best
I don’t know who has the worst time in these situations
>dude laying there with some dudes ass and balls above his face possibly getting cockdrool on his chest and face plus his legs and balls are getting grazed by the assfucker
>assfucker that can barely move or he’ll slip out, every time he pushes his balls glide over the bottoms balls
>blowjob guy that in 90% of these scenarios just stands there stroking his dick because women are so fucking bad and boring at sex she’ll only blow him for 10 seconds every 3 minutes
Women can like the pain from big dick. They get into it, which turns them on, which makes the vagina expand and get wetter, which makes them more able to take the big dick. Nearly all women need big dick, but they have to be turned on in order to take it.
There is not any sort of guttural moan here, let alone a deeo one.
This thread needs that video of the woman that goes "OHHHHHHHHH BILL!!"
My girlfriend gets off on it to an extent, she doesn’t like the pain but she likes the idea that my dick is too big for her, as long as the pleasure is greater than the pain they’ll love it. The only time my girlfriend cleaned my dick with her throat after sex was when she was crying from having her cervix pummeled
dam,boi, this one was great
especially for such a nigger thread
Who is she?
some mud shark
some disgusting, fat whore
A lot of women enjoy the feeling and idea of taking and having to take a dick that's too big for them, yes.
Lucky guy. Would like to have her ride me and have those big tits in my face.
Based thread
shrek 2
She's in pure pleasure
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Fuck yes
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No they don't. My gf complains about my dick hurting her. It's actually kind of annoying and a big turn off.
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She ain't that into you
It's called women. They are never happy, never satisfied.
She's so cute horny as hell too
one day 4chan is going to have to make up it's mind between
>Chicks literally can't resist big dicks
>Chicks need to be into the guy to enjoy big dicks
Good luck to whatever white boy ends up marrying her.
Degen fakecels seething over this

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