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eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread
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can someone explain why does a big fat ass looks so much better when there is a girly dick dangling below?
Hey dude maybe don't spam the thread to death in 2 days this time. Let more people be able to enjoy and view the content.
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It doesnt. Youre just such a desensitized faggot that you need dick girls to get off.
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Idk but it looks so delicious especially that line on their gooch where their pussy should be turns me on the most. Would snort and eat that delicious ass and pump load after load deep into his yummy bowels.
Wish there was more frotting in these threads
>every single faggot ITT covers the face
lmao they will never be real women
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what the fuck
Sadly, tragically, even good-looking, masculine-looking (despite my inability to grow a beard) males like myself are not what excites the vast majority of those displayed on this thread. Femboys like these who are into males like me are as rare as a honest man in Parliament, to quote Captain Jack Aubrey. Perhaps the expansion their numbers and the faggot culture being legally and culturally jammed down our throats will expand their numbers and diversify their tastes. Hopefully.
need a name>>27999081
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>Would snort and eat that delicious ass and pump load after load deep into his yummy bowels
Can't you niggas just jerk off?
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no idea
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Personally I disagree I love men like that. I guess I'm a tranny and not a fembou tho. It more has to do with being 24 femboy just sounds cringe and pedophilic and I'm on estrogen so idk wut else to call myself besides trans
sit on my face you fucking faggot
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Any drama?
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This is actually facts. People don't seem to realize the longer they goon and the greater their porn addiction grows, the more and more weird or hardcore stuff they need to get off.

I think that's what led to this phenomenon of rape, tranny, brrap etc threads showing up everywhere. 20 years ago, shit was still relatively vanilla. Now the niche is the norm. Idk.
so that means mike adriano vanilla?
Pretty much.
#27998551 2/10
#27999175 1/10
#27999176 1/10
TL;DR body is too masculine for a trans

#27998556 1/10
#27998557 1/10
#27998877 2/10
#27999081 1/10
#27999207 1/10
#27999376 1/10
#27999840 2/10
#28000365 1/10
#28000368 1/10
TL;DR face and body are too masculine for a trans

#27998620 N/A
#27999876 N/A
#28000300 N/A
#28000340 N/A
#28000414 N/A
TL;DR body is properly masculine for a gay

#27998738 N/A
#27999032 N/A
TL;DR face and body are properly masculine for a gay

TL;DR 1/10 thread so far
File: femboylonghhair.webm (1.96 MB, 720x1280)
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Thank you Mr. President
i love the skin line where the pussy would be too, hrt seems to make it pinker which is even hotter
Nice ass

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