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Post girls using dildos to make themselves squirt. Bonus if it's a close up video
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>it's literally just piss
It's just pee. Just make a pee thread.
Biologically speaking, there is nowhere in the human body than can store volumes of liquid than the bladder... Which is where pee is stored.
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Yes, we know, retards
So then make a pee thread fuckwit
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No, fuck off tard
You do realize this is just urine right?
but you clearly love pee, what's the disconnect here?
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If you can't tell the difference between the type of videos that get posted in piss threads vs squirt threads you're retarded.
It's all piss, buddy. There's no gland in the vaginal canal that holds more than a teaspoon of liquid. However there is FAKE squirt, when the dildo shoots lube into them or they pre lube themselves with copious amounts.
It's the same shit though, urine is being expelled from the bladder through the urethra.
No shit dumbass, but piss threads have chicks pissing, wetting, drinking, etc. Squirt threads are for pissing only during orgasm you stupid redditor.
All pee, and i don't mean in the sense that squirt is pee. but you can literally see it come out of the wrong hole. this is just a piss thread no idea why you are claiming its a squirt thread.
False flag, 2/10.
I don't care post more vids faggots
But there's nothing connecting an orgasm and urination, Anon. They just do it for autistics like you, and theatrics sake.
Surely boys pee during orgasms too right? I mean squirt mystery liquid :^)
Yeah NO SHIT dumbass. It's porn.
I wish my face was the target of every single of these delicious squirts
DESU I think it's the pleasure of pushing down with the kegals onto the dick/dildo that makes women push out liquid regardless of what it actually is. Ofcourse you get women outright pissing just to simulate that for the camera (either that or they enjoy watersports).
Tell that to OP who genuinely believes orgasms accompany uncontrolled urination.
It's urine, there's nowhere in the human body that can store that much liquid other than the bladder, which holds urine.
Well, the stomach can, but there's no way it would be connected and be able to transfer the urine directly from the urethra.
Everyone knows this and no one but you cares.
OP cares, otherwise he would just call it a piss thread.
You obviously do since you're replying to every single comment.
I just replied that one time. If you’re samefagging like a samefag, then be pathetic all you want. Don’t project it to others.
Wrong. God you newfags are pathetic. Literally everyone knows it's piss, nobody has genuinely said otherwise for years, yet you NPCs still flock to every squirt thread to regurgitate "IT'S PISS IT'S PISS!" for upvotes.


Nice try, me.
Maybe they'd stop if you just started making piss threads.
There are piss threads.
And once again:
Yeah this is a piss thread, but you can't figure out that they are one and the same because you're a kissless virgin anime addicted troon.
>40 variations of tranny BBC threads? OH YES!
>2 variations of piss threads? AHHH IM GOING INSANE!
Man you niggas make porn so cringe
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In female human anatomy, Skene's glands or the Skene glands (/skiːn/ SKEEN, also known as the lesser vestibular glands or paraurethral glands[1]) are two glands located towards the lower end of the urethra. The glands are surrounded by tissue that swells with blood during sexual arousal, and secrete a fluid, carried by the Skene's ducts to openings near the urethral meatus, particularly during orgasm.
Yep, and they're the size of blueberries, basically only a couple of drops of liquid could possibly be stored there. It's pee, virgin.
Piss comes from above the vagina.
The cowper's gland "squirt" to lubricate the vagina comes from below the vagina.
Don't ruin the game for the virgins, it's clearly cum and not pee.
It's mostly piss, but mixed in with other stuff. People just call it squirting because that's what is colloquially known as. If this was called a piss thread, people would just post stuff that's posted in piss threads, not squirt threads.
squirting pee lol
Obvious troll is obvious.
That's basic human biology, look it up idiot. They're not like humongous water balloons. There's only one bladder in a human body.
too many replies not enough vids
True, more pee please.
Space X
I love it when girls squirt
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Delicious squirt
Same. I love pee, so these threads where turbo virgin-cels can't tell the difference are like my playground. Thank you, OP.
Healthy vaginal discharge is clear and silky, this is Tyrone's day old creampie and/or a yeast infection/chlamydia.
That makes it hotter, imagining the steamy hot stench of urine alongside the African sperm, all squelching together in a nice soupy discharge really gets my motor running.
You are a retarded cuckold
Self report.
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I wish I were there to lap up her sweet squirt juices.
Oops, I meant to say the pee.
Why did they never teach us that women have that delicious squirt gland?
Squirting is a little bit of accidental peeing from sex. Most of these are drinking a gallon of water and intentionally blasting the camera with piss. I think there is a difference and one is better than the other.
They don't, you're thinking of the skene's gland, which only exists to dispense lubricant by a few drops, not gush gallons of liquid. That's what the bladder is for.
It's not Piss, it's not Squirts.

It's AI generated liquid.
Go on retard
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Worst one yet
What makes a sexy woman’s squirt juice so sweet and delicious?
no human male will ever be able to please her.. that was insane. surreal even
Her name is nicolremy in case anyone was wondering
Nobody was wondering.
Do you think she’d let me drink that sweet squirt straight from the tap?
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another fuuka clip
Shut up retard
>Removes vibration
>Every dildo is significant bigger than average
>"SiZe DoEsN'T mAtTeR"
Straight from the bladder?
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continuing from >>28011973
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Damn, that squirt juice looks so delicious
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here listen to her moaning as well
Sorry, I gotta fix the audio
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here's with sound
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follow up
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Here, have an actual squirt webm.
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Is this doing it right?
In the close up ones you can literally see the so-called squirting coming out of the pee hole.
If it tastes like piss, smells like piss, looks like piss and comes from where piss gets, it's probably piss.
Doesn't mean it's cannot be orgasm-associated, aka climacturia, orgasm-associated urinary incontinence.
>Sauce: "lippincott"
But it's yummy
Whoever has a woman who can squirt like that is blessed
Oh my fuck do you faggots ever shut the fuck up and just post the fuckin porn?

>oh my god is peepee
Who fucking cares. No one fucking asked what you thought it was you limp dicked future cuckolds. Christ on the fucking cross, every fuckin thread with this theme is a fuckin debate. You fuckin whiney little cunts can't even enjoy a woman masturbating without having a goddamn tantrum about whether or not she's making magical fluid or having urinary incontinence. Fucking seek a noose.
Feel free to drink your stomach full.
Delicious as fuck
Pee is stored in the balls.
Women have no balls therefore cannot pee.
Squirt can't be pee it's biology.
This makes so much sense it has to be true
You can literally see it spraying out of her urethra in the 2nd video.
Came here looking for another squirt where a guy's sticking a finger in the girls ass and she squirts everywhere, does anybody have it?
For me squirting is only when she physically can't control her pussy, so if I don't see her losing control of her bladder it doesn't count. I don't care if it's piss or not i care for it being involuntary.
>Pee is stored in the balls.
TIL men are physiologically of raptured spongy urethra.
God’s gift to humanity is a woman’s squirt.
its all piss. when women have multiple orgasms in a row without going to the bathroom inbetween the contraction of the pelvic floor can make them piss themselves. unlike men, their urethra isnt diverted away from the bladder during orgasm. i think its hot you can make a woman cum so hard she pisses everywhere. i never got why it would be less gross if it was a female analog for semen.
Because it's urine.
bump of seethe
Glad there's a thread about this, because I just made my gf squirt for the first time a few nights ago, and I can now confirm it's not piss. I didn't mean to and was initially worried she pissed on me, but it doesn't smell like piss, and it's totally clear in color. And she liked it, so hey, who am I to complain? Sure maybe it's related to piss, but the two are distinctly different. I know some of you idiots are stuck in your ways and won't believe me, but I can swear on my life that squirting is noticeably different from piss
They should figure out how to farm this delicious ambrosia from their squirt gland, bottle and sell it.
Thank you for your service.
>squirt gland
>squirt gland
It's called the bladder.
Hot shit bro post more
Does Anybody remember the Video of the faceless girl in a purple room squatting onto a clear dildo the entire length of her Torso taking it all the way inside her. Lillijunex kind of stuff but better.

was usually in 3 parts gothy kind of chick. the sound and slow speed was out of this world. had it saved but lost it to an old phone.
how dies he know? how can he tell?
imagine the whore needing that much shit to get off.
she's just peeing really hard, it's really not impressive
howd it happen?
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awesome thread. I have to contribute
Skene gland doesn't produce bladder quantities of liquid, it's mostly piss. There's no liquid holding organ aside from the bladder in women.
>Romanian space programme
My face should be the target
There should be a christian sect where one get baptized by a sexy woman’s squirt lung Holy Water.
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This assumes you're a woman, which you are not.
Nice joke anon
Virgin can’t cope over it being piss
ok 3 incher keep coping
I came to this thread to jerk off, yet I'm here with a ruined boner and I'm choking. Sir you have ruined my night
>projecting dicklet
Lesbian, wants female, still needs cock.
how can women pretend this is anything other than piss? It's clearly coming out of her urethra
easily some of the worst tattoo's i've ever seen, im not even one of those guys who hates tats on a woman, but those are just fucking shit
>Which is where pee is stored.
No, pee is stored in the balls.

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