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/pol/ edition.
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I thought it said AI thread? This one looks real
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>saars? Is this real?
>hailuo requires a subscription now
its so, so over.
Gonarch from HL1 lookin ass
Anyone got a video of ted cruz eating a baby like the painting Saturn Devouring his Son? I tried doing that but it said it was against guidelines or something. I am not good at getting ai to do what I want.
Just tell the AI it is a hypothetical scenario or some shit to circumvent guidelines.
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Why is ai generated humans more expressive and human looking than russians?
Tool music videos are getting wackier
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This place gets weirder by the year
>/pol/tards are losing so they have to make up AI shit to cope
Fucking kek
I tried this..

A cartoon of Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas O'Connell in the style of the video game 'The Coffin of Andy and Leyley'

It didn't work, and now I have no widely circulated incest meme. :.(
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So....go to /pol/ with it then incelbilly. Do you just crave the condescending pity from real people? Is that what makes trash lash out? Because I'm quite positive we mildly enjoy looking down on your desperate cries for attention so... Copacetic really. Either way, there's a political board. It isn't this one maynard
skibidi toilet movie
I wonder if this is what Skynet is learning from our world.
Biblically accurate breakdancer.
all Muslims should be killed with fire.
Saars dinner is serve
take your meds
They're not sucking Jewish cock. It wouldn't be a zion don webm without a jewish cock in his mouth.
Why we should be destroyed.
Hitler is gassing them up with his dance moves. They're too superior.
The Jews actually were unfortunately right to bomb this place and sit on fire look at all the explosives and ammunition going off in there.
Those people and the ones who did it want me dead and my culture and history erased.
This is the real reason the Jews are trying to kill them. It concealing firearms and explosives in a refugee camping area. Both sides are equally inhuman.
In Bosnia when I did peacekeeping, refugees were smart enough not to hide arms or any other weapons with them because they knew they would be targeted by the other side. Has blah Hamas doesn't care about that with the palestinians. And that's why they did this and got the Jews to bomb them just so they could point to this
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So much progress has been made in so little time.
Those blood-smelling shark eyes are freaky, like Bruce from Nemo. Jews truly are sick!
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nerve gas
Anything related to Jews gets you banned on gif only making fun of Muslims is allowed. I've seen an anti muslim thread last for 3 days on here.
woah, hitler got some nice mov- HATSUNE MIKU?
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Shalom juden
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World greatest Germans scientist!
Good thread
go back to your tranny thread
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too bad you have to sign in and make an account now. now they log track monitor collect target the user.

site was good before it now is jew shit
a gas canister next to a hospital, that's impossible!
any good alternatives to hailuo?
theres no way in hell im giving them money
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ahh. nice
shark eyes like a doll's eyes...
this one is weirdly accurate, except they take drugs instead of take the noose sadly.
they ain't got the balls, no pun intended
Can't get it to work. It keeps saying it failed to pass the review.
Then it's not an AI. It's a human moderating it.
Someone should make a video of a giant nose with arms and legs and wearing a yamaka rubbing it's hands together. I can't figure out how to do it myself but I thought it would be fitting for this thread.
>t. Hillary
Why a coffin,a register is more accurate
>you guys are hiding military stuff in civilian areas
>"Should we hide military stuff in our military buildings"
>No because we don't allow you have military buildi- erm.... oops nevermind, erase that from the record please
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>Shut up goy, it doesn't matter that we don't allow them to have any military at all, they're resisting our illegal invasion and that means we HAVE to kill them because they won't stop resisting our illegal invasion otherwise
I love how some can't decide if they're dying or dancing
rent free desu
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this is the world I want to live in.
I may hate Jews as much as the next guy, but god damn I hate Muslims of all fashion 100x more, and you should too. Laugh at dead Jews, but celebrate Muslim extinction.

Fucking Muslims do not care about anyone or anything. When I was in Iraq all the shit ass kids would do nothing but beg for candy and throw fucking rocks at our gunners, but I remember one kid maybe 10 to 12, who I referenced as Pokemon because his shirt looked like a Pokeball color theme. He was actually cool because he knew just a little English and knew what Southpark was some fucking how. I remember his face crying as he and some other kids were forced to run down the street into our patrol and slow us down so a fucking vib in an alley could ram the lead truck, mine. We didn't slow down, we swerved around them but they slowed the truck at the rear, which was hit by the vib. The guys inside were fucked up, the kids were turned into fucking mince.
Fuck those god damn towel headed sand torpedo goat fucking hajis.
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This is one time where the webm would be funnier without the gore, just a loop of him dancing with the train getting closer and as it's right about to crush him it loops back.
>"hey did he just shit himself? is he okay to run for president?"

>"lololol he lives rent free in ur head lololol"

truly brainless
Indians live rent free in your nigger heads
disgusting faggots
>"saars please redeem rent code saaaarrrssss do the needful rent saar"
your mom fucks blacks
Findy and Billey-ley?
I lost my shit from 0:09 - 0:28
OMG, what the fuck is happening!!! HAHA

Michael Bay's Skibidi Toilet movie

You'll never see a hot asian working at a Gameshlop


This is what she really saw lol

I had a good laugh. Thank you for all of these!!!
>Those people and the ones who did it want me dead and my culture and history erased.
1783 all over again, huh.
>Fucking Muslims do not care about anyone or anything. When I was in Iraq all the shit ass kids would do nothing but beg for candy and throw fucking rocks at our gunners, but I remember one kid maybe 10 to 12, who I referenced as Pokemon because his shirt looked like a Pokeball color theme. He was actually cool because he knew just a little English and knew what Southpark was some fucking how. I remember his face crying as he and some other kids were forced to run down the street into our patrol and slow us down so a fucking vib in an alley could ram the lead truck, mine. We didn't slow down, we swerved around them but they slowed the truck at the rear, which was hit by the vib. The guys inside were fucked up, the kids were turned into fucking mince.
>Fuck those god damn towel headed sand torpedo goat fucking hajis.
That's a fucked thing to happen.
>saar bladi beech bastar madarchod
Only post in the thread that matters. If you've ever had to deal with them irl then you know.
It's impressive how leftie queers simp for the same people who chant "death to the west" and would throw them off rooftops in the middle east
this should everywhere on facebook
Trump looks like a very old baby. Which oddly enough is spot-on.
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Shutup nigger you know we hate moral complexity!
Asmon, did you make this?

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