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File: 1704717484993079.webm (3.58 MB, 720x1280)
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Her proportions seem way fucked. My sense of uncanny valley is going off the charts.
her posture is just weird. no way thats normal
Gravure idol softcore movies are the best.
She's doing AV now.
yep. lordosis
why do hot girls always have to get this ugly lord farquad looking-ass haircut?
Because it's cute.
Americans have no taste.
Post 30 year old auntie stuff and I’ll dump my mega
does she get them out
fucking hell
would end bloodline
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File: 1664224863429363.webm (1.31 MB, 1280x720)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB WEBM
lord farquad is a very popular character
>Chad gets this for free
I love how you can see her toes with those heels.
File: Emiri Momota fucked.webm (3.07 MB, 852x480)
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1.61 MB WEBM
hina kikuchi
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3.55 MB
3.55 MB WEBM
Because it's beautiful and has been used in East Asia way before your lord farquad. Not our fault that you instantly think of a male character when seeing a cute girl, you westoid faggot.
She has gone through mutiple lenght of hair. i can't show you pics cause it's a video board but she gone through longer and shorter hair.
I think it suits her fairly well but to each their own.
(wrong filename, this is Kohime Mion 恋姫みあん)
no you fuckin retard, her name is in filename if you can't search for that yourserf you are offically retarded, fuck off this thread
Her head is too small.
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yeah same thing, unfackable then
don't waste my time then mr anger issues
File: 026.webm (551 KB, 1024x576)
551 KB
Is your mega also 30 year olds?
Eunji is peak cute
Ashaming taste.
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>Post 30 year old auntie stuff
Here's some aunties for ya
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2.4 MB
Nice! Good to know.

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216 KB
Moods? What kind of mood are you in, anon?
>she doesn't even look like a minor nor 18

Is it me or is there something off with her nose? Looks like she had surgery or something.
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893 KB
Americans can't get extinct fast enough for me.
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3.44 MB
3.44 MB WEBM
I'll need full sauce for that chief
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Pick one.
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awww who hurt you sweetie XoXo
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Umi Shinonome
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lol fuck off back to /pol, tourist
who's this sperm wyrm
holy shit, source please my man.
gonna need sauce on this
Don't have, sorry bro
File: itswoo.webm (1.72 MB, 480x642)
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Now this is /gif/ material Anon!
Fuck off, mate. You stupid zoomer.
File: Yellow306.webm (3.97 MB, 1244x720)
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3.97 MB WEBM
Every time you retards scream MODS I hurriedly try to go see if the post is an ACTUAL child for reasons, but it's always just adult women. So lame.
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1.66 MB
1.66 MB WEBM
she is so cute. What's her name?
hot little slut knows she's teasing all her nerds
Terrible acting, but she's still stupidly hot.
no u
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2.92 MB WEBM
This isn't that kind of thread, there's an active JAV thread on /gif/ right now, go there.
Obvious face filter.
Why the fuck are E.A women so fucking obsessed with hiding their actual faces?? It's sick.
As long as those boobs are real I couldn't care less.
Maya Inamori 今森茉耶
I've seen her on tiktok but no idea what's her name
help please
Every girl in this thread has had plastic surgery
anybody have the webm where theres a japanese dude and his gf wrestling on his bed. its recorded from a webmcam and the gf looked cute and tomboyish
File: 35830971a.webm (3.69 MB, 719x1280)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB WEBM
It's called a bob my dude, and they're cute. They enhance symmetry and frame femme faces well.
You need to learn the difference in Asians and Latinas.
Asians are the cute ones.
Funny thing is there is an actual child being posted here but no one seems to be saying anything
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3.81 MB WEBM
You wrote Mian, not Mion (みおん)
you're right, little mistake. Correct name is Mian.
File: Tia Ling 1.webm (3.99 MB, 480x360)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
File: Tia Ling 2.webm (4 MB, 480x360)
4 MB
File: Chinese BBC Backshots.webm (2.51 MB, 1022x480)
2.51 MB
2.51 MB WEBM
File: Getting-payed-V.webm (1 MB, 320x240)
1 MB
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1.28 MB
1.28 MB WEBM
>Every Asian thread getting spammed with shitdicks today
Some lil black boy got rejected kek
This is supposed to be the solo thread, but remember to say "no blacks" in the OP still
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File: Neoteny 2.webm (2.28 MB, 720x1280)
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2.28 MB WEBM
as alawys, yeah
Either they're troling, or their brain is so small they can't comprehrend the general trend of thread
she is legal as of early 2023 though ? do your research
File: BBC Chinese Mask.webm (1.64 MB, 640x480)
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File: 031.webm (2.84 MB, 720x962)
2.84 MB
2.84 MB WEBM
Don't know who you're talking about but the one I'm referring to in this thread was 16 at the time of the video. You can even find videos of them when they were 14. They have long since become legal.
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3.88 MB WEBM
File: kanon_hentai_jp.webm (3.85 MB, 432x768)
3.85 MB
3.85 MB WEBM
Oh then we weren't talking about the same one.
best webm here, who is this cutie? also well edited
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1.71 MB
1.71 MB WEBM
>mentions America for literally no reason
lol (lmao)
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3.77 MB
3.77 MB WEBM
Notice it's only the ugly ones, that will consider being with a shit skin
More of this thicc mommy
why even reply to obvious bait
Also, her face is 3/10
File: abg titty drop.webm (2.64 MB, 1078x1920)
2.64 MB
2.64 MB WEBM
why cut so fast
>Mirin nigbro more than the chow mein cutie
Dudes got blessed shoulders but the chest needs work. Seems like they'd be a good time. Does this really trigger you manlets?
Get /fit/ and fix your brainworms
Americanized asians lose some of the charm for me.
She's British, if that helps
File: 034.webm (2.81 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.81 MB WEBM
she's a healthy girl
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3.56 MB WEBM
More Ai?
where do you meet Asian qts in Canada or the States? Hinge isn't enough.
File: Horny Asian licking.webm (1.46 MB, 310x480)
1.46 MB
1.46 MB WEBM
File: Sasha Grey - Broken.webm (2.14 MB, 480x360)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB WEBM
File: 1mariannnnn-bat.webm (3.43 MB, 720x1280)
3.43 MB
3.43 MB WEBM
I'm more shocked of the fact you keep saying "them" instead of "her". You don't even process how programmed you are.
holy! name?
Holy shit, bless you anon for making an actual asian thread. Seems like 90% of asian threads are just asian americans or JAV threads.
They live around big cities mainly or universities. Dallas, LA, San Diego, Austin, Chicago etc
File: 000.webm (3.92 MB, 1280x720)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
Minori Ai >>28053134
I can't seem to find anything by that name, is it a typo?
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3.59 MB
3.59 MB WEBM
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3.85 MB
3.85 MB WEBM
File: 000a.webm (3.91 MB, 1920x1080)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
Search for it as 実あい
File: Nurse Loni.webm (3.97 MB, 558x418)
3.97 MB
3.97 MB WEBM
I think you don't understand what the thread is about you idiot
Or it's a shitposter knowing emotional retards like you will always seethe at obvious bait
Who is this lady? I saw "Ai" posted on a earlier reply, but I tried putting that in with "blue swimsuit gravure" and I got robot pictures
File: 1729833440373.webm (3.81 MB, 712x478)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB WEBM
Ai Shinozaki
nothing better than thicc asians
File: 1663476161690909.webm (3.78 MB, 852x480)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB WEBM
Who is she and where can I get more of her fat tits?
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3.27 MB
3.27 MB WEBM
File: 1722998767546872.webm (3.75 MB, 1080x1920)
3.75 MB
3.75 MB WEBM
need sauce bros im dumb
cant remember her name or
tiktok ill post shit
File: 1722998799967637.webm (3.75 MB, 1080x1920)
3.75 MB
3.75 MB WEBM
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2.79 MB
2.79 MB WEBM
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3.2 MB
Yeonwoo is crazy beautiful
>elmo is getting more action than me
its so over
that's China Matsuoka in STAR-646.
any kuukow?
this one always gets me
File: agw66.webm (2.82 MB, 812x456)
2.82 MB
2.82 MB WEBM
File: bundangcouple.webm (2.74 MB, 854x480)
2.74 MB
2.74 MB WEBM
which ones. you're lying?
File: Yeonwoo_03.webm (3.82 MB, 960x540)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
Yeah, she's gorgeous. Didn't even know her name, thanks I guess.
File: 1719870736542978.webm (3.74 MB, 1280x720)
3.74 MB
3.74 MB WEBM
Who? I'm thinking Luna Amemiya but not sure
File: @comitan_0727.webm (3.9 MB, 864x1500)
3.9 MB

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