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File: Hand Blown Off.webm (3.72 MB, 486x854)
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REKT- Life Changing Mistakes Edition
Can be death but let's aim for situations that could of easily been avoided that as drastic life changing out comes
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stupid fuck deserved it
big boy thinks he's king of the side walk and gets to dish out justice
Not REKT but a mistake that's def worth the share
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shut up nigger
your dad fuck you with that mouth? faggot
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Same videos posted every rekt thread
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I am humbly asking for videos of fireworks blowing off hands.
My older brother lost his right hand last year lighting a firework, blew right up.
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And you brought nothing Anon.
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PewDiePie moment
jesus fucking christ
is the officer retarded? why did he magdump after the first swipe?
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Gonna cry, tranny?
niggers would have rioted. they have to give them all the time and patience possible or else they'll end up in prison.
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can i ask what kind of firework your brother lit? was he holding it or was it on the ground?
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based and knifepilled
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>life sucks in bear country
>so I go out without a gun
>and predictably get mauled

boohoo nigga that's what shotguns are for
Did he just dip without his arm? What a legend.
Big latino probably tastes like grease.. yes, that is fat. If you look like him, you’re a fat greaseball
Stop whining nigger.
Anyone got the chick that slices her upper thigh/hip wide open?
File: 9mm lol.webm (880 KB, 464x360)
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9mm requires better shot placement than .45, for a 200lbs sheboon like that I'd want 10mm or .45ACP all day
What a fucking retard lmao he played it off well in the end tho
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You’re right, but they have to be registered, Tyrone.
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These are some of the most incompetent and overzealous cops I have ever seen, and it cost them dearly. Their assumptions were unbelievably stupid.
Who goes to assassination without cocking their gun first? He completely destroyed his element of surprise by wasting valuable seconds cocking his gun in front of his victim turned defender
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>shotguns have to be registered

sounds like you're the nigger here, because they don't.
Honestly what I deserved in my 20s
Fucking pussy ass cop. Redeemed after that sick whip of his radio in the end.
hollywood saving lives
Shaniquas learned that day that white bois don't mess around and take shit like their tyrones back in the hood
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Haha you replied. Nice try
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I dont get it, is it just porn?
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But I'm just posting webms nigger, whether or not I @ you is kinda irrelevant isn't it?
He just wanted them to help didn't you hear him
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heah come da poo choo train
shit like this is why America will never have free healthcare
went from shia labuff to little miss soprano in one finger wiggle
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saar da gupgoop in my poopgoop dont work no more DO NUT REDEEM DE GIFT CARD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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I wonder what kind of legal claim that driver has to possession of the leg.
Literally just talked to the guy. If you're so fragile you can't handle getting criticized without getting violent and hysterical, you'll never be a man.
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KEK any more of pedos getting their shit rekt?
Story on this please?
Based area-defender
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Police officer knocked on the door, nigger tried to stab him to death because nigger, cop shot him until he was dead.

Many such cases.
Look at that human being talking to that scumbag racist loser man to man. His tiny racist brain is exploding. "This isn't how it happens in the memes!" Black men have infinitely more dignity and humanity than white men.
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kek i've upset you
>Zoomers and Zommettes ganged up on a Boomer while river cruising.
>Cornered him and got what they wanted.
>One Zoomer had his guts hanging out.
>Zoomers and Zoomettes didn't know what to do except record while their friend died.
>Parents of the dead Zoomtard actually brought this to light and shamed the other Zoomtards and Zoomsluts.
Just use .410 buckshot.
the white guy was a schizophrenic homeless guy
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boomer>zoomer deadass fr fr no cap
File: the power of 410.webm (839 KB, 1280x720)
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based .410 appreciator
Tom & Jerry death
No I'm talking about the video you crayon chewing basket weaver.
Are racism and schizophrenia somehow connected?
>faggot gets bitch slapped with pizza by Chad
>faggot beta knocks Chad the fuck over
>Chad still has all the bitches and homies sulking his dick

even when they win, they still lose
kek when will betas learn
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No, even schizos know to shit talk nigs. Notice how the nig just pussied out and didn't even do anything either?
>didnt watch the full video
>who can i blame besides myself
they were both betas in that video, you seem to have missed that point.
firework maimings are funny every single time. I enjoy every video I've ever seen and I love that people have to live with the result of their stupidity.
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Fucking love this retard
So satisfying seeing that little faggot get rocked, such a good sound too, that'll teach you
A shotgun would just piss it off.
Man I need rekt threads just for videos of people who get what they deserve like this. I don't like watching videos of people getting stabbed, but if they're robbing a store and then they get stabbed then I want to see them suffer.
He was walking in the middle of the sidewalk and got pissed because the other guy didn’t starfish himself onto the wall. You can clearly see their arms make contact. What exactly do you think he was intending to do when he hollered at the guy and walked back towards him to confront him retard? Give him a hug? If anything it was self defense.
That regret doesn't just wear off over time either, no matter how much copium they huff
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An undilated axe wound? Not good, xister, not good. How will you post your metaphor re:setera threads with an undilated axe wound!? Thats not very heckin chungus keanu 100 of you!
>shotgunning a bear
Based retard
Retard got dropshotted IRL
>stops and ensures plate is recorded
>still leaves the scene of an accident causing injury
Thing that can’t be seen is the smell of the nasty ass water that is first discharged. Might as well be covered in month old rusty shit.
shotgun? reddit needs you back so you can give more great advice there.
The hell happened aside from the obvious? When did a gun come out?
hunting bears with 12ga slugs is pretty common, thanks for confirming you're underage noguns faggots lol
Cops pulled him over for driving like a retard and he sperged and ignored them. He had a gun on him the whole time, they just assumed he didn't because they were idiots. They're dead now.
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cold steel quality holy shit, slice that leg off like butter
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I love how the system is so fucked and full of oppression up until someone is accused of a skin beef then all of the sudden everyone is guilty.
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>wielding an ungainly weapon with limited capacity while a bear is charging you
>these two are identical
K retard

/k/ here, shotguns can use a variety of different projectiles, one of which being a slug, which is essentially one very large hunk of lead instead of a number of pellets or "shot".12 and 20 gauge Slugs work very well on bears so as long as you aren't using something tiny like a 410, a shotgun is a pretty good choice for bear defense.
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weak b8 m8 i guess ur just in a faggoty mood tonight
File: bear attack.webm (955 KB, 640x624)
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He faired better than other bear victims
Poor guy, he bearly survived
File: bearwebm.webm (1.88 MB, 490x720)
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>a shotgun is an ungainly weapon to you

kekerino, post your s o y arms so we can all laugh
>that’s weak bait I just replied to
Many such cases
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I'll reply to whatever I want, try and stop me faget
What are the events that lead up to this dude having unprotected sex with a 60-year-old homeless woman behind a gas station, with like five other people around filming and commenting on it? Makes me feel good to have normal stuff to do during my day.
>events that lead up to this

probably something very similar occurred about 20 years prior, leading to his unfortunate birth
No, I’m sure you’ve been survived many bear charges. And you’re right. Shotguns are just as easy to maneuver as any weapon, hence why police carry them as sidearms lmao.

people doing violence: GRRRR DO AS I SAY OR ELSE!

violent people when the innocent righteously defend themselves: AAAAHHHHHH NOOOOOO WE DINDU NUFFIN!!! *cries hysterically*
magic number 7
you sound like a little bitch who thinks life is a meme i hope u grow some balls, but till you do please abstain from saying stupid shit on this website for adults kid. go back to your skibidi toilet, alpha sigma male shit. fuking hate newfags
Someone please post the TES edit
Kek these homosexuals can barely even harm a defenseless redditor. No wonder their culture focuses so much on crime and homosexuality, they cant do shit
lol u mad
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Stay salty faggit
We don't know what kind it was, all he used to describe was it was big and black. It was on the ground, lit the fuse and it just blew from there. Lost his hand right below the wrist and his right shin was eviscerated from the explosion too.
I accept your concession.
keep seething
File: flaming man.webm (3.9 MB, 848x480)
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i love how these ignorant beasts act like referees in the dispute instead of raising individuals with respect or standards, and i can bet they are fighting over something as mundane as the last piece of fried chicken... gotta love whites talking shit about the niggers when they are the same shit, hahaha ur society has fallen Americans.
*Stay salty, faggot.
File: good morning sirs.webm (2.94 MB, 264x480)
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you can always tell when the indians have discovered the thread
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suck on deez nutz thirdie
and americans say mexicans execute too man people...damn in america u even get a badge and social recognition, bonus point if ur victim is black.
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you don't need to sell it so hard, we all know america rules
File: White on white crime.webm (3.64 MB, 360x640)
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lmao @ u thinking those mutts are white
some people value life and arent looking for any excuse to kill someone else
yeah but an obese knife wielding nigger tranny ticks so many boxes, even just one is enough to magdump
it's not free anywhere you retarded cumstain.
>tiny racist brain
guy created his own operating system, what the fuck did you accomplish?
that one nigga just takin a good ol' afternoon stroll right into the line of 15 bullets lololol
Actually it’s completely free in America for people who don’t pay their medical bills retard.
I remember this was from a Jim Can't Swim Patreon video.
oh wow slugs?! whoa! everyone who's played a fucking videogame knows how shotguns work, you're not offering any special insight from your gay snowfla/k/e board of reddit wannabes.
Whos the pussy now? I thought that was a woman wailing fucking roidhead
where do y'all find the real good rape shit? I never see any on Kaotic and no one makes threads anymore so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
>my legs! i can't feel my legs!
This is not even the same guy, the necklace visible in the dead video would have been visible in the before video.
No one came out on top of this, normally id say yeah cops abuse their power sometimes and these people stand their ground but then you can just play the part of a lil bitch and sue them over what they did wrong. In this case they were overly aggressive but with the apprent gun people said he had on him i guess he was never gonna surrender in the first place, how could have ended well? Just let the guy go? A ticket? Shits fucked
Based coldsteel enjoyer
A rifled slug in a 12ga is like the go to for bear defense ya nogs. Anyone who's ever gone back for the other half of a deer/elk knows to take their shotgun in case something like a bear is already digging into your kill.
>Hurry dur, all the cool kids carry elephant guns and .50 magnums... in CoD
you know those guys were going to eventually kill some innocent dude, good riddance.
Looks like that concord character
Considering that a good number of people here think that a shotgun would be a bad choice for bears, I would beg to differ. Faggot
Their only mistake was thinking the shrill voice weirdo wasn't going to be armed. I think they thought he was just a spastic and not that he was acting up because he had an illegal gun.
>Dude sees him blow a hoke in the dude's arm
"Hur dur, I better pick up this big rock to fight him."
>Ungainly... Shotgun
How so, are you just limp wristed? The anti bear shotgun I take hunting has a pistol grip, if it's a stock getting in the way you're worried about.

>But in my vidyas I use a Barrett .50 and. DEagle to kill bears.

Okay champ
creampieing a furry is absolutely a life changing mistake.
>this is the gayborhood and you are NOT welcome
you mean ylyl thread, right?
>and sue them over what they did wrong
yeah good luck with that lol
That’s crazy he dodged that many bullets. God wanted this bean to live.
Joke's on you I'm into that shit
>anon loses his first job
was someone yelling "he needs another beer" ?
you dumb? they just moved up 100 yards and called from there to avoid any more attacks from the other guy. the first attack was already to far.
There was absolutely no point in going after a guy for the crime of bumping into you when you and your friends are walking 4-wide on a sidewalk.
based anon stabs reditors.
post-defund cops are all pussies...

old school cops would have beat the brakes off that fag and he'd never mess around again.
>people doing violence
you expect them to stand there all night asking? why are you koolaid head leftoids so fucking stupid?
>"shots- hold on he got back up *BANG* ok sorry shots fired"

Please redeem the code saar
This happened in VA in the United States. The responding officer was conducting a welfare check at the request of the lady's doctor. The 6'5", 330 lb. woman initially slammed the door in the officer's face, then came after him with a knife on the second attempt to make contact with her.

based movie, but that's just pretends.
Nice try, officer
>and americans say mexicans
why do you and 20 million other mexicans jump the border to live here then? mexico is a shithole, because of mexican people. fx your own country instead acting like a bunch of locusts to ours.
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I believe you're talking about this one
Does anyone have that one where the guy is playing around with a shark and loses his thumb?
KWAB wailing in the end
What the fuuuuuuuuck…. How tf could he be speaking that clearly with NO FUCKING FACE

My jaw dropped.. Was not expecting the cut to be that deep. Insane
damn that is good furry porn, but still kys
You have never hunted or shot a gun in your pathetic life
someone do something aaaaargh im busy filming
did he die?
was he protesting Biden's high gas prices?
kek listen to that little piggie scream before the lights go out
all cops deserve this
lot of talk for a pussy that has never killed a pig. now shut up and watch the bull fuck your wife.
>HUDSON, Wis. — Nicolae Miu, the 54-year-old man who stabbed multiple people on the Apple River in 2022 and was convicted of homicide and other charges, was sentenced to 20 years in prison Wednesday.
>A judge sentenced Miu on six counts: 20 years for first-degree reckless homicide, five years each for three counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, six years on a fourth count of the same and 270 days in jail for one count of battery. The sentences will run concurrently.

>Anon wrong as usual
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stfu pig
he was innocent and unfairly convicted by a bunch of leftshits.
Is she single?
aw is porky mad? you do know that when you arrest tyrone for beating your ass he ends up getting released and goes back home to fuck your girlfriend while you're on patrol right? and if you're not a pig then you're a faggot ass bootlicker that needs to kill him self asap
it's always the stinky white dudes with dreadlocks whining "waaahh pigs waaaah" because they cant hold a job and keep getting pulled over in their shitmobile while high af.
This can't be real. It's such a neat wound, the skin seems fake, and the blood is all weird.
>you followed my instrunctions, but you see, I didnt say simon says
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He slapped the girls ass you pair of dumb apes
My sides.
>laughable knockdown from small arms
Fully semiautomatic magnum assault rifle.
this pretty hot if you hide her yiff head(???)
Dickhead was trying to use that Russian bullshit that doesn't work. "Systema" or something.
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Looks like he just fell into the guy and got hit with the old head lock punch spam move. Happens all the time.
everyone he stabbed deserved to die so fuck the judge who convicted instead of tossing out an obvious self defense. fuck the faggot that died, he was clearly a worthless retard.
ain't no one so dumb to touch a man that is coverd in gasoline and about to light hinself up
>1 minute and 24 seconds
>the ADHD subhuman zoomers couldn't last that long
>If anything it was self defense.
when that sub 80 IQ kicks in
This fucken retard got attacked by the same bear TWICE. As if you don't learn the first time around.
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>Anon wrong as usual
are you legit retarded? can you even read? you stupid fucking nigger
>anon explains exactly what happened
>here sentence u wrong
>just let the guy go?
>just let a drunk/drugged driver go bro
did your mother drink while pregnant? you're not very bright
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>David Ware was sentenced to death
>im dead, im dead
is he?
I just saw his interview
dude was so shit faced here he doesn't even remember it
Love how they have no idea what to do, can you imagine if that boomer starts litting them up with an ar
this fake right? white people are supposed to be smart
nah he lived
amerimutts aren't white
well that webm shows that it works
He got the gift that keeps on giving
Based chinaman
Not gonna lie, her moans are fucking gorgeous
Deserved. I hope that boomer didn’t go to prison. Clearly self defense.
we choose the bear, right guys?
You would think by now that cops would know that if someone is behaving completely irrationally it's because they have a much bigger problem on their hands than at first appears. How many times do you see vids of traffic stops where the driver behaves oddly recalcitrant only for him to then go for a gun? You should get two warning, then tazed. As other anon said, if the cops are power tripping then just sue them later.
this is what black people should be doing. taking care of pedo scums in prison
it's their natural place, that's where their strength is useful
The black dude was chill. Not a nigger.
this one is already posted friend
see >>28016627
no to redeem your self post the most brutal fresh rekt you have
I've seen this one so many times and for the life of me I still can't work out why that tool thought this would end any differently. What in the name of God was he thinking walking over and slapping the guy with a pizza slice?
Problem solved. You hungry? Let's get a burrito.
Why do American cops patrol singly? That's just crazy.
I would like to buy that man a beer.

Man, that's grizzly.
How about you put down the phone and help your friend?
In this one, particular, single, isolated, exclusively video, eh, retard
I guess he really didn't like Robert De Niro
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the sound is the best part anon ...
I'm so glad I never tried to be a cop Jesus fucking Christ
>The way he loop flips his radio so casually at the end "guess I better call this in"
based sound haver
As if you didn’t learn the first time CMON MAN
>Stiff arms
>Far off look in the eyes

Yea he’s cooked
look it up this guys reconstructive surgery was actually amazing. pretty sure he just lost one eye in the process.

source: trust me bro, I read the article a while back
I would say something about Noosa being a shithole but every other town in Australia is like this.
fake and gay
stop posting this
No, I don't think so. I've seen so many vids over the years where an American cop was left trying to deal with a situation on his own. It's ridiculous.
about the same thickness as a finger
Disgusting furry but god what a sexy voice
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I agree it should've been and if he had a better lawyer he probably would've gotten off with that but instead he got life in prison. He was sentenced a couple months ago.
>feather punches
fucking twigs
You must have seen the videos of cops with female partner cop. Female cops are pathetic and useless
they all have Legionnaires' disease now
Had a fucked at a bar once when I went out with some friends smack me in the cheek when I went to shake his hand.
Long story short I spent the night in jail, he spent the night at the hospital counting his teeth in his hand.
He did that because he (up until that point) had been getting away with it because previous people didn't do shit.
Pizza boy had clearly done it before and got away with it, his cocky expression and the way he set dude up by shaking his hand was practiced.
Look at the shocked look on his face when he wakes back up, some zoomers have no sense of boundaries and do Pikachu face when consequences hit em
correction: it's not gone, it's everywhere around now
loner who saw that dude hanging with those girls and thought he could impress them
Black cuisine with proper seasoning. Yt will not understand this
glowing brighter than the sun.
Based uncle. Put those uppity babbon college losers in their place. What were those baboons even thinking? Gang up on someone and they will roll over quietly? Not in small towns you don't
>Black men have infinitely more dignity and humanity than white men.
couldn't be more wrong
Other dude is definitely bleeding tho
>I've seen so many vids

Whats the song? its catchy
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so, you want to see police with backup?
Someone needs to cast this guy for the drill sergeant role in the FMJ remake holy
You just know he drives a truck
I believe the law of finders keepers applies here
I love watching this cunt get rekt
>went from paraplegic to quadriplegic in a single stunt
>stupid monkey noises
>Recording instead of dropping phone and helping her
Fuck this guy planet
She's so hot
>Let's just keep our heads cool
>Tfw yo head is open around snow
Am I wrong to think that he is both an absolute badass and that this is kind of funny in a Carlos sort of way?
im a surgeon. once the skin is parted the subcutaneous layer separates very easily down to the fascia. which is what you see here. especcially with tenion (shes flexing her arm).
Very easy to fix as she only severed some superficial veins.
>Doesn't immediately drop his phone and rush the guy and spear tackle him to ground before he finishes dousing himself
We live in a society of cowards
german anon here. fucking serves us right for letting our contry be swamped. cops so weak they cant even shoot perpetrator. i mean there were like 20 cops and it took like a minute to down the guy
I show this video to people when they say we should have "free" healthcare. So many mistakes.
>1. they're black
>2. nigger didn't learn the first time (bloody bandage)
>3. nigger elected to have his other foot shot (stupid)
>"Now bof yo feet fucked"
always a classic
Eating clay is actually very beneficial for you, it helps with gut biome, digestion issues and is loaded with minerals and some nutrients.
I need a sockpuppet social media account to post this and pass off as real
Whatever you do, never rebuke a cop in the name of Jesus Christ unless you want the demon inside to go berserk
Is now
Based basedboy ending those worthless zogbots pathetic existence. Not so tough are ya now faggots.
Good news m8, I thought it was america
Most people don't realize that water(if it can even be called that anymore) has been sitting stagnant in those pipes for years because nobody ever drains or cleans them, sometimes even decades
You wouldn't do shit either, internet warrior
Risking your life like this is stupid, you would likely be set on fire too
If you cared that much, you would rush over to the cops and get them to bring the extinguishers much sooner
In fact, the slow response from the cops is the infuriating part of this video
Nothing about it looks fake, you just don't know what deep razor cuts look like.
Get more familiar with deep cutting.
What the fuck was the point? Was he showing off a new safety feature on his gun that he used incorrectly? Was he trying to show off how reliably he could cause a gun jam?
I'm sure he was half drunk or high on trailer drugs and let the intrusive thoughts win, but I don't think he actually wanted to shoot himself there. I know some people like to perform their own surgery, but this feels like something else
Tell that to my freezer full of practically free meat
One day I wish to be a man like this
cheap adrenaline probably
same reason jeets keep tempting fate by standing too close to train tracks

Anon here >>28018862 is right. I was there when he read the article.
It's wild he was given such a heavy sentence for what should of been a slap on the wrist. The group was clearly attacking him. Outnumbered but not done, he fights!
oh fuck he went full joker
from what an anon said in ages past the lady recording was the employer who asked "what are you doing?"
the hanging lady replied "What does it look like? help me!!"
paraphrasing but close enough
>What the fuck was the point?
mocking what they see as over the top gun safety culture and accidentally removing themselves from the gene pool
>didn't belong in the country
>fights police
>gets executed
I don't see the problem here.
>Ay buddy! :(
always the same with these trannies, especially the FtM's. they're terrified of the fact that most of the blame falls upon them.
He's probably fine. The odds of a man contracting HIV from a HIV+ woman is something like 1 in 2000. Not the kinda odds I'd ever play but chances are he's fine.
The real story behind this is really fucked up. It's been years since I read the story so I might be wrong but that girl who fell off the building was basically a slave and the boss of the hotel pretty much took over her life and abused and harassed her. In this webm, the boss actually pushed her over the window, then took out her phone and recorded her screaming for dear life and falling. I THINK she lived but I might be wrong.
I would still prefer a nigger free society lol.
Don't reach behind yourself.

*reaches behind*

Stupid fucking nigger.

Wanted to die or just retarded. Result was appropriate either way.
Hurr durr lemme reach behind when they clearly told me not to
Did you even watch the video? He's drunk, scared out of his mind, has no idea why cops are screaming death threats at him, and following the order to crawl on his knees is causing his pants to fall down.
Damn, the glove did nothing.

I wonder if Laquandas monkey brain will remember why it's not a good idea to ape out on a car
>no charges
>medically retired
>six figures a year with annual COLA bumps
This is the most gangster shit I've ever heard of.
Cops are just a gang now. In every country. They used to seem more like "our gang" but they're really just the state's gang, and regular citizens are becoming less and less like the store owners that the mafia shakes down for protection money, and more like an inanimate commodity subject to breakage without concern. Notice in the video that they really didn't do anything to the knife wielder until he attacked another cop. They would've let him butcher a thousand bystanders had he not made the mistake of attacking a member of the gang.
At this height concrete hitting a man is like concrete hitting water.
Yeah fuck that, there are enough videos out there of bystanders getting set on fire too when they try to stop these nutjobs from setting themselves on fire. lurk more.
Are you acting like retards or is that just your "normal"?
Those cops were retards too, suspect was clearly freaking out probably drunk and they were shouting a million different conflicting orders at him lmao "sit! Cross legs! Hands up! Crawl towards us! Dont uncross your legs! Okay crawl! Keep your hands up!" Bunch of stupid pigs as per usual.
>Cop jumps on the guy clearly trying to stop the psycho with a knife
Glad he got killed, fucking moron
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top fucking kek well done
Kill leftshits
He was literally one of the smartest people of the modern age, it isn't just because he can say "nigger" that the fact will change. Plus, you're a racist nigger.
does anyone have the one where the girl knocks out some nigger and she runs off as a teacher orders people around her to stop her?
Total bullshit. A single piece of charcoal would be infinitely better than eating any amount of clay.
>are you gonna come to my place?
>I've plans but i'll help you take care of your friend first
man what a couple of faggots
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>fag with the megaphone starts screaming THAT'S ENOUGH THAT'S ENOUGH!!!
>but only when antifa dipshits start getting their heads caved in
>up to that point it's totally fine

I kinda miss the weekly riots of 2016-2018, very kino. Always some fresh new vids of faggots getting their shit rekt.
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lmfao @ the dumb fuck cop tackling the WHITE GUY instead of the knife wielding shithead thirdie muslim

at least people won't call him racist tho
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nta but why would I care if some faggot wants to light himself on fire? that's his business, he's only taking his own life after all. if he wants to die and send a message let him, freedom of expression is a thing right up until your last breath.
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sick i love doom nookem
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graphic content warning guys, you've been warned.
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Worthless fucking wiggers.
Fake as fuck, but a really good fake.
PLEASE tell me this chad got off on self defense.
>Whats the song? its catchy

After Dark by Mr. Kitty

disgusting haitian spotted
>ice cream van
>everyone sprints towards it
>trying to drift e39 like that
tard does not know the car is automatically checking if you are a slav before doing that
t. slav
mr kitty - after dark
on your uncles hard drive, though those videos all feature you
>4 people walking side by side on a narrow sidewalk
fucking assholes
it's super eerie just starting law school and literally last class we talked about finder's rules in property law, and then it fucking gets mentioned on 4chan kek
Retard, most of the time they are groomed
It was another dumbass tiktok challenge a few years ago. The challenge was literally to point a loaded gun at your junk and play with the trigger without it going off.
Fucking retarded, just like every single other "TikTok challenge" that has ever existed.
It was another dumbass tiktok challenge a few years ago. The challenge was literally to point a loaded gun at your junk and play with the trigger without it going off.
Fucking retarded, just like every single other "TikTok challenge" that has ever existed.

(Yeah yeah, stfu. I tagged the wrong post)
Not arguing about the gay part. They are fucking retarded, but how is this fake...
You make it sound like they don't riot even if it's completely justified.
Well, maybe if those two cops were a little more patient, they might be alive?
Only good cop.
I would have done the same thing.
Kudos to Florida for literally legalizing this.
Best part of that video is some stupid ass bystanding bitch yelling at him to stop punching the dude while he's biting him.
Why’s he celebrating when he clearly lost, fucking pajeets
That's a good one but I'm talking about the other one. She's standing up and slices deep into her hip area.
There was this tranny who testified to congress and she said
>I told my mother as a teenager that if I dont get HRT I will kill myself
>and now it's done irreversible changes to my body and I regret it

Many people would be surprised how many of the pipes used for these fire-extinguisher systems are lead-pipes since they aren't pipes that go to sinks, showers, or other faucets (where a human might use them regularly). When one of these systems goes off it ain't just rusty sludge gunk but a heavy dose of lead particles for the clean-up crew.
Looks like Negative XP lmao
It was weird how if someone was using a pistol this movie had really grounded rules about guns like how after this whole shitfest0 magdump there's still like 1-2 dudes on either side who just ate a bunch of them to the legs or lower torso and are relatively fine, couple more that just need a double tap, but then hawkeye is back to flinging dudes several feet away w his hunting rifle and blasting through the trailer like he's shooting a gauss cannon
>I'm dead! I'm dead…
kek, reminds of Henry III of France's assassination when he yelled to the man who had just stabbed him: "Naughty, you killed me !"(Méchant, tu m'as tué !).
the donkey kick was clever I don't think I've seen that one before
lmao what a loser.
I hope his wife left him after that.
I legitimately feel bad for the ones like this, they were fully deceived by the media and everyone around them that let them go down such a dark path. The ones like this actually made it out and realize it, but for a lot of them it's too late. The modern world is fucking with them so much and they'll never be normal again now.
how do you guys watch this stuff or be "into" it? honestly. maybe i just have a weak disposition... but life is painful enough, I'm in health care and the last thing i want to do when i get home is watch videos of people being hurt. Almost seems like fetishizing it. at the same time i kind of want to show it to my 8 year old bc he usually doesn't believe me when i tell him things are dangerous.
Transgender Jar Jar Binks ass location
At least he didn't have an ebil gun
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yeah that cuck beside him tries to hold him back from punching him, that's actually enraging because he should've punched him along with Jeb and they could've tag teamed that jogger
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kek yeah they hint at the notion that he reloads his own ammo and maybe had some real spicy 45-70gov stuff but even that wouldn't send someone flying, it'd just tear a fist-size hole in them at most.

still a pretty based movie over all.

I never even caught that, almost makes it worse that they tried to explain it but o well, still gonna throw on the lmao9mm gunfight every couple months bc its a great short film

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