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Post strange and bewildering things black people do that confuse and confound the white man such as eating corn starch, washing their chicken, or any other secrets we might not know about.
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holy fuck thats a big cvs
Mmm salty
I thought it was bad enough but then they really got me with that plot twist.
>no nutritional value
Bruh, minerals are literally dirt. Still, true.. almost nothing. They still look good, I wanna try some
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>I wanna try some
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Apart from the crisps, that's basically rocky road. Probably tastes pretty good.
this is gotta be staged/fake right? If abos tried that here, they'd be gang tackled by security and then probably "suicided" in custody.
That can't be healthy can it?
the fact that they're both reasonably fit makes this perfectly fine.
>4.7M tiktok followers

How many tiktok bucks is that monthly?
>healthy people have a treat on a special occasion
>bomb ass light skin braps mercilessly
What is the problem here?
This looks good too. You faggots really reach

also kek @ all the americans replying to this
ngl that looks fucking tasty
I believe this is a result of karma. You fuck shit up in your life and this where you spawn. I must've crushed it in my last life - fucking white male upper middle class in the US. The goal is to keep that standard or go higher so don't get comfy folks, you gotta keep up the good work. I feel like next life I'm gonna drop down to lower middle class in Kentucky or some shit.
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>Bruh, minerals are literally dirt
Is anyone else tired of Canadians using 4chan?
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literally none of them have jobs in the middle of the day. its like kicking a hornets nest.
TikTok's monetization is not lucrative. They don't have advertisement like google does... most of the people just get free shit sent to them for modeling purposes or to review. Also, monetization is based on views not followers.
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it's dey culture
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They all take turns looking but take no action. Literally sounds like a fucking zoo.
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Eating cats alive
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it's fine
man nig nogs are a diffrent breed
But he dindu nuffin? She ain't not no hasn't got not telling heem. Word.
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I'll bite. What is it that went off and killed them? A nail gun? Maybe I'm just that tired but that doesn't look like just any gun.

And frankly I think I'm doing alright if I have even half that many people in my home.
that's just a round magazine attached to the gun.. holds like 50 rounds and is illegal most everywhere.
*drum magazine
Sugar doesn't directly cause diabetes, and I would eat this
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>Sugar doesn't directly cause diabetes, and I would eat this
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>I'll bite.
Why do you faggots feel the need to comment on everything even when you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about?
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at some point you just gotta realize that you can't treat the majority of people like they are responsible humans.
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Seriously why?
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Holy shieet he did dah voodoo
You're just that rich bitch from Holiday in Cambodia, or Little Bitch.
Cringe af cope, and now it's here forever
Dude is referencing a 44 year old Dead Kennedys song on 4chan like it's common knowledge around here.
"Seasoning they food" basically means layering up as much shit as possible, total disregard for basic flavor profiles completely
>*Completely naked*
it's one of those kind of shits
White people make crab boil the same way.

White Anglo-Saxon

That's not remotely the same thing. They made sweet & salty "rice krispie" treat and the mulatta was nice
>White people make crab boil the same way
we absolutely do not.
>and is legal most everywhere
>thinks the usa is the only place that exists
>step one: wash your chicken
>step two: give your chicken an enema
Took cooking to a whole new level
not dey fault, they are just foraging. its white people fault for trying to integrate them in society
I'm getting the weirdest desire to start shitting up bleached threads with this. I'm sure there's more out there.
Hope your pancreas is ready !
tbf it IS the only place that matters
And a new global pandemic of deadly superpox starts...
I don't get it. Do they eat chicken raw without eating and therefore have to "wash off germs"?
>>bomb ass light skin braps mercilessly
Even in an entire store of food, they still eat like shit
The second time she asks if he’s retarded it’s with less anger and more sorrow because she knows he is
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I'm in an abusive relationship like this and it's horrible. I feel for him.
He's licking his lips, is there more?
looks pretty good, sweet and savory can be a nice combo
they have a pizza here with sweet sprinkles on it, pizza hawaii and cheese with cranberries is pretty common too
Calling that abusive seems like a stretch

The irony of course is that the very act of "washing" chicken in the first place is fucking stupid and demonstrably increases the chance of foodborne illness, but somehow they still haven't gotten the memo
Girl with the blue animu hair looks goofy and fun. What started this altercation? Weaves? Ratchet nails?
What fucking brain rot causes people to add so many burger patties to be a burger, a double is like the upper limit of what will actually hold together and not just taste like a fat glob of shitty meat
Bro where is this from
Im from Europe and growing up I always got told to always wash chicken
>white people make crab boil the same way
Absolutely not.
Here's a nice one for everyone.
why are they like this
no wonder black countries are all shitholes
That means to let it sit in buttermilk, not bleach and dish soap.
never ever heard of putting anything at all into buttermilk
That's not "washing" though wouldn't marinating be a better term? Then you have Mexicans who are basically brining it and they also say "washing"

Maybe a lot gets lost in translation idk. All I know is running water over your raw chicken in the sink is fucking gross and unnecessary
It's lragely irrelevant what he was asked to do other than he wasn't given clear instructions for a task he's unfamiliar with. Common sense tells him he should use water and some kind of disenfectant, which is reasonable. The way she goes off on him is not normal and it won't be the only time she behaves like that. It was her fault for not being clear - he did as he was told and she berated him quite harshly.
close your eyes and this sounds like a cartel execution lmao
delusional pathetic virgin
aww no not the sponge
Buck status ?
Haitians eat mud, they eat each other, literal cannibals, and dumbass leftoids think they wouldn’t eat cats lol
Watchu mean cracka, for them flavors ya heard, shiiiet not like youd know nigga.
Eastern Europe?
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>why are they like this
Purely socioeconomic factors
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He rinsed it off, it's good
My guess is hair-trigger but she was just a kid and only she knew how hard she pulled but the bullet is what went off, Anon.
Why would you post a shitty version without audio?
California decriminalized shoplifting
plebbit mannerisms/etiquette
It's truly amazing.
On the one hand you have africans who are kind of behind because they just don't care.
On the other hand you have people born and raised in the richest, most prosperous country in the world, with chances and endless possibilities, who seem to be trying - on purpose - to behave like the most savage, dumb, simian creatures possible.
Nice legs
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the nuture vs nature debate has been settled a long fuckin time ago. if you put all the white/europeans in the fuckin sahara desert it would turn into heaven and brown hordes would be saying your raycis for not letting them in to destroy it. detroit is exhibit a.
soon black people will develop emzimes that eat mud
looks tasty
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>post this video
>get jumped and shot 353 times by basketball americans fearing for their childrens safety
Eating a cat beats eating literal dirt lol
A lot of people aren't aware that many have pig allergies that often result in the following symptoms:
-shortness of breath
-temporary deafness
-impaired cognitive abilities
-sudden death
You tired of canadians showing off their superior intellect?
I was waiting for how many girls infected with hiv to be brought up. That trains never late
Common sense tells me you are either as retarded as him or terminally autistic, which is reasonable.
This guy is dead, right?
This one angers me for some reason
reminds me of nigglets that'd break the screen on game boys at walmart by pushing their thumbs into it
shes armenian
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Thanks for making me appreciate my life.
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From holding up 700lbs all the time
funniest shit
Thats looks good, Id eat that 100%. But it does seem like a lot of salt lol.
Bag milk
This one video explains so much about the black community desu. Enlightening.

"I ain got nuffin to do wid dat"

Yikes lol
would... kill and make whale oil for an antique lamp.
It's unnecessary but it is actually fine to do. Commercial chicken is often rinsed in chlorine, tap water has chlorine in it, baby bottles are are cleaned with it and not rinsed after, etc
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I had pica as a kid and sometimes I really miss the taste of dirt.
I want to breed this woman and then skip town
Outrageously based. Daggering is incredibly fun and it's great exercise.
>but it is actually fine to do
only if after they pulled out the chicken, they bleached their entire sink. raw chicken juice is like the worst thing to leave around places people touch regularly
no, what you've been told is to "clean" the chicken, and what that means is to remove all the feathers and fat globules that won't render based on your cooking methods. we also trim brisket, that doesn't mean to hang curtains on it
letting the chicken fall into the garbage disposal is disgusting
canadian is restaurant code for black people
You actually do need to explicitly wash chicken in america because chicken is treated with a chlorine mixture that you're supposed to rinse off. Similarly, eggs get a similar treatment and results in them needing to be refrigerated as the protective membrane on the shell is washed off in the process.
worked in a chicken processing plant, you're full of shit

even the FDA says you're a retard, they explicitly state to never wash chicken because you're more likely to spread the bacteria all over the sink
That moment of self-awareness was priceless, a shame he's the only one that was capable of such a concept.
Dipshit Europeen thinking they know anything about American life as usual.
>>28026your a sick fuck
>Damn! What the fuck, we really talk like dat?
>nobody does that, and nothing bad happens
>BUT WHAT IF IT DID!?!?!?!?!?
He doesn't know that nothing ever happens.
What I don't understand is this video up came out years ago and you know it's an honest mistake from someone who's not used to cooking. Sucks but I've made retarded cooking mistakes myself so I get it.
But now, all of the sudden all black people are washing their chickens with bleach and Dawn.
Is this guy like super famous and rather than admit his mistake, he is doubleing down and his audience is listening to him or something?
This dude is obviously putting on a show for his audience no one can be that stupid not even blacks.
When you're starving anything is food
I genuinely feel sorry for the brother in this one can you imagine hearing gunshots opening the door to find your little sister dead?
He's going to have to live with that for the rest of his life poor guy.
Less than 10% of American plants use disinfectant spray and you don't need to wash it off. Chlorine evaporates quickly at fairly low temperature. If you are cooking it to safe eating temp it is long gone.
Are you actually a fucking monkey?
British food is still worse.
american international image
Whats with her wrinkly thighs?
>eat too much sugar
>pancreas over reacts.

Rinse and repeat, and you'll get the beetus
This! So much this!

Nothing wrong here. He's using vinegar which is what you're supposed to do. That said washing chicken is not at all necessary.
endurance athletes consume 120g of carbs within an hour, over multiple hours daily and don't get the beetus
isn't the orange juice actually palm oil lol?
reminder he lost his drivers license over this shit
I lived in a black neighborhood for a while, renovating a house, and this is how everything works. A cop, worker from the city, lost motorist etc. turns up? The whole block will come out to jeer, mock and make them feel unwelcome in a moment of total solidarity. The single mother next door is being raped by her date as her kids scream for help? They'll ignore it or even yell out for them to shut up about it. A girl I was sleeping with usually came over, but once I went to her place down the block and learned doors had to be closed and we had to fucki silently, because her sister had been brutally beaten by her boyfriend while her uncle/new step-dad was in the house and, instead of intervening, slapped her around for making too much noise once the boyfriend was finished with her.
>strange and bewildering things black people do that confuse and confound the white man
Trying to pull a gun on police during a simple traffic stop.
damn that nigga is wild
Reminder that getting mad at someone is not abuse and you're diluting the meaning of the word
I hate everyone for making retards like this famous
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It's patrick star.
A fantastic start
ok but how did he do that hat float
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>the millionth example of this behavior
>this one is definitely a fake/troll
cmon now anon
Black magic
I see what you did there ;)
anons love ragebait
NK also has chalk based ice-cream, apparently...
Hoping more of them do this so they die off faster
Is that a man or a woman?
based black american defending his community from unhealthy food
So that bottle of blue liquid labeled Dawn is vinegar?
>be an african villager boy
>have a crush on your childhood friend
>confess to her
>you start to go out together
>has to watch her getting fucked by an ugly bastard with AIDS as a part of village tradition
Those niggas live in NTR doujins irl
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I heard someone wanted seasoned food
Tuesday 1:00pm, Philadelphia.
We need to try to make this normalized in the black community
Sugar doesnt cause diabetes moron inactivity and overeating does. Step one is consumption of calories over maintenance
by thinking minerals = sustenance? holy fuck lol
Niggers are washing chicken in bleach because they're niggers. Simple as.
ooga booga da quess foh fiyah be ovah
>round mag
81iq as always
show me one video of a white or asian person doing this, nigger
>all of the sudden
>as if there is only one sudden
it's "all of a sudden", anon.
please correct this in your thoughts so we don't have to cull you during eventide.
>when you haven't eaten anything it fills your stomach
Imagine if you used the time taken to make those to plant potatoes instead. The negro knows only instant gratification
>FDA says
"Aside from water, mosquitos are the worst killer in AIDSfrica."
- Reality

You mean an insect that sucks blood from one, then flies to another, and shares their needle? On the continent with the highest rate of AIDS and lowest health standards?
And then they eat Skeeter-burgers together? With mud cookies? Using the same water that skeeters lay their eggs in?

Who could have possibly guessed...

The negro surely has more limbs than brain cells.

But I guess thats all wipepo fault too right?
I mean, the negro DID built this whole planet, and invented everything under the Sun, even though his own continent is a rotting, decrepit shithole... full of rich resources, domestic beasts, and fertile soil...

Mind blown.
And the Gov wonders why they eat our pets when we import them.

Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
looks good af. Faggot
"Wipepo tryna steal muh car, yo!"

>refuses to make car payments
>actual theft
Remember, they are all home all day long, got that fat, on welfare, paid for by you and me going to work every day.
But whites are the problem, right?
Where would they be without the white man, you ask?

You're welcome, negro
Enjoy it while it lasts.
The end is near for you.
Our patience is running out...
Why is the "Dad" there?
They can do that, but they can't fucking farm?
>"Gibs me dat"

No wonder everywhere they live turns to Hell.
Fucking sub-human garbage.
Prove me wrong...
no, the poster said it's still nothing. He said minerals give nutrional value, which is true. That's why minerals are listed on nutrition facts tables of food, you american.
This is an american thing, not a nigger thing.
And the problem here isn't that it's unhealthy, but more that it's goyslop. Like nigga, just buy a chocolate bar like a normal person.
Im tired of niggers using 4chan
And faggots
and trannies
and pajeets
and muzzies

So the Canadians are a breath of fresh air.

Shut up faggot
she did it twice, anon.
the 2nd time she intentionally did it to herself

Ive never seen someone try so fucking hard to make an excuse for them.

When was the last time you participated in reality???
>learned doors had to be closed when fucking

Anon, you've spent too much time around them.
Doors should ALWAYS be closed when you are doing that with others in the house.
Have you no respect for others?
WTF is wrong with your moral compass?

Move out of the fucking ghetto and re-condition yourself into humanity.
Holy fuck, anon. BAKA
>puts the chips right on the floor. Sounds about right.
no fucking respect for anyone else.
Hell, over-weight like that she doesnt even respect herself.

What a wonderful culture
Glass the whole continent.
We can mine the resources afterwards
They've contributed zero to the human race since inception
I give Russia, North Korea, China, and America to nuke the entire continent.
We wont even have to fight over the leftovers. We'll just divide it up evenly.
Nuke them all.
They've proved over and over again, they are not worth the hassle to anyone or any land.
Nuke them all..
Literal monkey brains, noises, and movements.
Same here bro
>They still look good, I wanna try some
you're in luck.
i'm stuck in a fucking timeloop
since sugar is half fructose it stimulates insulin release far less than pure glucose sources like starch. diabetes (type 2) is an impairment in metabolism
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was the circled bunch of pixels at the end a gun?
I'll have fish and chips over dirt any day.

rofl I did not finish the gif

Im a fucking retard
Built for bwc
>tony’s cajun
I’m a pale blue eyed euromutt but that shit is great, Tyrone’s aight.
im happy for him
Cali and NY have magazine size limits on their books, iirc. Could be legal, but knowing niggers that gun is likely owned by a felon anyway.
And CO, CT, DE, HI, IL, MD, MA, NJ, RI, VT, WA and DC.
Unconstitutional faggots.
Wypeepo don seesun dey foodt
Christ, I want to fuck the stupid out of her. Then she can make me dinner.
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>be cat
>smell something fishy
>go investigate fishy smell
>get scruffed by feral negro woman and aggressively air humped in the face
>at least they didn't eat me
American "food"
yes it was a draco you stupid fucking tranny
>Clabber Girl
Nigger memes write themselves.
>Is this guy like super famous and rather than admit his mistake, he is doubleing down and his audience is listening to him or something?
This is the real fault in all of this.
I'd feel a lot worse for him if he weren't filming it. That's a high level of arrogance to think you should be acting like an expert on something like this if you haven't ever done it before.
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your chocolate bar was made in israel, you're jewish now
Simply put, they don't understand the purpose of cooking.
Like, they understand that raw chicken is unsanitary and you should clean up chicken juice, and jump to the connection that they need to clean the chicken itself.
What they don't get is that cooking is a method for cleaning chicken, and you only need to clean up what you can't heattreat.
>He's going to have to live with that for the rest of his life poor guy
don't feel too bad for him, it was probably his gun, either way it sounds like some of the others in that house knew they had a gun in there, after the gunshots you can clearly hear an adult casually shouting "hey y'all, don't shoot shit" like it's a normal occurrence for their kids to be playing with guns unsupervised.
also, the girl thought she was being gangster for her gangster friends on facebook, with those kind of aspirations at that age it's definitely a good thing that she's dead.
i personally love how she was about to say some typical black shit like 'dis how we roll' then boom!
It should.

Also, next time you read a report that claims that these kiosks are unsanitary and have had fecal matter detected on them, remember this video.
It is LITERALLY nigs intentionally running their hands through their ass and then wiping their hands on the screens.
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>it's dey culture
indeed. surprised this hasn't been posted yet
its the amerimutt from the meme
There is no conscience behind the eyes of those children. Nothing more than animals.
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fuck man. I've seen this a hundred damn times and never noticed his underware were full of shit.
It looks like it leaked through into his pants too.
total hamplanet death
Bro is fascinated by animals; let him have this one
Go ahead. Im pretty sure the dirt in that area is heavy on silt. It definetly wouldnt be prime for growing potatoes. Leave it to the modern first world man to think he knows how to survive better than a tribe whose lived in the area hundreds of years.
Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Iberia in the late 1400s and early 1500s brought the tradition of battered fried fish to England. The fish was often cod or haddock, and was fried in flour before sunset on Friday so it could be eaten cold on the Sabbath.

One story says that in 1680, potatoes were cut into fish shapes and fried in Namur, Belgium, because the river was frozen over.

Either way, not british. Just stolen by them.
you can't convince me that's real
wish i were the dude in the background
good advice
but that's a jeep wrangler
wreep jangler
That floating hat trick was pretty cool. I was half expecting them to all get shot from the live leak watermark.
>Using a sponge
Even as a joke, that shit freaks me out
that's kinda terrifying if you think about it
Wranglerthon doesn't sound as good.
i always feel bad for this guy
he looked excited to cook with her
none of them have jobs because they live off yours
>Those niggas live in NTR doujins irl
lmao truly a hell on Earth
why is the repo man some fat guy?
i just feel like they should be able to handle this sort of situation
idk what i'd do though, apart from waiting for a better opportunity instead of barging right in
this is one step too far
no way
>idk what i'd do though, apart from waiting for a better opportunity instead of barging right in
Same. Probably why he's a fatass that just sits in his truck all day.
It's not like he's gonna get out and brawl a dozen ghetto niggers for a $2k used minivan.
Just drive away, come back in a few days, and try again I guess.
i'm the whitest man left in this world and we always briefly rinse cuts of beef (not ground beef) & chicken with water, before patting them dry
it helps remove whatever the meat has been sitting in, and for beef it removes excess blood which improves flavor
never any soap, though
yeah i guess it's understandable
>Just drive away, come back in a few days, and try again I guess.
it seems like the nigs would be more careful from that point on
i wonder what that job is like
I got a warning for being racist in this thread lol
wrong board middle school
All the blood vets drained out man. That's just the amino acids. But yeah they'll change the flavor
maybe i'm buying low quality meat
They have the same mannerisms as shown in videos of groups of animals feeding together. Somehow the animals have more life in their eyes. Uncanny to say the least.
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they love saying "pshh white people" they even do that 'pshh' noise too.

yeah, white people do all sorts of things dont they? but its funny when they pretend or simply have the lack awareness to see they have their own goofy quirks and strange shit that they be doin.

anyway, if i have any webms you either already posted them or im going to have to really dig to find 'em n shit.
>but its funny when they pretend or simply have the lack awareness to see they have their own goofy quirks and strange shit that they be doin.
all races do this sometimes, it's always funny
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i got one
i remember some chinese guy saying "fish people go underwater, no longer land menace"
keep up the import and soon enough you'll find nothing to eat except those delicious treats
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Niggers have a genetic mental illness called geophagia aka pica which makes them compulsively eat dirt. And yes there is no nutritional value to this because your body can't digest/process that dirt properly to get any mineral value out of it. You're even worse than the retard niggers that do this. At least their justification of "it fills the stomach to trick the brain into thinking its full of food" has some semblance of truth to it. Or it would if they didn't get constant fucking food and water supplies from government, religious and charity organizations in Africa and fucking welfare, planned parenthood, reparations and sometimes even paychecks for the rare nigger that isn't a fucking lazy ass parasite anywhere else in western society
Man you ahould value yourself more than to get that. You're worth it.

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