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File: 1712871116599346.webm (1.48 MB, 1080x1920)
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Any Mid/Average looking Asian girls

Also does anyone have more of this girl? or a name?
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nice tight pussy

beautiful titties
This is not average
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Doesn't look too asian to me
I noticed too, pussy is vertical.
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Average to me means someone who looks like the average person you can see walking down the street, not a porn star or model, but not ugly either.
Average in this context is specifically about physical attractiveness as we are on an imageboard for porn.
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Don't got name but have this other webm

iirc when I saved this someone said in that thread that she didnt make that much content
She went by Doll on /soc/, if you do some digging you should more in the archives
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yup thanks anon, got some more of her

and yeah from what ive been digging through she was only active for a couple months in 2021
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Blessed thread
Wrong thread anon, but those pussy sounds are neat.
Me fucking the fried rice out of my avg asian hoe
Judging the size of your hand in comparison to her torso you're either a giant or she's a midget. Either way she's ugly.
why happa girls got such cute buttholes ?
The thread is "Average Asain" the average asain female is ugly.
File: 1710986299155679.webm (2.87 MB, 640x1136)
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Why is the Asian baseline so damn high compared to all other women? Like if you go to India, the Middle East, or Europe, the number of "woulds" is actually pretty low. But if you go to East Asia, basically every woman under 50 is a would.
What is "mid" about this girl? That's one of the best looking pussy and ass I've ever seen.
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Hello you, from the future. The song is called "Izzamuzzic, Julien Marchal - Shootout"
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>Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)19:40:52 No.28032232▶
more like this???

This looks rapey as hell
they're just skinny and petite
middle east and india i agree, but then you said Europe...really? have you been to ALL of Yurop? Plenty of 'would' there if you just barely look and away from tourist sports. Also in the East Asian countries, which are more "what do others think of me" mindset, they follow trends and other people. e.g. Beauty standards in South Korea. Albeit in east asia, particularly japan and south korea, many young girls in general are taught/pestered to actually take care of themselves. people might joke about, muh honor in say japan, but it's still there but mostly, "Don't Fucking Embarass This Family, Or Else"

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