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>low effort
>The Twitch streamer that’s advocating against women’s rights has a feminist icon Tomb Raider statue in her room
Do you think she’s sane?
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>Do you think she’s sane?
>feminist icon
you mean the icon that fags have been trying to destroy by making it closer to a homosexual man, removing all the curves that a man would enjoy & leaving it with a slab body only a homo would?
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>She's talking about men that pretend they're women
>Women's rights

You're kinda retarded.
>a random woman said what I like to hear. Let's repeat this thread for all eternity
go back to pol
40 year old pick-me girl. Pathetic.
fuming troon alert, ywnbaw
pretty based. calling out liberals kikes and faggots..
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>Using liberal language
>Pretending to be conservative
Every time
>You're a faggot
Yes now show me your butthole
she's fat and i bet ugly underneath the makeup. also boring
The vision of perfection known as Melonie deserves eternal admiration for making trannies seethe with but a look of her naturally beautiful femininity.
lmao melonie mac sucked an exec's cock to get into ubisoft fragdolls. thats why awesome joey left her 8 months after they got married. he found out when ubisoft fired a bunch of their execs for sexual misconduct.

she's a slut and her whole career and bible thumping christian shit is a scam for incels
Has she come out as dyke yet?
She defended Jews yesterday, she's not half as based as you guys think.
This tranny seethe is wonderful to see. Melonie is a natural goddess. Beautiful.
Wait, am I supposed to respect the opinions of women or not?
What's insane about what she's saying, or liking tomb raider? I think you're just exactly the kind of idiot she's talking about, who actually cannot think properly.
>pick-me girl
terminology used by people who have been btfo and can't argue their position because it's inconsistent, they don't actually believe it, and are just regurgitating things they are expected to say by their peers with no actual evidence or reasoning behind them.
I think you're just jealous because she's a real girl doing girly things and you wish you could be like her.
There's a picture of her without makeup on. She looks better without it
I think you're not, troon.
This tatted up thot sweeps for a guy that who had his 9-year-old daughter test positive for cocaine and is a swinger cuckold. AKA she can't be based.
Hey Tranny.
No one believes you. Everyone can tell.
Don’t you mean ACK!! As in that’s what this gorgeous natural woman makes you want to do since you’ll never be like her?
>40 year old
She doesn't even look old, wtf are you on about
Only the ones who parrot the opinions of the strong Conservative Males in their lives.
True. But you will, once you pass puberty.
Tell her that if she votes, as a woman, then she's either a tranny or a dyke. If she wanna be a reactionary, there's no half measures.
>right wing pick me chick
>tattoos and goth makeup
Bless her heart, I guess.
>terminology used by people who have been btfo and can't argue their position because it's inconsistent
What, like..
Nope. Those are basic and factual descriptors of mentally ill troglodytes. “Pick-me girl” is used by jealous trannies seething against something they’ll never be, like mentally ill troglodytes.
>terminology used by people who have been btfo and can't argue their position because it's inconsistent, they don't actually believe it
>jealous trannies seething
>mentally ill troglodytes
>terminology used by people who have been btfo and can't argue their position because it's inconsistent
Case in point.
Careful anon, pointing out reactionary hypocrisy and lack of arguments will hurt their feelings. They rely on zero push back to keep their delusions alive. Remember to assure them that it's all fake news and msm lies or else they might question their information providers and grow as a human.
that's actually a pretty good list for considering who is usually winning the argument. you seem to have written a huge list of people who can never seem to formulate a coherent or consistent argument. shitlibs, femoids, queers, etc. are the ones who are usually making easily debunked arguments, demonstrate inconsistencies in their own arguments (because they are so faulty) and can never seem to defend their positions.
Are you one of those in the list?
isn't this the girl that went to hospital multiple times for not drinking water and has an army of simps on twitter who litterally post their prayers about wanting a girlfriend like her?
checked and factual
troons eternally seething
Found the troon
lol half of these are either never used at all or only used ironically
you just straight-up slapped an "f" in place of the "m" in "moids" which is something radfems spam like they have a keyboard macro for it this is just sad
True.. case in point right here:
/Pol/nigs hated anon for speaking the truth. Buzzwords that make them feel like they're "on the right side of history"; genuinely no different than their opposites that have 30 names for people that disagree with them. Nazi, bigot, x-phobe, etc.
Horseshoe theory in action. Also this bpdemon bitch is used goods.
The term "foid" is shorthand/contraction of "femoids", you mook. The /pol/turds use it constantly.
>"moids" which is something radfems spam
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
Indeed, yes. The /pol/ seethe is palpable. Ironic, seeing as "seething" is another /pol/ buzz word.
>liking Tomb Raider is now a feminist thing
And if I like Aliens with Ellen Ripley, or Terminator & Sarah Connor, what am I? A stinky mentally ill troon like you?
Only people I heard pronouncing
were only literal woke communists who used it to bash on women who dared to not defend their feminist victim larp bullshit.
In short:
>woman has a rightist opinion
>Doesn't victimize herself into patriarchy bullshit
>leftist calls her pickme to discredit her
Simple as.
>Pick me
Keep crying, troon. Hurry up and kill yourself
Tomb Raider was always feminist. Same as the Alien franchise, and Terminator. You just deny it, because you like those movies and want to keep liking them. You're as hilariously hypocritical as the liberals who try to explain Rambo as a liberal-progressive anti war hero, because they like movies with big muscular men shooting up shit but they don't want to admit that to anyone, including themselves.
Completely scripted, automated post. You're beyong an NPC. You're a fucking bot.
>dude has a letist opinion
>righties call him
ripley from aliens was originally a male character which is why her character came off as a "strong" character with no hint of feminine weaknesses. Sequel they actually imbued her with the motherly angle. and she still kicked ass. and men loved Vazquez too. Those stories were feminist in the classical sense, not in the current-year neofeminism that's all about putting women on a godess-like pedestal while bringing down men.
So yeah, they were "feminist" but not in the way feminism is defined and pushed these days, which is not really feminism, but misandrist bullshit that ironically tells women if they take on all the toxic traits they ascribe to men, they will become amazing boss-babes.
>Tomb Raider was always feminist. Same as the Alien franchise, and Terminator. You just deny it, because you like those movies and want to keep liking them. You're as hilariously hypocritical as the liberals who try to explain Rambo as a liberal-progressive anti war hero, because they like movies with big muscular men shooting up shit but they don't want to admit that to anyone, including themselves.
have you sere rambo?
he fights American cops.
Except nobody tries to describes Rambo as progressive. 90's were the most sexist years ever, naked boobs on TV at rush hours, Lara Craft has a F cup, Cloud fucks Tifa like a doll, every women were beautiful, and movies already had based tomboys shooting shit up. Nobody said watching Terminator and Aliens was feminist at the time, you just invented that stupid idea today to justify your as much retarded view, whether it's woke or traditional christcuck.
These were great female characters, well written and this doesn't make these works "feminist" or woke. At no moment these female characters complain about men, or try to castrate them, or defend some retarded woke struggle.
Rambo, Aliens, Terminator and every action movies were literally the typical rightist shit kek.
Soiboys like you absolutely hated them since they incarnated virility and masculine values they couldn't deal with.
>You just deny it, because you like those movies and want to keep liking them.
I deny nothing because nobody considered them feminist at the time. It never been. It will never be. I'm sure I can even find some woke retards hating those movies because they incarnate righist fascist vision they consider evil (since anything not pulled from the brain of a Ubisoft project chief is fascist to them). Also I don't need anything to love these movies because they're great, regardless of whatever political message they bear (spoiler: there are none, the stories aren't about that)
Also kys.
>Those stories were feminist in the classical sense
So, we agree they're feminist. Good.
Yes, I've seen Rambo. All of them. I saw them in cinemas, then they premiered. Good movies. Is fighting American cops solely a leftist thing? The libertarian "don't thread on me" crew might have a few words about that.
>Except nobody tries to describes Rambo as progressive
I see you don't get out much, nor partake in discourse outside your echo chamber.
First of all, if depends which one.
And secondly, in Rambo 1, Rambo is a ex-vet being shitted on by countryside assholes cops who think they can, and he proves them wrong, all of this through the prism of war PTSD.
When did being a war veteran leftist? Give me one leftist shit in all I described.
You can't, retard.
yes, so to the original post, she can be a tomb raider fan and be feminist, and be completely against murdering babies, which has nothing to do with "women's rights."
Just give the sauces already, then, nerd.
I have my fair part of leftards everyday, don't worry.
>So, we agree they're feminist. Good.
He precised it's not feminist in today's woke asertion. But you pretend not reading it.
>Is fighting American cops solely a leftist thing? The libertarian "don't thread on me" crew might have a few words about that.
Rational and trVe.
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>being involved in a war that used the draft makes you right wing.
did not know that thank you anon
What, this is about abortion? You're weaving and floundering, anon.
>muh soorce
facebook, pre-X twitter, discord, instaderp.. every-fucking-where on the internet outside 4chan.
What part of "feminist" is not "feminist"? do you support the suffragettes, but not the second wave rad fems? Or is the rad fems, but not the third wave queer fems? They're all feminist.
wtf bruh that made no sense
>wtf bruh that made no sense
lurk moar
Why do you think about cock all the time, faggot? She is a sinner that supports people that live in sin. Not everyone that dislikes obvious grifters is a tranny, now go die of GRIDS.
Rambo literally was an antiwar movie.
the whole point was he came back to an america just as hostile and as Viet. where all of His friends gave their life for these american ingrates.
>I've seen Rambo. All of them. I saw them in cinemas, then they premiered. Good movies.
ok now i know your bullshitting bait harder
>What, this is about abortion? You're weaving and floundering, anon.

No, you're just ignorant. Leftists don't like her because she's christian and is against abortion, hence why the original poster of the reply we're talking about scoffed at her being a "feminist" who loves tomb raider. Now you know.
>Yes, I've seen Rambo. All of them. I saw them in cinemas, then they premiered. Good movies. Is fighting American cops solely a leftist thing? The libertarian "don't thread on me" crew might have a few words about that.
you're 19
>They're all feminist.
Apparently you completely glossed over my distinction between original feminists and the pretenders of today. You'll have to read it again. >>28037266
There is never a scene where Ripley goes and votes or whatever

not everything is fucking political but you trannies are fucking nuts, just like how you cant stop gooning when in public.
even acknowledging the past feminists, there is NOTHING political about Aliens or Tomb raider.

they see someone making a female character that is cool and suddenly think its subliminal commentary on the 19th amendment and Roe vs. Wade.

Maybe the artists didnt want to create totally lame characters? its not so fucking deep. Tomb Raider is an athletic sex icon hunting for relics not an Abortion Protestor.
yes on mute like she belongs
so basically you didnt want to so blatantly admit you're a tranny so you shuffled in a few more slurs to make it not obvious
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how am i supposed to jerk off with all those fags on screen. kinda gay to even have saved desu
no u
>he talked about sauces he didn't land to back his retarded takes up
>he didn't land the sauces when I asked
Paint me surprise.
>They're all feminist.
2024 feminist and 1800 feminist are very different, retard. Proudhon is literally considered fascist by today's wokies. Not only you push that these movies are feminist just because they have a female protagonist (it's retarded) but you also state that suffragettes and Zikora Akanegbu are the same. it's not, Ellen Ripley wasn none of them.
My little friend here admitted it was feminist in the old way, his mistake, he still doesn't agree with your retarded takes.
Even mainstream leftist medias know it.
https://abc news.go.com/US/examining-modern-feminism-wave-now/story?id=976 17121
You see? It's called a sauce. Yeah I know, you're not used to. Maybe you should go back to R*ddit to find this open mind you called for here.
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>Abracadabra, Rambo is now a leftist movie
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>Rambo literally was an antiwar movie.
I know, and I never said it wasn't. Is being anti war inherently leftist? The trumpist seem to disagree.
Why? I'm old. It's what is.
That's not the topic we're debating, anon.
No, I'm 56.
>muh distinction
Either they're feminists, or they're not. You still haven't decided if they're first, second or third wave.
So, because she isn't seen voting Democrat then there's no politac implications of her character. Damn, that's easy.
Based next POTUS.
>point me to the countless debates on different social media that proves me wrong
Yeah, I guess you win this one. If I can't dig up a facebook thread or a discord post to back it up, then it doesn't exist. Savour it.
stunning and brave
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no you're not.
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>stunning and brave
>Either they're feminists, or they're not. You still haven't decided if they're first, second or third wave.
said like that, it's even more obvious they just aren't feminist.
Based boomer 4channer.
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Sure, kid.
Didn't watch.
I never said they're "just" feminist, I simply said they are feminist. You want to discern between different kinds of feminism, which is fine, but you're being vague about which kind. So, with all due respect, please elaborate and specify.
>You can count leftist to pull the most disgusting stuffs from internet
No, I'm the other one who said they weren't feminist. You mix me up with the other anon who said they were old-fashioned feminist.
Associating Aliens with a wave of feminism just highlights how retarded this idea is.
Like what's next? is Berserk more of a leninist, a stalinist or a maoist communism? Because yeah albino twink gets fucked by a king and traditional values so it must be communist, right?
If anyone's a bot it's you and your troon ilk. You're all scum from some dystopian script
Guts must be feminist since he fights rape culture kek
I stand corrected, mea culpa.
>is Berserk more of a leninist, a stalinist or a maoist communism?
Berserks are obviously anarcho-primitivists, whereas Ulfhednir are syndicalists.
>muh trooooooon
Yep, you're an NPC.
>Berserks are obviously anarcho-primitivists, whereas Ulfhednir are syndicalists.
Terry making a come back like 2pac
>it's over
Hasan is clearly not accounting for CIA rigging the election. USA have non-auditable electronic voting which should be able to get counted instantly but still somehow can't announce the election result on the election day, like 555-come on now. The reason Biden and now Kamala even attempt to get support is just a show to make it seem like the vote count was plausible.
Here's a volume normalized video from that day for those that haven't heard the things hard to make out
What a cry for generations.
The stupidity is overwhelming
>tranny seething so much
Watch it, you’ll blow your intestines out of your loose asshole
Speak for yourself, whore, sometimes that fucker deserves it.
Why's this person acting and talking like a little kid?
>rent free and inactive forever
>Wow attention starved e-celeb saying things online for clicks and financial profit, pretty based let's all promote YT!
Where's Terry now?? LMAO
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post gape
>That's not the topic we're debating, anon.
>hence why the original poster of the reply we're talking about scoffed at her being a "feminist" who loves tomb raider.
that's literally the argument.
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>Either they're feminists, or they're not. You still haven't decided if they're first, second or third wave.
modern day feminists call themselves feminists, but they're not like the original ones. I'll call modern day ones "feminists" as a derogatory term, meaning the neofeminists are the misandrist bitches who don't actually care about equal rights, only bigoted advantages.
>You want to discern between different kinds of feminism,
I'll answer this. The originals are feminists, (the ones that wanted the right to vote, for example) the ones after are opportunists, for whom it was no longer about equality. Modern day version are properly labeled misandrists, because they're more about harming, ridiculing and disadvantaging men and far removed from a fight for equal rights.
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this is literally part of the left's strategy to win in 2024
imagine how pathetic you have to be to spam fake feminism arguments to slide anti-Kamala threads.
>Great Value Emiru

Or is that how all modern psuedo-goths talk?
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That faggot looks like a watered version of Onision.
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>That faggot looks like a watered version of Onision.
Amerishits get they fucking deserve LMAOOOOO
Though, to be fair orange dastardly man knows how to play the charisma game.
The glowniggers got him...
He'll be back as an AI, just you wait
Jesus Christ, shutup you screechy annoying cunt.
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she's a talker
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>Jesus Christ, shutup you screechy annoying cunt.
She's got a few hardcore reply guy simps that responds to all over her posts. It's a little cringy but she encourages it.
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>Amerishits get they fucking deserve LMAOOOOO
winning the spiritual war was easy
the other side is satanic.
>2024 feminist and 1800 feminist are very different, retard.
>Either they're feminists, or they're not. >You still haven't decided if they're first, second or third wave.

X-wave feminism isn't real, anons. Feminism has always been about spreading misandry through acts of terrorism.

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>Feminism has always been about spreading misandry through acts of terrorism.
credible extremist sentence for sure.
Why are you even here?
Imagine caring this much about .6% of the population.
yes, it's important to point out that the democrat's way of reducing crime is to make the illegal act legal. it lowers the crime statistics and gullible people don't think about whether or not the problem is still there.

want to lower illegal immigration? just make it easier to qualify for refugee status.
40 year old childless ran thru millennial bitches trying to be e-girls is one of the saddest sights in modernity
you're right. California passed the law changing shoplifting of up to 950 dollars worth to be just a misdemeanor, so cops don't even bother to go after people who do that, and guess what? Shoplifting in California ROSE like crazy, but charges went DOWN. LOL, the fucking idiots. And now businesses are shutting down in California at alarming rates because of it.
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>136 replies
>22 images
great going, retards
>you're not allowed to discuss anything, only post media!
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>you're not allowed to discuss anything, only post media!
I want to marry her so badly.
Too bad this bitch is a Jew lover
shes kinda hot and i used to have a crush on her when i was like 16. Lol
>muh hawt gamer girlfwend

But in all honesty, shes nuts. So yeah. Then again, Ive always loved girls the most the crazier they are. Its fucked
She's just a pick-me. Liberal men and conservative women are both equally mentally ill.
First of all that's one of the least disgusting 'stuffs' on this site
Secondly, he probably got it here
Thirdly, speak english you fucking gook
if you're going to link something stupid at least check if it exists first
Bumping this gloriously perfect vision of natural femininity and Christian purity.
The ONIONS word because feminism won't let this eunuch to simply call her a slut.
Nice to see how the left always goes mask off when the oppressed go out of the plantation.
*gulp* You mean Trump was just as clueless about that rapper as 99.9999% of the public?!
I thought Trump was God Emperor but now I really have to think if he is just Emperor.
>a feminist icon Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider was never a feminist thing.
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>You're a faggot.
The 90's called, they want that hair back girl.
who knows, maybe the Diddy parties are where he cultivated his philosophy of "grab 'em by the pussy"
it should have been me
what would someone who doesnt use drugs or drink do at a diddy party?

i've seen your post history anon
let's be real, trump knew and cared just as much as i did about puff daddy 20 years ago: not one god damn bit. he knew nothing about him when he said that thing on TV except that he was famous, and speaking well about famous people usually gets you further than if you don't do that if you happen to be in circles where rich and famous people meet take photos together. that's it. you know it, i know it, that's all there is.
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
you have to use their language if you're trying to get them to understand. yes they are that far gone.
also nobody cares if shes "conservative" or not
well lefty librads might seethe but yeah most regular people don't
nigga what
"let me get my shoes, wait wait wait" dude is so unconcerned
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adios then chump
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ITT: faggots BTFO faggots on sour cider watch
She’s 30 trying so hard to be an e girl on twitter. Even goes with the gamer route. Really gay when it’s an ugly girl doing it
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my nigga
I have never seen such blatant propaganda. The angles, the cuts, the sound bites; if I payed to produce this, I'd kill myself
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>you're better at it than we are
I know.
gotta really stretch out those cock carousel days
Seething trannies and their delusions. It’s hilarious if not pathetically sad.
I’m not just voting for a woman. I’m voting for a Stalinist woman.
That’s a double whammy for her ugly American Conservative ass.
Claudia De La Cruz 2024!
she cute i saw a chubbier version of her at a bar last night
This bitch is so Cringe. Her entire shtick is she's not afraid to say faggot. So incels just eat it up
that camel toe.... i want her to sit on my face and use my mouth as her toilet
have sex, incels
seething /leftypol/dot/org and /bunkerchan/dot/net troons
kek ok tranny go back to your nigger dick thread
We need more webms of this angel on earth, especially reading the word of God
Bumping for truth
>feminist icon Tomb Raider
>Tomb Raider
>feminist icon
However you believing that you're a woman is
However you believing that you’re a woman isn’t.
you think the people posting that clip trying to damage trump by proxy has everything figured out?
It's less that and its more fuck kikes in general
Jewess with crazy eyes.
Let me guess, she probably streams and has gamers or lonely men thirsting after her.
you may actually be a biological woman
Okay, serious question here. If I marry her, what are the likelihood that she’d let me eat her pits and asshole?
So does she take it in the ass?
She’s too pure for that
is this skank supposed to be motivation for something?
I pull better trim at the bar during last call
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>I pull better trim at the bar during last call
you don't pass here either
Psychology is fake
as long as we're beating troons on sight because they're freaks I'm fine.
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Great thread filled seething kikes. Cope on lads cope on.
If all else fails you'll always have your bmwf threads.
Not entirely, but it is trying to put a form to something which is formless, the mind and then judge others minds based upon that form they created.
What I am getting at is I could study or even create X,Y,Z different psychology subjects and say my mind is like this, but to then project that on others is retarded, it is and will always be a pseudo-science. Simply because we cannot observe the mind, or more importantly the mind of others.
President of truth
You forgot to post the gigachad
Based Melonie. She makes Crystal Dynamics, BritBongs and fags seethe nonstop.
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Love her voice and face etc

is this in better resolution?
i saved a version of this video
She’s got my vote
why are you linking me shit about troons anon?
the OP posted a 6/10 with a trailer trash feather haircut
tattoos while wearing a cross
I know a bottom feeder when I see one
do I need to have transitioned to recognize these things or something?
does MAGA really rep these hatchet wounds as their queens?
she has a nice voice
People repost that chick because it makes fags like you seethe. Simple as.
I'm not seething though
I wanted to know if she was supposed to motivate me into something
the rest is just responding to some MAGA simp
you're upset, LMAO
You wrote a whole lotta gay shit mad about some random broad who looks and sounds like she time traveled from the 00s. Do better hon.
my guy if pointing out why that chick is mid tier trim is being mad I'm guilty
still doesn't explain why MAGA is repping some jewess who ruined her body as their spokeswoman
If you can pass as the opposite gender its okay, but if you cant and its blatantly obvious youre pretending then its weird af
like a day octopus camouflage vs a peacock camouflage
I love how this gorgeous natural woman makes troonies like this cause their male pattern baldness to get exponentially worse.
>my guy

Lol it's not 2008 anymore fagg
fucking shame, too
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My guy?????? You sound like a NIG*ERFaggot
>im not even gay

Proven to be a redditor troonie
she farming. you guys are literally her sheep
Farming what exactly on 4troon other than tranny seethe? I only see her when people post her shit on 4chan I dont watch her on whatever platform shes on and I dont subscribe to her patreon or onlythots. Youre just mad because a woman is making fun of faggots lime you.
are you so stupid that you need me to explain lol? ok.

She is farming you for atention, to become internet famous an eventually monetize it by either doing onlyfans or selling mugs to retards like you who think that calling someone a "troon" is le epic ownage.

I'm actually surprise I got such an agressive answer back lol. You're probably in way too deep.
You didnt even read my post and got all emotional. Congrats troon you might be an effeminate faggot like the thot in OP says you are but youll never be a woman.
sorry,I'll tune it down to 70IQ.

you =/= everyone
ads work,internet clout works.
That is why corporations and individuals are in mass, trying to mine that gold. But nah dude,just because you say on 4chan that you dont subscribe to her patreon,it must mean it doesn't wrok. How can you be so dumb and think that anyone in below you?
Yup.. reddit tier tranny logic
I dont think Im above anyone besides your faggot ass. I just dont care about some funny webm on 4chan other than laughing about it and laughing at you for getting so worked up over a woman saying faggot on a porn board.
I just find it funny that she's able to farm you. You say I'm getting worked up but you're replying 3 minutes after I post lol.
jesus christ I miss 2008 even more after watching this
I consider it my good deed of the day. Every time you waste a reply in this thread is you not posting more tranny or niggerloving webms on /gif/. Have a blessed day faggot.
You don't have to pretend you're not a loser. I know you are clikcing update furiously with your dick in your hand.

And don't worry, I don't post.
A woman rightfully calling you a faggot absolutely destroyed you.
Bumping this goddess back up to remind everyone of the truth
Bump please keep this going...
She was a talking head for Gamestop TV a decade ago
>trying to damage trump by proxy
when did Republicans stop being the party of accountability? Why so upset over unedited video clips of Trump being Trump?
I’ll never be a marxist?! Thank Christ.
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Girls have a vagina boys have a penis, simple as nigger.
trannies be seething that they will never look like her kek.
destiny and vaush are farming you, ywnbaw.
He went with the 42%
Ofc, they are used to this kind of thing. Selfmutilation and the carving of neovaginas have left them totally deranged.
She was a swallower before.
She is literally a pick-me.
>women are stupid xD
>except me, listen to my opinions because im le based xD
That is typical women behaviour, to degrade competition and appear as the most appealing.
Trump bringing the bants.
>she's not afraid to say faggot.
And that is brave and stunning.
the cope in this thread is spectactular

melonie mac go tard lol
I’m ready to propose to my future wife. Wish me luck.
>produces entertainment
>HAH you guys are dumb because you're consuming entertainment
>Wow attention starved e-celeb saying things online for clicks and financial profit, pretty based let's all promote YT!

>Wow attention starved faggots chopping off their cocks for clicks and financial profit, pretty based let's all promote communism!
Tell me about it. Trannies are so mentally ill, it’s astounding.
>No one came out and said anything to him
>Absolutely everything was in his head

That's the dumbest thing ever. Feeling 'safe' is some woman shit. He didn't feel safe because they didn't have his gay ass politics. This could happen to anyone who thinks they're an outsider in a place.
Yeah, “men” who vote for the democratic party are mostly effeminate queers. Hence why most of the troon out.
Imagine dedicating your life to spamming blacked porn to pwn the chuds. For many its the only thing keeping them from killling themselves, the concept even that they're making a difference. I don't think they even remember why they started doing it in the first place.
narcissists think subjective emotional experience is objectively true.
It's so weird.
A normal person watching that would want some actual evidence of something negative that happened to make him fearful. But narcissists just believe their emotions completely.
Are Americans really this dumb? I have never been there before, but I've spent some time on 4chan and you guys seem really stupid. Obvious propaganda is truth to you guys... Shit like Joe Rogan and that Alex Jones nut job, you guys eat it all up. And videos like this all over the place, you even believe that shit. Seriously, I hope you are getting better soon...

Now hiding this thread, what a waste of time
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>his list is almost all conspiracies that are bullshit
>hiding this thread
>>his list is almost all conspiracies that are bullshit
pick the most bullshit one and prove it.
Letting some painted up gutter skank tell you how to live makes you a faggot.
What the fuck kind of disease do you have in your brain that made you make that leap and think that kind of logic is sane? I hope it's fucking terminal.
they are too retarded to realize this
>feminist icon Tomb Raider
holy fuck you are special aren't you
Still making trannies seethe. I love this woman.
Leftists think any strong female character is automatically a feminist icon. It's pathetic.
Prove that they aren't, retard.
Lost at chemtrails hahahaha it's absolutely criminal that people this retarded are allowed to breathe and procreate.
This is 4Chan so can we just see her butthole and move on? It’s not like anyone’s changing their political views over this.
This gorgeous woman is too pure for such vile things.
>No u
> >No u

what an enthralling discussion from intellectuals.
Harris is gonna win.
Yes, through voter fraud and illegal immigrants.
its called being midwestern
Ahh, more seething trannies caused by a pure, naturally beautiful woman. She’s God’s gift to humanity.
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>Lost at chemtrails hahahaha it's absolutely criminal that people this retarded are allowed to breathe and procreate.
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>Prove that they aren't, retard.
Such incredible beauty
Too beautiful for this world.
This "right wing" woman just came out as pro-jew and says antisemites are worse than everyone including trannies.
she's been comped from the start and would suck a tranny's cock on camera if her jewish masters told her to
>thinks this is some sort of gotcha
>Even your jew loving allies call you a faggot
No wonder you are mad saar.
>a truly unintelligent and low-paid federal agent
I can't imagine being such a low-level fed nigger that they don't even give you access to the shitty fed meme folder or even the copypastas. goddamn dude. pathetic
>lmao melonie mac sucked an exec's cock to get into ubisoft fragdolls. thats why awesome joey left her 8 months after they got married.
Kek! Do you have sauce?
voting for Kamala because of this specific whore and literally no other reason. no woman is gonna call me a faggot
Sure you are, “Ma’am”.
i dont follow politics because my dick is fat and i have money
if you really wanna prove her wrong continue having homosexual anal sex.
actually been a while since i last did that. currently chatting up an older lady who lives a couple miles away. she's got a vagina and everything, imagine that
i really am just spiteful enough to vote for her just to make you retards angry. btw grindr is free to download, you can go there and fuck a tranny like you so desperately want to
add this to the list
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aight i'm still voting for her
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>I'm voting for a jobber
you should bet against the Harlem Globetrotters while you're at it.
i dont know what a jobber is i just think it'd be really deeply funny if she won
your obsession with trannies is really weird, bud
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>i dont know what a jobber is i just think it'd be really deeply funny if she won
why do you have so many random webms of this obnoxious female saved on your device
oh btw thanks for helping me get this thread to the bump limit hehe
>Tomb Raider was always feminist. Same as the Alien franchise, and Terminator.
They weren't, they are completely apolitical films.
>You just deny it, because you like those movies and want to keep liking them.
We deny it because it isn't true, revisionist faggot.
>You're as hilariously hypocritical as the liberals who try to explain Rambo as a liberal-progressive anti war hero, because they like movies with big muscular men shooting up shit but they don't want to admit that to anyone, including themselves.
I've never seen anyone say this. Delusional. Fuck off with your Reddit shit.
God she's so cute.
How many intrusive thoughts does she have abt being replaced by girl cock to even endeavor to comment like this?
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>why do you have so many random webms of this obnoxious female saved on your device
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>oh btw thanks for helping me get this thread to the bump limit hehe
it's my thread lol
I'm just gonna make another one
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>How many intrusive thoughts does she have abt being replaced by girl cock to even endeavor to comment like this?
you aren't trans, you're a rapist. You've turned a kink that involves non consensual participation into a gender identity.
Literally you think your desire to force people to participate in your kink (i.e. rape) is the most important and central aspect of your being.
I'm inclined to agree.
see >>28049738
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>is this in better resolution?
>i saved a version of this video
looks AI upscaled from same video
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>why are you linking me shit about troons anon?
you can put it together
>the OP posted a 6/10 with a trailer trash feather haircut
protip, men don't criticize hairstyle. Faggot.
>tattoos while wearing a cross
you literally take it in the ass, no one needs religion lessons from you faggot.
>I know a bottom feeder when I see one
I bet that's right.
>do I need to have transitioned to recognize these things or something?
women aren't direct. You're just a gay gooner who loves rape.
>does MAGA really rep these hatchet wounds as their queens?
Michael Shellenberger?
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>If you can pass as the opposite gender its okay,
it's not immediately offensive
it's never ok. 100% of adult transitions are gooners who turned rape into gender expression.
They should literally be put down like rabid dogs before they rape someone.
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>she farming. you guys are literally her sheep
I want to hear the rest of this song.
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NSA by Crudbump
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this is 2/3s of the song. The encode failed on 3 of 3 and I never reencoded it.
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