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File: 1725523426886572.webm (2.38 MB, 1280x720)
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Streamer rekt bread: The eternal Thugging
this is honestly the funniest shit ever
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2.47 MB WEBM
bonus points for women "crying"
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legit kill yourself btw thanks
Seethe detected. Bumping thread...
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File: NJSflutetypebeat.webm (3.71 MB, 1544x720)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB WEBM
These threads are so fucking dull.
File: ScoldEm.webm (1.91 MB, 1544x720)
1.91 MB
1.91 MB WEBM
As opposed to?
I wonder why people whine so much about these threads but nonstop IR threads are left alone. Me thinks tourists just don't like people saying the nono word lol
Was someone munching her box under the table?
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3.62 MB WEBM
No but I wish I was
Based BBW
She’s cute :)
Buy a gun
any monkeynoises clips?
A few, I was actually going to make more when I get the chance
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File: TrihardJumpscare.webm (2.87 MB, 1544x720)
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2.87 MB WEBM
Anybody got the
"We can kill niggers " Dawne webm?
File: NigmodeEngaged.webm (1.41 MB, 1544x720)
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1.41 MB WEBM
File: dwane country song.webm (1.97 MB, 1920x1080)
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typical stupid bimbo she boon, screams and not do anything jesus fucking christ
File: GeorgeFloydhauntsem.webm (3.77 MB, 1404x654)
3.77 MB
3.77 MB WEBM
kek this is gold
i'm surprised the people that use thug clips don't include the song "thuggin love".
I have a joke for you:
really funny, right?
So people truly watch this shit?
Does anyone have the snake video itself?
>I’m ready to switch tabs
How are these people so retardedly ill-prepared? Why don’t they put the streaming on a delay so they can end the stream before anything bad is shown in the first place?
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The answer is always low viewer count. They aren't interesting let alone with a delay
No guns allowed in the containment zones called cities. The s-o-y shows the exact kind of docile retard cities are designed for. They put themselves in close proximity to niggers and filth in order to feel the protection of being surrounded by the herd.
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2.7 MB
He looks like a downie
Nobody said nigger in any of those posts you quoted retard
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here you go G
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3.76 MB WEBM
lol She did sound like her pretty little pussy was getting ate.
File: Meltdown.webm (3.69 MB, 1138x640)
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3.69 MB WEBM
here's how they reacted after that
File: real talk.webm (3.31 MB, 1280x720)
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3.31 MB WEBM
part 2 of reaction
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3.55 MB WEBM
AAAAAAAAAA what is her name I need to know.
Anyone have the Oddkast/BT clip where a song turns into demonic earrape and BT just gives up trying to turn it off?
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332 KB GIF
>gamejolt wants to download multiple files
>stay hydrated
Why did he stare at it for so long
Okay, but why? What did she do to deserve it? Vtubers are cringe but if that's the reason why no go after the big ones? Specially the nigger lover redheaded one?. This seems like being evil for the sake of it
Anyone got the one of the pajeet jamming it to kill niggers
It's good advice
Here you go brotherman. Posted on /wsg/ because they have a larger filesize
>you cannot say that
The way she says this makes me want to rape her so hard
File: Ranjeesh hates Floyd.webm (3.78 MB, 638x360)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB WEBM
No, but I have this
sure sounds like it
probably orgasming from the nikocado pics
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2.77 MB WEBM
> anybody else have anything to say
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671 KB
>Play the loud noises
Say no more I got you bro
do you have the one of him listening to the gay rap song? Also I wonder if anyone has that gay rap song.
anyone has the old man saying "rape is good, cultivate moer rape" video?
some of you saars are alright, don't go to the designated street tomorrow
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sounds more like an angry eastern european
VoxNeruda, and he was talking about rapeseed aka canola
This is a bot post. Do your due diligence
Who is naomi and adin?
It's like a tradition at this point, kinda like how people always complain that YLYL threads aren't funny with mass replies quoting the videos of that bald dude making animal noises.
kek tf is that song please give suace
Gangsta fag - the faggots
Another my favourite is faggot Bruce- mash that dinner
he's a retard for even putting his kids in front of the camera, nevermind letting them watch videos sent by viewers
originally memed by Joe Rogan and Opie and Anthony like 100 years ago.
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2.32 MB WEBM
>Okay, but why? What did she do to deserve it? Vtubers are cringe but if that's the reason why no go after the big ones? Specially the nigger lover redheaded one?. This seems like being evil for the sake of it
She isn't gonna fuck you
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3.28 MB WEBM
A. She's a tranny
B. She's been caught grooming children as young as 10 to change gender and engaging in sexual manner .
C. Refer to A
Please give me a more substantial rundown than that. I need to fuel my hate boner
wtf, is that actual minecraft?
Quark mod. They support niggers.
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2.84 MB WEBM
i ran a modded server with some friends and one of the mods was quark
it added pride flags onto the fucking bees
I miss jimmy nigs jr
He literally looks like the chud meme. Why is that BBW chink with this autist
She’s LARPing. God, I wish I had unconditional love lol
Welcome to the Internet.

Keep your kids away from it.
File: MOVE.webm (3.46 MB, 1544x720)
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3.46 MB WEBM
> and Mishter nnn-igger Quark here
Is there even such thing as negative IQ?
a faggot smoking cigarettes indoors on stream...
people really watch this?
I would pound her with my BWC to cure her disease.
Hot little slut
"dont be spamming us with PORN"????????????????
>act like nigger
>real niggers come and immediately drop her
Naomi is Adin's (the streamer) sister. It turned out that this wasn't her.
> sees Nickado's asshole
> oh my gawd~
>all this nigger porn
I'm starting to question the sexuality of these "trolls".
who is this
>Specially the nigger lover redheaded one?
Which one is that?
This isn't funny unless you're some brown subhumanoid
It's over for whiteboys
I'm guessing Kiara because she's the only big Vtuber who went out of her way to support BLM and black movements
What's the quark mod about, apart from the faggot shit
File: Scatattack.webm (1.16 MB, 1544x720)
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1.16 MB WEBM
she moans really nice
File: Spread.webm (1.22 MB, 1544x720)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB WEBM
Hey Anon, I know your uncle touched you as a child, but you don't need to come here and make it everbody else's problem. Be a proper troon and rope up.
it's a jewish edit
the original just said pornhub
dont be fooled guys
do you have origenal?
File: not a coomer.webm (3.61 MB, 608x1080)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
found it
whats her name?
I could fix her...
I miss when fucking with streamers was more than just playing BBC gay porn on their streams. Sharty trolling is so fucking boring to watch
File: 1000000028.webm (3.93 MB, 500x378)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
Haha I love these threads

virgin retard, go shitup your million other literal tranny threads that you dont complain about
What kind of person do you need to be to take a video like this and insert your poop dick fetish into it? Is it really as simple as being Jewish or trans?
File: 99nigger.webm (1.53 MB, 1544x720)
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File: IncrediblyGassy.webm (1.13 MB, 1544x720)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB WEBM
Only faggots complain about smoking indoors
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331 KB
thats hot...
why is she moaning?
stop crying faggot
>that gif of her dancing
File: KingTerrysDecree.webm (3.55 MB, 1172x546)
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3.55 MB WEBM
Yes its that simple
File: righteous fury.webm (3.52 MB, 854x480)
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the jewish internet force jidf is a branch inside of the mossad (IDF) there only mission is to troll people online and subvert them to be sissys and fags.
that why you should show them righteous fury
Why infront of literal babbies?
Looks like Abella Danger if she were ginger.
who dis
idiot this is the fake one. the blacked one is the original
you can't blame him
black chicks with dicks are like water being wet
a reminder that any arguement against porn can apply to so many other things like comedy, art, fast food, hobbies etc
humans are perpetually flawed because of the concept of personality
the only way to make humans "pure" would be to prove the biggest "nothing matters" sciencefags right
Anthony vito pape status?
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File: OddKastKomedyKlub.webm (3.39 MB, 1544x720)
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2.2 MB
> her immediate reaction is laughing
what the fuck is the context of this video? The BGM and camera work aren't what you would expect of a couple of criminals filming a random act of violence.
that's fine, the blacks can have their fun with arya stark
The original is the blacked one, I made the test. The PH bookmark is smooth
File: Ta-Daa~~.gif (1.09 MB, 250x444)
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1.09 MB GIF
See you in /trash/ Vcuck...
File: OddkastQuips.webm (3.37 MB, 1544x720)
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Do you have the one where he gets doxxed in youtube video Oddkast anon? I remember it said something llike ''we're gonna roll down to idk avenue''
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File: JumpedbyTrihards.webm (3.41 MB, 1158x540)
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3.41 MB WEBM
This is the best Oddie has ever looked btw he should've went full wigger aesthetics
I question the genitalia of the individual in this video.
>The PH bookmark is smooth
It isn't, though? Feel free to help us come to the conclusion that the Blacked one is the original with more proof
He really did not see that coming.
I watched like a lot of his streams recently.
How does he get away with it?
Look at all these reply guys seething. A while generation of narcissists incapable of accepting criticism, this shit is about as funny as a heart attack, you're right and they know it. It's why you have so many yous
I hate this man so much.
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610 KB
It is what it is, this site is mostly now a circlejerk shithole, original content that's actually interesting and entertaining is a rarity these days.
Oh my science!
Yes, nigger is funny
Deserve what, getting a few trolls? Stop being a bitch and acting like this is a big deal, faggot.
This guys entire gimmick is that he sits there and waits until someone does something offensive so he can yell about it? Doesn't that get boring after 6 times?
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2.11 MB WEBM
Are you going to ask this every thread or are you going to contribute? Because who the fuck cares what you think
Nice headcanon buddy, I wouldn't enter a thread i don't like but that's just me. Just say you don't like heckin racists and move on. I will literally keep making webms out of spite so you're wasting your time.
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File: Ohgod.webm (3.45 MB, 1250x582)
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this guy is obviously eastern or central european
Hi kike!
Beating on a PT Cruiser. Doing the world a favor. Nothing of value was lost.
I think its old Bum Fights footage
>only 1 person thinks my spam is unfunny
not him, but I will take almost any thread over niggerdick and trannyshit.
This thread is basically a blessing compared to that drek.
No the guy that made this video is an actual pajeet, i used to talk to him on discord a few years ago, last i heard he got caught grooming children.
>I will take almost any thread over niggerdick
sure, but one is kike propaganda and the other is just good old trolling.
>im okay with poop dick as long as someone SAYS its ironic
Pretty sure this was the founding mindset of homosexuality but live your best life rabbi
it is interesting seeing just how viscerally disgusted people are by it. really shines a light on how ineffective these racial psyops actually are.
File: Irish guy get Daled.webm (3.2 MB, 1280x720)
3.2 MB
Anything goes, at least they contribute unlike your whiny useless bumps. These threads wouldn't be reposted so fast if you'd just fuck off to /wsg/ for your corny safe for work garbage. They even have a larger file size limit just fuck off there already
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thats impossible because im the one that created the blacked one, you can see cause i zoomed it in and it lost quality due to me compressing it after edit
the first time this video appeared this guy said this
that means the original was on gif for months/years before
pajeet that lives in europe? the outside also looks too good to be in the indian subcontinent.
knew it wasn't that shitty spam site
based slampig
this kind of shit is good, but when the entire thread is dwayne/that faggot talk show getting baited for the hundredth time by the NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER clips then it's just boring shit
File: shit in fan-mail.webm (3.3 MB, 853x480)
3.3 MB
Feel free to contribute otherwise I wipe my ass with your opinion
i dont know who is more cancerous mudsharks or yellow fever filths
Why aren't you asking the same thing to people spamming nigger screamer #34552 in every single streamer prank though? These are the boring ones
Find new material, I'm bored of nigger screamers already
Found the streamer who got banned
you're a hairy spic browing an anonymous anime forum whose thoughts aren't even his own
god would hate you more than the kikes
also, a reminder that most troons were people like you
You would fall for it too though.
This video has been around since the old eBaumsworld days. Maybe pre-2000.
Some of these things have a positive effect on you, while porn has an overwhelming negative effect. It really is that simple
I would impregnate this little slut and make her my breeding bitch
I would breed this blue woman so lovingly… (:

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