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File: 1727897234158901.webm (3.51 MB, 284x502)
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asian bullying
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What is all this? Asian mean girl clubs? Stealing man punishment? What?
What bunch of subhumans
Asians are weird. An why film all this? And than put all the evidence online? Stupid chinks
This is mostly chinks, and it's funny how docile they are when they come to the west but that's only because whites and nogs mog them so they know they can't really start shit
I think most of the girl on girl violence on here is because of cheating, I could be wrong.
You are wrong.
Girls, women are not much less violent then men especially among themselves or in the peer groups. Their bullying is vicious.
As a girl friend or any girl on this topic let's learn more.
Why did I cum to this?
i like the ones where the bullies spit in the victim's mouths. Why aren't you fucking faggots posting those ones??
holy shit that clip was boring way to damn long like there is not thing fucking happening in it
i cant believe i just masturbated to this shit. i feel actually disgusting
asian "men" are so pathetic
You are on /gif/, distgusting is par fir the course here.
Lmao at the browns thinking that a chinkoid global elite will be better for them than a white/jew one.
They will literally eat you.
why are you pairing these together as if they were equal
Where do you get these chink torture porn
Curious what the context is. Also the bj looks so sad with such a small dick
Yeah this whole thread is Chinese with the exception of one random Japanese harassment video that I cant find more info on and an excerpt from an intense Japanese porn.

I recently saw Japanese twitter calling out how fucked up these Chinese bullying videos are as a reason to stop Chinese immigration. Even they're appalled by this shit and see the invading Chinese as violent merciless law-breaking shitheads. Obviously Japanese bullying exists too but for some reason the Chinese love to film and upload theirs
no one else has more?
why do they all have the same stick lol
it's like a long shoehorn
is that the standard yellow belly bully stick or what
good observation, wtf is that
No one likes chinks bro, japs maybe but they don't care about global domination anymore
i want more japan torture, china is meeeh
Love seeing these. Such women desire to be inseminated and saved by the white man.
This. I really want to know what they are saying.
The japs are just better. They're more civilized, more orderly, more productive and effective, and they have a soul.
Chinks are nothing more than subhuman insects that takes the form of human form. Hell, even some nogs have soul, chinks,none, that's why the japs should've wiped them out during WW2.
Asian women can be brutal
File: azngirlattacked.webm (1.84 MB, 500x500)
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these bitches are fucking crazy!!! thank god i'm white!!!
Looking for a video — I think it's two chinese roommates. One in a red dress who steps on the other's neck, while a third is watching/recording.
where the hell did you find this? some shady twitter account?
Girls really cute

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