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Bonus points for fire related incidents
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Did he just cum his soul out?
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Why do we hate antifa again?
They’re mentally retarded degenerates who want chaos because it gives them cover to loot and destroy the property of people who are superior to them in every respect.
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I believe they use the term "woke" now.
Ah gotcha. I didn't want to be racist but wtf
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Edited, fucking dumb.
Edited, fucking keked
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Foolish old man, you can't bargain with animals.
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Original, hekkin wurf
Because they're commies.
Better dead than red.
Never understood why people attempt to box in vehicles, and then get surprised when the driver plows them over to get away.

People are dumb. They somehow think that they can stop 4,000lbs of steel by themselves. The same type of people who try to block interstates and run out into traffic doing 70MPH and wonder why they get run over. I'm sure someone here has that webm. I'll never understand it, its not like you are going to get more people to support you by pissing them off and making their life that much harder. These protestors are completely self-absorbed.
Chaos is good, retard
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>peaceful protest is white supremacy
That’s what we’ve all been saying for ages now, black people are violent. Good to see they’re finally admitting it openly now but what the hell else is new
kiznaiver OP
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>bend over to blast shit all over wall
>shit gets blasted all over wall
Did she not expect that?
these people went to college HAHAHAHAHA
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Nigger logic.
Antifa, much like the blm movement, is run by jews taking advantage of drug addicts and victims of the education system and turning them against the common man instead of their overlords
Fucking morons..
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holy fuck that was stupid
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you are one angry tranny
imagine the smell
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Nerve gas, many such cases.
These edits are not funny, stop this reddit humor.
fuck you faggot
>They somehow think that they can stop 4,000lbs of steel by themselves.
That's the completely wrong assumption. They think that the person behind the car wouldn't push the accelerator when people are surrounding their car or in front of their car. They are counting on your morality to not hurt someone in front of you to keep you at bay. Which is what happens for most people until there's a certain point where the person thinks they're going to get robbed, die, or hurt, then all bets are off.
Those stupid niggers ruined the car of someone.
mmmm roast pork
all joking aside do you think they would have still done that even if they didn't give then the thumbs up?
do you think they changed sides after this?
Liberals would rather die than even be perceived as "fascist" or a "bigot", so no.
What’s that song, I swear it’s a genesis title screen from a childhood favorite long forgotten or something, I waited 900 seconds to post this.
>Liberals would rather die than ever admit to being wrong
it's Duck Tales Moon Theme on the NES
Go fight in Ukraine. Nothing but chaos there. You won’t need to let me know how it pans out because I’ll see the drone footage of you getting turned inside out. Keep larping you pathetic cunt.
why was this hot... also what the fuck is that the sound of a woman moaning in the background...?
pepper, balls.
pepper balls
>pepper balls
truth in advertising
probably not.
Liberals would rather die than be correctly perceived as a "fascist" or "bigot"
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Xhe/Xir is clearly in the handicapped stall doing her usual "modern art" routine. What she didn't anticipate was the powerful backsplash making her a piece of the art.
>Why do we hate antifa again?

Every time they get arrested or injured, they turn out to have a string of rape, assault, theft, and drug, charges. They are not sending their best. They're sending people with lots of problems.
/pol/tards elude me. Their cognitive dissonance makes them embrace national socialism but will defend capitalism as if their lives depend on it. Frankly this groveling adulation towards billionaires and people in power is something i only see in indians, does that mean everyone in /pol/ is now all indian?
Not even that high. These people are like sticks held together with chewing gum.
How to lube your chassis with Jeri-curl relaxer to make a smoother ride
>holding his hand at the end
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>troonaman square
They sit online talking shit all day then go down to the "protest" and try to do shit like that. They haven't worked their muscles in years then think they can climb up a building or take on some guy with actual developed muscles. Down goes the twig, taking up room in a hospital
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Seriously, what the fuck was he even trying to accomplish? lol
Because i'm facist.
They stand for far left extremist politics. They fight for the ultimate goal of authoritarian leftism. Their ranks are made up by the biggest losers, crack head freaks, and anti social psychos imaginable. They do nothing but riot and use violent intimidation tactics to scare people into submission for their authoritarian ways. They are deranged and paranoid and view anyone who opposes any of the above as a "fasicst" who must be brutalized, attacked, and killed. They have encouraged and participated in premediated murder, manslaughter, and terrorist attacks.

Antifa is just an all around utter garbage dump of pieces of shit fighting for the most retarded totalitarian pipe dream imaginable. People who support it are pieces of shit and its fun to laugh at them getting hurt because of all this.
The amount of brainwashing necessary to witness a stabbing and still feel like it's oppressive white privilege to assist in his arrest is galactic scale.
If he survived would he have changed?
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hahahaha niggers and leftists must burn
No facial hair whatsoever.
It's not gonna be that hard to identify the suspect now.
Perks of being attractive.
Someone will literally crush their vehicle for you.
The power of pussy
Climb up to the little roof and paint over the windows is my guess.
But windows won.
Kek lets all laugh at this pathetic bait attempt by a canadian hapa
Not cool
Its less depending on your morality then really being so fucking retarded they actually think they are the "right" side and you will be so cowed that you dont fight back
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>BLM activists killed by a speeding black guy
I know, why did he kick at the officers leg for no reason?
What a retard.
>How do you know she doesn't identify as female
Holy kekked kek.....
Amazing ending
They supported and voted for exactly that and got it.
And all these libtards out here wondering why Trump won.
Damn, I miss the era of full on street brawls with antifa. They stopped coming out because they lost every single time despite having superior numbers and equipment kek.
Now I don't even know what they do.

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