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Because psychically active, sport playing teenagers are well-known for being very horny.
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bumping in hopes more anons post athlete and tomboy girls being fucked and having sex with less fit guys.
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>having sex with less fit guys
I personally prefer when the guy is the same level of fitness as the girl or even more athletic. Imagine all the tantric sex they would get up to, and the girl, most likely always being the one that is leaving everybody in her dust, finally meeting her match in a physically fit chad that has the sexual stamina of a beast.
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Do someone know the artist by any chance? I really like the art
come on bro both saucenao and iqdb find it in seconds

"You want me to listen to you if I lose?"

"There's no way I'd lose to you."

"Gross, don't look at me like that."


"I'm sorry!"

"Hold on!"


"Are you the ace of the boys' team? The upperclassmen are being inconvenienced because we can't use the court."

"If I can beat you in a one-on-one, then let us use the court."

"Do you have a problem with that? Then how about if I lose, I'll clean up or do anything else you want."

"You said...you were just going to...touch my chest a little..."

(thinking) "This guy...his stamina and sex drive are both incredible..."
Based TL anon, thank you for these!
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"It's a goal for red team!"

"How about I give you this red card?"

*Boing boing*

"You were swinging around your huge, bouncy tits in the middle of the match! We weren't able to concentrate!"

"And you were shaking your hips!"

"Remember the rules!"
support bump
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>I personally prefer when the guy is the same level of fitness as the girl or even more athletic. Imagine all the tantric sex they would get up to, and the girl, most likely always being the one that is leaving everybody in her dust, finally meeting her match in a physically fit chad that has the sexual stamina of a beast.
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support bump
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"Coach! I'm staying after practice for more secret training, c'mon~"
"Looks like coach is being abducted by the giantess again."
"Wow, she's still got energy even after practice?"
"I guess we'll leave our Volley-Baka to the coach and head home."

"Heh, heh... finally, some alone time <3"
Nyee hee~
"I couldn't wait, I got so wet during practice thinking about this..."
"See, coach? Can you tell...?"
"Inside me... <3"
"Eh heh... <3
Risky bareback sex...
Feels good, doesn't it... coach?"
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Really creative piece here.
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Woman (thinking): "Why must I do something like this after practice?"

Woman: "Hurry up and cum already. This sweat all over feels gross."

Woman (thinking): "It's hot...and the sheer amount of it..."

Woman: "W-what, there won't be a second time!"

(Not too sure on the last sentence, pretty sure I've got that wrong. 何さ might be an abbreviation of 何様 meaning "absolutely", and I don't really get the sentence overall. Could be more like "We absolutely won't be going for a second round").
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Hey, thanks man.
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rest of this set has them nude so I'll stop
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we are on /h/, nudity and insertion are encouraged

"See! I'm not a man, okay?"
Ah, young love...
Alt of that pic
More of this swimmer bitch. Haha, get impregnated and ruin your chances of going to university on a swimming scholarship, bitch!
more of this
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Is that Blue Archive?
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>psychically active
That explains how you read my mind
I'm looking for a doujin where the gym teacher is caught matsurbating after school while sniffing used gym shorts by her student and he blackmail her into having sex with him. The last page she says like I'm going to run you ragged or something like that with the male student saying yes ma'am.
Never mind I found it. It's called The Jersey and the Angry Senpai by Kanbe
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This is it, most ugly bastard porn is just coping by unfuckable males, same but signal flipped version of those cringy stories where landwhales get to have the megachad. Fact of the matter is, if you’re fat and out of shape you simply can’t fuck well, you get tired and then need to compensate in some other way. And lasting more than five rounds? No way
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>psychically active
keep using that word
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Honest to god, maybe the best types of girl.
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Whoops, out of order, my bad.
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>/Track and Field/Student Athletes
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Baby faced athletes are the best.

Love Lies Beyond the Cervix
Does anyone know the name of that doujin where a girl is training for track and field and she gets fucked when the other runners catch her?
I think that's called...After School Sex Committee?
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Guy on his tenth nut
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Left guy: "Whoa, a creampie, incredible!!"
Left guy: "Her pussy's clamping down on my dick like crazy! Her womb's sucking up every last drop of my semen!"

Right guy: "Kuu, drink mine all up too, manager!"

Woman: "Nnghh...mm...mm...*gulp*"
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This might be a long shot but I’m looking for a specific hentai I saw 15ish years ago and would love help. The only scene I remember was a girl being tricked going into a locker room by a schoolboy then getting tied up by her wrist to the ceiling and raped and creampied by a group of boys one after the other in a circle. It’s been in my head forever but I can never find it probably because it’s so old. I saw it on hentai dot com in the mid 2000s
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Mei is best girl
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fucking pleb
I agree.
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...what this has to do with the topic?
I've been looking for a picture for ages, which is of a tannish girl, taking her gym clothes off (maybe a swimsuit and she's looking down at a guy fingerings her. Anyone got it?
Sounds like Helter Skelter
Thanks for your response. It has a similar feel but not quite what I was looking for; I distinctly remember her being tied up by the wrists in a locker room.
haha good thread haha
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Naive, 10/10 body rated girls getting lewd, risky "teaching" sex is the best
Yes, it is. Keep crying in the corner or something.
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this Enokido doujin is really fucking hot
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sex with this dumped shrimp
retarded to think the aiueo only put two scenes of her. sigh, on the flip side, we still get one of the best hentais ever
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imagine the smell of those pits
This definitely needs a bump.
Good shit.
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strong and flexible
better and based
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The fit bodies of physically active high school anime girls are the best.
I prefer puffy hairless pussies
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And the end. I'm more of a vanilla fag but ever since Hanebado I've been needing more young coach/tomboy in my life.
That escalated quickly
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He just wants to bang the cute big tiddy tomboy sports girl. Can you blame him?
no sauce? what a POS
Best part of episode lasted all of 5 seconds..
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source on this?
That's just an ordinary school girl
>Locker Room
>Draw Porn Better With This One Easy Step!
>1. Faces have lips. Draw them.

We, as a community, should refuse to tolerate sub-standard porn. We're better than this.
You can use saucenao to reverse image search
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One of the best
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God, twintails + glasses + booba = perfect. Her expression is perfect.
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we need way way more tomboys in hentai
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more of her
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>Because psychically active, sport playing teenagers are well-known for being very horny.
what would you know
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Ebino deserves better artists. Not even Shiwasu no Okina was able to capture the sexiness she displayed in the source material.
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I guess you could call it "creative" lol
That's her tits getting fucked, not her ass
An athletic tomboys asshole MUST by law be left pounded and leaking.
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New tech
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Does anybody know the name of that one hentai where a tennis(?) girl needs a creampie before every game to play good, so she does it with random men until she meets MC, who fucks her so good she cant walk and they start dating? It might have been volleyball, i dont remember
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Best girl of OPM.
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