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Post Azur Lane girls
post /h/ to make an /h/ thread, not this /e/ shit
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no, /u/ won't cut it either, there isn't a single on-topic picture here
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Bruh, I like to imagine this scenario considering Hood is literally the most famous of RN vessels and is literally royal of royal.

>Hood goes on into the US for a vacation.
>Instead of a week, a week turns to a month, and then years.
>Comes back to Britain with a peasant American farmer with a child.
>The other Royalty look on in disgust as the peasant and peasant child trample upon royal grounds.
>Hood thinks of it as nothing.
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have some more Hood I guess
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Normally can't stand gacha girls, but there's something about this blue-haired giga whore that really does it for me. Not sure exactly what it is.
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Kinda disappointed South Dakota doesn't get more attention.
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At least post this one
I want to fuck this stupid cow so bad and rough
The way she's posed on that chair and the lip-licking makes me wish there was a version with cum on her face and breasts. Might have to see if the edit thread can provide.
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More delicious Taihou, please.
That's an interesting position for giving a blowjob.
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Is there any good bad end/defeat art out there? Like the shipgirls in a situation where it looks like they’ve been beaten and captured, and are now being raped and enslaved?
I know next to nothing about this game, but holy fuck the girls are hot.
Its just KanColle with more mobile gacha gimmicks and even sluttier ship girls. Some of the better artists have probably made good money off of St. Louis porn commissions alone.
Bumping with more of the queen boat whore.
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post actual sex not ecchi
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New skin when?
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Is that a st. louis ?
doujin name please
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Not sure any future skin will be as good as that one.
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have you got more amazing back shots like that?
No 3DCG hentai artists capitalizing this opportunity to make the hottest St Louis animated porn in her luxury handle dress is the biggest miss of all time
Not as many as you'd think. Gelbooru doesn't turn up much when you put in a broad "cum on back" search.

I have a few Azur Lane pics I did some cum edits to that have a similar look.
Agreed. The best works of St. Louis in that dress are fucking great at capturing that high-class prostitute look.

Too bad so many uncensored versions and image sets are locked behind paywalls.
Weird how the guy's hands are disembodied. Guess they wanted to give a full view of her thighs or something
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Here's the only good one of its kind I found. Not a fan of the audio and feels like there should be more to it, but its still pretty good.


Here's hoping some rich, horny anon will commission one of the better animators to do a longer one in the future.
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A shame the fall of the Iris Orthodoxy didn't lead to a bunch of bad end doujins where Iris Libre botes get raped. I commissioned this because QE and Guichen had the same seiyuu as Noble Fencer and the half Elf Warrior who shit talked her
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USS Saint louis
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Happy Halloween everyone!
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Not just any whore. She's the queen bee of the boat whores with the skills to back up her title.
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anyone know what happened to this guy? all his stuff just got nuked. he was pretty popular and only gaining popularity too. last he did was a enterprise 4 months ago and this was last available thing i could get off twitter with way back.
She's the best
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St. Louis may be my favorite, but I can't deny Taihou has some great stuff as well.
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Long shot but does anyone know the AL doujin where the commander has 'special paper' that if he writes orders on it the shipgirl will follow without question? I read it as I first got into AL and cannot find it since (there is a chance of it being a Kancolle doujin seeing as I was very new to AL at the time but I think it was AL)
St. Louis is so perfect
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She strikes the perfect balance between being an classy woman and a slutty whore.
Do Senrans or Ateliers count?
i wouldn't think so since by that logic in a few years everything would be a al boat kek
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Taihou's ass
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What about it?
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>Posting the unfinished version
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The new bunny skin by Cleveland just gave me some dirty ideas that I had to request a situation involving it
And the New Jersey version
nice, I remember the original pics
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The best part is the salty tears of Vanillafags seeing New Jersey and Cleveland in such a pitiful situation and not realizing the source of inspiration and still extremely triggered by it. I may just get another artist to draw Ulrich Von Hutten in the same situation as Youmu one day just for the reaction

For now, Vanilla Kawakaze since she actually needs that art.
It's incredible how she's able to walk the line between refined and slutty.
To whomever paid $400 yen to have Chapayev rape drawn by Inue Shinsuke, I salute you
Yeah, she's great
That's one of the most visually pleasing images I've ever seen. It's fucking great.
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Kawakasex for Fox breeding season
Cute and sexy
what is the inspiration?
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This artist has some pretty good AL image sets, but finding them uncensored has been a pain in the ass.
>finding them uncensored has been a pain in the ass.
The problem with hentai in general
True, but it's especially frustrating when the porn itself leaves nothing to the imagination, so why even bother?

On the bright side, it gives me a chance to improve my editing skills.
Shit, forgot pic.
>leaves nothing to the imagination
What a stupid statement. It's porn. It's supposed to have that. Unless you're a cuck, why ENJOY withholding such?
yeah i agree
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I will NEVER not see Shirakami Fubuki here
Jesus Christ Mito is really creatively bankrupt
This one.
Very nice
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Is Azur Lane rape okay?
>problem in general
>Is rape okay?
What do you think?
Shitty translation for the pic:
>Commander-kun, did your penis get erect by my dress? But it's not good in a place like this, right?
>Later in bed, I'll do it to your heart's content...
It's a shame that Rinhee hasn't made a threesome with Belfast, Enterprise and the commander.
Shitty translation for the pic:
>It's already at its limit
So, consideing the artist is Dishwasher1910 and the you're sometimes called an "inferior creature" by the ship girls from Iron Blood, is it safe to assume that the commander looks like K' from King of Fighters?
Just one hugging paizuri please fuck....
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I love her too much
Well, more like sweet boat Alabama, but whatever...
sweet ass
Lucky guy
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chocolate are the best
I prefer vanilla but to each his own
St. Louis is the best
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not the worst AIslop, but still has enough problems to be slop
I've seen worse. Much worse.
let's not discuss just how bad some AIslop looks, it's not worth the attention
OK sorry
Very hot
I fucking love Shinano. I will fight anyone who doesn't
I look like this
go see a doctor asap
im gonna cum in your tails and make them all matted and stuck together when it dries
Anybody else think it's kinda weird to have fox girls be in a gacha game for warships? Foxes aren't exactly the best swimmers.
It's a game that turns boats into cute girls and this is what you find weird?
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Kind of sad that Devonshire hasn't got more domination sex with her skin
They're calling you that, because you're a pervert who plays a perverted game, thus an inferior creature. That is not to say that niggers aren't inherently inferior creatures sure. But still, being a lecherous pervert is not exactly noble.
I'd certainly like to se more
Very hot
Azur Lane is based
Indeed it is
very based thread
Right you are
so based that you need to keep it on artificial life support like this amirite
glad we got this settled
i've busted so many nuts to her i dont plan on stopping
fuck yes use you tongue
i love her and her tits so much
i love seeing her get titty fucked
beautiful paizuri i love her heart pupils
sexy as fuck
so fucking sexy
on her hands and knees like a good bitch
she looks so fucking good here
perfect tits
fucking amazing
i love it when girls are spitroasted
crazy good pov
beyond perfect
shes so fucking hot
god damn nice ass
shes literally perfect
i cant get over how fucking hot she is
so thicc i love it
shes so fucking HOT
ride my cock
beautiful tits
every pic of her is great
so fucking sexy
i've busted so many nuts to this video
holy fuck
Just a funny observation and something I think the developers could have played with if they decided to give ship girls more personality beyond because hentai tropes.
Wait when you will look into whole italian, german
and soviet navy
Please do share
I admire your enthusiasm
Me too
She looks very...gifted
I look like this
you need to exercise more, with manboobs that large
Heavy cruiser of regina marina
>Inb4 not a battlecruiser
Too small for battleship too big for heavy cruiser
O class paper battlecruiser project Agir
Lacking uncensored version
US navy essex class aircraft carrier essex
Unfinished (it was done sort of but lacked planes) Kriegsmarine aircraft carrier graf zeppelin
Needs more shimakaze pics of her ears getting grabbed.
Might be asking a tall favor but does anyone have that bikini st. louis pic where she's having secret sex against a fence?
I wish I did
I look like this
Why do you wear that weird mask? Can you even see anything with it on?
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Live, damn you! Your blue-haired, queen giga-whore of a boat girl demands you live!
>tfw fapped countless times to hms drake and nimi's back
Came at a truly perfect time now that she's just got a new, giga-horny bikini skin to flex her siren's call again
>new, giga-horny bikini skin
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You wouldn't happen to have the other images that are part of that set uncensored, would you?
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fight me then. she looks generic as f*ck
Any anon have sauce on this pic? Saw a friend share this on FB but can't for the life of me find any matches on SauceNAO

Don't care if she's the best or not, Graf is my bestest ship and I want nothing more than be dried by her
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1,000,000 hours in phonefag object eraser.
tysm i was too lazy to just erase it myself and it turning out into shit, i'm too autistic

SauceNAO still can't find anything with this pic but this edit is good enough
Glad you like it, yeah I didn't find any source either.
>Don't care if she's the best or not
She has that soldierly nietzchean aura that makes up for the stats
>more than be dried by her
And i wanting to commit the geneva checklist gaming with her
She looks like she's having fun
fuckk this is the dude that only does fellatio, forgot his fucking name
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divine feet

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