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Already today since it is said that MTSP / Jin died of covid or that he has resigned since being a mangaka is not easy.

but currently, novelists, fanarts, animators in honey select, koikatsu and even with new images through AI gives understanding that Kyouka and her daughters will not give up and more and more artists who want to see more of this family now, the mangaka allegro implies that he is going to do something with Kyouka, and also it would not be the first time he has drawn her.

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Apparently there is already a doujin of Kyouka Tachibana made with AI, and Yen has already finished her doujin, it seems that we will see more things about Kyouka and her daughters.

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Pregnancy sequel was long foreshadowed for Vol.2
I know, now there are also fan novels on pixiv, where Yuika and Kyouka are having a rivalry for Curly
What's that pic?
I see Kyouka ahegao on bottom
But can't discern top panel
It is an image shared by the artist Allegro, it suggests that he did something with Kyouka and the pixelation I think is what they are doing to him but at the moment there is nothing in nhentai or e.hentai
It is not the first time that Allegro has drawn Kyouka.
We don't know if the new drawing will only be a mini doujin or just a random drawing
>15 bucks
not paying that much for AI stuff. Maybe if it's 80% off during a sale
Jin is fucking dead, why are people so damn determined to continue his legacy?
You wouldn't get it
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Apparently NYPAON still wants to work with Kyouka's relationship with Yuu-kun although we know that this relationship is already more than broken
nypaon lost touch with reality long ago
Apparently now Yen wants to give Yuika a little more prominence than Koharu or Kyouka, in his next works, since despite the fact that there are already yen fanarts drawing Kyouka and Koharu, it seems that now he wants to focus a little more on Yuika
Kyouka and the one guy making hit his life's mission to fuck the fertility back into her womb is the best part of the entire story, I could give a fuck about her daughters, the other guys or the clueless idiot MC
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Yuika needs at least one really good doujin where they exploit her masochistic nature to the max. She also needs an anal training arc and atm.
So many better artists have gone mainstream and you want to resurrect this mediocre faggot.
Let this artist and this franchise die.
cope faggots
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In this image, it really seems that Koharu seems more mature, the only one who seems to have had no changes is Yuika
Whats the source for this pic?
Spotted the dicklet
Yeah I'd rather get something from Nypaon, his art is amazing, as are his doujins.
Interesting, how so?
nta but that nypao fanartist has no idea what tachibana is about, he's only writing his oc characters/stories using a known brand for free clicks
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AI getting improvements
robot got the right chin, eyes and hair behind

bruh this things are getting scarier.
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Yes, I am realizing that those who make art in AI, if they are agreeing with Yuika and Koharu but are battling with Kyouka.
Sorry fren but your words are confusing what do you mean?
What I want to say is that, since there are some models in AI, they are already improving with Koharu and Yuika and they are getting too close as they are in the manga, but with Kyouka they are having problems and more with their hair.
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Someone has the cleaned image?
Nothing, he hasn't published this job yet, apparently he's already posting that for his new job, we just have to wait
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the real ending of Kyouka Tachibana
give up she's too old anon
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If he has gone mainstream, where the fuck are his works? I actually enjoy the top-heavy, small-assed women he makes, it's different
You know, I’m actually surprised that this series hasn’t gotten a hentai yet considering how popular it is.
In the manga it is implied that both Kyouka, Yuika and Koharu became pregnant, and many artists in pixiv, fanmade novels, image creators in honey select/Koikatsu and even in AI images.
They want that aspect of Yuu discovering that the 3 of them are pregnant and that they try to tell him that he is the father knowing that in reality they are one of the 3 boys who abused them.
hard to get one when the author is MiA. And even if he wasn't, considering the length of the manga, it would need to be at least 4 episodes
AI will get there eventually
Wait. Was there any twitter post or something saying he died/resigned? I'd like more proof and context.
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>Wait. Was there any twitter post or something saying he died/resigned? I'd like more proof and context.

That is the problem, since his last publication on his page there is no news about him, many here on 4chan, on Nhentai and other pages imply that he died from covid, but there is also the possibility that he has given up being a mankaga, but only They are speculations from 2chan and 4chan.
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They are getting closer in the similar design of Kyouka with the AI
What really happened to Jin?
What about his coworkers, family, friends, etc?
But is it popular in nipland?
There is no news, what happened to Jin, there is no news or anything, not even his friends, family and even the one with whom he made the Tachibana-san novel does not know anything, so that's why on 2chan, 4chan, Nhentai among Others are speculating that Jin is dead.
Reminder that Shakuganexa is a Pinoy who
>claims to be White and Japanese
>thinks Mulattos are White
>all of his "translations" come from machine translators
>scams people
>claims to be a translator despite never having translated anything
>claims to have American and British citizenships
>claims to own a mansion in the UK
>claims to have lived in the UK for years despite failing at basic English
>claims to have a degree in the Japanese language
2ch found out he died of covid back in may 2020.
I've seen this posted so many times, but never with a source.
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>post retarded thread
>keep bumping it
>someone tells you your thread is retarded
>hOw CoUlD tHiS hApPeN tO mEeEeEeE?!
fuck off retard
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kek 2ch just realizing Tanemori is a prequel. It only took them over a decade.
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...that is to say curly actually Tanemori-san's child. but we are still waiting for what happened but since they say Jin is dead in 2ch, we will never see the answer.
That's the theory but due to Jin's untimely death we'll never know for certain
>That's the theory but due to Jin's untimely death we'll never know for certain
Yes, but Jin's death is also in great doubt, there is nothing to say that he died, only that someone in 2ch said that he died.
Thanks for the bump son
If he's not dead, he just quit drawing doujinshi. So it's the same as being dead.
>there is nothing to say that he died, only that someone in 2ch said that he died.

no sign of life for many years now. writer of the novel hasn't heard from him for years too.
comiket organizer dude on 2ch said jin always asked stuff about the next comiket. applied for comiket 98 which got cancelled due to covid. hasn't heard from him since then.
What are the aprox. heights of the 3 main girls?
The strange thing, which is also a possibility, is that the fans have also fed up with Jin that he has made the decision to give up drawing, for asking him to continue with the story of Kyouka and her family.

Seeing in the manga I calculate it.
Kyouka: 1.76 m
Koharu: 1.73 m
Yuika: 1.74 m
Damn, they are tall
brat 1.55
girls 1.77
dudes 1.82
It's surprising to me that even after all these years there's still no decent translations of Part 1. QBtranslations did a fantastic job with everything at the apartment, it's a shame neither them nor an equally talented group circled back.

We're still stuck with goofy dialogue, and if I recall from previous threads just straight-up mistranslations/made up stuff.
On Part 1? Do tell a couple of examples
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Fine I'll translate it. Hook me up with an editing team, I can do the dialogue no problem.
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>creates new self-insert char just because
>it's a shota NTRer
fooking trash
>Devon OC
Self-insert garbage
So some want Tachibana to have ended up not with Curly or the fat bastard but with BBC
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the dream that this Yuika wants, to have a chest just as big
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it is so hard to just crop that third hand?
>looking at hands
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Yeah, the real issue is that she's missing her right leg.
>resigned since being a mangaka is not easy

well, there goes my ambition to be like one

is it really that hard that you'll give up in the end?
Eichiiro Oda (One Piece) has been sleeping 3 hours per night for the last 25 years.
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Other factors that may be the reason for Jin's possible resignation will be the groups that hate NTR and this may be the most important factor that we fed up with him,
He wanted to continue with new stories but we got tired of it because we wanted a continuation of Tachibana-san.
Nah that's definitely not a cause. The man is a NTR artist through and through, and rich because of it
One day people will learn that it's how the nips are drawn, proportioned, and placed that makes a truly great tit as opposed to just size. There are better tit artists than Jin but the only one of those is Kisaragi.
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Apparently there is a Yuika fan comic, there are still people who prefer to continue Tachibana-san's story but focused on their daughters
If he made ntr then he should have died a painful death

If not, i pray for his well being
She's not a titcow though, that's a big disservice to Yuika
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Still wonder who did the fanmovie.
Sounds like an insane amount of unpaid work.
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I imagined kermit saying those things with the same intensity that you are trying to portray...
Where can one find this fanmovie?

It could simple case of glow up.

The guy might have gotten a better job and/or a serious relationship that made him give up drawing dounjinshis
>a better job
yeah, he retired after selling 300 millions mangas. you think he is toriyama or what? if he was still selling manga piece to piece at comiket in his 30's, no way he would have stop to do something else. he would have done it before. dude is ded and gone.
4/10 doujin. Would fap to again if I saw it while scrolling. And let the mangaka rest. If he's dead, good. If not, death waits for no one, he'll die eventually.
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shotacucks LMAO
ShotaGODs won. NTR lost the momentum when comiket was canceled during the pandemic.
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kek yup, theyre delusional
If there's literally nothing to resemble the original book then what's the point anymore?
also would like to know
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I have this video.
How do I upload my file?
mega.nz is standard
Since i'm an idiot, i bought them, it was like 20 bucks. It's on panda.


It's okay, i mean... it's AI shit.
God, that's a lot of effort regardless
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np anon, i think the AI shit is getting there visually but the stories are trash, most of them.
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I for one, welcome the counter-NTR fanworks.
diisuke is fucking awesome
lmao vanillacucks still don't realize there's no such thing
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Thanks anon
Please consider this one too since you're at it

that looks like ass anon, sorry. Either way, 600yen is like 5 bucks, don't be a poor fuck.
only the first anon knows how to pay through DMM channels
>don't be a poor
not an option
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>don't be a poor fuck
Lots of luck in your senior year.
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yen is back
you can use paypal and charge points to your account, there is 0 excuse, unless you are poor
he never left, you just have to head over to his patreon and pay
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Bro you bought it?
Many Comiket participation announcements and MTSP is still silent
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fuck no, it looks like garbage, don't beg and just do it by yourself
Can't. Negative income.
Sorry but i'm poor
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No fucking way
the link is dead
bogos binted?
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Still waiting for that unblur
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So deep and aloof
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top-tier genetics. 5 children at least.
I mostly miss him because he had some genuine pervert shit cumplay combined with a lot of pregnancy talk
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From what is read in the manga, the 3 of them became pregnant and were seeing if they would abort, but in case they did continue with the pregnancy, it is most likely that Koharu would be the one who had twins, Kyouka and Yuika, normally 1 son or daughter but with Yuika it was more like anal sex, which would be difficult to know if she got pregnant, the ones who ended up the most inside of them are Kyouka and Koharu.
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as Korone said: WHY!!!!
wtf i love AI now
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New Zealand banned porn decades ago brah
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Most of them combined don't have 1/10th of Jin's talent
can someone that can actually speak English properly explain this theory or point to proof. So the MC Tanemori knocks up some girl/his family member(s), and the NTR guy in Tachibana is his son? Post some level of connection to make this theory possible please.
i think it's just him at 20yo
Holy fuck, based for this and the person behind this thing
This AI image of Kyouka looks like her arm is dislocated
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Fatherless behavior
Let it go anon. With parents or not, he never had any chance to keep even one of the Tachibana women.
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Yet another AI spinoff
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Based on what evidence exactly?
I mean that's hot, but I'm not seeing.
Tachibana-san is no longer about the twist Jin dropped on you mid book, its legacy is such that now it´s about a giant sandbox people can either double down on the ntr aspects or the straight shota angle the book started as or other strange scenarios people come up with to put this fucked up family through
definitely a case study
that's just vanillacucks in full crazy state
i had hoped for a more nuanced and intelligent response but guess not
No need to beat around the bush, we call vanillaKEKS for what they are.
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AI missed her mole again
Anyone has a link to the fan fiction movie?
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theres a fanfiction movie?
if this is true I want to see it
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Happy 2024 bros
I never read any of the dialogue if I'm honest
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I like Nypaon's art a LOT
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My wife
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First it was blackmail, then the typical Blacked, now cell phone hypnosis, which is still under contract or sale
Maybe Tanemori's MC is just obssessed with Kyouka because he grew up fucking MILF's
Kyouka is the one obsessed with his big cock though. But Jin is dead so we'll never get a volume 2 with answers.
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They are soulmates once you think about it
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Seriously, this fan-art comic seems to suggest that Yuu-kun took something to make his penis equal to or greater than the 3 Musketeers, seriously, give Yuu-kun a reality check
artist description says its just a delusion. weird but maybe Jin just mindbroke the vanillacucks a bit too hard.
Fuck I just want to find some artist similar or comparable to his art style. All these fan artists and Ai trash aren't gonna get me hard.
nakamura regura
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Thanks, I'll check him out
Did yen delete his page on pixiv?
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NYPAON again with Yuu-kun
>>7780247 >>7765154
kek that's some heavy hallucination
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>censoring an AI image
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Oh, I see.
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Every time Jin and his possible death is brought it always muh tachibana this muh tachibana that
FUCK Tachibana
It is a complete fucking story, get over it.
What distresses me is that we will NEVER see the mom, aunt and other characters of his next story getting fucked.
All I wanted was for it to have been completed, being left 3 chapters in like is just disheartening, especially since I was following release to release from the start.
This is such a shame.
the aunt was kinda fugly not gonna lie
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Yuu won
>will never touch any woman again in his life
mgtow, amirite?
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Does anyone know where to find the last version of matome ban in the highest quality possible? the one that has the "smooth" quality?
Say it ain't so. Even if the author moved on from the Tachibana family I'd hope to just see more from them in general
>nakamura regura
Imagine if this artist did more Tachibana... Good heavens
you just have bad taste
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Jijipon continues making videos of Tachibana-san almost gives the impression that Kyouka and her daughters continue making videos with the 3 musketeers and Yuu-kun always watches those videos.
>Cuck artist cucks their fan base
>Fanbase has to go prostrate themselves before another artist to replicate MTSP's work
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Yuika Ending
AI doesn't work without brains behind
Yuu lost
Yuika was made for abuse not for happy endings
Honestly, yeah. I was more torn up about this not getting a continuation, its just been all teasing so far.
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Lately there has been a high rise of AI work, but the one that has been dodging me is this one


By any chance has anyone been able to get their hands on it?
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Should show his hair
101% this. It was a slow burn that just about to get lit. The first part has nothing but I read 2 and 3 a good deal. I wish he took the part where they began kissing slower to see kid and mum's rationale about an act obviously doing some line crossing, but it seemed like he was rushing to get things started already at that point. Things have yet to start.
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cursed post
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Which page is this scene???
it's just an edit
Sounds based
man I don't give a shit about Tachibana-san

what I always wanted was followup to Sakiko-san
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Getting pretty close to the novel style.
>Already today since it is said that MTSP / Jin died of covid or that he has resigned since being a mangaka is not easy.
wait genuinely? fuck man i wanted to see him do more of the rin and saber doujin
Same, though I do not believe he died. Maybe he quitted for some reason?
Maybe if all of you guys message spam him to make fanbox to continue his works and is willing drop few bucks per month even if it for one page per month like kaedeko www.fanbox.cc/@kaedeko might continue making doujins if he is still alive that is.
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The comic of yen is complete
damn! this looks amazing
You are delusional if you think he wasn't planning a NTR twist just like in Tachibana.
When did I say that or even slightly imply that, are you retarded?
whats this title?
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I could not agree with this more. The mom and sister from Tanemori were being built up so much better than Tachibana ever tried to do with how fast the pacing was, and I was dying to see where it would go. Especially with how Chapter 3 just started to touch on the possibility of NTR with the mother taking notice of the cashier being aroused by her at the grocery store, and I still think there was going to be more to the sister's backstory of running away until they found her shacking up with a bunch of homeless dudes who "never touched her"

I remember one person theorizing that the NTR was going to come as the result of the MC's weird pheromones from the first chapter, to eventually reveal that he was unknowingly and unintentionally brainwashing his mother and sister into desperate nymphomaniacs until it became such a problem that he wouldn't be able to satisfy them anymore because of his size.
tanemori was probably a prequel after all
Covid doesn't exist you retarded faggot
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which pictures are actually from him vs AI?
so, is shota supposed to win?
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first time reading MTSP? it's quite the opposite.
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define winning
The brat will never become a man or be recognized as one. That's just how things are.
Why you retards have a fucking hard-on on this Tachibana doujin is beyond me. Art is mid. It's not even that good of an NTR story. Mid-tier too, at best. Just shows you neckbeard virgins have never been in a real relationship if you think the way the MC got NTR'd is great storytelling..
Inbred moron.
It's the EVA of /h/
you nostalgia-faggots need to stop shilling Tachibana-san or Jin.
this shit is just light NTR, hardly can be called hardcore NTR.

REAL ntr artists like Terasu, Laliberte, Ratata have taken over.
None of them reached the same height, sorry.
you could just say you're a mutt desu
>REAL ntr artists like Terasu, Laliberte, Ratata have taken over.
>western cuckold shit

why am i not surprised. It's because of cucks like you give the NTR community a bad name.
that's harsh
There's something weird about this pic.

Its AI bro... no such thing as perfect work on that...
it's always been shit. The art is mid even for it's own time.
holy contrarianism
why nobody does real comics with ai jeez

instead of just image set
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Curly's wife is cute, cute!
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jin art is great and he shows the whole body, something that laliberte avoids in almost all of his panels, especially the feet.
All artists do the same base things and arguably will keep doing them no matter how much times passes.
That's why people like Jin leave an indelible mark on the industry, it's just called being a visionary.
Fluminense is the reality
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Kohau is number one.
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Koharu-chan is the Queen.
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>baiting after 10+ years
kek so pointless
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And the thinning of the herd continues
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fuck you got me excited for a minute
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AI making improvements
looks amazing, but dmm/fanza doesnt let me buy it for being out of japan =(
That's getting close to the original Jin.
Storywise is shit probably but it has the look/aura and that's srsly no small thing.
really sucks that finally something of very high quality gets released... and its region locked.
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has anyone found the lora for her yet?
So....anyone got a link for this one yet?
Urban VPN proxy
so we are only months away from creating doujins ourselfes with our favourite artists artstyles
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Anons, i'm planning on commission a 3D model of Tachibana-san for 3D printing and all that shit but i'm not 100% sure on what clothes are the best options. What do you guys think? I want to commission two variants, naked/underwear and clothed.1, 2 and 6 are my favorites but i dunno what you guys think.
I'm this anon >>8070539 and i got both sets from Fanza. I uploaded them to Panda. They are okay i guess? the story is meh anyways but i think we don't have so many options since Jin died.

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Jesus this is gold for anons with wild imagination like myself. Tyvm bro.
There's a final one in the works btw

naked > #6 > picrel
I'm pretty sure it's a meme.
I know, not released yet. I'll get that when it comes out. About options on the commission that i want to do, more opinions are always welcome anons.
1 is the obvious choice, though not in that pose.
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Cover and naked
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what pose do you think is the best? i was thinking on the office outfit + pose on pic related.
A pose that recreates specific moments of the story.
The Tachibana fanmade movie link seems to have expired. Does anyone have a backup somewhere?

This was the previous link, I think: http://smv.to/detail/XMkMuMsEOz/
The full name was: Fanfiction-Movie-橘さん家ノ男性事情-Interlude
see: >>7634465
What the actual fuck is wrong with this board? They should just rename it to /h/- Rape and Netorare.

How is /d/ more emotionally stable AND have better variety than you "people".
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OL with a pose like this.
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Wrong, Kyouka isn't a slut.
That pose goes better with gyaru/ryona types like Yuika.
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>Kyouka isn't a slut.
>Kyouka isn't a slut
calm down Yuu
i am feeling nostalgic, it's been years since his death and people are still appreciating his work. xration and hito no fundoshi need to get their shit together

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