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Rules of the Thread, Please READ Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests".
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to /ic/.
4. Only make requests for OCs you own.
5. Don't request characters that will result in a DMCA takedown.
6. Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info after delivering.
7. Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
8. Ignore the shit posters.

Previous Thread: >>7430201

NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7555729
General Drawt/h/read: >>7563538
Edit Thread: >>7539861
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Requesting one of Suzushiro's skate maids getting boned.
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Requesting some lewd art of my OC Reia. Here is some background info

-In her late 20s
-Works at places such as coffee shops restaurants and bars, changes jobs pretty often
-Often taken advantage of by customers on the job and in the way to her job
-tries her best to force a smile but her first expression in the ref is kind of her default state
-typically has very bad luck.

Go to town on her. I'd love to see stuff like a chikan scenario or gangbang while she is at work
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Requesting something like this for my Knowledge Cleric Elysia testing an aphrodisiac that's a little too strong
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Requesting any kind of lewd art of one or both of my two OCs, Nene and Rina.

Preferably non-con, but I’m not picky lol

More references here: https://imgur.com/a/3ghgZqa
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Raluca is the protagonist for an ero beat-em-up I'm working on.
She's a peerless boxer and became invulnerable through magic shenanigans. But she's also 4'11", not super-strong and trying to punch her way through streets filled with horny thugs. Which often leads to her getting gang raped until the thugs are spent enough for her to fight back.

With that in mind, do what you'd like with her, and have fun!
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I made a couple of ninja OCs, feel free to use them
File deleted.
Requesting Sahja being forced to make out with a monster while it's impregnating her.
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once again requesting something with Violette here (apologies for low budget ref sheet)
an anon or some other character's POV (male, female, etc, doesn't matter) of being dominated by Vi, her magical outfit (partial or not) is strongly optional. bonus points if any soul gem play is involved?
sauce on right hand pic plz
Requesting a female OC who is essentially a qt soft butch brown tomboy whom I used for a tabletop game session I participated a few years ago. Her name is Deah, unfortunately I don't have too much details of her other than her name and appearance since I used her as my character for a tabletop game session that was already more than a year ago. Though I know it was a essentially a DnD session and vaguely remember she was in love with an pretty elven high prince.

So can I please have my soft butch brown tomboy girl in loving baby making sex with her blonde high elf prince BF/husband. The sex position is vanilla missionary and she is leg-locking her elven prince BF/Husband and both of them also kissing during sex. I'd also like and appreciate it if face the elven prince boyfriend/husbando is also visible. I also can't recall too much details of Deah's prettyboi high elf prince husbando. Though he is as much of an attractive prettyboi twink, basically just like any bishonen or young youthful male character in an anime setting.

So in all: Deah, the Tomboy and her high elf prince bishie husbando in missionary baby making sex with her leg locking him. And add a creampie section or fertilization shot too please. Thanks.
Requesting Fang being webbed with with a horrified expression.

pose ref: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=961123&pid=10
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Requesting Doris the Vampire with huge breasts there's huge amounts of milk pouring out of them
I don't think any drawfags are coming back after last thread took three months and hundreds of off-topic shitposting to fill out.
i have been working on something i think kind of fits what you want.
it fucked her feet up lol
>concern trolling killed the thread
Just as predicted.

>Verification not required.
Requesting lewd art of my Half-Giant OC Junko.

I’m up for really anything with her, but defeated art is always appropriate since she’s the only melee character in a party of spellcasters and rogues and constantly gets knocked down.
Thank you, anon. These will be very helpful references.
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working on yours lad,ill try to have it done soon
Not OR, but this is looking damn good so far. Keep it up.
Thank you Anon! Looks great, and can’t wait to see it finished
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Requesting Sahja being forced to make out with a monster while it's impregnating her.
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Once again putting out my request for my Nioh 2 gal, as always I'll appreciate anything lewd for her that an artist may wanna draw.

Clothes or lack thereof are interchangeable. I'm very partial towards her bare legs and sandals + her smug and confident expression so any kind of pose or scenario that emphasizes those factors would be ideal. I see her chest-size at around medium.
I'll also provide some suggestions here:
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5132346 / https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6150118
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2295025 / https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5022666
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Requesting Sodachi Oikura (dominantly) hatefucking Koyomi Araragi, a bit like what she's imagining in the right pic but less stylized. Both are from Monogatari Series.
Please ignore my stupidity.
It happens.
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additional art I've finished of the one in front (Risu)
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requesting something slutty of NawtyQ
Did two versions
Not OR but this is famn nice. You got a blog?
No promises, but I may be able to sketch something out for you this weekend.
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Requesting my half-elf mage evening studies suffering some unexpected derailment. Which might involve...
- some spellcasting backfiring spectacularly, summoning tentacles, disembodied penis and other bothersome accessories ;
- surprise company seeking consensual or nonconsensual fun ;
- trying to focus on her book despite growing arousement while she get teased and fondled, or even fucked/titfucked ;
- aftersex, all sloppy and messy and flustered as she try to hide her blushing face behind the book.
Or something else, go wild!
Glad you liked it! It’s repaintheretic on Twitter/X
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i still need to actually paint it but heres the image with cleaned lineart, flats and a rough background. Sorry for taking so long, ill try to be done soon.
Take your time Anon, I’m just happy that you liked my character enough to draw her. Thank you!
Wait, there is no /h/ archive on Desu, how to you look at archived threads then?
Can I get my Kuroinu self-insert OC defeated, battle-damaged, and losing to the cock? She's a dark elf Battle-Mage named Istrahl who fights with telekinetic and gravity magic.
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Requesting Wolf being captured by a brothel is known for hypnotizing criminals turning into prostitutes. They either sell the girls at auction or have them work at the brothel.

Wolf is being sold at the auction, there's a price list near her.

scenario: https://files.catbox.moe/43ffl9.jpg

Lore: Cruel, arrogant, playful and sadistic.

Wolf the mercenary, blessed with a body that heals fast and flush poisons
out, and a personality cruel enough to not mind her bloody
work, is one of the most skilled mercenaries the city has seen.
A prideful thug, she is used to getting whatever she wants by force, which makes her
a terror for local populace.

Character gallery: https://catbox.moe/c/m0185g
Any loli OCs?
Sir, that's illegal.
Go to /b/ or /trash/
Just cuts and scrapes and scuffs. Nothing that'
d kill her, please.
Does /trash/ actually has a drawthread with lolis? Thats news to me. Which one?
Considering the setting, I would draw her killed since that is more of a mercy than staying in that shithole of a hentai baka
No thanks.
Maybe someone else is into a extra bad end for their character?

Fair enough.

It wouldn't be merciful.
>raping until being a broken shell and dead inside is merciful
>but killing them and releasing them from that world is too much and cruel
I cannot understand rapefags mentality, not that I expect too much from them since they consider orc shit hot.
I was saying, if I drew it, It would be merciless. Wasn’t arguing your statement.
I just don't want my character killed. Defeated, roughed up, and losing to the cock, but not dead.
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Requesting my Frankenstein's Monster's son OC name Frankie standing in a full body draw wearing only brown leather underwear with a bulge. He's 18 years old, with green skin, black hair with white streak (like Bride of Frankenstein), green left eye, purple right eye, glasses, bolts in his neck, and stitches in the following areas of his body. One, down the left side of his face, one around the left arm by the left shoulder, one going down his chest and stomach ending above the belly button, one on the right leg just above the kneecap, and one on his left leg below the left calf. Keep it SFW.
Bumping to buy artist contributors more time
There is like maybe one ok design in this thread bro
Which one is the one you like, anon?
That Onachan girl from the last thread was pretty hot.
that waitress girl near the top
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Looking to get a picture of an OC saiyan dude, named Topaz, having some fun with his two favorite ladies, Android 18, and Chichi. What sort of threesome adventure and positions/poses, would be up to the artist. But he does love giving anal, big motherly tits, and massive curves. Like Donaught's work, or Crystalcheese. Either way, I'm not picky, just want some lewds of the Saiyan guy, so feel free to surprise me. Thanks Drawfriends.
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Hope it's not too far off
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Requesting some bad-ending lewd art of my treasure hunter OC. She's a 'raider of tombs' who is legally distinct from any preexisting copy-righted character. I have a lot of scenarios involving her, but this time I think I will focus on one where she travels to a Chinese city to steal a valuable treasure from a wealthy Chinese businessman (she needs it to find another a hidden tomb before her wealthy and well-endowed British rival beats her to it). Unfortunately she is captured and turned into the billionaire's sex pet. After month's of 'training' she submits to him and accepts her place as his property.

I wanted to request some sort of art depicting her 'training' or some happy sex between her and her old ugly bastard billionaire master.

I welcome any further inquires.
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Requesting Latte the cowgirl being fucked from behind with her breasts swaying back and forth.
Her breasts is huge and lactating.
Up to the artist if she's impregnated or not.
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Requesting Edda and Nicoletta givng double paizuri, they both have enormous breasts
Just let this shit thread die.
That's what your mom told the doctor as well, yet here you are.
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Well, the thread is once again having trouble staying alive, so I'm going to double-dip again.

I would like to request some art of my character Lexine, who is form a story I made up called 'Trapped in Paradise'.

This is Lexine, she's a 21 year old American college student. Her and a few of her friends were able to arrange for a spring break vacation at resort located on a small tropical island somewhere in Latin America. The problem is that this spring break trip is for the spring break of 2020.

Lexine is able to arrive one day before all of her friends. It's the start of the vacation season, so none of the resorts employees are there, only the resort's owner. This isn't a problem, since she's the only guest at the moment and everyone else (guests and employees alike) are coming in by boat the next day. Lexine goes to the pool and then retires to her suite for the night. When she wakes up, she discovers that the country the island resort belongs to has closed it's borders due to Covid-19 and a riot on the main island/mainland has destroyed some piece of telecom infrastructure that allows the island to communicate with the outside world.

Now Lexine is stuck at the resort with its owner, a dirty old man. The resort owner slowly corrupts her using a combination of aphrodisiacs, gaslighting, and a big dick. Before Lexine knows it, she's completely fallen for him.

I would like to request a picture of Lexine and the resort owner having sex. The exact pose and situation are up to you, but I think it would look nice if she was getting fucked in her black bikini while wearing her sunglasses on her head (I would like to see her eyes).
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Another god-tier fill, anon. Keep it up.
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Requesting art of my Majin Jelli, the girl in the reference, but after she absorbed Toga Himiko! Featuring some of Toga's features and curves (Extra curvy is also okay), hair tendrils done up in Toga's hairstyle, and of course, wearing the other's clothing like a trophy. I'm not picky on pose, but an ahegao face, double peace signs, and maybe a lack of panties, would be amazing. Feel free to have her showing off her new tits too, if you want. Or her new double caked ass ~
hey, im in the process of recovering this because my drive straight up doesnt work anymore, ill be getting it out the second im able to recover what was on it. if i cant, im just going to restart with the wip as a base.
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Can some anon draw my Majin girl, Beryl, riding a massive blue dildo while moaning about how good it feels? Show her face all messed up in pleasure, a stomach bulge thanks to the size of her toy, and maybe show her tits/other parts of her body getting a bit melty? What position she's in, I'll leave up to the artist!
OR, this is some premium stuff! keep up the good work!!!
I got one you can draw if you're still hanging around. Surely nothing lewd since it goes against board rules of course.
Jesus, that sucks! And sounds good.
Hoping things work out for you, anon.
hello anon are u still here, i would like to do art of ur oc
Yeah I am go to town friend
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here you go anon, ive been mainly practicing drawing so sorry if my coloring is /beg/ tier and i have wrist problems so i can only use my tablet for an hour or so and i didnt want to keep you waiting, i liked your character a lot and hope i did her well
Looks pretty damn good anon. Also this thread is particularly dead and I don't really mind waiting for stuff at all. I'm used to waiting a hell of a lot longer anyway off of skeb. Overall it's a pretty damn solid work anyway. Feel free to use her for all your practice if you want I'll be lurking

Also don't worry about your skill level other than your own personal improvement and stuff at the end of the day it's free art you wish to draw on your own. It won't ruin my chances to get anything else or anything like that despite it being a popular opinion held in these threads. If an artist wants to draw something they'll simply draw it.
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thank you anon, i was worried about getting yelled at but you seem very nice and reasonable, you never know on a free drawthread on 4chan, i feel like some ppl would encounter a beggar-choosy type lol, thank you for the kind words, i hope someday i will make it wil my art
Drawthreads are autistic as hell, but just realize that most people who occupy these spaces are complete and total subhumans and that you should ignore any interactions that aren't "request, draw, thank you " other than maybe talking to the person you wanna draw for. Just go your own way draw the stuff that is appealing to you and don't worry about what anyone else says or else you'll go mad. If you produce works regularly and figure out what you need to do to improve you will definitely get closer to whatever you consider your "making it" goal to be, draw threads or not
requesting otokonoko (no trenchcoat but still wearing his sexy outfit minus the thong) getting cock worshipped by these ebonies (fully nude) and either one sucking his dick and/or fondling and sucking his balls
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Okay so since this thread is so slow I might as well double-dip.

I'd like to see Onachan getting half-nelsoned like this pic here: https://files.catbox.moe/nqk0kw.jpg
Alternatively I really want to see her collapsed on the floor, completely used up and covered in cum.
Requesting art of my OC, I just wanna see her get absolutely fucking railed to here and back.
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Just wanted to bump and show an updated slave outfit I made. I think this one is better and closer to what I intended.
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gonna throw my alraune in, do whatever.
As long as she ends up with semen/vaginal fluids in or on her, that's great. Prefer oral and vaginal when receiving, and the point of the vines and flowers is to fuck either sex with when giving. pee is fine, shit is not. Guro is ok if it's not hers. futa is fine but it's not my preference.
Not the OR and I'm not going to pretend like my comment doesn't have a very obvious ulterior motive behind it, but this isn't that bad. You have some real talent and your coloring isn't nearly as bad as you think it is. Good job.
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Requesting a picture of the Namekian (Top left) fucking the Majin (Top right) in any one, or all three, of the below positions. Thank you.
And now it's the OR's birthday. So anyone that takes this one on, would be giving me a birthday gift!
thanks brotherman, im gunna make it one day bros, if only i didnt have wrist pain getting in my way sometimes
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Thread might be dead, but I'm shooting my shot anyway. Requesting my wizard either bound and gagged (rope/ball gag preferred) or getting totally stuffed by tentacles. Can go either way.
Requesting a picture of this Angel Attendant, Daqurii, naked and showing off either her fat tits, or equally juicy ass, off to the viewer/anon. Please and thank you.
Not OR, but this is great.
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Requesting Khojin with very huge breasts in this pose and mouth full of cum. Tears are running down her face.
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>i tried her out
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Requesting a picture of Nayru from Zelda doing a paizuri as Misaso in the right pic
Not OR, but great work!
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thankfully this thread was still up
its been a while, im truly sorry for that. Recovered my drive yesterday and got this to you as soon as i could.
i appreciate the patienc, and hope you are happy with the result regardless off the messiness and wait.
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less blur
I love it! Thank you for completing it despite the rough time you’ve been having.
Amazing work, anon.
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Okay, since keeping the thread alive is still an issue, I guess it wouldn't be a problem if I post one more request. This is my OC Elle, a sorceress who is stuck in an unfamiliar village near a border. The border is closed due to a plague, so she has to take odd jobs to make ends meet while she waits for it to open back up. She's very stuck up and kind of tsundere.

I would like to request a picture of her having prostituting herself to some inn patron.
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Making a request of my male saiyan OC, Gorde, and the lady he is seeing, also a Saiyan OC of a friend. Only, I want her to have the body type/shape of Angela White (RL reference). As for the pose, I'm thinking either of the two bottom poses, full nelson anal, or doggystyle. Which one, is up to the artist. Feel free to make him dummy hung, and her loving the hell out of it. Cum alts, if you want too, but it's not needed.
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Here's a doodle for you.

Do these threads always suck this bad?
Not the OR, but great work on this. I hope you do more work in this thread. Also, this is our second or third thread, but so it's a little too soon to say anything definitive, but yeah, the thread has always sucked this bad. I guess OCs are a more niche thing.
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Requesting my egyptian elf handmaiden Tiye cooling off in a pool or a river, still wearing her translucent dress and jewels but no underwears.
Or for something more explicit, her bath could get interrupted for a titjob or a blowjob.
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Kinda miss read everything. Thought the well endowed rival was an English Woman haha Anyway hope you like it bro, Cool OC. Reminded me of Perfect Dark girl.
OR here and you did a fantastic job. I don't understand what you mean when you said that you misread my post. Her 'well endowed British rival' was indeed supposed to be a woman (though I a very particular well-endowed British woman in mind). You pretty much gave me exactly what I wanted. Do you have any social media?

Also, are you talking about Johanna Dark? I never played the game, but I do really like her design. I wasn't thinking about here when I made designed my OC though.
OR here, this is pretty hot, thanks for drawing her.
Captures the sadistic aspect of hers pretty well and uses the vines as they should be used. great work.
On the other topic
>Do these threads always suck this bad?
I dont know much about the history of this thread but seems so? OC stuff tends to be really, out of lack of a better word 'cringe'.
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Requesting lewd art of my OC Candra. I'll take pretty much anything, but would prefer something involving her giving a footjob, anal or being tied up in shibari. Thanks in advance if anyone takes up my request!
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Requesting Natsumi lying on her back with her bra above her head.
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Delivery - Cool OC man, I hope I did her justice!

Sweet glad you like it! Glad I got it right haha Yea man but the 64 version of Johanna Dark. My pixiv is probably the most updated social - pixiv.net/en/users/881931
Thanks a lot, friend! You sure did! I'm glad you like her!
I only have AI art of a dark elf babe that I want to have as an OC but too poor to commission someone to draw a reference sheet... Anyone interested in drawing her in this meme dongtan dress?
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Requesting my OC sitting down and taking off her sweaty bra after a long day.
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cute wizard, I gave this a shot
OR here. Excellent work, anon!
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OR here! Fantastic work, anon! Thank you very much! I love this!
Requesting a cute bald girl having her head patted during sex
Thanks to that, I will now have a proper non-AI art of her to show off. Thank you based anon
Not the OR, but both of these are pretty good.
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OR here, I'm kinda greedy and I want to request her again but this time a paizuri scene like this Hinata artwork in pic

sorry for being greedy, I love how this turned out
Nice job on these, anons
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thanks anons
did this one
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messy version
Not OR but that's some sick work
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Requesting this waitress called Misao in a doggystyle sex scene where the male is pulling back her twintails like pics
Pretty good
Requesting a before and after picture with the milf kung fu master in the reference, where in the before panel she is in a fighting stance, brimming with confidence and ready to accept the challenge of a young martial artist, while in the after panel she gets fucked silly and spanked hard after a soundly defeat.
Not the OR (or even someone who is into monster girls), but this is pretty good.
>Knowledge Cleric Elysia
Here is a sketch happy holidays
Requesting Carrie Delacroix (OC from Nidavellir) getting creampied from behind in a PoV style, or from below view and the cum is falling to the floor. A lot of cum is possible.
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Requesting my idiot goblin thief's ass sticking out of a hole in the wall, with a sticker covering her pussy and her ass vulnerable for use.
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Hi! I'll throw in my Coriolis as well!
She's a sky mage and astrologer, often performing drug enhanced astral projections to further her reseachs, usually ending weak and disoriented afterward.
I'd like to request someone taking advantage of her at such a time. Either something consensual, a teasing lover fondling her or waking her with some gentle sexy times. Or not, like some thugs breaking in and forcing themselves on her during her trance or as she's recovering and too weak to resist. Or something else, feel free to be creative!
okay I gave a thwack at it. being affected by a number of drugs and trippy experiences can leave one open to suggestion. Someone knowing the techniques of hypnosis is even better at it. Though you can never get someone who is completely against the idea to do it, you can convince someone who was considering it in the first place.
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Here is an animated gif of the character.
oh wow an animated gif! thank you based anon! I really like this!
That's impressive! Thanks a lot, friend!
Not the OR but this is nice
Requesting my girl Amaya doing some outercourse with a bored expression. Ideally a thighjob or buttjob but something like a bored handjob would be fun too.
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Requesting my OC Rya.
tl;dr of her lore - Super pent-up girl from a family of prestigious mages gets cursed, goes out on her own claiming she's going to try and find a way to get rid of it. In reality it's just an excuse for her to run off and be a turbo-degenerate. Draw whatever you'd like of her, I just want to see someone better than me draw her.

If you want more of a prompt, she's meant for more defeat-themed content, though in her case getting fucked was her goal from the start. If you draw her getting fucked, she should be acting like a total whore, otherwise she usually tried to look gloomy and dignified since she's still hung up on appearances a lot.

Here's those reference sheets in better resolution, the files were too big to post normally.
I'm not an artist, but she looks like a really fun OC.
I agree with that other anon. What kind of scenarios/creatures are you interested in seeing?
And what is that symbol reminding me of? I'm sure I've seen it somewhere recently

>And what is that symbol reminding me of?
It's the Crowley hexagram, but with the usual flower replaced with Rya's hexbloom. I used it because
>It already had a flower in it's design
>Rya was intended to be from a modern-ish setting, so a connection to modern magicians makes sense.
>Her backstory sort of fits in with Thelema and with all of Crowley's weird sex-magic.

>What kind of scenarios/creatures are you interested in seeing?
My original idea was she kind of goes around honey-trapping monsters or evil beings. She naturally allures weak willed or evil people to her, and the longer you stay in contact with her, the more all the curses she's under start to affect you (men usually dying, women getting fucked with her), so all she had to do is enjoy getting fucked until then. She usually is trying to recover some cursed artifact, but she gets sucked into random trouble all the time.
Like I mentioned my own setting is a modern magic one, but she can fit into a fantasy setting pretty easily, and since most of my friend's OCs are fantasy, that's where she'll end up most of the time anyways.

Some examples I had in my head:
>Be hired goon guarding a magitech vault.
>Catch some gloomy chick sneaking around, damn she's hot.
>Fuck her for a few hours, have a good time, go out to the hall for a drink since I'm pretty dehydrated.
>Vending machine tips over and crushes me and Rya eventually makes her way over to the vault, mission accomplished.

>Rya trying to hitchhike by the roadside.
>Windowless van stops, she's dragged inside.
>Hentai rape gang does their thing for awhile.
>Driver, distracted by what's going on, accidently goes off the road, crashing the van with no survivors.
>Except Rya, who pops out only a little scraped, and resumes trying to hitchhike.

So anything kind of along those lines is fine, with humans or monsters. I can come up with something more specific if you want though.
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Is that its origin? I just realized its similar to Bring Me The Horizon's logo. Wild!

Really like what you have there, so I apologize for the shower of questions beforehand!

I'm fond of the highway idea, but the vault raid sets the mood for her story and her wants as a character. Like a first chapter of sorts, in media res you know?

In your setting, what kind of building would have a vault of this type? High profile, Regular, Abandoned, Bunker...? You talked about how the world she lives in has its magitech but, is it known by the public or secret and forbidden?
And what country does she come from? Does she really travel the whole world in pursuit of curios and tomes? The little blurb has it implied as if it was a self-aggrandizing note about herself, so maybe she just roams her own country by now?

Do you have preference for a style for me to draw her in? Yes, I know where we are, but H has many ways of drawing faces for instance.

Also, consider giving the reference sheet some bio details like height and all that. Or just type it in here.
>In your setting, what kind of building would have a vault of this type? High profile, Regular, Abandoned, Bunker...? You talked about how the world she lives in has its magitech but, is it known by the public or secret and forbidden?
The vague idea of the setting is the supernatural was kept under wraps for a long time, but said secrecy didn't survive the advent of modern technology. First photography and especially video technology lead to decent enough evidence that interested groups start delving into it on the down low. Then the Internet happens and it's just over. When all it takes is a disgruntled mage with a photocopier for BookofEibon.pdf to end up on the web for anyone to read and try out, you can't keep the charade going. So the setting is mid-21st century, magic and supernatural beings have been public for awhile, but it's still complicated and costly to perform magic even with knowledge of it widely available. Sort of like programming, it's accessible to anyone in theory, but the average citizen doesn't bother with it, that's for corporations and the authorities to do for them. And behind the scenes, really scummy stuff is being done with it as the mundane factions get involved with the existing supernatural factions. So imagine something similar to the Taimanin or Dresden Files settings, but on the verge of heading towards something more like Shadowrun. Though honesty, my ideas for Rya mostly predate my headcanon setting, the setting is really more for a few other OCs who are still just vague ideas in my head who would actually be involved in all that stuff, Rya just happened to fit into it as well. So to answer your question, since she's going after cursed items, it would be something more on the underworld side of things, but not totally unknown to the public. I'd imagine what she's typically doing would be the magic equivalent of raiding the local gang's drug stash, small time stuff.
>And what country does she come from? Does she really travel the whole world in pursuit of curios and tomes? The little blurb has it implied as if it was a self-aggrandizing note about herself, so maybe she just roams her own country by now?
I would say she's European (maybe British), has wandered through a lot Europe and parts of Asia, and is currently in North America. She kind of just goes with the flow rather than have a set plan for where she goes though. Though again, I haven't though super hard about it, she's intended to be somewhat setting-agnostic, able to fit in wherever.
If I'm being honest, my original intention with her and her bad luck aura was sort of a joke. Basically she just shows up in a different OC's setting, and at first she seems like an interesting person, acting gloomy and dignified. But then after hanging around her for awhile, that OC gets fucked over by the bad luck (maybe literally), realizes what Rya's real personality is like, and ends up kicking her out. But by that point Rya's freeloader instincts are at full throttle, and that OC can expect Rya to stop by every time she's wandering through the area in the future to mooch off them, with all the trouble that entails. But I realized having an OC who does nothing but hang around other OCs would get old fast, and after trying to come up with something for her to do on her own besides get in random situations I thought up her curse-hunting, and the rest just came together from there.

>Do you have preference for a style for me to draw her in? Yes, I know where we are, but H has many ways of drawing faces for instance.
Whatever style you prefer is fine.

>Also, consider giving the reference sheet some bio details like height and all that. Or just type it in here.
I might add it in the future, it slipped my mind at the time. For now:
Age: 24, Height: 166cm, 3-Sizes: 32-18-35, 30 F (US sizes, I might be off on these)
Gosh, I wish there was a way to get in contact without getting Chan AIDS cuz I'm loving everything you're describing here and the humor you're using to explain some of it.
It being in the middle of what we've had of the century kinda draws me in. It wasn't clown world just yet.
Will make sure to come back and respond properly when I get more time, share some ideas you've helped pop into my noggin.
I'm doing this, just give me a few days for the delivery.
>4. Only make requests for OCs you own.
reading is hard when you're retarded but come on.
I'm not either of these guys, but I think you guys might want to consider talking about this further. Maybe one or both of you should consider making a burner email account, posting it here and then using that to communicate (or at the very least get the ball rolling until you can adopt a more secure form of communication).
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Plz Make a anime girl that resembles this car .
My idea she can be short stacked where tit and ass resemble tyres or she can be petite flat upper body with fat thighs and legs .
addtionaly Make her look like as it is armored vehicle
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OR here. This looks great! Thank you very much for doing this for me!
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This is my Arisen character from Dragon's Dogma, Kale. I wanted to request a scenario in which she has been overpowered and captured by bandits. Have her being fucked in the position of the reference picture, with her hands bound and a furious expression on her face. If you wanted to add dialogue, it could be the bandits talking about capturing her was a pain, and that she "better be worth a hefty price when she's taken to the slavers."
The deliveries in this thread are top notch across the board. That is all.
praising shit art isnt going to make this garbage dump of a thread any better, just let it die
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Requesting this shortstack manticore-girl called Mindy in a pov cowgirl scene like the Nami pic.
I'm very much not picky, but

i'd like to request some art of my futurism catgirl Koneko

She's a very assertive, strong, yet loving woman...

at 6ft, she towers over some people, but she loves that, and is a fan of cute men, and men who thinks they could overpower her... She is very much the S to the M. But will show weakness and masochistic tendencies to those she cares about-

some refs: https://imgur.com/a/oLN3KjK

here are some poses that give a good idea of her character: https://imgur.com/a/LRSSjiK

THANK YOU for any consideration!
doing this since the girl looks hot
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I wanna draw Onachan but I am not feeling it with your current requests. You got any other suggestions?
Oh hey! I was thinking about requesting a lactation pic too, maybe with her squeezing her milk into a glass or something.

I also want to see her drawn in more femdom related scenarios but I've been drawing blanks as to what exactly I want to ask for.

For the next drawthread I was going to request her jerking off like six men at once similar to this pic: https://files.catbox.moe/mcmpyk.jpg

Do any of those sound interesting?
Wow! Didn't expect this to get done.
Great work on this and this really made my day1 :D
Got any socials?
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>Got any socials?

Either lactation or femdom sounds good.
Regarding the later, how about Onachan sitting on a guy in (reversed) amazon position, applying lipstick to herself with his dick still inside her pussy and possibly cumming? Sort of like aftersex scenario
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something like this
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Oh I like that art idea. I'm not sure I could maintain that position with her on top of me but it's fun to think about!

Also happy Valentine's day! I did the waifu meme thing this year.
It's so over.
I have an idea for your character but it might take a while.
Also I remember you having a specific male character associated with this girl on earlier threads, I can have the scene with him if you want but if not I'll come up with an original design for her 'partner'.
Your second URL doesn't work for me btw (the first is fine)
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Requesting this OC Myria in a dp scene similar to those 3D pics with 2B and Yen.

OR here. Sounds awesome!

Feel free to come up with your own partner if you'd like! It's totally fine by me.

here are the fixed links:

Good poses:
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Requesting Aisha getting fucked by a mimic chest.
character gallery: https://imgur.com/a/miqmY0f
Meh might as well
Request made with koikatsu slop, A dragon girl I made a while ago called Celes agni.
Gallery: https://catbox.moe/c/q8a4ln
I prefer vanilla stuff but honestly it can be whatever, Part of me still feels weird making a request.
Bump again
not or but damn, great work there anon!
Not OR, but very nice work!
Thank you
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Etsuko Kaneda -> Angella *TBD, perhaps something that implies heaven or being perfect*

Still workin' on her design a bit for once her game is done.

She was formerly a bullied, geeky abused japanese teen (right black haired girl) that ended up involved in a Mirai Nikki like battle royale situation *TBD* where she uses her powers *TBD* to survive until the end of that, until the protagonist of that timeline saves her, making her see him as a kindred soul.

Upon being the last one standing (and obtaining several more powers such as time manip and changing her appearance, even to the point she can merge with stuff or even space Thanos style since she won the right of being the "vessel" of a higher dimensional goddess that uses her as entertainment), she takes the form of a rich european young model & learns english by absorbing and english knowing version of herself to be "the best version of herself" and make the world pay up for her abuse by passive aggresive force (such as making her bullies never have happy lives, becoming rich by lottery number guessing and stealing from people in time stop.)
In the "new world" she meets and pretty much Magic Pixie Dream Girls her way into making sure the protagonist also has powers to change the world.
Despite her new powers and fake bravado, she is still sweet in her own way also a geeky dork despite trying to be super cool, confident and a semi cocky "cool girl heroine".
(Blonde girl on the left)

So yeah her character arc is accepting herself thanks to the protagonist and stop hatin' herself alongside knowing that no matter how much she fucks others over, that there will always be some other bully or asshole out there no matter how much she "punishes" em

Oh her appearance change is meant to also change her body to her own ideal self, its not just the head. She has bigger boobs now
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And something i did just now <3
Been pondering on that...
I like her quite a bit too!
Thank you. Gonna try drawing her being brainwashed into a drone or something later.
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Requesting my OC (original and AI versions above, I'm still working with her name) either wearing her full suit (something black and white and similar to a race queen's outfit) and with 3 big halos behind her back or giving a paizuri to the viewer.
>brainwashed into a drone
Is that the level of fetish we're having with her, anon? I wonder what she/you're into, since your first post gave a sizable ammount of insight into her setting but left the kinky part out!
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Well, here is the thing,

She is pretty much the "vessel" or "chosen one" by the goddess of the setting, who sees everything as a story to entertain herself. (Picture the witches from Umineko).

So she can be forced to end up at the hands of some evil galactic overlord or Ultron-like monster and be into a lewd situation as long as it is exciting.
Of course, after she had her fun, the whole scenario might be erased (such as any timeline where the protagonist doesnt end up w her), or she will break out of the brainwashing just so she cna win at the end.

Picture drone sketch costume idea, but i think it would only work for ERP or some side-content. Aka, just did this one for fun
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These are all rough, of course. But i should also remake them like the redraw i just did....
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Requesting my dark elf character poledancing and squatting like in these references, having a naughty smirk/expression.
or here

sorry for the insanely late response hahah

Thank you so much!
You're welcome
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Okay, fine. I will bump the thread one more time.

This is another OC of mine. Her name is Clara Ravenwood and I'm trying to make a Twine game with her. I picked Twine, because I'm too stupid to code and too lazy to learn how to properly use Honey Studio for anything other than designing characters. Unlike previous projects, I've decided to actually make the game first instead of trying to learn how to use both Twine and Honey Studio at the same time while also limiting myself to what is possible in HS. I will probably commission art for the game eventually instead of trying to squeeze blood from a stone with HS.

Her deal is that she is an egotistical dark sorceress that is visiting a remote and stormy little island in order to obtain a philosopher's stone from an abandoned castle. It's supposed to be a choose-your-own adventure deal with bad ends. I'm willing to accept any art of her. If you are interested, then I can tell you more about what I've already put in the game and what I intend to add.
hope OR would still be around
I am still, just too busy the last few days. Thanks anon, even as just a sketch your art is really hot! The pose is perfect too, I've always loved that kind of stuff. Maybe it's just my own assumption/fetishes kicking in, but I like how with the way she's looking at the viewer while spreading herself, you can either view it as her letting the cum pour out after you just fucked her, or that she's been used a few times and is spreading herself to get fucked again by you/by the next guy.
Plus it's just nice seeing her drawn by someone else, because while I'm mostly settled on her design, there's a few things like the exact length of the hair, body proportions, etc., where it's nice to just see it drawn by someone else to see if it might look better than the original concept.
Thanks again!
>two months
You.. stil there?
none of them are, it's all lies
I would like to think they are
Do you have an image of her bare back?
I want to get a better idea of her scales.
well at least we got him to shut up for a while
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here ya go anon
OH WOW! That's amazing! I love how smug and thick she looks! Thank you very much for this incredible work!
I may as well try it. Could I redirect my request to you, please?
nice work anon
thanks anons.
maybe, whats the request?
This one >>7740851
if you upload ~20-30 pictures to some third party site it'd be fairy easy to have other anons bake lora of her and ai-gen requested art

i wonder if it would be possible to generate a large amount of base bodies that you could swap heads onto then create ai models from there since the face/hair is usually the most important part
awesome work, what's your socials?
sure, why not.
I dont post outside of drawthreads here
Hey, are there any updates to this? It's been about two months.
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hope this works for you anon
Not OR, but this is pretty hot.
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Requesting Rosa getting deepthroated while huge amounts of cum if overflowing from her mouth.
That's awesome. Since you don't mind redirects would you be interested in taking a crack at this too? >>7577527
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Requesting the girl in the pink sweater drawn full body with her outfit. I don't have a reference sheet but I'll describe her appearance

she's wearing black thigh highs, white panties, choker, and pink sweater. She has a somewhat petite body type.

She's based off of kaguya from touhou
Nice but shouldn't her nipples be visible?
This looks fantastic! I love it!
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thanks anons
probably would look better that way yeah, but I figured they'd be squished against the floor here because of gravity though. My bad.
here ya go
Your pieces are fantastic. Are you still taking redirects? >>7793997
Requesting Pyha looking up mindlessly at the viewer
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Requesting Saya giving very smug paizuri
I'm so amazed to get such awesome art of my character, you utterly nailed it and I can't thank you enough!
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do whatever
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Would you mind doing a titfuck piece, or getting fucked roughly in doggy w/ tail-pulling, of my mithra create-a-wife from FFXI
Not the OR, but this is incredible. Great job. I hope you do more requests.
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Bandits roam these parts arisen.
yer welcome
thanks, but gonna take a break for a while.
Fucking hell, you did so well with this! Thank you so much for taking my request, she looks so good!
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Aaaaaa love itttt

You do amazing fantasy art and love itttt, hope you can consider Ophelia von Altria here in the future.

She's a princess with divine heritage, so her being fucked by bandits or in a dungeon would be cool to see.
>Requests delivered when politely asked
Hey man you seem like a pretty neat and chill dude. I really really hope you're still around doing requests/deliveries.

Hopefully, when you're done with your break and you get to see this. Could you do this one? >>7569473
y'all can't reaf for shit

fantastic work, love the legs and foot wraps
And did you not read the part I wrote; "Hopefully when you're done with your break"?

Yes I read perfectly, that's why I said; "hopefully when you're done."
Requesting an anime version of my OC girl Pepper. Her breasts aren't supposed to be that big. Would prefer a nice standing pose.
here is another reference.
>anime black woman

in what world and how actually black do you want her
Missing the Arisen scar, but this is beautiful. I want to lick those abs.
it kinda is
it's literally been 100 days
is it fair to ask if it's getting done at all?
You're getting a FREE drawing.
Wait a thousand days for it if you still dont wanna pay fr it.
nice work
My oc torce pro Vasco e ama tomar no cu
...your what?
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wip (don't expect it to finish)

What sort of monster
Not OR, but this looks pretty good. Hope you finish it one day.
Anon asked, didn't demand. Learn the difference.
looks good even for a wip. thanks anon
bumping and linking to my request, because why the hell not. I would like a good delivery and I'm driven by a morbid curiosity to see how long we can keep this thread alive.
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Requesting Lisa the sailor succubus in her human shape either helping her crew mates relieve some stress during a long voyage without a port or getting railed by a particularly beefy sailor. or pair her with some other OC if you feel like it
She's nice in a perverse way. I'm interested in what you have prepared for her, Anon, as well as where did the picture come from
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Hello. I made that character with Honey Select One. I know that Honey Select 2 has been out for some time and the modders have moved to that, but I've invested so much time into the software that it will be a little difficult to make the change.

I wanted to keep the game simple and make a 'minimum viable product', but I also want to make something that I would enjoy playing. This balancing act has been thrown into disarray in many ways. I've learned so much more about Twine and realized how I can apply it to other projects that I've shelved in the past. Regardless, I'm still determined to finish this game and eventually get nice art for it. Also, by 'nice art' I mean something commissioned by a real artist or produced under a profit-sharing agreement. I did briefly consider making a LoRa out of Honey Select screenshots and filling the game with AI CG, but I don't really play games with AI CG, and I don't want to make something that I wouldn't play myself.

The game is about Clara searching an abandoned castle for keys that unlock a door with treasure behind it. There are multiple keys hidden throughout the castle. The castle is to have three wings (left, right, and center), three floors (1,2, and basement), and an outside area. This comes out to a total of 8 areas that each have their own key and self-contained puzzles as well as side-events (6 for the three wings and two floors, one for the basement, and one for the outside). One of the wings plus the outside is basically done and I've made some significant progress on another wing. The side events include bad endings, red herrings, and little things that add to the atmosphere. The bad ends include Clara dying as well as erotic bad ends. Some bad ends are actually alternative endings that have their own conditions that need to be met and involve multiple erotic events.
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Some of the death endings are actually really gory. I'm not the kind of person that gets off to that sort of stuff and I will not ask anyone to draw sexualized gore art, but I feel it fits the the overall feel of the story as well as the choose-your-own-adventure format.

As for what happens, so far I've created a short 'boss fight' where Clara fights a thunderbird and a puzzle where Clara has to answer riddles in a library by guessing the correct book title based on the riddle. If she doesn't guess the correct book then she dies. I've also made an erotic bad end that involves Clara getting captured and impregnated by a mimic. I still need to think of events, puzzles, and rooms. Any suggestions will be helpful.
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Much effort has gone into alternative endings. I see them as being integral to the game. So far I've planned out really long ones and one that is a little shorter. These alternative endings usually involve her getting enslaved or romantically involved with another character or creature. The list might expand or shrink, but so far, I plan on having endings where she is enslaved by a group of tribals that stalk the forests of the island, coerced into being a lewd waitress and/or erotic dancer at the village inn, seduced by the village mayor (might be tied to previous one), captured and impregnated by a troll that lives in the castle's kitchen, or fall in love with an ugly, older fisherman that lives alone in a shack.

Out of these alternative endings, I've only made real progress with the last one. I plan on having about five Fred (the fisherman's name is Fred) events that are triggered by Clara falling into/being teleported into an underground river that empties into the ocean and getting fished out by Fred. Whenever this happens she gets sucked on by leeches that drain her mana so she's forced to trade her body for a night in Fred's shack (because she's temporarily unable to defend herself). This happens multiple times and, while she first sees Fred as a gross and manipulative yokel, she eventually starts to enjoy Fred's company as well as his penis. At the end of the final event, player will have the option to either return to the castle (as they have with the previous events) or stay with Fred. If they stay with Fred then there will be an ending in which Clara gives up her life as a sorceress to be Fred's wife. After awhile they get married, have a baby, and live happily ever after. Clara also has the option to just straight up murder Fred in his sleep during the first and second events. This will result in the Fred ending being blocked and a trip to the underground river resulting Clara's death.

The pic here is to illustrate Clara becoming his wife.
nice work
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Requesting anything, feel free to experiment and engage in anything of your likin
just a quick question, is replacing a character with my oc ok to do as a request?
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This is Ophelia, a pretty jrpg heroine planned to start in a future FE Sacred Stones prequel of mine.
She uses magic and swords.
Any positions or ref?
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draw her doing anything lewd. if you have twitter i'll share it
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Any of these poses work for either scenario
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Requesting my OC Tilde. She is kind of a smug sadodere like nagatoro but a complete girl failure at heart.


I've been making too much ai art of her. But I don't have any actual art that isn't by my friend.

I'm into BE, Size, mindcontrol/possession. But probably something more embarassed nude female/exhibition degeneracy since it's /h/. I was playing this exhibition game where you could leave your clothing places and streak trying not to get caught.

She is freaking out as her clothing has been found and taken away. But feel free to do something else.
This is pretty damn good
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this is really great I love it!
I'm gonna work on something for you. Cute character and I love enf!

If you want an idea of what I can do (in terms of quality) my pixiv is Pet_of_Lilith
pretty cute

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