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Last one finished, time for the next one
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Anyone got any other pictures with Yoshino? Desperately need more lewds of her
>Masha is drawing Nichijou porn in 2023
We're so back
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Manifesting Dozo and Magi ITT
Holy shit never thought I'd see the day
I am following the thread, but I don't have anything new to show right now.

attached is a redrawn of an old 18 comic for it I have drawn a long time ago, but this hasn't been worked on for a few years.
you're still taking requests?

Some Nagumo from CITY would be great
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Looks excellent!
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Saw the cover for a doujin about her some time ago but who knows where to find it
Which Nichijou do you think would canonically have the biggest chest?
Big fan of the way you draw Mai
Need....more Mai chan....
We are so back, lads

I have been meaning to draw her but I probably need to do some study to really familiar myself with her design.


That’s the plan.
>City porn is finally a thing
bless. hope to see more in the future.
Sakurai, Sekiguchi, Annaka, Mai, in that order.44vks4
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Typed the captcha in my post like a fucking idiot
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Sakurai > Yoshino > Yuria > Nakamura > Annaka > Nano > Mai > The rest
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Very, very nice.
Also, if you're open to another request, I've had this idea for a while now:
Basically, Yuuko as a hooker. Thin tube top, fishnet stocking, platform heels, and maybe some hoop earrings. I've thought about fake tits on her as well, just cause. Some slutty tattoos would be nice, if you're alright with that.
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I wonder why she is almost never shown with a replaceable onahole down there...
I tried.
OR here--this honestly turned out better than what I had in my head. She honestly looks so good here, thank you!
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wanted to color this. not as good as what i wanted it to be but whatever.
(also i'd love to see more of whore yuuko. i really like her design)
Oooh, that turned out really well, which made me want to make an attempt as well. Although personally I am pretty possessive of them now, in a weird way, so that I prefer to draw yuko being brutalized by Takasaki.
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Oh gosh, don't tell her mom about this
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>Although personally I am pretty possessive of them now, in a weird way, so that I prefer to draw yuko being brutalized by Takasaki.
interesting concept. i like the idea of a teacher taking advantage to turn her into a personal sex toy.
this gave me the idea to draw yuuko being forced by takasaki to facetime her mum before he has sex with her even though i can't draw for shit.
really i'm only interested in seeing more nichijou characters in slutwear. there's not enough of that.
Nice stuff
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New masha dropped
I am so glad to see them drawing nichijou again, those breasts and the colorings look excellent.

attached is the page 3 of a nichijou fan comic I did sometimes over 10 years ago, I have been redrawing it in the lat few years. Its called the gentlmen's club because the basic premise was that the principal shinonome had been whoring out Mai in order ot raise money for the school.

The second chapter was suppose to be done around 2015 featuring Nano but I never finished it. The original files were all gone from the first one so I had to download the jpg from sad panda and redraw them.
used to really like this one, hoping to see more of it
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this is great, nice to see you're still around dozo
I remember fapping to this back in the day, good times
You know, I recall seeing a single nsfw image of Yukko's mom once on Pixiv, never been able to see it again. Shame, she absolutely could use more art.
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I made an attempt but I don't know if this is consider erotic.

really? oh wow, now I feel like I gotta finish the redraw.
Surprised by how hot I find this actually
well, what about now?
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could always use more fanart of the nichijou moms. could you try drawing mios mom next?
Resisting the urge to suggest Yuuko and her Mom whoring themselves out together
Yeah that is really working for me, well done!
I am more partial to the anime design, her design here is too similar to yoshino.

hm, I guess the more wrinkly look for her kind of gives porn more grimy and dirty feelings to it, but personally its not something that arouse me too much, it really depends on the scenarios. You really need to plow the depth of depravity like one of those Oyster or Hana Hook's work to sort of get me on-board...
>it really depends on the scenarios. You really need to plow the depth of depravity like one of those Oyster or Hana Hook's work to sort of get me on-board...
Great art of Mio's mom, and thanks for the suggestions. It's a bit late here, but I got a few ideas from doing some skimming over their work. I'll only put down the details for two that didn't completely fall into /d/ shit:

- Yuuko is being forced to eat her mom out
- Her mom is tied up, gagged, Yuuko's in slutwear.
- both should look horrified, for that matter. Yuuko is looking up at her mother with a look of sadness in her eyes, with her tongue still in the cunt - Yuuko's mom is looking down at her, tears running down her face, as she tries to process why this is happening to her.
- Yuuko or her mom should have bruises/scratch marks on them. Make them as light, or as severe as you want them to.
- A group of men are surrounding the two, masturbating and recording the event as it unfolds

- Think of the previous scenario but reversed: Yuuko's mom is fingering her.
- Yuuko should be very, very horrified by what's going on right now, even moreso than what the previous situation might've required
- Either someone besides her mom should be pinning her down while it happens, or she's bound to something that's restraining her from running away/fighting back
- Unlike the previous situation, Yuuko's mom is aroused on by the situation. She's happy with what she's doing to her daughter.
- Maybe she should be kissing/licking Yuuko, too? Something like that, I'm not sure.
- Her mom's wearing slutwear here, too.

For either of the two, some kind of sex toy may be included. For the first, I think including vibrators on the nipples of Yuuko's mom would probably be the best choice. For the second, maybe just have a vibrator in the mom's pussy would do.

Tell me what you think, and if you have any suggestions.
hm, I am sorry that it made you type all that, but I just wasn't into the idea girls fucking each other afterall... I was trying to use those artists as example of the scenario in which I'll fap to older women with actual older women body types.
Ah, I understand. Apologies for the confusion.
Well these do look real good if it's something you're not into yourself, as an artist too I find that impressive in a way
The only thing missing in this picture is me plowing that fat ass
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does anyone have any other pictures focusing on couples in the show
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This single character is to blame for my mob face/emoji face fetish
Artist who used to draw a lot of Nichijou porn when the anime was released
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Does picrel count? also I find hentai drawn in the original of the show like this really hot. Same artist redrew this pic recently but it's in a different style.
Who animated this and where can I find more?
WT Dinner, mostly uploads his stuff as flash files on swfchan, that's his only Nichijou piece as far as I know though.
Thanks a lot
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>>7741190 i think you were the anon who requested sekiguchi in a bunny suit doing paizuri

Ill shade these two at some point
Always a good day when there is new oppai sekiguchi content
Yeah it was me. Thanks Dozo, hope you continue to make more Nichijou stuff.
Out of curiosity where did the whole oppai yuria thing come from? I noticed even japanese artists were doing it.
Wondered the same thing. If I had to guess it might be related to an overall recent rise in mobface and erochibi art in hentai, shortstacks and big tits tend to be a common element on those too. Maybe Yuria got caught in the trend or something, just hoping it's a long lasting one.
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praying the mobface gods notice background character shimooshima and give her fat tits too
i think it started with that one drawing by thanuki. every other artist started drawing her with big boobs after that. and i hope to see more.
Wait a fucking moment.
These are kids?
Yuuko is for sex
i prefer mio more
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Need Mio bondage
I've considered putting something like this in ugly bastard thread, but posting my own art on /h/ always a little weird.

I started picking out random pages for my old doujin to see if I can push its progress. Overall its about Nano selling herself because Hakase mismanaged household finances while she went to school, and principal threaten to decommission her and put Hakase into care. The motivation is for Nano to graduate with all of her friends.
I think it would be fine to post there, especially if some of pages are more polished/finished, your sketches are always pretty good though.

But Nichijou is a lot more niche, so sketches or rough stuff is usually welcome.
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Id like to see more if you get the chance to revisit it, i really liked the first gentleman’s club, same with those ‘lets do lewd thing’ image sets
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If you're not busy with other requests could you draw a busty Annaka?. Would love to see that in your style.
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I posted this on /a/ once
Based, filename is right tho
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geeting cought ?
>this thread
proudly sponsored by yours truly, spoderflakes
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average spoderflakes commission
hi spoder
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not me, but i doubt he isnt lurking the thread by now, or posting
Literally who
mexican beaner who pretends to be the representative for the western fandom
he has a discord where he pretends he doesnt like nichijou porn
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Mio is easily the sexiest character in all of nichijou
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I will but it will be a while
>>7842612 >>7836002

tfw no yuuko to sit on my face

why live
Mercy bump
need more pregnant Nichijou characters
most recently uploaded nichijou doujinshi
it's another hakase-gives-nano-a-dick episode
Good stuff, concept's pretty much a classic at this point. Mostly surprised to see a doujin come out so recently though.
Who's the father?
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might as well post this tracejob i did years before the wako nude edit
Why can't I find the rest of this?
full doujin has ever been posted anywhere if there is one afaik
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>technically the only canonically lewd character
>too obscure to get lewds drawn
magi if you're still out there i beg you
Didn't expect that to work so soon wow.
Fuckin nice, thank you you're the best.
Mio in a slutty wedding dress. End of post.
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I want to destroy sakurai's innocent body
She always seemed like she'd be so soft to me
Man you draw some good tits
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Only once in a blue moon do we get to lewdpost some nichijou!
thanks, although to be honest I didn't think it turned out very well, but I was struggling at the time.

been meaning to post these, I try to save stuff for bumps at page 9.
She's beautiful, I tell ya, beautiful.
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This fits her so well.
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Bonus ring edit.
>I wanted to try to make the tiara she was wearing in that "Me too" scene, but that would've taken a really long time.
oh yeah, I should have thought about that. I guess I'll add these when I color.
Sounds good to me-I await whatever you may deliver.
>also, just as a suggestion: if earrings could be added, that'd be nice
I swear you guys are the only ones still putting my stuff on rule 34 lol
Wish there was more people doing it, your art really deserves a wide audience.
i feel bad because someone took the trouble to upload a bunch of my stuff after I was being whiny about it, but I must say that having comments on some of those pieces really made my day, thanks!

rule 34 is one of few website where stuff gets weird horny roleplaying comments nowadays, I really like them.
>i feel bad because someone took the trouble to upload a bunch of my stuff after I was being whiny about it
That was me. Don't be too hard don yourself, chances are I would've ended up dumping it regardless, you message just gave me the extra push to go ahead with it a little bit sooner.
Besides, with the good art you've delivered, both in this thread and others, the least I could do to repay you was to push your work onto a bit of a larger platform.
>rule 34 is one of few website where stuff gets weird horny roleplaying comments nowadays
For as strange as they might be sometimes, I don't know if I'd have it any other way. It makes the entire browsing experience all the more entertaining.
Hot stuff
Got more?
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why does her bra need double straps? I could understand for DD cup but...
Need her to be mine
Wish Mai would be in something like this
this guys is one of us yet backstabs the other in the back. he should send his secret stash of nichijou lewds at this point (because a friend told me he has some)
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what are you talking about lol
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>hates nichijou hentai
>looks up nichijou hentai
>gets incredibly upset about nichijou hentai and plays sleuth over it
why the fuck did I waste my time reading that, this might be the dumbest fucker i've ever seen on twitter somehow
Would you fuck the holes in Nano's key?
also some more futa would be appreciated
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futa nichi a contender for the best
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>posts a bunch of artists who draw nichijou porn
It's not dying on my watch
does anyone have the other versions of the futa threesome image? I tried using kemono but the dropbox links don't seem to work anymore, if you do please post em here. artist is MAD MEX btw
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only have this alt saved, cant remember if theres any more. nichi futa is peak
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i think there were a few more panels but oh well
Getting the feeling some of you don't browse this board outside this thread cause you're kinda not supposed to post futa on /h/
lets admit both were made to be breeded
i go on other boards, was sent this thread because nichijou porn so I had to get in on it sooooo :P
uoooogh chubby
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mio needs breeding sex...
grahhh i wanna breed her pussy and ass so much
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thought most lolicon was banned?
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I think she looks old enough there but idk
need more of this.
It'd be worth a try
Hardly any animated stuff out there, sadly
Its not exactly that, but I have something an old project that's something along that lines.
Haha, that's actually really good-love Nano freaking out over being lewded like that.
10/10 trope honestly
unironically hotter than just ramming a cock in there
Wonder how Nano or Mai'd look in something like that
Who do you think would be the more fun one in bed?
Why not both?
Fair point. Personally I'd opt for Yuuko but that's just me
that outfit specifically or slutwear in general?
Slutwear was what I had in mind, the current idea you have for what she's wearing is fantastic, and I love the direction you're going in. The only things I'd want to keep from Yuuko's outfit are the heels, and maybe the earrings too. Keep it up!
(One more thing: Some body writing on her would be nice if you're up for doing that. Something like what's in >>7670186 is what I have in mind)
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>quick colorization
simple but that coloring is pretty effective.

thanks, here is something that I am working on right now. I didn't have too much time to progress on it because I have been busy at work and with personal projects. I am trying to match the "dirty painting" style of the earlier Mio piece, so I can make them into a set. I've been meaning to work on the doujin again in a long time but those have a lot of inertia for some reason.
Don't worry, take your time. I'm perfectly fine with waiting if it means getting the best-which this absolutely is.
I really love the approach you're taking, the style perfectly matches the subject, if that makes sense.
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I've never seen H Nichijou in 4chan
Must not have been looking hard enough
I always found it weird there wasn't a ton of her and Hakase, I guess /ll/ is simply too refined for the masses.
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Gotta respect the shameless self promotion
I recognize Edkuroki's style. Where does she post her nsfw art?
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there's a patreon link in the corner
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I'm aware. But it's blurred to anyone who isn't a patron and their other socials are exclusively sfw. I'm going to guess it's either a leak or the anon commissioned that themselves.
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Why are they all tiny?
It's aesthetical.

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