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One camera angle, and multiple panels(or pages) across which time passes(fast or slow).
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This is a bit of a niche fetish, so please contriboot if you guys know about doujins with this type of paneling/page series.
I'm sorting through my collection and I'll keep posting more when I find new stuff.
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As I typed it and posted it, I realized how broad the initial title was.. paneling IS basically passing time, so that was redundant..
Essentially what I'm looking for, is stuff with 3+ panels or pages, with the EXACT camera angle, and showing either multiple positions, or steps in a single one.
Pic rel for example, is NOT fully matching it, because it only has two panels, and this style is pretty common across most doujins.
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This is ok though, because there's 3 panels.
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One more.
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Only one I can remember, because it was kinda funny.
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kek nice
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"ane to real game" - rokuichi

I feel like there was a colored version of this but I can't find it...
These really are super rare huh...
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Oh I know these ones, I'll be back with one Korean author that loves these
Here https://nhentai.net/g/454696/
Go nuts with the author OP
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Oh damn, this dude seems right up my alley!
Might take a while to format it the way I like it, but I'll post bit by bit.
Thanks for the find anon!
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Can people actually fuck for that long?
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1. Save your load for a week or two
2. Extend foreplay
3. Take frequent breaks
4. Drink lots of water
Obviously fiction exaggerates a lot of stuff, but irl you could go upto 4-5 hours with just these steps. Probably more with viagra and shit involved.
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It's a lot sexier when these are in color.
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I think it's implying multiple sessions throughout the day rather than constant banging. However, when I used to drink a lot and go to 'parties' in college, when I managed to get a girl home I could fuck for hours. Unfortunately, I could never cum so I'd stop when I was exhausted or the girl complained about getting sore lol.
All in all I don't recommend but it was an experience for sure.
Love this doujin
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Can I get sauce on this? Thanks.
Nibun no Yuudou (456580)

Artist : Inukai Mofu
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Can you give a sauce plz? Because I need to get in my categories so quickly dud.
"My Childhood Friend" by Aki
I wonder why doujins which are drawn like these are boring. I can't really fap much to these.
preference thing I guess... this paneling structure makes me coom every time I encounter it.
what type is your favorite paneling layout?
its just so lazy
zoomed out so there are less details
same background and angle for each panel
often no talking either
Let's see you draw better bitch.
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Oh man do I have THE perfect person to recommend: Umekoppe (you can find them on X with the same handle). All of their work I've read so far features what you're asking. Just a disclaimer but their work can be a bit messed up to anyone who likes vanilla but as long as you turn off your brain the story (and of course the art) is really hot.
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Interesting, seems to be full of stuff that yumejos like.
Thanks for the rec!
> Gives valid criticism about the negatives of this method
> Appeal to accomplishment
> Ad hominem
Way to prove my point. Shame that people often take objective observations of what they like as personal attacks against them since it prevents any meaningful discussion.
We're not here for meaningful discussions, piss off.
>Anon is giving a breakdown of an argument posted on 4chan about niche panelling used in Japanese cartoon porn
>Anon feels righteous after delivering it
I'm not even disagreeing with your analysis but holy shit you are pathetic.
>doujins which are drawn like these
Show me 1 doujin that is drawn entirely in this style.
If a dounin has this panel style at all it's usually only 1-2 pages.
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Chotto Bijin de Mune ga Dekakute Eroi dake no Baka Nee
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What's the sauce for these? Tineye and Saucrnao are failing me
Lookie there, kiddo. Even more ad hominem. When it starts to turn red and says "no u" that's when you know it's really mad.
...you could just scroll up the chain to the post that started it >>7703458
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Often no talking? I feel like a majority of the ones posted here have dialogue.

I dunno, it does it for me because it implies a passage of time better than traditional paneling and fucking all night is a turn on. It also makes it seem more.. not necessarily real, but more mundane? I like it.
Sorry and thanks, I'll check those out
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"[Tsubaki Jushirou] Kono Naka ni Kinshin Soukan Shiteiru Musume ga 3-nin Imasu" is wholly based on this idea. Incest and multipart, too.
This series is right up my alley, thanks anon!
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>Choukyou Juseizumi Oyako Netorare Kiroku | Mother and Daughter NTR Diary: Trained and Knocked Up
Bull drugs a mother and daughter at an onsen, turning them into completely devoted sluts so obsessed with his cock they let him do anything with them...
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...Including drugging the daughter's boyfriend and the mother's husband, making them compete to see who can make the other's partner cum first in order to get the bull's cock all by herself for two hours.
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>However, when I used to drink a lot and go to 'parties' in college
How does one get invited to those kinds of parties? I'm gonna apply for my first semester soon when it becomes available.
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#456322 => Kawaisou na Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii

#438763 => Ikenie Onna Wa Kodokuna Kijin Sama Ni Ban Kōbi De To Sareru
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I know of this one
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I love this trend, I'll post some of my favorites
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Sauces would be much appreciated
Where's this from?
After Live - Nokin
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sauce? image search isn't giving me shit
try google images
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I won't post images from this link because it's pretty long
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[Ramuda] AquaSuiTowa Part 2
Cheeky Karin - Kyockcho
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sauce for these?
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did you ever find it? Ive been searching for an hour now and I cant find it. The only aki artist ive found does a bunch of touhou stuff
bless you anon
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I gotchu
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Wow thank you
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One of my favorite series actually does this twice, the first time across two pages..
And then the reprise.
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Unless you’re on drugs you can’t really last for hours. Typically you’ll last 5-10 minutes the first nut, then the next will be like 10-15, and you’ll take small little rests and keep going at it till you’re fully satisfied. I had a time after I broke up with my ex where I fucked my boss that was a huge bitch to everyone, me included. I hadn’t fucked for months and I was pent up, and when she came over I hatefucked her from 4 until after the Sun went down. At the end I was cumming and not even a drop was coming out, it actually kind of started to hurt when I’d orgasm.
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Yuuki shin
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context: guy's power makes others passively obedient, uses it to have sex with this teacher nonstop
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Recent MHA one.

Just a heads up.
She murders all the guys at end.
We're gonna make it.
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Looks like Alp
Sauce of this Threesome please
read the thread man... >>7700385
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I pity anyone who doesn't know about Natsu no Yari Naoshi series.
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The tag for this on pixiv is 定点カメラ or Fixed-point Camera.

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Good taste.
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some interesting stuff in there for sure
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This one is perfect.
I feel like rape versions of this trope is pretty rare.
On one hand the mc is a gigantic piece of shit and i hope he died a violent death. On the other hand, i have to applaud the author for not sugarcoating the kind of scumbag that'll abuse this type of power.
>only available on fakku
well aint this a case of blue balls
you can check the site mentioned here >>7814474
This is a personal dream of mine
What's the tag on boorus?
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Why doesn't he wake up with all that moaning?
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sauce onegai
kendoubu shushou, its a fucking piece of a read but artist uploads a page per month, it will probably be finished in the next 2 years
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Ichika is better
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Immediately thought of this and would have posted it if the two of you hadn't.
Me too, one of the best I've read
site's dead now i'm afraid.
There isn't one and it's as annoying as shit.
Um, your post isn't multi-panel though?
>Natsu no Yari Naoshi
this is gold, thanks dude
the c97 book has these in better resolution
My dick alwasy deflates on these panels, I just find them so cringe specially when the guy is drinking water in one of them
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[Navier Haruka 2T]These Big Titty Babes Are Bimbos

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From the undoubtedly best ever Gridman doujin
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repost my favorite.
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Need more "partially colored" doujins
Ad hominim only applies of its a falsehood.
Arguing about stylistic choices of porn in a porn thread dedicated to maaturbating to that type of porn IS pathetic.
People are here to jackoff to a specific genre, and here you are making my dick soft.

Don't like it? Kbye.
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