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Quickly Anon! As your country's birthrates have hit a critical low, you have been given the highest seat of power as an emergency measure, along with absolute power to push through any laws and legislation to ensure that people have babies at all costs. Foreign relations and societal consequences be damned! What do you do?
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> [Eichina] Seigakureki Koujou Gakushuu ~ Sukina Toki ni Joshi to Yarete . Yarimakureru hodo Iijugyou ~
Unpopular student returns to school after having been absent for a while, to find out "sex education" has been introduced, and they'll be graded on it
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> [NCP (Yamada Gogogo)] Yarigami License de donna Onna ni demo Kyousei Tanetsuke SEX Meirei Dekichau Ore | I Can Fuck Any Women With the Divine SEX Right
A gym coach with "more efficient sexual ability" is given a "divine sexual right license", allowing him to send any woman's name to the government, who will then order that they must fuck him or face the death penalty
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> [p-kan (p no Ji)] Seishori Iin no Katsudou Setsumeikai | An Explanation of the Duties of a Sexual Requirements Committee Member
Self explanatory. A sex committee is established at a school to relieve pent-up students so they can focus on class
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> [Maron Maron] Rape Gouhou ka!!!
It is announced that rape has been legalized. Chaos ensues.
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always thought these scenarios were funny just by how absurd it all is but it works because hentai
"You've got a debauchery license, now go impregnate the assigned girl. Anyone who tries to stop you? Straight to jail"
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This one's a manga but its got quite a few scenes. Basically a bunch of classmates get isekai'd for generic hero stuff, but because of some convoluted fertility bullshit in their world, they need to fuck the isekai women to get them pregnant. Noble families basically have their daughters serve the boys as maid/sex toys to get heirs.

Sauce is Astro King
Oh and since the boys didn't see any of the girls from their class, they assumed only the men were isekai'd. Turns out, the girls were too, but because of the world's rules (and the fertility stuff), the girls are basically mind controlled then turned into sex slaves for the soldiers and noblemen.
> [Akiha@] 10-oku Yen Tousen Shita no de, Tanetsuke Shiminken o Kattemita. | I won 1 billion yen, so I bought an Impregnation Citizenship
Pretty interesting read. Everyone on the island is divided by classes, and the higher ranked citizens are allowed to do whatever they want to anyone on a lower tier than them. Has a nice twist ending too.
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Speaking of twist endings, in there's this one. Girls outfitted with electronic chokers that detect ovulation and tell them to find the nearest "privileged genetics holder" to get impregnated by them. Its strongly NTR themed tho if you aren't into that.

[Waffle Doumeiken (Tanaka Decilitre)] Joukyuu Seishi Chakushou Gimuka
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This is very hot indeed, thanks for sharing bro. Kinda wish it was a full fledged hentai doujin though
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> [Indo Curry] SEXLiner de GO!

In order to solve train molestation and fake rape charges related to trains... you turn your train lines into pseudo brothels.
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p no Ji also made another one which takes place in the same universe called "Seishori Iin no Amane-san"
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> [Ijimaya (Ijima Yuu)] OnaHoken Iinkai he Youkoso!
School where some girls get to enroll for free as well as receive certain benefits, but only if they serve as cumdumps for the school. Some NTR.
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so i found out japanese people actually have tons of sex and the women arent virgins, the birthrate problem there is no women want to be mothers and they all want to be rich independent and lonely...
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Dogs have become a replacement for children. If this image is a problem I can delete it but I just wanted to prove what I was saying.
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Actually they have real hang-ups about sexuality, intimacy and relationships.
Ever wondered why hentai usually features condoms so prominently and how they have sexualized condom use and creampies? From what I've read they restrict prescription of hormonal contraception on conservative grounds of morals.
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From the same study
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vat boy owns the stalls lol
Also has two hentai OVAs, pretty decent
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> [Triangle! (Various)] Shoushika Taisaku de Akihabara ga Nakadashi Tokku ni Shitei Saremashita | To Combat the Falling Birthrate, Special Creampie Zones Have Been Set up in Akihabara

Pretty self-explanatory
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>[Kizuki Rei] Ai no Neuchi _ The Value of Love (COMIC Masyo 2016-02) [English] [StatisticallyNP]
Penis inspection day
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> [noah's room (noah12)] Shin Shoushika Taisaku ~Haramu Tame no Curriculum~ | New Measures To Counter The Falling Birthrate ~A Curriculum To Induce Pregnancy~
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Actually only women and chads have tons of sex there. Yes the women aren't virgins but the vast majority of men aren't fucking. It's like the west but worse sexually
>govt says women have to be raped by men now because plot
>govt says men have to be raped by women now because plot
Haha yes
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Fan no Hitori has two entire tankoubons with this concept

[Fan no hitori] Dolls
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[Fan no Hitori] Dropout

Eyy, both is good
This one got a hentai adaptation. Same name, two episodes long.
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> [Jack to Nicholson (NoriPachi)] Haramase Sakunyuu Jisshuu

Another "failing female students will be put to use as cum dumps" doujin. I know it's just for the porn, but it's funny to imagine hentai artists having something against flunkee schoolgirls
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i've decided not to teach sex ed, and instead pursue adventure and things on the road - sorry.

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Has a sequel called "[Eitchna] Seigakureki Koujou Gakushuu 2 ~Itsudemo Joshi to Yari Makuri! Sore ga Kokode wa Yuutousei~"
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> [Panda Ekisu] Tanetsuke Jiyuu Gakuen
Male semen potency is down, so many schools adopt the "Breeding Stud" program to get girls impregnated. A prestigious girls-only school just gets the news that their school has adopted it too.
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Oh right, and there's two other sequels
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Third one isn't translated yet
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"Ooh, why..."
"My bra has gotten even tighter..."
"Guess I'll have to buy a new one or else..."
"Feeling up your own chest...that's how your boobs have grown recently?"
"Did it have any effect?"
"N-no, you're wrong!?"

"Fhuuu~ That felt great~"
"He came inside me again."
"What'll I do if Riri-chan finds out from the smell?"
"Well then, I must be going..."
"HuhーKano-chan is going already? How about you slow it down a little."
"Eh? Wait...I have to go now..."
"It'll be fine. It's just a little bit more."
Well yeah, dogs don’t ruin your body and tie you down like children do. You only have 40-ish years of good health after becoming an adult to enjoy your life, why waste 18 on someone else?
>dogs don’t ruin your body and tie you down like children do.
Giving birth only fucks up a woman's body if the father's genes are too superior for her to handle. Females need to know how to choose their partners better
This is the best fetish, shame there's barely anything for it since drawing orgies is so hard
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Class votes to have MC's girlfriend to be the class "sexual relief attendant" and gets NTRd by the Japanese government and possibly the CIA.
There is another government-mandated sex story called TS Gakuen Wonderful and TS Gakuen Wonderful 2 by Semimogura. While it doesn't actually show any transformations or anything like dickgirls or shemales and you would have to read the dialogue to even know it was happening, this is a TS/gender change story where high school boys catch a disease that turns them into girls and they are mandated to have sex with anyone from school.
Difficult to search for too, since its context-based and doesn't have tags
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> [Karasu] "Seito Shidoubu" na Kyouzai | "Sexual Counseling Department" Teaching Material

Girl from a poor family joins the newly established "Sexual Counselling Department" on the premise that all her schooling expenses will be paid for by the government
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>The Job of a Service Committee Member

So good the writer hasn't put anything out since

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> [Atelier Maso (doskoinpo)] Danshi no Hatsujou ga Yurusareru Mirai no Gakkou | School Where Male Horniness Is Encouraged

Alternate reality where women are stronger and intelligent in every possible way, leading to low childbirth rates (because all the men in this universe are pathetic). Government in a panic implements rule that allows sexual contact with women, and encourages "aggressive sexual activity".

VERY femdom/humilitation heavy. Not my thing but I know someone out there has this fetish
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> [mofumanjuu (piro mayu)] Taneduke Diary ~Seifu Kounin de Suki na Ko ni Tanetsuke Dekiru Hanashi~ | Mating Diary ~The Government Approved All-You-Can-Mate and Impregnate Story~

MC has a license that lets him fuck anyone, and goes using it on various women
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All the gals have 4 pages each, first girl (on the cover) takes up the entire second half of the doujin
I prefer the "mandatory sex for sex education" variant
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> [Tsukimoto Kizuki] Sex no Yoshuu Shimasen ka? ~Seikou no Jitsugi Shiken ga Dounyuu Sareta Shakai~

Birthrates are declining, so in sex ed, the midterms is actual sex, to which all the students are paired up randomly. MC is paired up with the "plainest" girl in class. Only one chapter and never got a sequel. Artist supposedly said in his fanbox that one was in the works, but I'm not going to sub just to confirm that, so someone else can chime in if they want.
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> [Media (Nyanko)] License to Fuck / [MC] Seikatsu Hogohou ga Dounyuu Saremashita

Applies for sex license, gets approved, immediately uses said license on the staff at the facility.
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That fanbox stuff is on kemono, there are two new chapter previews/drafts

No midterms yet, but the teacher chooses them to demonstrate fellatio for the class, then later they have sex in private again but in school

I don't know what's taking him so long, he did publish the first chapter as its own doujin which I've never seen happen before, maybe contract stuff?
cool concept but these problems tend to ssort themselves out once population plummets to a point where opportunity far exceeds risk.
You sound bitter
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Ogadenmon / Tokyo Prominence Tomato has a series called "Business Sex Manners", where etiquette in this universe is for businesses to build trust through sex.

> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Kenshuu Hen | Business Sex Manners ~Training~
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Shinsotsu Hen | Business Sex Manners ~New Employee~
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Fukushuu no Joushi Hen | Business Sex Manners Boss's Revenge
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Shucchou Hen | Business Sex Manners ~Business Trip~
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Shain Ryokou Hen | Business Sex Manners ~Company Trip~
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manners ~Internship~
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Sex Nashi Massage Hen
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> [Tokyo Prominence Tomato] Business Sex Manner Dannsou Shukann Anal Special Onikawa Hen
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> [2P-Color (Tsukimoto Kizuki)] Houshi-gakari no Onnanoko-tachi | Service Duty Girls

Day in the life of a bunch of service duty girls. Although this one is a doujin, the artist continued making more illustrations with this theme on his pixiv
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>15.3%F and 19.8%M are virgins
Huh. Neat.
But not being a parent =/= rich, independent, or lonely
You know that you can be married and just...not have a child, right? Not to mention the epidemic of being lost, depressed, and friendless has hit men way fucking harder. Women make friends far easier with both sexes than men do even among themselves. Do they have the same depth? I dunno, I'm not a woman. But any bjt helps.
>actual insanity without any evidence or proof
There's my classic anon.
> [FZ: (Fujisaki Fujiko)] Seifu Kounin Sex Counselor ni Netorareta Boku no Tsuma | My Wife Got Taken From Me By A Government-Appointed Sex Counselor

You've seen government-mandated sex, now get ready for... government-mandated NTR. Married couples over 35 must produce a child within five years or be entered into a breeding program

Funny enough, you can be exempt if you're okay with being heavily taxed instead, which would totally be the case if the government was insane enough to start a mandatory "breeding program" in the first place.
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> [Shima Shuu] Dekiru Made! Tanetsuke Kyokashou ~Kawaii Anoko ni Muriyari, Soku hame~ | Licence to Breed as Much as You Want! ~Instantly Forcing Cute Girls to Have Sex~

Your usual sex-license setting, and MC has acquired one after only doing the written test. The thing is, license holders are also evaluated by looks and personality, but MC is an ugly bastard. He's suspicious, but decides "fuck it, I have a sex license, lets just go wild"
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> [sarfatation (sarfata)] Seifu Kounin NTR Kozukuri Matching | Government-Approved NTR Babymaking Matching

Longer Netori story arc. Government pairs people based on "genetic compatibility", whatever the hell that means.
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Oh yeah, also the compilation comes with a short epilogue
I remember reading one where the situation was that you could pay for things with lewd acts instead of money. The main character is a virgin who has never bought anything before, but is wanting to buy a present for her sister.
World's End Harem anyone?
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> Nakadashi Spy no Sounyuu Sousa -Shikyuu no Heiwa wa Ore ga Mamoru!-
> Localized as "SSSS: Super Secret Sexy Spy"

> My name is Iiyama Hunt. I'm an intelligence operative for the secret agency known as the Federal Association of Pussy Protective Services.
> What is FAPPS, you ask? Well, if you don't mind me being blunt, it's a pretty long story to tell empty-handed. Master, get my pal here a cold glass of milk, and a vodka martini for me. Shaken, not stirred.
> Oh yes. FAPPS is a secret organization that collects information and research on impregnations, uterine conditions, and sex crimes around the world, and if necessary, employs direct action to bring things under control.
> I'm a legendary operative in the organization, with a 100% mission success rate. They call me the Come Insider. Lousy name, I know, but I'm a soldier of justice, granted a special License to Sex to perform intercourse at my own discretion while undertaking my missions.
> Some people think it's ridiculous, but this ridiculous organization has to exist, to protect womb peace.This world is so rotten!
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How is it possible that two prominent artists are missing?
1. kisaragi gunma: forgot the name of the series but there are 2 parts and it is about a school council president
2. aomizuan has: island where you can have sex with who you want, a series where you can fuck any girl and a series about fucking any girl you want as a teacher
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Oh I remember the Aomizuan one. Not sure it quite fits the theme since it's less "government/law demands you fuck" and more "island of sluts" but fuck it, it's close enough for sure.

> [Aomizuan (Erodezain Koubou)] Kiniitta Chitsu ni Ikinari Nakadashi OK na Resort Shima ~Netori Mae~ | Resort Island of Women Who Love It When You Cum-Inside Them 1

Resort island where all the locals have been genetically modified. Women have been bred to become the ultimate sex partners, while the men are born with microdicks. Resort goers can fuck any woman on the island, and take home any that they successfully seduce.
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> [Aomizuan (Erodezain Koubou)] Kiniitta Chitsu ni Ikinari Nakadashi OK na Resort Shima 2 | Resort Island of Women Who Love It When You Cum-Inside Them 2
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Forgot text, but this is just the third one in the series, same name otherwise.
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> [Yukikagerou (KANZUME)] Tatta Hitori no Chinpo Kyouzai ~Seikyouiku ni Honki Sugiru Ritou de~ | The Only Penis Material ~On a Remote Island for Practical Sex Education~

MC joins a school on a remote island and is the only boy in a school with 3 other girls. Locals find that sex ed texbooks aren't helping their population issues, decides to replace the curriculum with actual sex.
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no one? i think world's end harem fits the bill
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Despite having one of the dumbest outfits I've seen in a while, but I hope Chloe gets some action at some point (not that there would be much to see anyway, if the extras are anything to go by. Would have been nice if it was more explicit like "Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo" instead of groping and slideshows)
Does someone have something like this, but milf? I'm tired seeing JK. Need more variation
gogocherry does hentai of almost entirely military/policewomen. Wonder how many korean artists develop a fetish for this kind of thing during their mandatory service. BlackGG is also korean and has a couple military-themed ones as well.
This show had such a mediocre adaptation. I've literally seen hentai with better animation. For how horny the manga was I was hoping the anime would be a bit more uncensored. I mean Harem in the Labyrinth came out the same season and that ran laps around this in terms of explicitness and just quality of animation (even tho this arguably had a more explicit premise). Unfortunate that not all adaptations are made equal.
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> Haramasete Hitozuma Shoutengai ~Yari Houdai Hame Houdai Nakadashi Kanshasai Kaisai Chu ~

Nukige game by Miel
Is there any hentai of government-mandated sibling breeding?
Only allow female immigrants under the age of 36.
Maximize male annual earnings using the following strategies:
Removing legal restrictions in male dominated fields that would prevent them from enlarging.
Subsidize male education and create cultural campaigns to promote the knowledge and psychological health of men.
Prosecute repeat violent offenders (this includes property crimes) to incentivize men to follow a productive path in life.
Upzone and deregulate housing development, and subsidize low-income housing if need be.
Increase agricultural and energy trade with allied countries for low prices.
Did I miss anything?
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> [Doutei Shokudou (23)] Bitch Virus ni Kansen Shita Joshi-tachi o Sukueru no wa Ore no Chinko dake! | Only My Cock Can Save the Girls Infected by the Bitch Virus!

The Bitch Virus / B-072 Bitch Strain spreads from person to person, infecting women. The only cure is to flush out the virus with sperm. The government has designated select men as members of the Special Health Committee.

Funny thing about this is that the reason why government in this wants infected women to be treated quickly is because over time their sense of morality decreases, and infected women may commit indecent acts in public. So of course, MC is going to cure them... by fucking them in public.
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> [Irotenya] Houshibu o Kengaku Shiyou! | Let’s Visit The Service Department!

Doujin by Irotenya about a scantily-clad sisterhood. Said sisterhood has a "service department" who provides for the slums. You already know where this is going.
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forgive me sounding gay, but that's what makes manga/anime/2D content great in general
it's like mozart revolutionizing opera by having characters in absurd situations but combining it with music that takes their emotions super seriously. the scenario is silly, but the character's feelings about the scenario are very real and taken seriously by the music, so it works.
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> [Furitendou] Semen ga Tsuuka toshite Ryuutsuu suru Sekai de no Tanetsuke Haramase Seikatsu | Insemination Sex Life In A World Where Semen Is Currency

Due to declining birthrates, the sperm of men who have been identified as having 'superior genes' is a viable currency. Of course, MC is the only one in his school with this designation.
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>So good the writer hasn't put anything out since

true, I always come back to this one
Wow. This is the first one I've seen of a woman being forced to have humiliating sex in front of her younger siblings, and I'm diamonds. Anyone know of any others that include this kind of scenario? Is there a genre for this?
They just really care about education
Thanks, I'll read this one some time
There isn't, unfortunately. Exhibitionism is about the closest you'll get, but most stuff with that tag revolves more around public nudity/sex
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> [MoTaro, Murayamamon] Yaritai Houdai Dekiru Shiminken o Hirotta node, Machijuu no Onnanoko o Hamete Mita.

A special hierarchy is established where those who pay much higher taxes are part of the upper-class and brandish a 'noble card' as proof. The upper-class are allowed to do whatever they want to lower-class citizens (and since this is a doujin, that means fucking them). MC is a loser who manages to get a hold of a noble card (and proceeds to fuck everyone)
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> [NCP] Tomodachi no Haha to Ane ni Ore no Kounin Chinpo de Haramu made Nakadashi Shimakutta Hanashi. Kyonyuu Bijin Oyako o Shinyuu no Ryokouchuu ni Ore no Mono ni

MC receives a certificate of superior sperm, and decides to use it to fuck his friend's mom and sister.
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Any milf recommendations in this "genre"? I've only read Dolls by Fan No Hitori, iirc.
I don't know of any MILF-focused ones (an awful lot of ones with focus on schools tho), but several that were already posted have some nice milfs:

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There is Haramase Simulator, a fan made game, probably will never be completed but fun for what it is.
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[Sunagawa Tara] Waisetsu Bokkusu | Obscenity Box
Tried a bit, definitely feels like one of those old-school hentai flash games that took CGs from other games. Good times...
thanks for the recommend
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> [Ginjou Maggots (Kurotama)] Tonari ni Sunderu Eroi Koubi Body no Keisanpu Oba-san to Aka-chan Tsukutte Mita | I Decided to Make Babies With the Mom With the Hot Body Who Lives Next Door

Guy has a massive hard-on for one of the married neighbours. After a subtle school checkup the gov declares him to have superior sperm and can fuck anyone he wants. You already know where this is going.
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I’ve been looking for one of these where the MC’s love interest has to be fucked by the class because the last girl got pregnant. I think the girls get cash every time they get pregnant. If anyone knows it I’d like to know thanks.
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> [Tamagoro] Akaruku Tanoshiku Seikatsu Gakari

A girl fills in for an ill classmate who was in charge of the school's "sexual services"
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The majority of stuff I've seen with this 'theme' takes place in a school. The japanese sure love their JKs.

Reminds me of one I read a while back where the boys could fuck any girl they want, but each girl they have sex with, they're forced to pledge a certain percentage of their future paycheck to them.
I’m pretty sure we’re both thinking about the same one. If you have the numbers I’d kill for em.

Had trouble finding it, as it turns out irodori nuked it off sadpanda, but the one I was thinking of is "Tokubetsu Ninsin Gakkyuu" by Freedom Prophet. Didn't have any NTR and MC is a girl so it might not be the one you're looking for
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> [Abe Inori] Ninshin Inokori Jugyou

Due to declining birthrates, government implements a policy where all female students must go through mandatory pregnancy. MC is one of three girls left in the class who have yet to be knocked up.
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Astro King had potential, but they chose to ignore almost any backstory the guys would have had with the girls from their class. Also I feel like they took too long in some of the (dungeon?) areas early on and than skipped to the way late stuff without any good middle area pacing. Of course the protag is abnormal, but still. It's still a WIP anyway.
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> [Jack to Nicholson (NoriPachi)] Boku wa Junyuuka ni Kakatte Bonyuu o Nonde Kenkou ni Narimashita.

MC is feeling down so he goes to get a health checkup at the Breastfeeding Department
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> [Miel] Joshi Gentei Haramase Harem Gakuen Toshi ~Gakuen mo Machi mo Mesu mo Subete wa Goshujin-sama no Tame ni! Yokubou no mama Niku Onaho Jusei o Otanoshimi Kudasai~

> In a world of impotent men your erect cock grants you access to the school of your choice. You choose Joshi Gakuentoshi, an all-female campus where boys traditionally aren't allowed. The girls aren't particularly happy at first but that won't stop your libido! Teach these athletic, intelligent, beautiful and privileged high society girls a punch-drunk pleasure! Enjoy as these elite girls drown in a sea of carnal pleasure! Teach them the path of ERO and have them worship you as their God!
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are these a part of the same series? or is it just the same concept?
Nah, just the same concept. Plenty of "sex committee" stuff out there, just no specific tags for it.
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4chan refuses to let me post if I put the whole romanized title here for some reason, so here's the jp title instead

> 異世界に召喚されたんだけど、なんでも斬れてしまう権能を手に入れたのでイージーモードでした

Manga in a similar vein to Astro King, but the isekai'd girls in this get a much better deal instead of being instantly lobotomized and used as sex slaves
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All the classmates are jailed in boy-girl pairs, and their prison food laced with aphrodisiacs, so they naturally all fuck each other's brains out and start bonding with each other.
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After a week or so of this, the boys are granted RPG hero class designations and told to go subjugate monsters, while the girls are put in maid uniforms and they take care of general housekeeping around the castle.

The catch? For any boy who doesn't fulfill his quota of monster subjugation, his paired girl is sent off to be gangraped by the castle soldiers.
Thanks for the rec. But only 4 chapters?
Online raws are up to 6 if you search for them, but yeah, not many chapters out.
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> [Cream Girl] Tairyou Nakadashi!! Fukei no Fukei niyoru Fukei no Tame no Sex Jugyou Sankan

> S Prefecture M City. At a certain all girls school, there is an annual event which takes place... An event creampie full of family bonding!
> Interactive Visitor's Day for Dads and Uncles! Mathematic measuring of daddy's cock! Blindfolded guess your daughter 'physical examination'!
> During class, it doesn't matter who is whose daddy or daughter, a penetrating f*ckfest of creampie galore. All you can SEXXX with the cute JKs of an all girls school...
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[Youkai Tamanokoshi (CHIRO)] Kininatta hitozuma o Itsudemo Netoreru Shoushika Taisaku ni Yoru Tanetsuke Gimuka Houan 2
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> [Nekomimi to Kuro Mask (cielo)] Watashi no Haizoku Saki wa Seishori-ka ~Kenshuu Hen~ | My Assignment is in the Sexual Relief Department ~Training Chapter~

A new employee is hired at an office company, and before she realizes it, she is assigned to the Sexual Relief Department.
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>[Nekomimi to Kuro Mask (cielo)] Watashi no Haizoku Saki wa Seishori-ka 2 ~Natsu no Shain Ryokou Hen~ | My Assignment is in the Sexual Relief Department ~Summer Company Trip Chapter~

Sequel, but everyone goes on a company trip
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Imagine resenting other human beings so much that you consider creating a family to be a burden and a waste

I'm sorry your father neglected and abused you so badly.
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Doutei Shojo Sotsugyoushiki

School where seniors aren't allowed to graduate until they have sex.
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MC girl hasn't had sex before, and is one of the last to get a partner on graduation day, and gets her cherry popped by a guy she barely knows in front of the whole class as her friends cheer her on.
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> (C84) [Goromenz (Yasui Riosuke)] Chihou Koumuin no Oshigoto

A short Servant x Service doujin
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> Harem Mura ~Dousotsu Fukahi! Kodane Teikyou wa Mura no Okite Desu!!~

> Ryuuji, our story's protagonist, is returning to his old home village together with his twin little sister after several years. In the past, he was really popular with the girls his age as he was the village's only boy... So, unlike his unpopular life in city, he was full of hope. However when he arrives home the girls have moved on and no longer like him very much.
> Complicating the situation, the adult villagers make a crazy demand. The village's population is dwindling and will soon be gone. To save it, he must make all the girls pregnant and none can refuse him. His harem impregnation life begins now!
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> [DL Mate (Izuminoaru)] Seishi ga Okane no Kawari ni Tsukaeruyo ni Natta Sekai

A shut-in goes outside for the first time in a while to find out humanity's men have lost their sperm count, and the government issues the "Sperm Transaction Law", allowing you to use semen as currency.
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Personally, I'd like to see more works with the premise of a society where everyone walks around naked and has casual sex out in the open.
Waisetsu to Iu Gainen ga Shoushitsu shita Sekai by Mikezoutei
sad incel cope
Surely there are better ways to bump a thread...
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> [Delta] Onegai Tasukete! ~Soto ni Detara Yararechau~

> A new law is enacted... A target girl is picked up at random and boys can make her pregnant...
> One day, Yui, a target girl, suddenly comes to Kazuya's room. "Please! Let me stay here! If I go out..." Kazuya accepts her, but he sexually trains her in various ways...
> However, lots of boys gradually come closer...
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> [Delta] Onegai Tasukete!! 2 ~Sosogare Tsuzukeru Seieki~

> It has been several years since the KRB Program was implemented as a means of countering Japan's falling birth rate and aging population. In the wake of the evil law, the country is at a height of public unrest. However, there exists a "Special District" in which the ruling and upper class live, inside of which women are protected from the KRB program. Due to the unpopularity of the law, the ruling party's power is beginning to slip, and the opposition has managed to pass a "Special District Abolition Law".

>For several months after the bill was passed, there was an uneasy peace between the parties. Now, however, women are finally being forcefully recruited into the KRB program, which allows them to be attacked and violated without legal recourse. Women are being specifically targeted by the program and embroiled in an infringement play without mercy.
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Fuck this one wasn't the one I've been looking for! Still a good read but not the one I want. I'm looking for one with a really similar premise but one of the girls the story follows stays in her school swimsuit all day so it would be easier than stripping out of her uniform.
any recommendations for visual novels with this theme? preferably with more than one male character doing the action? most of the ones I find are all harem ones.
>the girls are basically mind controlled then turned into sex slaves for the soldiers and noblemen.
Hot damn that sucks, is this ever acknowledged in the series?
Irrealistic fetish because my country would rather import 25 million of moor delincents and rapists than giving a penny to the citiziens to have babies.
Barely. Early on MC accidentally finds out his female classmates are now lobotomized sex slaves and his reaction is "Eh, thats just how this world works. In fact, let me have a go too!". Its one of the more bizarre things about this manga.
One of his former classmates is gifted to him as a personal maid-slave, and theres some kind of twist where she managed to preserve her conciousness after being lobotomized, and she had always loved the MC, and after he fucks her, she's thankful for having been isekai'd to this world. Kinda makes you wanna pick at the author's brain to see what exactly is going on in there.
esl retard
No u
Who produces the food and does brain surgeries if they walk around naked and fuck all day?

Here's a link from 9hentai because I had a problem linking to Anchira once:

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I need more stuff like this https://mangadex.org/title/02a0ab00-5375-415d-bf6f-9a06ecf7bb78/sei-no-mohan
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I presume they only fuck during break time, just as how students are discouraged from fucking while class is in session on this page.
Aomizuan, why there's no part 3? This scenario has so much potential
I've read one these many years ago but was never able to find it again.
It's basically some fat fucking losers gets a golden ticket membership card for an island where he can rape literally anyone he wants at any time, so he goes around raping 7/11 workers, teachers in class and even schoolgirls in their own home while their parents listen. The big "plot twist" being that one of the schoolgirls he raped was actually his biological daughter. Does anyone know what i'm talking about?
[Akiha@] 10-oku Yen Tousen Shita no de, Tanetsuke Shiminken o Kattemita. | I won 1 billion yen, so I bought an Impregnation Citizenship.
Thank you so much.
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I was fond of Dropout. I would have liked to see where else they could have gone with her corruption. Would he finally grow tired of her and toss her to the communal stalls? Would she stay his fuck sock forever? I actually find this take of a, on her part, consensual corruption rather interesting. She's far from mind broken but still ultimately chose for herself to become a government issued cock sleeve as an act to escape the expectations and burdens placed on her by others. It is a strange combination of assertive and submissive. Society expects something out of her and she instead chooses to suck cock because fuck what they expect out of her.
>>8008096 Thanks to you, I read Dropout again. I too ponder about her future with Ryota Niimi. Not only that, we didn't get into further detail about the poor schmucks who become dropouts? Are they like that forever? Can those who acquire a personal dropout marry them?

Such a shame we don't get much from Fan no Hitori these days.
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I feel like in a lot of this types of stories they don't really deep dive into the premise that much. I mean there's certainly the obvious reason of it being kind of messed up but what are the long term ramifications for the dropouts in general. How do they live past a point, can they drop back in and how would society view an ex drop out, is there ranks among them, training courses and promotions? Is it based on a predefined term for X amount of years? It did seem as though they still retain some degree of autonomy, if only in that they can elect who and where to get dropped into to at least some extent. Do their masters take them with them when they graduate or will they get passed back around to the other class. A lot of questions.
This thread reminds me of one i saw some time back. It's not "government mandated" but in the same vein:
There's a class where a new student shows up to find out that after each test, the people who scored highest get to pick who they want to fuck. It was apart of a larger work, I think.
I had it saved but lost it some time ago.
Possibly "Somero! Tenkousei" by Kisaragi Gunma?
That's it! Bless you, anon.
So is government sponsored sex service a punch in punch out type deal? Like you come in at 8am punch out at 5pm and it's like a sudden shift of personality. Like a complete "Morning, Sam. Morning, Ralph." type deal. Overtime? 401k? What kind of insurance? These are all important questions.
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Does Alien mandated sex count? Pretty decent quick doujin of Aliens who destroy Earth not knowing there was intelligent life on it and trying to rebuild the species.

This is the current end-state of all the advanced economies, Japan just hit that point before the rest of us did. Income and education go up, birthrate go down.
Public sex
Should become a reality desu
I love the idea of socially obligatory sex, like rape without a rapist. No idea what to search for to find it though.
Don't worry when the demographics collapse becomes a real problem governments will start to reconsider women's education.
seeing this thread reminded me of that one doujin where the student council (or moral comittee) send an agent (with a face mask) to rehabilitate this neet to come back to school by giving him a blowjob and he turns out to be a big dom. I just cant remember the name of it and cant find it anywhere, probably wiped by irodori. if anyone can help me find it it would be great
Pretty sure it's hinted that the girls aren't the only ones who had their minds fucked with. The guys do too. That's why he doesn't seem to care much. And why there isn't a single guy that sees anything wrong with what they are doing.
Of course it's all silly, because the harsh reality is any place facing this problem just collapses, they don't actually try to fix it. Problem is, it is easy to stop childbirth, but a massive bitch to promote it.

Hence the fantasy. Just do X to solve it.
Looking for one where a guy gets a cheap apartment but has to put his dick in this portal that links to other apartments three times a day
>Funny enough, you can be exempt if you're okay with being heavily taxed instead

Hate to break it to everyone, but if you are childless and pay property tax (or rent) you are paying a large tax for being childless. You don't have a kid going to school to receive said benefit of paying the tax, so you are being taxed as an end result. And yes, this is legal and constitutional.

So our gov't already has a "breeding program" already in place. It's just not overt and in your face, and you can abort in many states should you not want to claim your social education benefit that comes from the tax.
>whatever the hell that means
Real world for that would be that X + Y doesn't yield a sick or mentally ill baby at a minimum, but with politics infused with that who knows what kind of social engineering would be going on behind the scenes. Race mixing, putting hotties with notties, objectively breeding max hotties together to get peak hotness, combining smart and hot to get beautiful scientists, the sky is the limit for this crap.
>pay for things with lewd acts instead of money
This is just legalized prostitution or sugar daddying.
Free sex

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