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i love it when they are begging
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horny moms!
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she''s begging for it
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in public
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My goat, one of the best reads I've had in a long time.
send more
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as you asked
There's already a momcest thread my dudes
That got me thinking, where the momntr thread? It's been gone for MONTHS
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Weird request, but is there any degenerate momcest where assholish/Chad son dominates his mother and turns her into a bottom bitch?
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Only thing that comes mind. It contain nose hook, rope binding, blood and scat.
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>That got me thinking, where the momntr thread? It's been gone for MONTHS
any good reads on ao3 for this tag?
Moms only belong to the fruit of their womb.
Be gone, NTR degenerates.
Was reading this again oltlo is a top tier artist jfc
He's one of the GOAT MILF artist out there.
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Is there any hentai where a married MILF pursued to marry the MC despite being already married to somebody else?
Anybody know the sauce for that "I prefer milfs meme" with the prison school dude, 3 milfs are shown, one with a yoshie plushie on her shoulder?
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I hope the new Takatsu ends in a momcest orgy like Jitsuma's Son Swapping.
I cannot find one doujin i read long ago. It's possible it has been consumed by Fakku jews and taken down from sites.

Basically: guy has a gyaru gf, his mother used to be a gyaru too. They have sex but mother spies on them and gets pissed off that his gf is so shit at sex so she barges in to show how to fuck properly since she hasn't been fucked in years.

Anyone knows which one i'm talking about?
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Sauce? Please.
Don't remember the name but I'm certain Wamusato Haru had a work like that
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since it's new years, post upcoming 2024 momcest works
haruharutei's rpgmaker game releases on january and he's also working on another CG
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Yup, that's the guy. Thanks a lot.
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In the first half of 2024, I want to complete episode 14 of lovers from 9 to 5...
Since this a mixed thread. I made a new one just for the momcest enjoyers:
Jews banned them
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new Oltlo dropped and I CANNOT WAIT for the translation, absolute guaranteed /ss/ kino
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https://exhentai.org/g/2782471/92d31e5814/ This is part 2.
Here's part 1 https://exhentai.org/g/2617226/6240e0ee98/
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God I love me some mommy face sitting
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Was there ever going to be a sequel to this? I thought there was going to be something with the husband cheating but idk.
Goddamn I can't wait for the next part
Part 4 soonish?

>shoots milk into a shot glass
>is pictured crouching above another glass with a yellow substance

a nice picture ruined by the implication that the sparkling wine is actually piss
>the sparkling wine is actually piss
even better
superb tits, nigpple and lingerie
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Is she ever gonna return? I'm losing hope.
Hopefully not. It was bad.
I want to knock up an old hag so much bros ;_;
>be me
>have a mother with such body type
>have a crush on her
>be into momswap fantasy
>made a friend who is same
>we decide to masterbate together
>he kissed me
>I liked the kiss
>I turned as a gay
wtf lol
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please don't post your fanfiction here
I love this artist!
Nude version.
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I kinda like how "Anything For You 5" ended. ( https://anchira.to/?s=artist:%22%5Eyumeki+banana%24%22 ) I don't have the best reading comprehension but I think netorase here is used interestingly. Unusually the married couple are still very much happy with each other and even have dedicated sex scenes focused on them being "lovey-dovey". I appreciate the ending being that her true feelings of love is only for her husband, while still being a fun "slutty milf".


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I figured I'd repost these mothercon archive magnets to fish for seeders.



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We're never gonna get the source are we? Shared senses with inanimate objects is the best.
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Best I could find is: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114099623
Here's the only other related image from that link, not much else.
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Ah fuck that was the wrong file, sorry.
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Is MILF corruption cool?
>excluded tags
I'm just as distraught as you are to see some of my favorite shota artists' (Penguindou, Otochichi, Jitsuma) works excluded. While I'm not the original uploader, I greatly appreciate his efforts.
I miss him so much bro...

What happened? Did he die?
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Yes... [spoiler]not really, he got his account banned[/spoiler] it's kinda sad [spoiler]but he got a new account and posts lewds in misskey, he must be either very busy with something else or just not in the right mind set to make another manga tho it's been too long[/spoiler]
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From Kurosu Gatari
>Widow aunt in the countryside
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Dominant milfs are the best.
Theres a live action with the young glass girl and the tomboy.
Nina Nishimur awould be perfect for the the daddy issues blond.
flat chested milfs are the worst
A real milf lover loves milfs of all shapes and sizes.
post more
if the tits are flat, she didn't feed the baby. failed mother.
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breast size has no impact on milk production, if it did flat-chested girls would've died out millenia ago
quit being a cuck and go fuck your mom like you're supposed to.
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Any fans of yoga pants and sports bras?
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damn he's good
links broken
you're broken

I want a continuation when she regain counciousness but they still fucking tho.
no cap on god fr tho huh lil bro?
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if you can't do this then you're not a mommy material
does anyone know one where they go on a date to the mall and the guy fucks the mom in the bathroom after see her underwear on the escalator kind regards
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The ultimate real life senario fantasy is dad divorcing and getting custody, remarrying a huge tits bimbo and you getting to fuck her whenever you want.
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what is this?
roleplay chat bot character for local AI
neat, thanks
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How does this look before I go any further?
Where is the conclusion man????
I can't believe this artist has been drawing out the conclusion for like half a year now
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Mother fucker, I could kiss you, thank you for turning me on to this site.
Legitimately one of my best faps ever.
Sauce? Couldn't find it
Very new to this, how did you start the chat?
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I purchased a subscription for a month and clicked this
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I'm searching for torrent for [純正九蓮宝燈] 大好きな母さんと中出し母子相姦 2. I was planning to translate both chapter 1 and 2 but the gallery were taken down and there's no torrent for chapter 2 on sukebei. Much appreciated for the help.
i wish i could find more stuff like that, that was just the right amount of degenerate shit i need sometimes.
you also have local models but need 32gb or more of ram, look up /lmg/ threads on /g/
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Love it when the artist actually makes an effort to draw them more mature-looking, rather than just calling them a MILF in-story.
The more dignified the MILF acts and looks, the more satisfying is watching her unleash her inner whore.
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If I had to guess, I'd say a lack of new content and too much discussion being driven by only a few regular posters. It was always a niche fetish that never got the attention it needed. A few enthusiasts can't produce enough content to keep it afloat.
Last post on his twitter is from 25th April 2022. Not a good sign, soon 2 years with zero signs of life, too bad as he was making another part of the story. Shame, before his blog was deleted, he did mention that this part the aunt was to be more cooperative...
>tfw the Twin Milf artist is doing a Mom NTR doujin
God. What a way to tarnish an amazing legacy. Whatever. Get it out of your system and get back to drawing enjoyable porn, please.
Are you the fag he was complaining about the other day?
Unlikely. What fag are you talking about?
Some fag said the same shit to his twitter and he called them out.
Was the comment in english? I'd be surprised if he responded in that case. Seems like generally the Japs are less concerned with international readers opinions.

I'm not interested in his current MomNTR project, but I'm not gonna bitch to him since best case scenario he ignores it, worse case, he doubles down and starts making more.
It was. People that fucking bother artist themselves with that sorta shit are the fucking worst, like you said for once, they don't really give a shit, for two, they're making that shit because they want to, it's art, you don't fucking like it, sure you can bitch about it, but what good does telling the fucking guy really do? Like you said, he actually mentioned comments like that really make him not wanna do whatever those people ask him.
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Any gilf lovers in this thread? What're your favorite doujins?
wish this was translated desu
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I saw the hottest milf ever earlier today. She was sitting in front of me in skin-tight yoga pants, and she had amazing thighs. When she stood up, she had the perfect ass. Kind of shaped like pic related but better.
Any recs for good milf visual novels?
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It's out

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>1-4 months before english
Well there's plenty of milf hentai releasing everyday and plenty to be discovered.
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Man, that new Anim game was pretty good.
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The Musumama series is the gold standard, the mama from the 4th title is my personal favorite.
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Any doujinshi recommendations in which Mothers fuck their daughter's boyfriend?
was good, kinda unnecesary the father being mentioned, felt like the Author just wanted to add the NTR tag just because
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What did tatsunami youtoku say?
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I want a hot auntie to fuck.
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holy shit, Helter Skelter was one of my first hentai, I'm getting a massive wave of nostalgia right now
As do I, we need more of it!
guys. there was a hentai with three women of different races who went to hot spring with their kids. the kids drug them and fuck them after

anyone remembers the name?
Anim hasn't released any good momcest games since itsumade 2. They don't even do blood-related anymore.
those are two very different things anon
Milk production has nothing to do with breast size.
My greatgrandma earned money by selling her milk for years during civil war, when the neighbours got dry themselves and couldn't feed their babies... and she was flat between pregnancies (she had 8 kids and breastfed them all).
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Just translated this one, hopefully we get part 3 too
who even is this?
>They don't even do blood-related anymore.
damn, that's awful
>The Musumama series is the gold standard,
It's really not
>My greatgrandma earned money by selling her milk for years during civil war
Hopefully the guy is still doing the sequel, just being awfully quiet for reaons.
I'm looking for one I saw a while ago, it was a panel of a mother (or aunt) with her son, standing in a closet (or similar) and he is sucking her tit. For some reason I'm remember it called something like "degenerate mother" or "degenerate aunt" but I might be wrong
Wanting to "share" women is already gay. No wonder you turned out to be a faggot
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Thoughts on flat milfs?
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Very hot, very underrepresented. Mature women who aren't uberthicc really do something for me.
hopefully yeah
free her fr
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Underused. I still prefer plump milfs, but sometimes I get tired of that or just a solid hentai comes around with that kind of milf. Idk if pic related is what your looking for but it's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "small chested milf", that and a milf loli hentai.
I mean.. statistically, they have to exist right?
I read a doujin some time ago where a boy has sex with his moms friends and his mom became so horny that she begged the other women to let her have sex with her son. She got a mask and without knowing the son fucked his masked/blindfolded mother. Does someone know which doujin this is and where to read?
[Otochichi] Mama Naranai Onna-tachi
Maybe if she's a high-class woman who can get another to breastfeed for her. Otherwise? Not really, the newborn would starve to death.
Anyone's got recommendations with similar scenes?, I like it when they have these flashbacks about realizing how they unknowingly raised the guy who's about to fuck their brains out. And it's too late.
I'm going to go and check because i had another scene like this bookmarked because they are really rare but hot AF.
what's the sauce?
yandex or saucenao have nothing
Where can I pick up a hot cougar? How do I seduce one I meet by chance?
if you can't figure out how to get cougar pussy on your own, it's because you're a social retard and you might as well give up. Accept what your personality is. If you're not inclined to go out and meet total strangers and easily make friends, chances are you will not get any. This is advice coming from a social retard who gave up at an early age and plays video games instead.

great thread btw. had a good nut
crabs in a bucket ass mentality
I'm not gonna pull anyone down, do whatever the hell you want, dont care. I just personally think socializing is cringe and I hate it and I love being by myself. Everyone dies one day, just enjoy it while it lasts
right on, bro
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She doesn't fuck him but I think it's worth a read
Shindol, Derenai Family
Kys my man.
swinger parties anon, sometimes its as simple as asking
The only reason you think socializing is cringe is because you're addicted to the internet. Believe it or not you're satiating your social craving on the internet. By being on 4chan you are doing that. Remove the internet from your life and socializing stops being cringe real fast
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This should have gotten an sequel where it goes from Mom NTR to Momcest. Specially since her son is possibly the only person she doesn't want to fuck so it would be interesting to see her reactions when her son force himself on her.
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Oops. Mean to post it here. Tae is Bae.
shit caught me by surprise, made me laugh, then made me think "yeah, this is the right thing to happen" all while having the biggest cum like a second earlier.
Nah. I tried giving Nero a pass, but he's too far off the reservation. I've only got like two doujins of his saved. The Elf series is fucked and this series is fucked.

I really hate being "that guy" but I'm gonna say the line anyway. Just once, I wish he'd draw something a little tamer. I'm not saying go full vanilla. I'd never want that. I doubt he could if he tried. It's a gradiant. If he insists on doing MomNTR (Which yeah, I know the son in that story gets to fuck the mom, but let's be for real, the situation's fucked), why not flip it so that the mom has a immature piece of shit son who bullies some other kid, and so she takes care of him as an apology. Unlike her own son, he's actually plesant to be around and finds her attractive. So they fuck. And as they fuck, the mom gets her confidence back to start disciplining her own kid, while reveling in her immoral relationship with the other kid.

Culminate the story with the good kid getting beat up one last time after being seen hanging out with the brat's mom and then the mom drugs her son, ties him up, and fucks the other kid in front of him, essentially disowning him. Her son claims he'll tell on her, and she laughs that no one would believe his lying ass. Mindbroken, he goes to live with his dad out in the fucking boonies, while the nice kid and the mom plan on having a new, better son. Nothing about that plot impeeds the normal cuckshit tropes or intense sex scenes. You could even have a moment where the mom wants to mend her relationship with her son only for him to do something shitty like gamble their rent away or shove her off him and hurt herself while calling her a hag in front of a crowd. At this point she learns he's a lost cause.

God, can these hack porn """""writers""""" hire me, PLEASE.
The story is dogshit, along with most of the content. But the women are hot.
That's not enough for me anymore.

It doesn't matter how hot an artist draws a woman if they literally only ever get raped or are drawn acting OOC like a generic mind broken slut.
that's fair, it's a shame there's a dwindling number of good artists doing normal shit
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anyone know the new manga or w/e coming out about three milf hanging out at a house?
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What is this archetype called?
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How sad thr author throw this series into hiatus hell, i was waiting for the older sister of FMC to get her pussy drilled into submission
make your own
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Fucking when?? Dont tell me hes gonna release it at comiket. You promised it will be finished a month ago reeeee.....
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Part 3 soon.
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God I wish I had a mother like that!

Last Summer, 2 & 3
>They don't even do blood-related anymore.
Sauce? The last itsumama was blood-related.
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Just the fact that the latest Haruharutei it's up in Spanish before English is frustrating to me.
I can't be the only guy who waits for English to the full effect the first time around.
This. Had a asian milf did that to me, it was heaven.
what milf work would you like to see translated?
Cant be a mam without mammaries
Breast size has nothing to do with milk production retard
irl flat milfs are fat bodies with little pancake tits
Its nasty
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Is there any MILF hentai where --
>The mother flirt and teases her daughter's childhood friend.
>One day she goes too far and the guy confess his feelings for her.
>He persuade her into having sex with him by guilt-trip her for all the teasing.
>The mother insists she only having sex with him out of guilt rather than pleasure and love.
>However she starts to get jealous when her daughter gets close to the guy and make similar expression as pic related.
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Why are the vegetables all mixed up together on the cutting board?
Rinko's cake is too hot
anyone have sauce for this doujin?
>kid goes to his dad's studio and finds a dvd with a video of his dad and stepmom fucking
>at one point when they fuck they re-create the video

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