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Thread discussing inactive and missing hentai author

I miss Chuuka Naruto Oyaji, his last active works was in 2021. Seems like license money from AV was enough to fill his stomach and paid his biike hobby. He still active on twitter and his blog, but no words from him for returns to drawing another manga.

Previous thread

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Also stborough AG. I like his 3D animation minigame. I think he dying from covid since his last update was in 2020.His last ongoing project was Rinko from Taimanin series
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Not manga artist, but i miss studio Ail, Their last works was in 2013-2015 i think? Funnily their website still update till this day for promo sales.
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Cottage last works was in 2020
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What the fuck happened to Yakiniku King. Did he get killed or something? No twitter, no updates, no nothing. Wtf happened. Dude has so much potential.
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Not H but Ecchi, what on earth happened to Yamamoto Ryouhei - he drew some decent and satisfying ecchi and his stuff was nice. What happened to him?
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That kissing drawing style somehow remindsme to Sanagi Torajiro, but looks vanilla haha.

Also whathappened with Miyamaya? Too muchplaying gatcha games? His last works was in 2020 and his last update was in October.
Lots of eroge studios closed up shop nowadays, it's unfortunate.
RIP Hanna Hook
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RIP Isekai LikesNTR
Not seen since 2018
RIP ぱりぽり土鍋. At least you managed to end the story.
Went legit probably
Probably got tired of constantly getting their stuff cancelled and gave up or moved onto other work
This is what I've been able to gather from elsewhere. It is what it is.
gimme his japanese name, I'll search info on 2chan
Kotoba Ai.
I need him to come back and confirm that the gyaru imouto with the fertility goddess body actually got knocked up by her aniki. he's been baiting for too long.
I remember this guy's Remilia Doujin. Shame he seems to have vanished. Once again if a decently skilled artist vanishes from doing H. They've probably gone legit. Or found some other work to do.

it seems like the retard choose a chain restaurant as his nickname, making googling him basically impossible
Yeah. Even a cursory look on the usual places gave nothing. This guy is gone. Completely incognito.
If there is a need to be obsessive. It could be possible to find an artist by comparing styles - but I don't think it's worth the effort. At least he has some decent vanilla.
Only the absolute cringiest, low effort, RPG Maker, Renpy slop is there these days. The only recent VN I actually liked was Jiangshi x Daoshi. (https://vndb.org/v20538) it's pretty good
Holy fuck that's a name I haven'tt thought about in AGES

Used to make everybody mad
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He make a short comeback last year, and he still active on his Fantia, But i wish Tanaka Aji fully return drawing manga.

I say the same to Ken.
Youjouhan shobou, especially sinced he teased the sequel to Oyako no Ori.
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I wanted to say Lunch but apparently, he posted a lot on his Pixiv lately so good to know he's still kicking. Still miss his regular h-manga stuff though, I wonder what happened that made him stop.
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8 years since a doujin was released. Sad.
Miyane Aki
Motherfucker starts Taimanin Asagi ZERO manga and disappears at the end of 2022 leaving it undone.
that's sad
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pinkladymage dropped off the face of the earth in late 2018 and, far as I'm aware, never resurfaced.
oh. this is SPECIFICALLY about h manga authors. Speedreading retard, reporting for duty.
Whyso many H-artists retire or went missing in 2020-2021?
maybe covid got em
Not only H-Aritsts. Some Mangaka and Web Novel writers also went missing. Sad to say, there is a decent chance that they are dead
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Jin ;__;
A little inversion post. I thought Mukai Masayoshi already retire long time ago. Turns out he still active on dlsite.
>Mangaka and Web Novel writers
maybe their respective magazines and websites wrote something about their deaths. it just so happened that this wasn't known to readers outside japan
Do artists who only did one or two stories then disappeared count?
Why do you type like that? Autism? Paranoia?
They think Reddit spacing is real so yes they are actually paranoid.
Kuroneko smith, damn I want to see that brat impregnate his aunt again.
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I have two people who are M.I.A
Asamori Mizuki is the first of them. Why are the good ones the first to vanish?
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Suzudama Renri is the second. Does anyone follow him on Twitter?
The Mangaka is a woman
RIP Hater
RIP JM, suicided by CCP.
Shinozuka Yuuji...
probably because of the covid
>Shinozuka Yuuji...
Made 2 tanks and basically milked them into hentai episodes. He's basically making bank at this point.

Kinda like Naruko Hanaharu just making one tank and then retiring.
I guess so.
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Koppori Nama Beer; dude made some great vanilla stuff, then drops off the face of the Earth in 2020
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A few years ago, apparently, this guy fit the category. But even then now, his last work was last year.
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Not MIA but add Yuzuki N Dash on the list of hentai artists that went legit didn't look back.
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Dorepooru/Leopard. Like this guy's artwork. Girls were plumb but not overly. Last work was C93.
Never heard from Mamemochi again, twitter posts deleted, I even believe she became the mama of a vtuber but I lost that info.
What even happened to him? Last contact with him was in February 2021. The dude basically dropped off the face of the Earth. He had no social media presence either, which didn't help.
Was it the coof?
We can put the blame for a lot of these disappearances on the chink virus.
Was gonna say Mochi Kuu Usagi but they drew a CG set on January. I hope they make more hmanga stuff though.
I miss Lunch's doujin. The man was amazing at drawing vanilla with huge tits. His stuff with Miki Hoshii was the best. But they seem happy now, so maybe they'll make a doujin again someday.

At the very least, both of his tanks were released in the US (one by Fakku, one by J18). He's cashing those royalty checks. I hope he comes back, too...

The missing context was that Shoujo Materials was one of the best-selling eromanga tanks ever. I think he just decided he couldn't top it and moved to the sticks to become a farmer (not kidding--Fakku had to send someone out into the boonies to find him to make the licensing agreement).

My pick is Kisaragi Gunma. They went mainstream, working only on an ecchi manga (Love Oriented Student Council), but even then that one is on hiatus and has been for ages.
I need some help finding info on Igouno Kanata / 異郷野かなた. I can't find anything on him at all. It sucks.
後星セシル / Atohoshi Cecil - Amazing art and story.
Really need help with finding more works by this guy. It looks like they had a tumblr at some point but it's gone. His twitter is locked so nothing on there either.
> suicided by CCP
They didn't actually go that far, did they?
Last we heard of him he was getting forcibly re-educated.
only one doujin available on sadpanda
damn that's sad
> Used to make everybody mad
>At the very least, both of his tanks were released in the US
Wasnt aware Hajimete no Hitozuma was released too, any idea if a torrent or something is available ? I already got his wife life tank from fakku.
Oof. RIP little nigga.
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Fujibayashi Haru. He created the best Oreimo doujin series and disappeared after that.
Good damn question.
the most likely reason is the chink virus
This is quite possibly my #1 favorite hentai artist currently.
The lack of news has me concerned like you wouldn't believe.
Are xration, Juan gotoh, poju, or Tony taka still around?
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How about MeroMeroFactory? Over 10 years since the last release, unless I'm missing something. Pixiv is empty, twitter is gone.

Did some amazing feet, too.
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Hellabuna. He did some of the best stuff.
>xration, Juan gotoh, poju, or Tony taka
aside from poju, all three seem active according to exh. poju's last works seem to have been about his Natsuyasumi h-anime.
Dang xrations art style turned to crap.
What's his last work? I've heard he retired back in 2021 because his job was killing him, despite his middling art he does the best "turn hardcore rape into vanilla" I know of.
He's still up and he has the same style. Straight from the 90ies, I guess it has its charm. It's a pity Silver Dragon got cut short when its magazine died.
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Shiawase Kanmiryou AKA Yuki Tomoshi
Consumed all of his work for like 8 years and then he ghosted.
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These threads are always a pain to read through, im sure throughout the many decades and pcs ive gone through hundreds if not thousands of my favorites have dissapeared without me even ever having a chance to know their names
I miss Low. He had it figured out.
A torrent for it? No clue, but it's been released by J18 under the title "She's Somebody's Spouse", I'd start your search there.
He actually made a new years post back in 2022 on his cien so not all hope is lost
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Yamatogawa the god released his last tank "Vanilla Essence" all the way back in 2015. And since then the last thing we got from him was this short one-shot in comic Koh towards the end of 2017.
At least we got plenty of god-tier works from him, so even if he's done with manga then I can't really be mad. Although I'd be happy if he even partially comes back to exclusively do magazine covers/pinups or something (similarly to what Inoue Kiyoshiro and Urushihara Satoshi do these days).

>I think he just decided he couldn't top it and moved to the sticks to become a farmer (not kidding--Fakku had to send someone out into the boonies to find him to make the licensing agreement).
Wait, WHAT?! Do you have any source on that?
I only know they briefly returned to work on character designs for "Kandagawa Jet Girls", but it's already been like 4 years ago. So no idea what they've been up to since.
Yeah, Fakku had mentioned it over a decade ago in a Q&A on Reddit
I will miss you, Aji Pontarou...
I feel like she became a mom or something
I love her art style
Shame because I actually liked this particular doujin
Tamagoro. Yes I know he's working on a non-porn comic but that one feels like you are getting endlessly cockblocked.

I'd mention Kiriyama Taichi but he didn't disappear, he passed away. Sexfriend will always be my favourite thing, just wish the animation held up better.
I do wonder, are there any animes similar to Sexfriend? No bullshit fantasy setting or convoluted storylines, just a couple of teens who want to bang.
Sexfriend and Seto Yuuki's adaptations (Stringendo, Accelerando, Stretta) are always pretty high in my books and they are pretty similar, down to the top tier hidden sex in a locker sex scenes.
By now those are pretty fucking old as well but it's not like the 2D animated hentai industry ever improves anyway. Still better animation than the current day monthly PoRo/Queen Bee dumps.
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>Respectable tier
Artist drops out of h-industry to go legit
>Dreadful tier
Artist drops out of h-industry to become a fucking vtubber

He had like some of the best x-rays in the business...How could you Itou Life?
Does anyone have links to previous M.I.A Threads. I found a few some months back, but haven't been able to find any since.
what was the one from the 90s about 2 female teachers and a young man? one was an English teacher and the other was a short haired gym teacher? they would fight over the guy. can't remember the name.
Probably the most infamous one in recent times. He was working on the second coming of Tachibana and then ge disappeared. My guess is the coof killed him.
Tamagoro and Pija are the two artists whose disappearance/inactivity affected me the most. Probably because them stopping altogether was such a stark contrast to how prolific they were while they were still active (at one point I think both of them were literally putting out a full new manga/comiket dojin once every 1-2 months or so).

On the other hand, it made me stop taking other artists’ activity for granted, since I’m now very aware it can just cease at any given moment. So nowadays I’m grateful for every new work I can from my current favorite authors while they’re still active.
I think xration is still kicking around tho his last pixiv post is posted around 2023
> drops out of h-industry to become a fucking vtubber
Jesus. Death would've been a preferable alternative.
Oh, so we have an update on Kisaragi Gunma at least: he was in the hospital for something related to his legs! So hopefully he can get back to writing his softcore teen romance.

Ah well, that's to be expected. The dude's probably old considering he's been doing this since the early 2000s and you know how it is with mangaka and their various sickness.
Chocoro was a blast...
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Where are you?
Meganei's been radio silent since june of last year.
Tamaki, Senor Daietsu.
These 2 made 2 great tankoubons and then dissapeard

There's also Kitty who made some great doujins of Love Hina
If I'm remembering right someone in another thread said Pija was outed as a plagiarist and tracer.
>Artist loves NTR so much be cucked his fanbase
NTR Artists and the Faggots who support them deserve to be shot. Good Riddance.
Here's one artist I know of who disappeared: Hitaki Ni. He or she made this:


And that was earlier this year.
The ultimate and final NTR.
My favorite, sad we don't see anything new, but I'd be happy to hear they just retired rather than died. Made some top tier tanks.
Holy shit, is that the Smash guy?
I'll need me a source on that.
I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find it at least using the artist he was well known to plagiarize from: Inoue Kiyoshirou
There is no defending what he did either. Inoue does not follow that plagiarist cunt on Twitter for a reason.
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spotted the vanillaKEK
Let's be real if you're on this board and defending ntr you're probably turned on by getting cucked. A person who is turned on by cucking someone wouldn't be here. In conlusion ntrfags should off themselves.
In all honesty, they don't have to. They won't have children, and the rest of us can fuck their girlfriends, so it's as if they didn't even exist. Whether they kill themselves or not is immaterial. Hell, if I knock up their girlfriend and they'll raise the kid as their own, that's even bonus points for normal people.
Statistically way more likely that any of these people got fucked up by moderna/pfizer than by covid
Maybe. But at that time chink virus was also at its deadliest, especially at the beginning of 2020. It's hard to tell either way.
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vanillacucks seething never stops being funny
The part 2 for the P5 set just came out recently I believe
It's not hard to tell, Japan has had like 20-30% higher death rate than normal since they started giving people these American/Israeli products. If anything from the pandemic caused people to quit it was likely either vaccine adverse effects or simple depression due to the whole situation and all geopolitical events that have followed closely after it.
> become a fucking vtubber
disappearing entirely would've been better
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>Inoue Kiyoshirou
Another great loss... Still drawing cover for magazine but still...

Inoue Makito is also someone I miss dearly, he sometimes release a small work but yeah... Even his best work, pic related, is not translated or available in a tank if I recall correctly.
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I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.
Not just the coof, not the vax either.
We all lost a part of our souls back then, seeing how easy it is for the world to snap itself.
Some artists gained a moment of clarity through it, and went clean.
Where or what is Nagare Ippon up to? Their last published work was more than a year ago in Comic AUN. I hope they're doing okay.
Foi jogar no Vasco.
>Find an artist you like
>He draws regular manga with full stories and a unique style
>Then he gets on pixiv/fanbox
>He proceeds to push out single images with simple boring variants in the same time it used to take him to draw entire manga while his style loses all of its edge and charm in favor of bland and generic mediocrity
>Find a new artist
>The cycle repeats
Truly it's a fate worse than disappearance. Crowdscam sites have absolutely ruined artists in this generation, and I can only hope it all gets shut down. If you pay a monthly donation to these assholes, you are enabling their laziness and the decline of quality.
> He proceeds to push out single images with simple boring variants in the same time it used to take him to draw entire manga while his style loses all of its edge and charm in favor of bland and generic mediocrity
You'd think the AIslop apocalypse would make them work harder but no.
>You'd think the AIslop apocalypse would make them work harder but no.
Why would you even think that? Work harder just so the next AI can be trained on their hard work?

If anything the AI apocalypse proved people will keep happily eating the worst slop, so just spend five seconds a day making that and be done with it.
What happened to Gesundheit? He was a German artist in Japan, as far as I recall.
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Shinagawa Mikuzu

Part 2 ends with a cliff hanger, just finish part 3!!
>find an artist you like
>then suddenly he DFEs and disappears, out of nowhere
>then that same artist comes back
>it's all AIshit
fuck x1000
ironically, he caught the coof
>naked and covering her goods
This is the stuff.
For me it's Gentsuki, he pretty much stopped doing anything but that Pixiv/Fanbox bait.
Is there an uncensored pic?
>it's been 5 years since part 2
it's not happening
Bros, I'm in need of some dire help.
I've been looking for info on Komiya Yuuta (小宮裕太), partly because I'm a fan of her work and partly because I'd like to have more of her art.

She's completely radio silent though. No public twitter account, Dead Pixiv. The only hint so far is https://x.com/itsuki501_/status/1331264887557820416, from a different Mangaka?
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Anyone knows what happened to Bubuzuke? He was the GOAT at blowjobs and anal.
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Another artist M.I.A. Joyful, Joy, じょい
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Yamabuki Zarame come back!
I've been scouring the japanese web for any info on our king, but no cigar.
There seems to be some people who think he became Yakiniku Teisyoku (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6433123/artworks)
but I think this is pretty unlikely, the art style is low quality compared to the king, and lacks the punch that king's art does. Not the mention the style is completely different.

So I looked around a bit and came across this site (https://bangumi.tv/person/24806). In which a user says that he might have left the manga industry entirely.
Does anyone have better leads?

No artist hits the balance of cute and sexy the same way that Yakiniku King does.
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Miura Takehiro, the dude left to work in anime studios now. Shame because I like his big titty designs.
> the dude left to work in anime studios now
This is just about the best reason for authors going MIA. Still sucks for us.
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Chitei no Nikuya (Dokiyuri), dude simply disappeared after making a kamidoujin and teasing the sequel.
>Hentai mangaka teased a sequel to to his multi-part hentai doujinshi series
>The continuation never comes
>Either the mangaka disappeared for various reasons, lost his passion, or simply decided to make something else entirely
At least I can accept it a little better if the mangaka just disappeared with no loose ends but man...
Post some names bro
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I just learned about Cotoji (or Cotojikan) who was making stuff aboht 10~ years ago. Seems to be mostly FF and DQ stuff from what I can tell. The quality of his work seems way better than a lot of stuff from around then. I’ve never felt there was that much good Tifa stuff in particular, but the ones he made are solid (though pic related admittedly looks perhaps a bit off). From what I can tell, he didn’t publish stuff online himself, so I don’t actually know if he’s still publishing and I just don’t know.
After a bit of research, he seems to still exist. I was a bit uncertain if it was the same person, but his pixiv indicates it is him.


Looks like he might have gone 'legit'
Hoshikuzu Namida was pretty damn good.
I'm interested in this topic in particular, so I would like some names.
This one's really weird because they had started a new series and just vanished without finishing it. Shame too because it was one of their best. Hope you're okay, Momonosuke.
You mean NewMen's Secret Plot/Secret Plot Deep?
> Used to make everybody mad
why, what's wrong?
She's like a grandma now and I think she went legit too.
Right when Kaname Date plot finally reached the point where MC reveals how much of a slut she is to her boyfriend too.
Gesundheit draws shonen manga now under the name Takashi Yomoyama



I always thought he was far more creative of an artist for hentai, though I do miss how his works invoked that old early late 90s early 2000s absurdist style of hentai that eventually died out in favor of the more modern grounded stories.
>Jin's tips and personal website have been discontinued since March 2020. There is a lot of news on the internet, but basically it all says that Jin has passed away. Among them, there is a user who calls himself a bot and has been sending and receiving mail since May 2020, but the correspondence has been cut off since then. He assumes that Jin may have died in the heavy rains in Kumamoto in July 2020 (Jin lives in Kumamoto, so the reliability of this is relatively high).
RIP little nigga
You'd think fellow artists would've picked up on his passing or current hiatus considering his status, but I suppose we're talking about Japan here where privacy of stuff like this is paramount, especially concerning hentai artists.
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Kima Gray - Another god lost to time...
So far my favourites have been
- Yakiniku King (Fully Archived)
- Joyful (Fully Archived)
Actively pursuing for my Archives.
- Kima Gray (Ongoing Archival)
- Nama Beer (Ongoing Archival)

Anyone have the raws for COMIC 阿吽 2006年6月号 VOL.121? I'll kneel to anyone who can provide a working link.
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Royal Koyanagi still draw NY illustrations I think ? But is more or less semi-restired beside that, with at best 1 or 2 chapters each year.

I fear I will never get a tank for his Shinobi no Bi series :(
Is itou life at least doing ok as vtuber? Like, on a funancial level, can it justify leaving the doujin scene?
Who was the guy that made that hentai about an old dude home invading a loli and then getting her traumatized when she watches Toy Story? I really miss that guy
Geiger Counter by Quzilax
Rumor has it that he was visited by the police after a guy got inspired by his doujin and tried to imitate it IRL. Didn't stop him from making more loli rape doujins though, so maybe it's a load of bull.
>literally ending on a cliffhanger
> on a funancial level, can it justify leaving the doujin scene
Are you going to doubt the vtumor simp whales?
His doujin sales pretty much has him set for life. He leeched from other large vtubers until his own Pokemon series blew up with the kids. Don't expect him to draw anymore nsfw anytime soon.
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Where the hell is Soul Rarities? Where is my KIRSCH VIRCH update?
Saegusa Kohaku my beloved...
Coof. Not specifically because of the disease itself but that's where the market really changed.
At least that book is finished.
Artists more famous than him seem to have this habit of starting their magnum opus only to fall off the planet halfway through, like koyanagi royal.
And they will never get a resurgence. It's getting difficult to find some raws and most of the artists I've posted on this thread have none or few translated works.
It seems like raws are getting difficult to find as well. If you care about these artists, time to start backing up, escpecially their stuff which is exclusive to magazines and not found in Tanks.
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wonder what Zen Yasumori is doing? seems to have dropped off the face of the earth around 2018. Even had an ANN news blerb after one of his flash animations did some numbers on twitter. Used to have a personal website too but even thats gone now.
rip NTR legend
Every single Loli Artist out there,
>It's getting difficult to find some raws
There's a lot of sites that host obscure raws for download like Nyaa, but you have to take time to search for it and it gets inconsistent. I've found downloads for shit nobody's heard of and super popular stuff but some manga in between aren't available. Though you can always buy raws if necessary. Have you tried second-hand doujin/magazine/tank stores online if you've shipped them before?
I have brought a few here and there, but importing stuff with possible loli in is risky. I got warned once against it. Got off, due to pure luck. So I've limited it to non nsfw tanks.
Katsurai Yoshiaki fits the bill on that too. He made two harem series which are still ongoing but it seems like he gave up or something. What a damn shame.
They probably just got jobs that left no time for drawing.
100% I've been scouring 2chn threads and they have come to the same conclusion, there have even been people who claim (varying level of proof included) about meeting artists in their company departments.

Additionally, a common theme is many artists take up full time jobs to feed their family and take care of their parents. Hentai Doujins don't bring in much money unelss you are at the very top, most do it out of passion.

For example: Yakiniku King, who I stalked enough to the point I can say with some certainty what their IRL twitter account is, left after he won a prize + stable employment.
But seriously. What happened to him? I'm starting to worry he'll never return.
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たくみな無知 aka Takumi Na Muchi.
I think the last thing she released was a Gakkou Gurashi and a Nisekoi doujin in 2015.

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Mufuru... You won't be forgotten old friend...
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Same for Maji as well...
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Hutamizu, I hope you are doing well...
One of the most perfect artstyles in my opinion... He vanished after Covid. Hopefully he comes back one day and makes the Princess Connect book he wanted to make.

He wrote that there were some circumstances preventing him from doing more than sketching, whatever they were, I hope he's alright.

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