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Happy year of the dragon!
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Almost didn't notice it was AI.
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Enough slop for now. Happy New Year, everyone.
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Request from previous thread >>7729809

Weirdly enough perpendicular, standing paizuri was not working until I changed the artist to Asanagi like they requested. Also it was refusing to draw her twintails curly from this angle. Tried to in-paint, nothing.
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Thanks anon. Said it before but I'm still surprised Asanagi's never drawn her considering how up his alley she is.
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Could you try paizuri with Khyleri's style?
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will try this later, but artists need a minimum 300 results to work right
khyle is just short of that so we'll see
He has over 400 results on gelbooru from what I saw. Also I found this tagged as AI and it looks like his style so I assumed there was enough.
Ah well NAI is trained on Danbooru
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Sorry, it might be a skill issue on my part. This was the closest I could get.

Do you have a direct link to where you got this?
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The closer I get to Khyle the more I lose Ilulu. I am sorry. I failed you :(
post more Lului
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Found it on sankaku complex, no direct source sadly. Those are still pretty good, thanks, looking forward to more Ilulu from you.
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I wasn't going to fap this early but jesus christ
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I haven't watched kobayashi san but damn, this is a high quality thread.
I love this bodytype.
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Someone requested reverse cowgirl with backboob last thread but I forgot the artist. Having fun with robutts currently, so here you are.
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This thing does Robutts' style particularly well.
It's getting too powerful.
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Ilulu's work uniform drives me nuts
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pt 2
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Almost all the images in the old thread got prematurely pruned.
but it's not even New Year yet, still year of the rabbit for a while
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didn't stop everyone from drawing a bunch of new years chorogons even before january 1st
Sauce? as image search didn't actually work
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>AI Iruru paizuri
Gigabased, keep posting anon
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why cant she be real bros
small tits not big enough
amazing badonkers
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thread needs more work uniform Ilulu
>those small tits
made for glorious paizuri
I like this guy's artstyle
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holy shit
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Which Ilulu do you prefer? The canon Loli Ilulu? or the more common fanon Gremlin/Midget Ilulu?
Need to see some comparisons
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The loli version has huge tits, but generally more childish body features. Ilulu was initally added to dragon maid because the author has a fetish for oppai loli characters and had made oppai loli doujinshi previously.
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and she flew under the radar for a long time until she got added to the anime and there was a moral panic about how she was a little girl but with massive tits. At that point a lot of western artists that wanted to draw her exagerated the adult aspects of her in order to avoid being called a pedo and the result is the shortstack/midget/gremlin pictures that are often posted on twitter.
>Ilulu was initally added to dragon maid because the author has a fetish for oppai loli characters and had made oppai loli doujinshi previously.
based beyond belief, holy shit
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But even in the manga if you take away her giant boobs she still would look like a short curvy woman rather than a kid.
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Same with the anime.
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I wouldn't say woman. She's a teenager at best (wiki describes her as 16 in appearance) and she's typically tagged as ロリ巨乳 on Pixiv.

How young she looks depends on the scene but she's very childish looking in her intro scenes.
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Either way her official proportions aren't as loli-like as you were implying, but neither are they as extreme as some artists portray them.
She's somewhere in the middle.
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Her boobs and hips are literally the only adult things about her. She's 130cm which according to the WHO is the average height of an 8 year old.

If she didn't have the boobs she would literally just be a child, or a slightly taller version of Kanna.
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Her height isn't the only factor to take into account when classifying her as a oppai loli or shortstack. Even the curviest fan depictions of her are still just as short.
You said it yourself, tits aside she's closer to a short teenager than a child.
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I don't personally think the official art looks anywhere even close to adult; and even calling it a teen is something of a stretch, especially if you were to take away the boobs. The boobs and hips are the only things that should be big. Her waist, torso, shoulders, arms and lower legs should be much smaller. This render in particular shows that she's mostly just a little girl outside of two things.
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I think Mogudan's done a good job with this image though, probably as close to official proportions as fan art can get. (maybe a little big on the boobs and thighs)
that said, I'm just happy she gets a lot of art now; because before she was introduced to the anime, she was pretty much completely unknown and got about 10 images a year outside of the manga.
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i got that figure for free by cancelling my preorder and they sent it anyway. so based, fuck crunchyroll, I'm glad to play any part in them losing $$$
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How's the quality? Thinking of buying it next time they do a sale
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doing it so well it's almost recreating the Patreon link
>seura doing ilulu
holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit
when did this happen
a few days ago, he posted those on pixiv and another 3 pages on fantia
incredible news
we are not worthy
is there a shirtless and/or voice acted version of this one?
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Inverted nipple Ilulu is the most based Ilulu
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Is she being short part of the appeal?
yes which is why this artist >>7877988 misses the point completely because he's trying too hard to sidestep the pedo allegations
I don't see what you see at all. Look how wide her hips are. She has all the classic markers of a shortstack. Her proportions are not very similar to that of any real humans. After all, I guess it's subjective.
Are you saying she isn't short here? I think you're projecting hard. You keep posting things about her looking young. Very strange.
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short stacks with huge boobs is a blessing
Isn't it weird that Asanagi hasn't drawn Iruru even a single time?
hyper breedable pocket pussy
surprised no one posted a webm of enarane's ilulu
he's a fucking hack
Artist is mizumizuni.
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What do you think of this extremely exaggerated anatomy? Personally, I think it's kind of meh, you know, those huge, big breasts don't turn me on. I find big breasts attractive, but only if they are proportionate, I think that if they are too exaggerated it looks strange
Midgets with oversized breasts are awful and unattractive
This is what everyone else says about normal Ilulu
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Midgets with oversized breasts are beautiful and attractive
this anon gets it
100% disagree

100% agree, instant diamonds, would sleeve my cock in her pussy, drown on her breasts and I cope daily with ilulu not existing
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Ilulu was built for one piece swimsuits.
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Peak female form
Why can we have ilulu threads but not oppai loli threads?
because loli is bad mmkay
It's funny because /v/ frequently has oppai loli threads that reach bump limit.
At least you can post oppai loli on the big tits general on /trash/ iirc.
/a/ also has them, funnily enough they're even more frequent in /v/ than in /a/.
What if you name them "shortstack thread" or "short girls with big tits thread"?
a loli by any other name would smell as sweet
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he's back
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theres no way my dragon girl could be this cute
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Choro Bump!
is she a happy dragon?
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i love my shortstack dragon wife
This dragon... is pure Goianiense
i fucking love seeing big tiddy girls getting titty fucked
fucking great
i love those tits
i love seeing those tits get fucked
great view
she looks great riding it
nice paizuri and facial
holy fuck
good girl
did you wait before cancelling the preorder how exactly did you do it?
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I'm a quickshot for Ilulu.
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Amazing animation.
jesus christ
goddamn, artist?
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god i love midgets with huge tits
So cute and amazing
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Iruru paizuri with Take's 14 inch dick
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