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Girls being used front and back. For it to be a spitroast, and not just a threesome or a gangbang, it must involve no more than 2 dicks, and the girl must be between them.
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yeah she is top tier genshin waifu material
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My favorite position, but one I never want to experience in real life and would want to end it all if I found out my girl had ever been a willing recipient of such a position.

There are somethings left strictly to fantasy.
I’d have the opposite reaction, girls that are into being spit roasted are immediate waifu material for me :D
Yoimiya is for vanilla with Aether only!
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I take it marriage isn't in any of your future plans then.
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nope, yoimiya is for inazuma ronins
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>top tier waifu
i agree
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wolf guy wolfen crest chapter 90
Girls as an accomplice in rape is always hot in my book
>just two men
What if she is servicing two men with her mouth
>it must involve no more than 2 dicks, and the girl must be between them.
It's a fucking spitroast thread, learn to read retard
Seems you bumped this thread just to be a retard lol.
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let me be spit roasted by my partner and his friend
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Don't be lazy, contribute.
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My nigger, love all his stuff. Spitroasting is so sexy esp if the girl is literally being held up. I've always wanted to fuck some other dude's girl that way.
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>spitroasting is so sexy esp if the girl is literally being held up
mah nigga
Olga is sex
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Dumping a few of my favs. Best thread for best sex
I think the next few still count but it gets dicey so I apologize.
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Last one
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can i have the artist for this one?
Why did you do something like this, anon?
I had to edit the file format on my phone and that's how the filenames changed lol. Sorry I just really wanted to share.

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Always feels like this should be a more popular fetish. Is it just cuz its kinda specific?
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Only possible with more than 1 male and more common with rape-type scenarios, thus it isn't popular.
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Suction cup dildo on a wall
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That counts?
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artist is Jjune
thank you
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Is a repeated image >>7924289
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Huh? Futa is now allowed here?
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It's just cause it's pretty gay

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