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Post your favorite 2hus.

- Lolis are forbidden by global rule
- No blacked shit, monsters, etc
- Ecchi, futa, etc go to their respective boards

Previous thread: >>7539807
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Preggy isn't allowed either afaik
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/h/ rules:
>1) Information pertaining to the artist, character's name, originating manga/doujin, etc. is highly valued. Please provide this information if it is available to you.
>2) Images should depict "of age" participants. Lolikon and shota images are not permitted.
>3) In addition, alternative, ecchi, shota, yuri, and yaoi content belong on their respective boards.
>4) The posting of paysite passwords is forbidden.
>5) Western drawn/styled ("toon") pictures and fan drawn ("fanart") images are not allowed.

And from /d/ rules:
>"Alternative" images including: futanari, bondage, tentacles, etc. are welcome. Caveats below.

Nothing here speaks out to me as banning pregnancy content; although if we strictly stick to the rules as written, then this entire thread should be banned under rule 5 for being fanart.
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>No blacked shit, monsters, etc
oy vey, not even a bit of tentacle?
>if we strictly stick to the rules as written, then this entire thread should be banned under rule 5 for being fanart.
Nah Rule 5 is exclusively about western art, it would be absurd otherwise
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Pretty sure I've seen janny delete preggy posts before
Doubt anyone would mind. That clause is there just because one guy used to spam every touhou thread
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> tentacle
Isn't this /d/ material?
Or they are so far gone now that tentacles are too vanilla for them?
It is /d/ yes.
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I love Alice.
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And I hate the captchas.
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that's /e/.
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kill yourself I love Alice bare tits
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/e/ is a dead fucking board
would be just as active if only people posted the /e/ content on /e/ instead of /h/
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this artist fucking disappeared.
RIP in pepperoni, at least his art is still there.
If there's enough pieces to train off of you might be able to revive him with AI
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What happened to kemono, did it die again?
works on my end.
Kemono seems to be working for me, at least in part. It's certainly not scraping everything though.
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Best figure in Gensokyo.
Protip: ascii2d.net
Wrong board.
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Loli is now federally illegal in America.
it says there that it only applies to "true to life" cp.
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what about oppai loli?
muttrika is falling to pieces and this is the shit they worry about? LMAO
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That means the janny who makes this OP needs to be put on suicide watch
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>this nigga still thinks all 2hu threads on /h/ are made by the same guy
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Nigga learn to fucking read.
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>this /pol/tard speaks in ebony and samefags
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>everyone I don't like is a /pol/tard and a samefag
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never enough Nue
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idk if you guys like this artist's work but I needed to tell someone that my dick is hard in anticipation
>wife hasn't been posted yet
For me it's the jealous gremlin.
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oppai loli hus...
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Don't worry bro Im going to have it translated in a few days;)
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Does anyone have a backup of Studio Sen's / AmadareU2's old touhou flash puzzle game? The only available torrent seems to have only gifs? and it's dead.
I found his other works? but the Touhou Puzzle game is proving impossible to find, and I've been looking for it everywhere. Any help would be appreciate bros.
It's fucking lost media.
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Ran-sama is the superior sexfox.
Foxlets need not apply.
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top wife material
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I have searched far and wide and there is no one that can top her, and there never will be as you simply cannot surpass perfection. Just turn your brain off and let yourself be swept up in her pace.
Soft, kind, and very breedable.
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post a gif of the gameplay
I love Yumemi so much you don't understand
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Oh this thread remininded me of touhou the world, anyone still plays it? did it finally get updated?
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The text game? Yeah, it's still getting updates. The /jp/ general (read: /vg/ colony) has an active branch and translators working on it.
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High intensity baby making sex with Ran-sama
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Holy shit I never saw this version before.
wrong board.
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