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What makes a sex scene good?
Discuss that and feel free to post pic-related compositions.
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modern example
No censoring
It's interesting some japanese said they actually prefer censored
Stockholm syndrome
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What makes a sex scene good?
Step 1 - Decensored
Step 2 - Good art style
Step 3 - Good animation

Nothing else matters.
I said decensored but I meant uncensored fml

cuckold autism
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1. Lots of touching. I want to see the guy grabbing the girl's hips or holding on to her ankles.
2. Satisfying-looking penetration. Pic related.
3. No clothes. Period.
>3. No clothes. Period.
not even stockings? what are you gay?
the fuck is this math
>92 shots in 7 minutes, 15 seconds
that's 12.69 shots per minute
>50 shots in 5 minutes, 49 seconds
that's 8.60 shots per minute
step 1. blood related siblings
any additional steps are fair game
Yeah that's probably because half the time nobody knows how to draw a goddamn vagina or are too lazy too. Frankly I'm surprised they even bother when they did.
1. Art
The art needs to be good quality. It needs to be consistent.
2. Animation
The animation needs to be good quality. It needs to adhere to the principles of animation, squash and stretch, anticipation, etc. It needs to be properly key framed, none of that retarded flailing shit that is on display in titles such as Bake Ane, where the girls move like inflatable arm-waving tube men.
3. Good Editing.
It doesn't matter is the art and animation are good if your 25 minute long H-anime only has 5 instances of 7 second long loops/pans that show the good stuff.
All the goods need to be on full display, and they need to be arranged in such away that you don't have to constantly skip around to get what you came for.
>has to make sense in the plot
>gradual emotional buildup
>satisfying foreplay
these are what I find lacking in most of hentai media I consumed
Personally, for me sex scene is about expression and momentum.
It needs to build momentum before climax, and it needs to express its intensity.
Obviously, ahegao is the equivalent of a fart joke.
Seeing people having sex without any clothes feels so erotically pure.
Pacing and progression are key.

Just rushing through the scene? No good.
The scene shouldn't be over before I can even whip it out, dammit.

Spend 90% of the scene on foreplay and then one-and-done the actual fucking? No good.
This is a sex scene. I'm here for fucking. If I just wanted kissing I'd go find some softcore stuff.

Acting like a broken animatronic that can only repeat a single move? No good.
Look alive dammit!

Ridiculous O-face from start to finish? No good.
Just have some fucking respect for reality OK? Orgasms take time to build up.
based take
I talk about Moonlight Lady a lot, but it has some perfect scenes that really illustrate what makes a good hentai scene. There's buildup that teases us with tit-play or foreplay, there's mood lighting, both parties are horny out of their minds and fighting a losing battle to keep their rationality in the face of a good fuck, and when they finally do fuck the dam fucking bursts.

This scene is one of my favorites in all of hentai and you don't even get to see anyone cum (neither the guy OR the girl). And it's all because the build-up is so damn good. Even if it's all just a bunch of dirty-talk and breast play, it's fucking HOT.
One thing hentai should never do is close-ups because they are not allowed to show anything, but also because close-ups in port are stupid. Wide shots of the scene are always the best and the prettiest ones, but in hentai and JAVs specfically a close-up of the sex act itself is not even fucking possible.
Babby's first hentai much? You get used to the mosaic very quickly, kids. Scram, kids.
Imagine unironically defending mosaic censoring. Easily the worst part of modern hentai.
Mating press while sucking boobs.
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>1. Lots of touching. I want to see the guy grabbing the girl's hips or holding on to her ankles.
>2. Satisfying-looking penetration. Pic related.
>3. No clothes. Period.

Yes, FI brings almost everything I love about sex scenes. I support all the above, though I'm don't mind stockings in the least, it actually makes it hotter.

What I would add is watching seeing the woman/girls satisfied face and of course lots and lots of smooching. IMO good sex needs some emotional connection and smooching is a good way to present it.
of what?
walls of text
>Sex scene analysis
You can't say "analysis" without saying "anal" and that's what a sex scene needs.
For me, it's about finding the sweet spot between the axis of the female character's feminine beauty and depravity.

The context of the scene needs to establish the appearance of the female as someone with beauty, innocence, and an upstanding moral character and then contrasting it with a sex scene demonstrating her enjoyment of sexual depraved acts.
>sex scene should be max 2 min
>focus on facial impression
>no ahegao
>rising tension
>interesting angles
I prefer censored for the genitals. Genitals are simply not pleasant to look at.
I would take no genitals at all than censored. Nothing is a bigger boner killer than half the screen being covered in pixels
>What makes a sex scene good?
Blowjob with lots of saliva and NO anteater face.
Honestly just good animation is all that matters to me. But that's becoming harder and harder to come by nowadays
The lesbian scissoring scene from Onmyouji Youen Emaki Episode 2

If only there was an uncensored version of this scene.
I agree.
Another lesbian scene from Onmyouji Youen Emaki Episode 2
>recognized the scene just from the thumbnail of the thumbnails
loved that fucking scene
are examples of good manga paneling with nice flowing action also of interest here?
We need at least one more episode of this before Urushihara dies, he's got one foot in the grave by now.
Nami X Kana lesbian scene from Aki Sora Episode 2
>anteater face
This is actually /d/ stuff, it turns me off.whenever I see one
can't believe this thread is still up
Why do discussion threads even get locked so fast?
>get locked
you what?

Threads die because nobody cares.
On doujn/manga definitely because doujin artists don't half ass drawing genitals.
On studio animations I haven't seen a single one of these uncensored leaks providing a big boost over their base animations because japanese studios have half assing as a business model so their genitals look hideous.

That's why the west is wiping the floor with the east at their own game when it comes to porn animations, both 2D and 3D.
Intimancy with scenes being conected to plot and character development also girls need to be characters not onaholes, read pornhwa for that
>Nothing else matters.
Good song, but I don't think it goes well with sex scenes.
A lot of port artists in America likely make more money off of their Patreons than Japanese artists make working on hentai. And that bar is on the freaking floor.

One Manyakis loop likely out-budgets an entire Queen Bee animation team
The budget of hentai is kinda unfortunate.
This just my theory, I believe piracy damaged hentai anime.
Some vintage stuff like La Blue Girl probably had the same budget as Sailor Moon. These hentai tend to be 40-minutes long, and would eventually pay themself back, when they were tented from adult stores.
But these day making a profit from such animation is extremely hard, because the main income comes from stuff like DLC site. They charge a lot of 15-minute videos, so it's hard to imagine these profits are even comparable to what they used to make.
If average budget of 20-minute animation is 100K USD, I wouldn't be surprised if Queen Bee production had budget of only 10K
>This just my theory, I believe piracy damaged hentai anime.
I hate to say this, but safe to say JAVs too. I think the key issue behind why this is the case is that, unlike anime and manga where you can probably buy a hardcopy or god forbid, stream on official sites so studios end up getting a dime, same can't really be done with hentai OVAs.

They just refused to cash on it by doing their own subs, but at the same time, how do you market hentai outside Japan?
It's really tragic how mangakas don't get a dime from their product outside of Japan. Nhentai showcases many of these works are of much better quality than most comics in the west.

Either way, if I were an influential Japanese businessman I would try to put together a "Netflix of hentai".
These would contain all hentai anime, manga, and even eroges. It would follow a low subscription fee. And the license owners would then get a fraction of profits based on views.
This site could then be international and marketed as safe and all-inclusive. And if it works, perhaps they start producing high-quality content of their own.
Eroges in Japan sell like hotcakes and there 100 different hentai magazines that are proof there is a market for it, and I expect it could be as popular in the West, if it was marketed correctly, at the moment it is a miserable niche.

This sort of all-inclusive site would be the only thing that could compete with piracy.
>This just my theory, I believe piracy damaged hentai anime.

Theory nothing, that's basically what happened. It's the number-one reason why so many Japanese studios are so antsy about licensing their stuff in the US. Doesn't help that Japan's economy has been free-falling since the 80s.

>It's really tragic how mangakas don't get a dime from their product outside of Japan.

That's not how royalties or licensing fees work. I know we have a hateboner for Fakku and Irodori, but that's not how that shit works. The mangaka totally do get paid from the US releases--and a helluva lot more than what they get from import sales off of Booth or whatever.
Well drawn cock[s]. Thats all you need for a coomworthy sex scene.
Good animation and art.
But honestly a thing that can really ruin an hentai is terrible camera angles. It doesn't matter how good the other stuff is if the camera is in the most retarded spots the whole thing bombs. Happens so often too.
All I care about is having good art and animation complimented by lengthy scenes with a lot of angle changes. That is enough for me. I am willing to accept worse art for better animation/longer scenes which is why I like Poro titles so much.
not made to cater to menhera who have never had sex
Came here to say this
It was also the reverse imports, DVDs in Japan are a major profit source and are far more expensive than in the rest of the world, the japanese would import the uncensored releases for half of the price.
>max 2 min
Do you mean a cartain cut or the entire scene? Because in Taimanin Yukikaze you have shots that go for quite a while without changing the "camera angle" and it ends up good.
It helps that all that time is filled with moaning.
And it isn't just a loop being repeated, they hump at different speeds, which makes it feel lively.
Granted 2 minutes might too harsh, but less than 10 minutes for the whole scene.
A scene ends with climax.

I feel like thrusting gets really repetitive if it's done for 5 minutes non-stop, even if you change position and camera angles.
How do you make compositions like this?
Just screenshot every 5 seconds and join them together in photoshop?
Truth. We must free Japan from themselves.
Good sex scene is similar a John Kennedy goal
Well, Smplayer and Inkscape, but that's it more or less.
Note that I did not pause every 5 seconds, but checked every frame. If I just checked every 5th frame I could have used Smplayer's thumbnail feature (pic related), which would have been faster,but it would have been incapable of recognizing different shots and either included duplicates or skipped unique shots.
I want to do one of these for GENKAKU COOL NA SENSEI GA AHEBOTEOCHI, the first and second sequence with the nurse are some of the sexiest scenes Ive ever seen
>It's really tragic how mangakas don't get a dime from their product outside of Japan.
They can if you locate them and buy from them directly, or at least donate to their fantia/fanbox or something
This. It is all I need....in a sex scene.
I will work on that.
Thank you!
still working on it
Awesome! Can't wait to see it!
Ejaculation scene from Netorare Fighter Yaricchingu! Episode 2

I wonder how the guy's penis ejaculate by itself.
What are some of your guys favorite sex scenes? I wanna see some stuff I haven't seen before
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Here is the first scene.
Nothing that exceptional IMO, thought it is well-animated.
It didn't have that many cuts.
Awesome! Thank you so much for this!
Anything new or rare as I am a coomer. Or a character design I like very much.
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The maid scene from Ane Yome Quartet is prob one of my favorites. Good animation, big titty girl, some nice kissing. Checks all the boxes
Handjob scene from Bible Black Only Episode 2
Not the oldest thread on this board.
I will do 2nd scene
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Oh fuck yesh! Thank you so much anon!
Kinda bizarre ending he got them both pregnant they just agreed and polygynous relationship
Oh yeah, I did not expect that, but since I developed a breeding kink a few months ago it's suddenly even better now
Great taste. GENKAKU COOL NA SENSEI GA AHEBOTEOCHI is one of my fav hentai particularly because of that nurse girl. That nurse is so hot, she completely steals the spotlight from the main girl for me.
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Absolutely. Hazuki Mizushiro was so god damn extra. Eye contact, double suck, cuckqueaning the main guy's crush in front of her and getting knocked up in front of her was such a power play. Holy fuck.
Next to Kozue Takama, Takashiro from Bible Black and Rui from Pollinic Girls Attack she is the best hentai waifu ever.
and good framing
Leaving aside personal taste, a good scene, animated or not, has good shots that capture the scene in several places, good graphics (not necessarily photorealistic), good details (definition of bodies, characterization of characters, if there is animation in movements that is acceptable) and has the right timing in the duration of the sexual act.

Additional details such as sounds, voices, spasms, fluids, and features that make it more real are definitely points that enhance the sequence.

Personally, a scene that looks like a slide and has 1 sexual position for 1 shot is too fast and ineffective.

The plot (optional) has its own importance but in my opinion one must prioritize the scene because the goal is the viewer's arousal in my opinion.

Nevertheless, a work that can combine plot and porn for me is definitely a must.
I like ur taste in women. Are u on discord?
Would love to talk about hentais with you.
Yeah, my tag is keygen6508
Uncensored isn't absolutely necessary. But goddam does it enhance it by A LOT.
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>What makes a sex scene good?
1) a nice shot of her getting fucked with her tits bouncing
2) holding on that shot long enough so I can have a good nut to it
idk but mankitsu happenign is really hot
Don't forget the buttjob scene.
Where is that from?
>2) holding on that shot long enough so I can have a good nut to it
Seriously, it is unbelievable how many older shows have this problem and will instead try as hard as possible to make the scene last as short as possible or, possibly even worse, cut away to a completely unrelated, non sex scene in the middle of it for upwards of a minute or more.

I know it's easy to complain about a scene being repetitive and going on too long, but when I'm halfway there the last thing my monkey brain wants is for a really hot scene to cut out early.
Bible Black New Testament
Christian puritanical indoctrination can do that to some people
Stop being a pussy, the crudeness just gives it a bit more spice
Unfortunately that doesn't matter considering Derpixon's fame
>What makes a sex scene good?
if i like it
it's bad if i dont
is this what they mean by wabi sabi
Changing angles helps a lot, plus, even if the characters are fucking in one particular position, they should still make different movements from time to time.

Drawing two frames, like thrusting the dick in and out, and just looping them makes it so boring, it's one of the reasons Kuroinu 2 was so shit compared the the first.
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pic related
All kuroinu are shit, like the first one in particular had extremely quick penetration
This is stupid because quicker sex actually requires less frames.
is it?
Nothing wrong with 2 brides pregnant
As for me? I am not good at analyzing scenes. All I know.
Big ass bouncing, dick twitching inside pussy when cumming, pulling out and thic semen falling, specially if it's not just a loop.
A lot of focuses on grabbing the hips, the ass, or just making sure the bodies touch itself. Stuff like that.
>Nothing wrong with 2 brides pregnant
he is a high school student, how is he going support two children?
can he even acknowledge himself as the child's father? wouldn't hat put his waifu to prison for statutory rape?
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For me would be:
>girl has to be fat or thicc
>no rape
>no ahegao
>sexy moaning
>girl preferably has glasses
>lots of fluids
>the messier, the better

Modern hentai is so bad my standards have lowered a lot so even crap from Queen Bee is good for me.
The thermal bath threesome in Resort Boin ALWAYS manages to make me cum buckets
It's a fantasy scenario where somehow everything works out at the end. Don't think too hard about it.
Actually, let's not think.
that pic looks like Queen Bee
It is.
Queen Bee "animates" like crap but hell, at least the scenes they do are messy and hot. I'll take it.
they style seems korean, I don't know why is it outsourced?

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