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Girls Creation:

Legend Clover:

Master Lia New Year with no voices:

Shin Koihime Musou Tenkai Touitsuden viewer:

Tenkei Paradox: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BF11DEBB2780C59804B6515AEB6F0C03343E2319&dn=Tenkei%20Paradox%20batch%201&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopentor.org%3A2710%2Fannounce

Twinkle Star Knights:

Twinkle Star Knights cut-in animations version 1:
>Where are the viewers for Legend Clover, Girls Creation, etc.?


>Where is the Tokyo Necro viewer? I also can't extract the entire contents of the archive.

sukebe.nyaa.si, follow the instructions on the torrent description.

>The viewer I was looking for got taken down

Wait for the author to release an updated version

>But the viewer I'm looking for hasn't been updated in years.

If OP owns it then it may be torrented

>Requesting a gacha game or specific character

Not accepted

>Requesting an upcoming gacha game's scenes to be archived

Depends on how much budget the developers threw at it and ease of archiving.

>A character('s) scene(s) are uploaded to spankbang or pornhub, how to download?

youtube-dl, yt-dlp or any of the forks and follow the instructions

>I can't playback any of the videos

Archives are using the AV1 codec, use a modern and updated media player
>>Where is the Tokyo Necro viewer? I also can't extract the entire contents of the archive.

>sukebe.nyaa.si, follow the instructions on the torrent description.
Is all that exists for this game still images and soundless webms, or are there proper sex scenes with dialogue, voice acting, and music like TABA? I'm pretty confused by the existence of Suicide Mission, because my understanding of the original Tokyo Necro is that it's much more story-driven eroge with fairly light h-content.
I answered my own question and found the event viewer. I didn't realize my search had to have "Tokyo" in Japanese instead of English.
are there viewers for Senran princess G, Otogi frontier, and Mist train girls?
i would like to know too but i doubt we will since i asked this before with no answer and trying to find stuff like that online well... good luck with that
can I put in a reference code after doing tutorial for legend clover? Does anyone have one, game is pretty good it seems
Is there a complete torrent for Magicami? The nyaa ones are pretty old
did anyone get that fortress girl viewer way back on that discord before the guy purged everything?
anyone knows if there exists a viewer or video compilation for ayakashi rubmle?
never played a gacha hentai game b4.
What's the best of OP's list?
no idea how that works.

the official viewer is set for September 2024 and there seems to be nothing on sadpanda nor nyaa.

Twinkle Star Knights is the easiest and most popular hentai gacha right now on DMM
The Tokyo Necro: Suicide Mission event viewer is missing the Taimanin Asagi crossover events even though content from them can be found in galleries for the game. Is there any way to still get their full events?
You'll need to find some recordings of them somewhere else then.
Upload speeds should be back to normal.
tokyo necro
if you played the game,can get for free
how does one make a viewer? let's say i have lots of scenes of some gacha and i want to make a viewer of it because videos are around 100GB
Grab any of the existing viewers and reverse engineer them I guess. I can compress from H264 to AV1 better to save a few more megabytes per file but it'll take hours per 10-15 minute as opposed to 1 minute encoding time for 1 minute of footage.
Any viewers for the beat wars escalation heroine from alicesoft? It even had a failed english release as well.
OP isn't rule-breaking? or is this more of a "let's see if we get lucky and it stays up" situation?
I ain't complaining either ways
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I haven't seen Crimson x Youmataisen get mentioned much. Here's a link to an archive of its CGs and animations. No viewer, though, and there's content missing from January and February of this year.
vid looks like loli to me, but I guess I don't care that much either case
It doesnt look like loli to me
is Kamihime still a thing?
hello I'm new here, may I ask is there a batch containing some of these webm loops I see here?
there are torrents and mega archives from sadpanda where I downloaded them.
pity, I have no way to access sadpanda (have an account)
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Where'd you get this? Is it from mega folder or anything?
Can you share them? Please. (I can't access sadpanda)
If someone is unable to access sadpanda then they will have to put more effort until they can.
Updates will be paused for the meantime, probably 1-2 months. Something came up and requires my immediate attention.
It's commenters like these that ruins whatever motivation I have left for this project. They will only care to comment when the regular free handouts ceases.
Thanks anon!

Good news. The video editing PC I was using for AI related workloads was relieved and can now use it to continue the archiving project again (the former GPU was transferred to a dedicated AI PC).

Two more updates today.
Thanks for the updates anon!
5 in a row? Good work, anon.
Does anyone still have Magnet Torrent for these 4 Apollo Event Scene?

Use the viewer
Sorry if this is a dumb question but where are you guys getting the legend clover CGs? I have access to sadpanda but I'm finding the same results as on ehentai. Do i have to search something specific or something?
Shut the fuck up.
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Oh how convenient.
There's a lot of guides out there anon
Rubber doll physics
I'm new to this, what do I search for?
Assuming a viewer exists you can usually find it in the comment section of a games gallery on sadpanda.

Master Lia (New Year) with voice.
Sexy and Nice.
Anyone have starlust' H scene? I think some people used to share google sheet (or whatever it's called) with video link compilation on official diksord. I left the server some months ago when they made phone auth are required to chat and now when i get back I can't even acces any chat channel so I can't even search the link to google spreadsheet.
Why is the dude's asshole censored?
>girl very clearly has tits
>girl very clearly has post-pubescent curves
anon, are you okay in the head? do you have loli derangement syndrome?
normies think loli means under 18
hi everyone i have all h scenes data, if you want to buy h scenes of any characters just email me at nijigenkanojolover@gmail.com, i will show you some samples
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it's over
You're getting this just now?
It's been like that for almost 10 months and counting.
Clear cookies and use a VPN
DMM started blocking global users again regardless of age account and/or DMM points purchased. If you were not blocked by the recent sweep last year you may still access games via DMM Games Store on mobile devices.

Recommended VPNs:
Express VPN
Nord VPN
Proton VPN

You can turn off the VPN once the game loads, typically when you reach the home screen. Games like Angelic Link and Iris Mysteria will require a constant connection.
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Holy shit, that's a Verbena Academy girls uniform! I downloaded Legend Clover at random. What else do these games have from famous VNs?
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And for all of you who don't know what Verbena Academy is from, it's Shuffle!
Tokyo Necro is a quality eroge. As in the plot is good and the h scenes aren’t bad. Not NitroPlus’s best work but def a 8/10. It does this thing where it tries to push the medium by going head first into cgi and some of good but I think if it would have stuck to drawn CGs the game would be better for it. 2D art direction is top notch.
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They did two Da Capo II collabs. Check the characters released on 2023/03/20 and 2024/03/05 here

Luckily they removed the block already (for my region at least) only after a few days
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Is there an Ayakashi Rumble viewer or scene archive somewhere?
I see the animations on sadpanda, but not the full scenes/viewer.
Same for Unitia.
Holy shit, that is gorgeous.
I don't think there is a viewer. The animations are easily downloaded since you can grab the mp4 link in the console (F12 on chrome) when you play an H scene.
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Oh wow, that is fantastic. Sorry for the late reply, I don't check this thread much. I should. It's full of pretty amazing shit.
New to your thread. What is a viewer? I downloaded Twinkle Star Knights and Legend Clover and Ican watch these on Windows Media Player for Cthulhu's sake. Does the viewer unlock something?
The viewer lets you watch the full scenes as it it was in-game, not just the animations.
Ahhh, okay. Sounds like something to investigate.
Thank you for all of these
do you know where I can find recordings for Iris mysteria?
There isnt an organized collection anywhere so far.
Can someone post Mist Train Girls event? Rn there's a Maitetsu collab event going on. There was also the same collab in the past but couldn't find all of the scenes so I would love to see them.
you can go to their discord, they accept requests
From which game is OPs webm from?
NTA but which discord? Do they also have h-scene recording archive?
Legend clover
Is there a batch 2 for Legend Clover?
Check the viewer on exhentai, as I am not updating Legend Clover every new banners.
Torrent for this one please...
Requests are not accepted
When will lumina prognosis get added?
Under 25.
Are all these games DMM ones?
someone has a backup of the monmusu TD viewer of sadpanda? link is down and doesnt seem like it'll be updated
I do but it's from June 2022 up to a character called Kuromi.
You guys are assholes. My dick literally hurts because I was fapping too much to this sht. You owe my dick an apology.
Can u pls share it, i honestly only care about 2 or 3 girls from first year but i think are limited or paid

Monmusu TD viewer June 22 2022 version
Is there a magicami viewer somewhere?
thanks, i guess the girls i wanted are more recent cause they're not included, but this will do
There seems to be an error with one of the file names in the Twinkle Star Knights batch 1 torrent.

It is 愛遁チョコギフト せつな 221.87 MiB
Fail to download "Master Lia (New Year) with voice"
>Found a chink on telegram who had a massive stash of dmm h-scene recordings
Fucking finally
did you happen to get the latest legend clover ones? sadpanda gallery hasnt updated in months
Iris mysteria plz
Can you share the link, please?
Unfortunately i can't get into their sekrit club. They're sharing stuffs using QQ and baidu netdisk but i cannot for the life of me register an acct because it keeps failing on registration.
They did share some crumb recordings of random gachas here though
Thank you, I thought it was a short clip to make HMV...
Anyone know if meshiya girls has a viewer? Since it EoS'd
took a look at menglinzer0 telegram account and the videos were mostly AI generated art gacha games and visual novels, nearly if not none of the content posted were from DMM. It also happens to be a new account started earlier this month.
Not sure about the rest of the videos there but the ones from Magicami, Otogi frontier, and After school wars are from DMM and i've played them before.
took a look again and it's only After School Wars that is an ongoing DMM game, which I have never seen reach top 3 ranking.

Magicami will release their viewer on September.

No idea what King of Kins, Star Goddess Girl, StarLusts, 女皇調教手冊, AI izyou naru kuusou sekai, Ark ReCode, Granatha, Cherry Tale are.
Is the official magicami viewer going to be free or paid?
It doesn't matter since someone will upload it to nyaa, likely with voices
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Girls Book Maker incomplete collection, with most videos without the dialog text, by an anonymous user. I don't remember where I downloaded this.

>Files are huge

Files are H264 and not encoded in AV1. I will not be reencoding these.
Does anyone have torrent for these 4 scene? It appear on SpankBang, but disappear before I manage to download it.
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