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Can we discuss this doujin? Almost everytime people talk about Nudist Beach, but for me, this one was way better.

What do you like about it? Is it kino to you? Your favorite scene/girl?
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The sisters were pretty hot, and loved the rimjobs.
any new okina news for anything? hasn't been a thread in a while
Did he draw the class rep from nudist beach getting fucked by the guys she drugged yet?
after his latest tank came out, I don't think he's been working on anything new

he posted on twitter about a doujin? maybe? but looks like he's been quiet about that.
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I saw some anons write that the guy from the doujin is actually cute and that girls would love him irl.

Is that true? I heard once that Shiwasu has female fans, but it never once crossed my mind.
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not much 1/2
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not much 2/2
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Doujin are self-published. This is a commercial manga, made with a publisher. Says right there on the OP image: Seraphim Comics.
Bit of a nitpick I know, but there's a lot of misconceptions when it comes to eromanga production as it is without straight up misnomers like any eromanga being called a "doujin".
Request it when he opens up his Skeb requests again
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Someone requested something like that but it was just her exposing herself for them in uniform in the classroom

I dunno, maybe he might be annoyed with all the attention it gets compared to his other stuff, but it could really use an afterstory post-sex, post-beach or post-trip
i see
uncensored version when
His new stuff is just not as good, the story used to be in the beginning to set up the sex scenes but he started peppering story beats throughout the run which changed the tone so it wasn't consistent. It's hard to explain, but his earlier stuff had better cohesion and felt plausible in a porn story setting. His new stuff was too nonsensical.
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Just wanted to show the girls.
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unironically his most underrated work
the sis is god tier
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i love them
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It's a good read every time. Does anyone know the deal with that delayed work, it has been several months now
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Paid girls #3 storyline???
as I remember, female friends comforting the guy after he was rejected
Nice. Any female friends out there?
Was exited for this until I read that all the girls have boyfriends.
We better have a digital version of that right artwork or I'm breaking something
>they're all cheating
Even better.
one of my favs and probably the one I like the most from this author. My fav scene is probably the one where he fucks the sisters while their parents are in the house
can't wait
i like all these girls
release date April 13th
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left then eyeglasse are the two best. Not negociable.
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Sisters are great, but it's overall honestly hard to pick my fav from it, it's just so good.
It really feels like the most "realistic" of his doujins lmao. If the guy existed in real life he would be getting just as much pussy as there. He has all the traits girls love in a guy.
Do you think Shiwasu has personal experience in sex? He must know something to draw and write plots this fucking good.
>Do you think Shiwasu has personal experience in sex? He must know something to draw and write plots this fucking good.
I hope he does, I only wish him the best. He's easily in my top five with 40010 prototype and nishi iori
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I don't really have sex, but i wish i was like the guy from the doujin lol
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Arisu first sex
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part 2
>If the guy existed in real life he would be getting just as much pussy as there. He has all the traits girls love in a guy.
the dude was a sub5 fatass, hardly any women like that
by being impossibly good at sex to the point of getting girls addicted, he might as well be shooting lasers from his eyes
the guy is cute and know how to have fun and be considerate with the girls while also being a perv/wanting to fuck them
it's not rocket science
One of the J18 books had a bonus interview where he said he's married
I don't think you can be a virgin eromangaka desu
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god i DO hope she has a rimming scene..
I hope not because rimjobs are gross
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They're the best, you don't know whats good.
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Bought this while at AX last year. Haven't read it yet
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is it me or it looks like it will be KINO?
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this was on misskey
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Damn this is shaping up nicely. 100 pages too?
It is out, any hero?
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well.. never mind
dmm, why u cock block me?
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not my upload
What a masterpiece, well worth the wait.
Looks top as usual, but I truly dislike the MC face.
seems pretty good, endings a little unsatisfying but its fine, having them all fall for him or something would have been cliché.
It was okay, better than his recent works I'd say. Except the glasses midget, hated her.
Also the MC is such a faggot, I can't watch his tantrum and believe for a second that he'd be friends with all these hot girls.
Would have been better if the guy was just a pathetic looser and his friends took pitty and decided to gi e him a little peek, then each girl would try to go further to impress the other girls. Like oh you do that with your bf ? Well i do THAT !
the MC is cute.
Bump for good content
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fuck I need a yuzu to cram my dick into and cum inside whenever i feel like it
Now the fun begins
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Most underrated girl/doujin?

For me it's the little sister from the incest one where she brings her slutty friends to teach her older brother and his buddies how sex can be fun.
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Sad MC came inside best girl's asshole and not impregnated her
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translation when?
Poor girl on the left has scoliosis.
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>no rimjobs
>protag is lame
meh desu
J18 publishing has been doing all of shiwasu no okina's books for the past few years so they'll probably get to this one too
Why blonde is so sweet?
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cute gyaru
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Sorry, but pic rel beats her by a landslide.
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Enkou Ojisan > Nudist Beach > Peace Hame
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The guy is so lucky.
What crossovers would you like to see in Shiwasu's works?
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Nice art, very polished
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waitress now

His workflow plummeted when he realized he could just collect the patreon-pix-ci-etc. paychecks monthly, much like you tubers.
Literally what killed plenty of artists. Once they realized they get more money easily by just making a shit update every month they stopped putting ton of effort into huge doujins.
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extra chapter where he follows her to the staff room and ...
Well she's hot. Would mind if we got more of her.
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My heart needs more of her
yeah, fuck idiots that call everything doujin
I don't mind it, just wish he changed it up a little once in a while.
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Dam Deku took the bogpill
Go be gay somewhere else
Harem is for kids or people who are probably sexually immature. I don't mind people liking harem as it's what most men are looking for. But I agree, it's just plain ass boring. Every girl head over heels with the MC from the get go is just meh. The only harem stories that would be tolerable is Danmachi, Black Summoner or anything that covers the boring mechanics of harem with an actual good story..but yeah those aren't hentai. Shiwasu could spice some of his stories with a good NTS or NTR scenes.
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This, so many years of boring harem shit, what happened to stuff like Shining Musume..

Now it's vanilla/harem junk for the "I HAVE TO SEE EVERY GIRL OWNED BY MC, PRAISE MUHAMMAD!" vanillafags..
I mean, you are talking about a guy who pussied out of the NTR/rape scenes in Peace Hame because people bitched too hard about them.
This is an excellent anatomy study of the female ass.
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What did Shiwasu no Okina mean by this?
He's a notorious retard and is constantly salty over people pirating his shit.
Just have multiple couples or groups instead of one guy and lots of girls
but then the guy I self-insert as will probably get the wrong girl!
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guys, I was wondering how often sensei releases new works and I was horrified!
The first mention of the recently released manga was all the way back in august 2022! almost two years ago!! I'm afraid to imagine when the next work will come out...

By the way, do you remember that idol chick Yuki? he once promised to release a doujinshi with her...
Be glad he didn't go full retard like other hentai artists and started to draw just one pin-up artwork a month through Fanbox or something.
The fat guy would get ignored in real life because he is so plain and never opens his eyes. However, the reason why he did not get ignored in this story is because he actually has super stamina and strength due to being revealed as a toku hero like Kamen Rider in the final chapter, which explains why he can have sex for hours without getting tired, which impresses the girls he is with and excuses his unattractive appearance.
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/r/ing the uncensored version of best girl Ayase from Nudisto Beachu
This needed some kind of storyline / context though
Yeah, years later I still agree with you.
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Did he ever draw ntr art of the class rep from nudist beach?
The whole story was already about her getting NTRed by the other girls, plus she was sexfriendzoned despite confessing
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What are you talking about? She is now in a harem, and the main lead. This is the best choice.

Only that
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looks like shiwasu no okina is coming to san diego comic con this year
wasn't it about twitter suddenly blurring every nsfw image? I know I got an extension to remove that around the time he was posting these censored versions
She's not the best girl because he pussied out of the NTR angle. Needed to have an entire train ran on her.
Hope he does more Shikishi. I wonder how much influence Shohei Ohtani has on him coming, seems he enjoyed going to see him a lot last time.
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no, fuck you
Agree, girl who gives anal - best
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I have no doubts about best okina girl
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posting my bests alon Konome senpai
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cheating whore.
eat garbage
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Enjoy the snowball.
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no, fuck off
isnt this artist female?
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>a dumbass manlet for a cheating ho
it fits
This image is epic
I loved this one because we see her with a mouth full of cum, but doesn't confirm her swallowing, so I hated that.
Sluts have the best sex however! Nothing better than having an experienced partner!
like playing STD russian roulette with six bullets in the chamber
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I want to impregnate Okina's girls brehs.
Do people really enjoy the nudist beach manga? I hated it.
The girls are really hot and we're promised a class orgy but the class president drugs all her classmates (minus glasses MC) and they are left blue balling for the whole tank and they just forget it was her fault? Am I supposed to ignore the fact that she never asked for forgiveness?

AND when the hot teacher takes responsibility and finally gets some action it ends up in like 3 pages?

Can someone explain what am I missing from enjoying that tank? I don't really get it
I don't like gangbangs so I liked it. FFM threesome stuff is harder to get right than the way more typical gangbang stuff. I also don't like anal because it's fucking disgusting and unsanitary in real life. It has enough stuff that I do like and keeps out the stuff I don't like. Also it helps that the protagonist himself isn't disgusting to look at.
The boys never knew why, she spilled the beans to the girls
mc shota sperm is that of a loser so he's shooting blanks
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if I see a cute girl, I want to stick my dick in her, nut, and be on my way
Fuck no, boring harem shit with a cpl pages of what he used to draw at the end...
I think most of the complaints for Nudist Beach are gay and tired. The complaints for Peace Hame are even worse.

That said, for Nudist Beach, it doesn't make sense to me how the girls go from shy to horny so quickly. Part of the appeal is the first part. It would be interesting if they also got hit with horny pills form the teacher or something. So all the boys are flaccid and all the girls are out of control horny.

One final point is that accidental pregnancy would elevate the hotness of these harem stories. There should be risk with cumming inside, especially if you are doing it to 100 different girls.

The guys should both get horny pills and reverse Viagra, so they're extra horny but can't get hard or touch themselves
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Kinda slow these days
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I just need more gyarus and a pisu hame epilogue
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I want to impregnate this ballbreaker
need a full chapter on the gal
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anyone know any other panels in SnO off the top of your head that show a girl enthusiastically slurping MC's cum out of a condom
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Is there a reason his newer works aren't being translated? Last chapter for the previous tankobon still isn't translated that I'm aware. Waiting on the one he just released too
His best girl, shame he never followed up with some extra art of her
where are you taking these pics from, is this from author's skeb or am I missing something?
Also Maria is the best girl from nudist beach. I hope the "I broke with my boyfriend a week ago" was a lie because it would make it even hotter if she was in a relationship at the time of fucking.
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fuug that was some pretty good shit. reminded me of this dril tweet

My wife.
your wife is slut)))
I can live with that I suppose.
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i wanna fuck a petite high school girl
Ruined a perfectly good threesome
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What are you talking about? Okina's best work is LOVE, on account of all the lolis.
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The loli gang. Seriously, it's a shame there's never gonna be an ENG translation.
>Can we discuss this doujin?
It's a well drawn but otherwise standard porn doujin. What's to discuss?
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need this gyaru

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