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Last thread >>7668158
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big fat maia tits edition is best edition
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The queen has finally arrived!
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So did olga have a kid in 2?
wanna talk about either Paru or Alicia, but not sure what could be a good topic, any ideas?
whos the blonde girl?
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Riveting discussions happening here
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I want to drain my balls in Olgas (and Chloe's) wombs.
That's all thank you
there's a pink haired character in unicorn overlord called primm. she's a youthful healer with a stern warrior older sister.

not a coincidence
I know they do some bad end mindbreak/soul removed stuff if you don't rescue a few girls? I think it's very Kuroinu lite where nothing is shown but very much implied?
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like a snake that one
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The last thread was awesome. We even got a little OC. What killed the hype?
I miss Paru, hope she keeps making AI of her insert and posts them here....
Same. She was the only worthwhile Kuroinu fan creator.
I wish there were more scenes with her... that slime monster scene on later ep. wasn't my thing...
hope she reads this posts and decodes on commenting for a bit just for fun
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Only good thing to come out of these threads. I hope she comes back.
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You guys... I shall never lose to the dick (I will totally lose to the dick)
And the shit starts again,enough with this horseshit.

To the anon in the one thread who did fanart of Astrid, can you repost it? I know you said you'd consider the mistiora's outfit on Astrid in color.

Also, I found the Nexton discord, so if you want I can send you an invite. Please repost your stuff,and maybe the new mistiora drawing and discord link so I can invite you.
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I want to see her stalker giving her a nice passional "hug"
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Anon I...
you what?

Did you change your AI generator? I like it too, though she looks cute rather than rape fantasy material, don't mind I'm happy to have this things again <3
Love you so much, you're the "idol" of this thread
I did change generators. The one I use now makes great results but is super finicky about anything even remotely NSFW unfortunately. I tried to emulate the 80s anime aesthetic of my old images but I'm not sure how successful it was. Still I'm glad you like it, Anon.

Haha what? An idol?
it'll be sad if you can't do anything remotely NSFW, maybe you can use he old ones for the NSFW ones and do the old 80's aesthetics you like when you want to depict the regular scenes?
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Sadly the old one cut out a lot of the nsfw LoRAs and Models. S'why I'm using my new one. If I'm sofrced to be sfw then I'll use the one that gives nicer, more consistent results.
lately I've seen a lot of AI NSFW of Kuroinu at pixiv, any idea what they might be using?
Probably a downloaded program. I don't have the know-how to set that sort of thing up. From what I understand it's more complex than simply installing and running the .exe.

I've always used free online generators. Ease of use is offset by restrictions unfortunately.
fine, it's a shame but it is what it is.

Been meaning to draw insert for you for a while but I've got a new job and I've been working over 12 hours a day so I'm quite out of practise unfortunately.
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Not that bad, really.
I wonder how long it will take before AI can make animations with quality similar to the original anime.
please more, what's next?
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I apologize for the two-day delay, anon. I've been even busier than usual, among other things. As such, I've been sadly unable to work more on Astrid; plus, I've been working on a Grenaderi set, and a Makoto Kino pic as well. Regardless, here is the piece - and some links for unashamed clout farming to boot.

As for the Nexton server link, you can post it here if you want, but it might be better if you just send to me via PM or DM - just to avoid any potential issues with the administrators there or whatever.
I imagine I'm held down and fucked by every man in that crowd.
then what'll be good for next pic? how about another one with ragged slave clothes, in a non-hentai way of course.
I'll give it a try tonight ^^
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sweet, It'll be fun to see how it looks like in the new style. Also is her fan watching from a distance waiting for his time alone with her or he joined the crew?
You got a discord profile for me to send a friend request? Post yours, and you’ll know it’s me when you get a request from LH.
No good. The AI didn't like ragged clothes.

The pfp is a smug Minako that I drew last year.
So sad Q_Q did you thought of any other non-hentai but interesting to see pics?
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Still one of the sexiest images of any hentai to me.
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This is hot too
It’s a shame 5 and 6 happened. I can believe Elf Mura couldn’t get that spot.
its a shame Kuroinu 2 was so shit. killed the franchise.
meaning the ova not the vn

OK, instead of jerking of some dumb OC, lets talk some LORE. At 8:12 in this video if you pause it, you can see some key lore in K2 being dropped. Serafina is one of 3 who inherited the soul of the goddess Larentia,and yes this is obviously a retcon,but it's fine. It's better to be humble than arrogant. When K1 came out, they had no way of knowing it would be the originator of a mini franchise,so K1 said Celestine was the soul inheritor of Larentia's soul. Now it's been overridden and 3 people each have a 3rd of her soul,and they're all obviously high elves. We can guess what will happen in K3, they'll go on to the next continent and find the last remaining high elf and make her a sex slave.

The only question is what happens after. Will that be the end of it? With Derek 2 having conquered the whole Earth? Or will we get some spinoff game? Or a full blown Kuroinu 4? Spinoff game or K4, either one would have to answer questions, like where are Celestine and Serafina,and perhaps they took magical steps to perserve them/control them. I imagine when all 3 are captured it will either lead to Larentia ripping her soul from them, or uniting the 3 will trigger the rebirth of Larentia as some divine slut goddess who gives formal and everlasting ordainment to the sex empire,legitimizing their eternal rule.
Last year I swear liquid trolled with a screen saying just K3 with a dark border on April fools.
Also, in the first scenario, if she ripped her soul out of them, they'd probably be like Origa,but Larentia would then descend to Earth and be a battle goddess that has to be beaten.
this are great, more please!
Speaking of Kuroinu 2, how was Gaiden? Did anyone play it?
Futa for no reason/10
I miss the days when the pinnacle of Kuroinu OCs here was an angry hag who wanted Vult dead because he got Olga before her.
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Probably pony, has LoRAs for Olga, Chloe, Celestine and Alicia
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the day we can use AI to look at episode 2 and fill in the ~7 minutes of missing Prim action, we can shut AI down because it just fulfilled its purpose.
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I think if you didn't get the take away that the entire planet was vastly better off with Olga in charge of the monsters you probably have actual semen in your brain. I know he wrote that fic prior to the VN's details being more broadly known but it bugs me just how many people didn't get that takeaway. People are just that bad at reading between the lines. Or lack any form of critical thinking. Or Kuroinu fans are just that fucking stupid. She is very clearly the hardass single-handedly keeping everything from going to absolute shit. The moment she falls everything goes to absolute shit forever.
on one hand, happy dark elves. On the other hand breeding dark elf slave-wives
Alicia next
Were those generated with any Lora available on civitai?
They look close to the animation art style.
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Yeah this was the guy who made all the current Kuroinu Loras being posted:

I've bitched about this too many times anyway in these threads. Been working on drawing with a pencil and paper every day recently. Will draw some Kuroinu yuri when I get better.
Which AI platform could we use to produce this? Do we have to import models?
He doesn't know
this thread sure is dead when Paru isn't around, it's been like 5 days since any interesting post
Official manga for Gaiden came out. Kin finally gets laid.
I lost the ability to take the Black Dogs seriously when it came out that Kin was a pedophile. A bunch of those fan stories worked vastly better when it was assumed he was a 'non coomer in it for the power team sociopath' type. He was kinda dragging Shamuhaza & Vult up by virtue of being the supposed non degenerate on the team. Now it's just two twenty year old hyper coomer mages that live in extremely peaceful fantasy disney land trying to capture/contain some crazy not sauron chick who has been surviving alone in the center of not mordor for at least a century. Olga & Chloe are going to kick their asses so fucking hard. I've known too many twenty year olds that went full degenerate and were completely fucking retarded as a result.
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Anyone know who Celestines VA is and what other work she has done? Her scream at the end makes my dick hard.
Why do people make these awful fucking sped-up gifs?
She’s also in the Celestine pachi.
Can we discuss that Vult makes her dress more classy than she ever dressed herself?
Someone once pointed out how women dress themselves vs how men dress women, and it persists across reality and fiction.
Her original outfit was far better. Vult once again confirmed for absolute shit taste.
I mean yeah, the strappy thing is sexy but my point is he made her cover up tastefully as befits an elf goddess. Meanwhile she dressed like she was already head of a harem. My head cannon is he got a bunch of half elf sons out of her and was a better father to so the kids he put in those girls than they'd have had other wise. Even Claudia, since Klaus was a cuck.
The only person with a confirmed heir is Olga. Luka doesn't even look like she could be his kid but instead looks like Olga's features on Chloe's body. Also it's telling that the rulers of the Empire went from Vult to Radomira then to Direc implying Radomira may have 'disposed' of his heirs if they didn't all die in the streets. I'd say maybe Direc is from some line born of Maia & Vult but he only really resembles Vult in terms of size.

They had to pull the Hyperbolic Baby Chamber thing out of their ass too just to justify the empire not collapsing because the kids were getting raped in the streets and the men were too stupid & needlessly sadistic & the women were too mindbroken to raise them. Kind of implies that they lost an entire generation of kids. That potentially not one of the original leaders had a surviving heir.

Fun Headcanon: the sex empire sure has existed a long time and the dark elves to the north still haven't been attacked yet. And you keep having a dark elf or two standing next to a leader of these groups that are mentioned as 'not having sex with anyone'. And somehow out of nowhere these groups keep getting access to powerful magic and artifacts that no one even has defenses prepared for yet. And these dark elves are incredible at magic & technology & could mind control others quite easily.

If you go by a who benefits analysis of Kuroinu - the dark elves could just blow up the hyperbolic baby chamber building and effectively wait 20/40 years then easily conquer the continent & drive humanity from it. Mistiora is known for wiping out countries. Luka did more than any of Direc's men to win him the war. Olga's black fortress would have given Vult the tools he needs to conquer the SSA easily but it would have taken him time to understand what he had acquired. Olga being the real commander... it could be done far quicker. My idea was the dark elves just trap the protags in some illusion where they are raping the elf in question.
Another thing - Vult's 'Empire' went from 7 city states in K1 to only 1 city state in K2. That is a massive reduction in all forms of power. The invasion obliterated most of the population and this would conveniently get rid of the hostile humans to the south + the monsters near the dark elves. And then they could have used the Empire as a buffer state to keep all the other countries away and get everyone focused on infighting among the humans instead of fighting the dark elves to the north. Meanwhile the dark elves are rapidly advancing technologically with no one around to interfere with their buildup and already had an automated army & workforce of iron golems before anyone else did for HUNDREDS of years.

If they suddenly showed up with tanks, machine guns, fighter jets, mechs, missiles, etc whilst everyone else was picking their nose & swinging a sword - it would have been foreshadowed as far back as K1.
he clearly has a bathrobe fetish
Patrician taste. He knows that brown elf elves are for fun, but the blonde is a status symbol.
I almost want to rework Eostia into a non hentai setting. Imagine playing an RPG, reading a book, or watching an interview filled show; and realizing it's deporned Kuroinu. My D&D table would never figure it out
Reworking it into a non porn setting - or where the porn is made into horror really works. There is a special kind of horror in the shit the Black Dogs do. Just you really need to be careful about the 'magical realm' stuff. The girls are all charming enough to carry it. Just rewrite anything truly dumb cause it's mostly forced like Alicia surrendering the way she does.

An anon I know did do a D&D thing but it died cause someone ghosted him nearing the end of it for some god forsaken reason.

>Patrician taste. He knows that brown elf elves are for fun, but the blonde is a status symbol.
Celestine's only good dialogue or relation that doesn't make her look bad comes from her one conversation with Olga. All of her other conversations are mostly with Vult and he drags people down where as Olga drags people up typically.
Someone needs to make a homebrew of Kuroinu. There was only an anon making it, I just wanted the details.
It's almost like Hobbit the book vs the movie, where in the book Bilbo was either KO or stuck for fights so they got skipped, but the movie could have extended action sequences. Show us Olga's incursions that necessitate the Black Dog mercs.

Almost all the dialogue is dog shit fodder for justifying a particular rape scenario. Though it'd be awesome if I could make a 7th Stand User style game..
The setting I use right now is Westeros with D&D races put through the lens of Breath of the Wild. Think of how dangerous it is supposed to be everywhere. Kuroinu works in that regard because it's a tumultuous time. You could have the major characters in the background with a bit of Berserk going on as well since Vult shouldn't just be some swarthy big cock rape despot. Having a shifting set of villains helps keep players engaged. So start with monsters in bad places and then Olga is being a bitch, and then in the background (or if they want to get involved the players are in the campaign) and when her fortress is sacked she goes nuclear, but everyone thinks Vult stopped her ritual. You gotta OC Donut Steel a lot of so there's not just rapeable women in high places. But even then, the only one of any status is Celestine.
If you go with anything where Olga is a villain you have basically blown off your own foot at the start of the work. She has the best characterization from the VN and the most 'virtue' of any character to a point where she is the only character to get multiple victories against a Kuroinu protag however small they were. That and it's one of the appeals of the whole conflict - you get this powerful dark elf queen who is a necromancer sorceress, a nationalist, raised a kid alone that she rescued from a pedophile somehow successfully in the middle of an army of monsters, is a fucking virgin despite all of this. She has a long history of war.

I wrote that theory above for fun but I'd never write it just cause the rest of the cast is dependent on interaction with her & Chloe for a bunch of depth/development. You are basically neutering your own work and making everyone stupider if you don't use her as a dark heroine & you don't have her come over to the Alliance side within the first five chapters. And if they all just hate her the Alliance girls become extremely unlikeable - see the 2nd TNU.

The problem is the Alliance group are a bunch of goodie two shoes and Olga is the token 'dark' squadmate from one of the good western RPG games. She is your Wrex Urdnot/Kreia and she is young pretty and you can romance her. She is going to argue with you about things others will never even think to argue about and offer the only real valid alternate take of the entire cast. And you want to make her some stupid evil bitch you kill and abuse rather than take the W that there is not a single named character with a family/friend that was even a victim of hers despite FOUR FUCKING VNS.
>If you go with anything where Olga is a villain you have basically blown off your own foot at the start of the work
Villain and antagonist aren't the same thing. You use her like Darth Revan, she knows the eclipse is coming and worse, Celestine isn't going to save the day.
While shit like demons is explicitly evil, i think mortals are always best in shades of gray. Chloe has a rough backstory and deserves to flourish as a battle mage or whatever.
How would you handle Vult? Is he just a giga Chad or is he ironically Griffith? Beardsley is definitely just a piece of shit, Claudia is a powerful paladin under the tutelage of Grave (who has a wimpy son) but i think it's important to not have this be in the porno/hentai universe.

You're not at all wrong about using Olga better. I like her as a Doctor Doom type sovereign that earned her power, be Celestine who really is a divine inheritor. But what the fuck do you do with the other princess knights?
>Villain and antagonist aren't the same thing. You use her like Darth Revan, she knows the eclipse is coming and worse, Celestine isn't going to save the day.
I just see it as the only way to really utilize her is to just make her some dark batman type hero where in she is a hero with deliberate bad publicity & is used to doing the things no one wants to do.

And the bad publicity is done on purpose in a way by Celestine so as to protect Olga. Which helps elevate Celestine and make her more 'intelligent/nuanced' whilst giving her an old friend which she desperately needs since she doesn't even have that or family canonically. It makes Celestine smart enough to recognize that she doesn't actually have the ability to see the future and that Olga has just been feeding her visions about monster attacks in advance. If the monsters thought the Alliance didn't hate Olga they might get suspicious & that would make things harder for everyone. So the dark elves in the Alliance suffer a bit but are protected - see Grace, Olga, and Chloe's ability to walk around the alliance despite the war. Chloe & her mother being the extreme example of current & past suffering.

Then to keep with Olga being this dark heroine type - you double down on her having actually killed Alicia's parents in a battle (fanon) that went poorly and she had to defend herself. There is so much tension to be had with her around. So many little plotlines and developments.

And she works great as this exiled queen that only wound up in power after the rest of her family 'died' fighting the monsters. And then at the end of the war she took command of the monsters whilst ordering a bunch of dark elves to flee south into human territories.

The Alliance for the most part doesn't look like it has experienced serious warfare in a long time. The average village looks like your standard happy fantasy village. This feeds into the whole 'Olga was feeding intel & throwing fights' thing.
>While shit like demons is explicitly evil, i think mortals are always best in shades of gray. Chloe has a rough backstory and deserves to flourish as a battle mage or whatever.
Yeah that much is obvious.

>How would you handle Vult? Is he just a giga Chad or is he ironically Griffith? Beardsley is definitely just a piece of shit, Claudia is a powerful paladin under the tutelage of Grave (who has a wimpy son) but i think it's important to not have this be in the porno/hentai universe.
I think Vult you have to have him get turned dark via some sort of diabolus ex machina. The D&D guy did this via Radomira as a secret final boss of sorts. I suggested this idea to him since he didn't want to introduce something to the setting that wasn't already there & it was one of my own ideas for my own fic or game that I never got around to making. That and if you have a powerful heroine like Olga - you need a villain for her to fight. And female mage vs male human fighter is just kinda dumb as a duel where as two powerful sexy female mages 1 vs 1 is hype. Olga/Radomira Bowl Confirmed.

The rest I agree. You could go with Beardsley getting corrupted if you want to make him less obviously evil. The issue is that no one in there right minds in power would agree to Vult's 'deals' so demonic corruption is a great answer to most of the men turning into rapists. Effectively most of these powerful men are burning down their own empires since the SSA went from powerful fortresses to a single when Vult created Negramstia. Who would agree to this? It's madness unless they were all some other ethnicity and were planning on immigrating here after most of the Alliance is gone. You are burning 90% of your own wealth, family, and power just to put your dick in another man's cum. Most of the Black Dogs lived in the Alliance - Vult was a knight of the Alliance at one point.
>I like her as a Doctor Doom type sovereign that earned her power, be Celestine who really is a divine inheritor.
Yeah agreed on this. People will sometimes fanon up Olga as being a potential inheritor for the goddess power. Or if Celestine dies she could potentially become the inheritor to get revenge.

>But what the fuck do you do with the other princess knights?
First off throw out the princess 'knight' thing.

Alicia is the only 'princess knight'. Kind of a hot head and inexperienced. But has potential and is very loyal. Ignore the nuns rape surrender thing - it flies into contradiction with her later characterization of being one of the only girls to never get mind broken. So make her dutiful/dilligent if nothing else despite the flaws - try to remember she is supposed to be main character of Queen's Blade Leina so she has protag power.
If you played Unicorn Overlord - I really like Hilda as a take for how Alicia might be. Her sister is named Primm too lol.

Prim was just a princess. Tends to be more reasonable and kind.

Maia is a merc captain turned solo bodyguard - people typically do have her get knighted fanon wise. She acts as the field officer to Claudia typically. Down to earth and quick to work with others.

Luu Luu is chieftain of the halflings. Comic relief but genuinely wants to help people. Is foolish but also entire city fort is full of halflings which is essentially a dwarf fortress with all of its advantages.

Kaguya is a religious leader/mage. - The problem with Kaguya is she only really has a single anime only picture of Maia playing grab ass and fucking her for actual relations - otherwise her only other relation is with Shamuhaza who is autistic.

Claudia & Celestine tend to be the actual leaders who do the more boring back line stuff but occasionally you get to use them in battle. Claudia is the strongest 'shield' tho as a Holy Knight where as Celestine is more healing. Claudia/Alicia/Prim as pseudo sisters is a thing cause QB.
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Since the whole thing can be a cavalcade of Donut Steele, what are some other fun anime characters to throw in there? My brain struggles to separate Alicia and Prim from Agrias and Ovelia; though I really do like the Evil Prim twist.
>And female mage vs male human fighter is just kinda dumb as a duel
The implied Zullie and Alva story from DS2 and DS3 is something you could have played out on camera with the stars of a game, Miyazaki the Mad Lad has it hidden fucking item descriptions.
>The problem with Kaguya
I'm an OVA fag and i barely remembered she existed. Was there a reason she was in the kingdom? Maybe she's got an interloper villain that depending on the players either rises to prominence or is eaten/enslaved by Vult. Think Trials of Mana where the other villains show up a few times, but if they're not your villains, they get killed by your villain. The dream for me is to have my players build up a stable of PCs that they can mix and match.
If this had the caption it'd be perfect. "Stop stirring around in my womb!" Is such hilarious fucking anatomy.
>Since the whole thing can be a cavalcade of Donut Steele, what are some other fun anime characters to throw in there? My brain struggles to separate Alicia and Prim from Agrias and Ovelia; though I really do like the Evil Prim twist.
I always wanted to throw Hell Knight Ingrid in as a dark elf knight that taught Chloe how to fight as a mage knight. Echidna from Queen's Blade works better for that role but if you put in anyone who is a functioning normal adult in that fort around the time Olga rescued Chloe - that fortress becomes a glorified log cabin scenario if you are in any way familiar with romance tropes. Woman or male - it doesn't matter. It's one lonely sorceress trying to help the world's most abused child - and whoever helps Olga deal with all this on top of helping her to sleep at night with the monsters constantly pulling shit - is going to be able to bed her. Especially if Chloe likes them.

Be careful about adding anyone or a army of OCs to the Black Fort. Olga being in that fort alone for a century gives her a powerful skillset in comparison to other characters. And similar for Chloe. If you shoved Commander Shepard in for instance - both could very easily slot in as squadmates for Shepard for instance. Shepard would immediately recognize it too. Also it gives Olga & Chloe the ability to duel people you wouldn't think they'd be able to stand next to. Especially inside of the fortress itself giving them more power/magic. Even whilst sick and weakening in Olga's case.

It really depends on roles tho. I know the TNU guy used a bunch of the more scantily clad Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates girls as small bit roles for underlings to any of the Shield girls. Those tend to be inoffensive and immediately fit in cause they wear a similar lack of clothes. Queen's Blade works but stay away from Leina, Elina, Claudette, Risty, Ymir, Tomoe, Melpha, The Swamp Witch, Alleyne, Irma, & Nowa. You can watch QB for Kuroinu lore.
Where's the lora for that?

>My brain struggles to separate Alicia and Prim from Agrias and Ovelia; though I really do like the Evil Prim twist.
Yeah that's a pretty similar dynamic but Prim is less evil and more an untreated bipolar character. See Elina for more details. It seems like she only gets bipolar when exposed to all the drugs, rape, endless sadism from the Black Dogs. So there is a question of how much of this is even truly under her control. Especially cause of the way the Black Dogs drugging everyone for months on end and how mental illnesses work.

>I'm an OVA fag and i barely remembered she existed. Was there a reason she was in the kingdom?
Shamuhaza is her villain. He was a mage in Thorn who knew her before she became a priestess. He is one of the more powerful mages - he is the bug one that looks like a mummy. Usually serves as a mid boss for these fics.

The problem with Kaguya is she is an infinitely worse version of Tomoe from Queen's Blade. She has no loyal ninja girlfriend in Shizuka for instance. Thorn as a whole is supposed to just be some group that followed their priestesses centuries ago because of some prophecy to take part in this conflict. They are literally just the obligatory anal girl route + obligatory japanese character in medieval europe in jrpg.

I kinda had this idea that instead of having a dedicated japanese in europe thing - you have some high elves who travelled all the way to nippon and back and became ninjas. Big boobed blonde taimanin elf.

>The implied Zullie and Alva story from DS2 and DS3 is something you could have played out on camera with the stars of a game, Miyazaki the Mad Lad has it hidden fucking item descriptions.
There is Brandish: The Dark Revenant for that. You are fighting this scantily clad sorceress and you both fall into a labyrinth and depending on choices you can escape the Labrynth with her and then unlock her for a 2nd playthrough.
>Since the whole thing can be a cavalcade of Donut Steele, what are some other fun anime characters to throw in there? My brain struggles to separate Alicia and Prim from Agrias and Ovelia; though I really do like the Evil Prim twist.
Also an example of a character that could wildly change the setting:
Kyubey. The Incubators harvesting this planet would wildly change the setting. War with monsters goes down completely differently. The monsters eventually start winning but then young Mistiora gets put in a classic self defense situation with some goblins, she contracts, and then the monsters start losing hard. By the end of the war the monsters have been mostly defeated but some of the dark elves that contracted witched out and formed a Walpurgisnacht. Celestine still ends up building fortresses to contain both the monsters & Walpurgisnacht from spreading out & destroying the planet. But when that doesn't work she herself contracts to destroy the witch and then hands her soul gem over to Olga to contain it inside the Black Fortress in stasis whilst a cure is worked on to reverse a Soul Gem into a regular Soul & prevent Celestine from becoming a extremely powerful witch.

The women ain't getting raped anymore (mostly) but it's still dark. Vult quietly seething as he is now Maia's sub commander. Olga furiously conducting research to try and reverse a soul from the grief seed state to save her niece Mistiora & Celestine. etc. All mages would be stronger since they'd have magical girls (they'd be called Liches here openly) and witches to base techniques off of. Guns are a thing too because everyone could see just how effective some of the contracted weaponry is. Kin trying to become a lich himself & openly chatting with Kyubey. Same for Shamuhaza. Kyubey targeting Olga for a contract for centuries. Prim leading a double life after contracting and being a bit more like Elina right down to playing with other girls as a warmup for seducing an unknowing Alicia.
I recognized some of those names. Is Kuroinu 2 worth a damn? Vult 2 just seemed lazy, and Luka felt wasted from what i saw.
I wanna make a quest for Kuroinu, is it obligatory to play K2 or is K1 all I need?
K2 is just K1 but worse in regards to all things characters/story. Watch Queen's Blade instead since K1 is just Queen's Blade but what if we took away all their powers and made them act out of character for some dumb rapist who got castrated by Guts in Berserk.

I don't feel like writing another dissertation on why K2 is worse than K1 atm. Porn people like it but story wise it's just plain worse since the characters are Liquid Nexton derivatives of a Queen's Blade derivative. They have less of the relationships & details K1 had and bigger distance issues meaning it's harder for them to interact - you know how Kaguya has no friends/family? Well now every girl has that issue in part. And even if you did something like have Olga suddenly regain her powers/put her soul back in her body in K2; you are just writing a K1 fanfic but no one even mistrusts or has a reason to hate Olga now. So most of the drama & history is gone. Oh also almost everyone has a thoroughly disgusting vagina now.
kek thanks man
By quest do you mean a game multiple people could play here?
my greatest regret is that they didn't have this whore of a knight fall even harder in either the anime or VN.

I wanted her to completely given in to her Step father.
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Self-Baked xl lora experiments
Someone needs to try for a Paru with these settings
I like them better when they’re defiant.
fiction.live stuff, I genuinely want to learn more about the world to make shit in-character and in-canon, but I had the wrong assumption/mindset of using half-baked wikis and non-game sources instead of playing the VN itself.
I'd throw money at them to make more content but I saw what they did with K2.
>derivatives of a Queen's Blade derivative
When i was looking for info, I thought i saw that Olga is an amalgamation of two characters from (I think) Queen's Blade. She's got the exact look of one (Kanu was the name) and the attitude/skill set of another. Is that an accurate approximation?
I forgot how good those 4 original episodes were
No other hentai ever came close
I don't like rape that much, but yeah I rate it pretty high on my list.
I like rape and ntr mostly because it's the genres where the sex is good. The harems that have hardcore sex are actually my favorites
Kuroinu has fantastic hardcore sex, I'm not even a big a fan of the monster with dicks the size of thighs fucking halflings, it's the human rape that keep me coming back
Olga is like a fusion of Echidna/Alleyne with powers more similar to the Swamp Witch. But the swamp witch wasn't a named character at the time so she only really has her power set + similar land she lives in. It's more Alleyne than Echidna simply because she'd be a memetic lesbian rapist if she was based more on Echidna where as she tends to bottom in her lesbian sex scenes. Echidna would fuck Olga into submission if they met and had sex. It would be a similar relationship to Echidna/Alleyne right down to mocking Olga for being a several hundred year old virgin.

Chloe -> Irma + Nowa
Celestine Lucross -> Melpha
Claudia Levantine -> Claudette Vance
Alicia Arcturus -> Leina Vance
Prim Fiorine -> Elina Vance
Maia -> Risty + Casca (Berserk)
Luu Luu -> Ymir
Kaguya -> Tomoe

This. Makes the girl way more desirable.
Regarding defiance: is it better to see them eventually broken or do you prefer to see them converted. I think a willful woman who willingly surrenders is better. The Maia scene should have had clutch Vult in her legs when he made his comment about her probably being pregnant by now, to which she should have replied "Hopefully it's yours." Getting fucked by him should have been an increasing to everything else we see in the series where she's not broken, she wants and has finally gotten Vult. Even if it isn't his kid, she'll pretend it is. It'd help her cope with the fact that he chose to keep Celestine as his trophy.
Olga is Italian because she has olive skin with pink nipples
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My main beef is we never see any other uterus. I particularly like this one, someone once pointed out it looks like she's taking a selfie on what was the worst day of her life.
Defiance & loyalty unto death is the sexiest traits. Virtue, intelligence, etc. Most women are weak willed and easily cowed into doing vile acts. It's so rare for them to be anything else other than a mindless consumer drone that... why would you even want that? It's like eating shit.
Kuroinu 1-4 are unicorns in terms of animation and art style that will never be reached again.

All the newer Majin stuff looks horrible in comparison, I think due to the character designer changing
women who are loyal to a fault in ye olde days were just dead, their descendents also dead.

switching loyalty to the new conqueror is simply evolutionarily sound. the stronger male clearly is a better mate, and with him, you'll survive if you submit, and thus will your new children (after the new mate, obviously kills your old mate, and your old children)

this is why women are susceptible to "NTR", its in their genes, the fact they are here to day, means they are, the greatest pleasure a women can acheive, to be conquered, her man killed in front of her, and her new man, to give her children, obviously this is too barbaric for modern times, but a simulacrum of the events is "good enough", never will a women be in more bliss than if she is completely conquered in front of her old mate

further, you are confused, the traits you listed, are MALE traits, virtue, intelligence, and loyalty, are what men aspire for, its for YOU to be loyal to your women, to be smart, and strong to fight for her and your sired kids.

these are not strong female traits, it would be "strong" for her to submit to the male who defeats you, his sperm will be of a higher quality, women know this implicitly, if you lose a fight definitively against another man in front of her, she will be sexually aroused for the other man, and will fantasize about him, if you win the fight, she will be aroused for you, this is a verifiable fact.

women are fickle because its in their best interests to be fickle.
You wrote all of this and still don't see why loyalty and virtue are extremely desireable traits because of how rare they are?
Everyone knows women aren't ride or die. Do you know what the male romantic fantasy is? Not the sexual fantasy, the romantic one. It's that she still loves your even after failure.

Now imagine conquering Olga so completely that her mind doesn't break, but still she wraps her legs around you because you're her center and her strength, while she is your peace and comfort. That's why out of all the girls, Vult kept Celestine because she was willing to submit
>That's why out of all the girls, Vult kept Celestine because she was willing to submit
Can you just not see why Celestine's behavior is a massive turn off?
she seems like a retard, all that wisdom and she submits every women in multiple empires, by divine decree, to sex slavery for life, and all their descendants as well.
"what Vult wants" shouldn't be some positive, lol, dude is easily one of the most evil VN rapists in the biz, with literally zero sympathetic or reasoning behind his Sex Empire desires.
A submissive woman is a godsend when you have real shit to handle in life. He earned her supplication by taking down Olga, converting her army into his, and marching back to her doorstep. She saved the lives of her people, though at a very high cost. Women aren't bright, but they can be compassionate. She also cemented herself near the top with that action as we see he keeps her nearby.
How's that different than the patriarchy? I jest , but she chose live on her knees over die on her feet.
You can examine a character's motives without endorsement or emulation. Vult is a cartoon villain, literally. He promised everyone ice cream for dinner and no more bedtimes. There is a deeper meaning there, appealing to people's basest urges will sway them in the short term. "I get to fuck the goddess and all these other women? Great!" But what happens when they realize it's their mom, sister, daughter, or wife? What happens when they realize they have to share and all women are cummy messes? Vult even stops being the principle villain in exchange for men that betrayed the women in their lives. Beardsley, Grave, and the Japanese dude are the ones that get the girls, and then have them taken away from them. I didn't think they meant it to be deep, but sometimes depth leaks through the writing that the writer didn't realize they were putting in paper.

Anyone else bothered that one of the last times we see Olga and Chloe they got hash marks all over them to indicate abuse? Seems excessive, as Jimmy Carr once said, "I don't get beating your wife, it's like keying your own car."
>>Now imagine conquering Olga so completely that her mind doesn't break, but still she wraps her legs around you because you're her center and her strength, while she is your peace and comfort.
yes please.
>A submissive woman is a godsend when you have real shit to handle in life.
That's not the point and somehow the prostitutes in Kuroinu understood this better than you.
Honestly, methinks the moment conquests stop or Vult dies, the entire "Sex Emprie"/"Service Nation" Crumbles to fuck and burns in hell
Like, what else is there to do?
Their economic policy is "Sex Slavery Lmao"
they are doomed to failure, but not before causing a lot of damage to other people
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Trying to finetune the lora to be closer to the OVA, any feedback?
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I can't handle Kuroinu 'fanfic' posting being mixed with the 'regular' posters for Kuroinu. I need to have them separate. Just the conflicting pressures drives me insane & I get super pissed off. You can't treat a girl like a regular but extremely mistreated anime waifu whilst people post constant rants about rape & sex slavery & mindbreak/ntr & posts all the GIFs. It's just not good for the mind.

We had discussions about what it was like mentally being a 'fanfic' fag for Kuroinu posting in the same thread as a Kuroinu 'regular' fag years back in these threads so if anyone who is still around from back then wants the answer of what it's like - well there you go.

Might have to make another private discord for 'fanfic' discussion since everyone in the old one has moved on and barely posts now. Or preferably some other platform this time.
That looks good. Do you have any of her in her full default outfit complete with the headgear + nipple protectors?
Sure, what pose do you want?
Just a full body shot from the front? Want to see how all the clothes/armor looks. I'd ask for her to be holding a two handed sword but I know how much of a pain it is to get a good sword holding pose & getting any sword to look a specific way.
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These looks great. Can you gen one with her smiling? Or looking serious. And add her headgear pls.
Claudia has such a cute & sexy design.
Take your autism pills. Communities didn't need to be fractured to the Nth degree because your OCD demands all posts be in alphabetical order.
Got any of her behind the scenes or in full armor? IRL productions always have goofy pictures of people in or out of costume. Something about hentai girls in their day off makes me smile.
The whole premise of A Song of Ice and Fire was GRRM wondering about Aragorn's tax policy. Aragorn, like Vult and Rome, had a conquest economy. Gondor, like the sex empire and Rome, shrunk when war wasn't there as an opiate any more.
>Take your autism pills. Communities didn't need to be fractured to the Nth degree because your OCD demands all posts be in alphabetical order.
I had 3 other guys in my private fanfic/tg discord. We chatted for like 4 years about various things before discussion died down completely. One guy left early but I am still friends with him. Of those only me and another would post here. I met the 4th guy elsewhere but he was sane and wasn't gonna spam the discord up with hardcore porn which was like my one rule and I would only let in people I knew wouldn't break it. We allowed ecchi/softcore and we didn't care if you posted hardcore elsewhere - this was just to keep the worst filth out of our private discussions.

I created a public discord alongside the private one. I recruited the /tg/ guy who was running a Kuroinu D&D Campaign from said discord. I gave him a shit ton of ideas for his campaign since I had notes from the VN. He was only user other than myself who was posting anything that wasn't hardcore sadism and the same gifs we have all seen before. When me and him left the public one after a week of me creating it - from what I understand it was very dead. They had like 50 users in there too IIRC. Most were lurkers. I gave the discord away to the most active anon who also didn't want to split the community but all he posted was sadism or porn.

tl;dr It's not fracturing the community if you are one of the only sources of non porn discussion in every single thread for years on end across multiple communities.
How much do you know? In terms of military and tactics what kind of stuff have you and your friends come up with/know?

I ask because I'm curious if shit like mass use of alchemy or mass production of mortars is possible in the time frame of Kuroinu 1
Eh they had early cannons. Like 1200s/1300s at best since the cannons on both ends never actually blew up a wall/gate. It wasn't till late 1400s that cannons got really good as siege weapons.

Every time Vult blew up a 40 foot gate/wall shouldn't have even happened with that tech. He's basically pulling a bomb from the 21st century out of his ass. Just for the record - many castles, churches, etc were able to resist repeated shellings from artillery in WW2 but Vult can instantly destroy a 40 foot epic stone wall with a single bomb in the 12th century. I did intense research on this not just because of Kuroinu but because every fantasy series does this shit. We had bombs that could be jerry rigged onto a metal gate to blow a hole back then - but the hole itself might be only large enough for a single person to climb through. If there was a spear/sword wall on the other side... this was not going to make all of those armored men just disappear (and each fort in Kuroinu would have had 1000 armored men on the other side of each these bombed gates). Also you could repair/close the hole during a siege. It also wouldn't blow a big enough hole for any of the larger than 6 foot tall monsters to climb through.

They could have some really early muskets (flintlock/matchlock), single shot pistols, and some of the other hand held artillery too that I can't remember the name of atm.

Airborne Chemical weapons are a joke until the 1900s. Only early recorded use of them in the 1400s was in China and one guy got injured. That's it. And then they never tried them again until Europe created mustard gas 5 centuries later. Catapults & wooden barrels are obviously a terrible delivery method for a chemical weapon and would not blanket cover an entire city ever. As usual most people misunderstand chemical weapons and assume they work instantly and could auto knockout a person and not kill them seconds thereafter if they were so effective.
>They could have some really early muskets (flintlock/matchlock), single shot pistols, and some of the other hand held artillery too that I can't remember the name of atm.
This would have been extremely rare too. And they never say anything beyond cannons. What they do show is archers mostly. I used to have a whole folder of bookmarks for all of this.

You could bullshit up the crystals that are part of Olga's fort being used as a powerful explosive and power generator for the iron golems. She just never used this on any of the Alliance forts because she always hated the monsters so it works even though it is fanon. Makes her look better too since it is canon she was able to easily walk through the gates of the fortresses in the Alliance incognito. Could have easily planted a bomb like Vult did then ordered the monsters to attack. Instead she just sat down ordered food and appreciated the culture. That pretty Dark Elf sitting alone reading a book and dining at the inn in Feoh? Very real chance you sat near Olga.
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need more dark elves in modern day outfits
I can never get it to replicate her weird asymmetrical hair.
Fucked up gun or fucked up ears? SD has a ways to go sometimes.
This was supposed to be a more realistic take on her. Sometimes it doesn't believe you when you specify red eyes.
Olga as Captain N. With the 80s and NES Nostalgia I'm shocked neither he nor Startropics got any acknowledgement. Even as a costume for a Mii in smash would have fit.
Here's Celestine in the same style. I'll try digging up more of Olga in outfits.
I swear she made me start going into WMIF threads on gif
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SD can't do guns. It's just a limitation in the program. The ear would be easy to fix with inpainting though. Also you should check your VAE because those pics look washed out (usually means you don't have a VAE enabled)
I tried making Chloe a modern officer, but nailing her exact skin tone is tough. She's too pale.
I'm running on a 1080 and only recently started playing with resolutions higher than 512x512, so I can't use all the features. I'd been using NKMD's program, but I'm probably gonna convert to Automatic1111 since i think nmkd isn't coming back.

If you are gonna post AI art please upgrade to SDXL & Pony Diffusion. Then download this guys loras. Make dark elves. Not nigger elves.
Kuroinu is the Naruto of hentai. What did you expect?
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Thanks for the answer. Hypothetically if I were to be fighting a war against Vault, what city would be the most strategically sound to try and reclaim?

I think the Dark Tower is too open and far from every other city in Eostia, but then going straight to Geofu for the sake of protecting Cellestine leaves Feoh and Ur to the Northwest and Ken, Rad and Ansur to the East.
That's the map the /tg/ anon made for his campaign.

Rad would always be easiest to retake just cause it is a dwarf (halfling) fortress & most of Vult's army can't even secure the fortress properly & the ones who can are weaker and stupider than the halflings - likely greatly outnumbered too. The dwarves (halflings) will likely retake it on their own time too. Vult had no plans to conquer it even so he'd prob not give a shit about keeping it either.

We used to have more high quality fic discussion for this series but every major fic that we were talking about went dead without explanation during Covid. The whole thing dried up aside from a few coomer fics that are popular on reddit.
Halflings must be busted and key component for an uprising now that I think about it: tough, lots of them, and are master smiths. Yeah, Rad makes a lot of sense, even if going up to it across the continent might be exhausting and a long trek
lorefags and lorafgs out, rather let the thread die
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How the hell did you manage to save it so wide? Here it is in better quality.
Is this from the game? Someone post the actual maps to compare, I wanna see.
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No, it's from my Dungeons and Dragons campaign that's been on ice since February 2022. Probably gonna move on from it now.
How did the campaign progress and end?
I remember you posting about it here and there in the past few years, always was curious how it went.
They all got captured and brutally raped. Rather on brand...
Honestly, interest was lost. I still see Olga's player active on Twitter, but they never seemed to want to continue it.
It sucks when a campaign dies. I want to run that map through outpainting and see what more of the works could look like. >>7964497
>Make dark elves. Not nigger elves.
I was looking for an Olga when i found this Chloe. I think you'd hate it.
I'm still perplexed as to how to describe her weird hair. I just write asymmetrical hair with ponytail.
How did you make the map?
Mind recapping the whole campaign up til it 'ended'? Always like hearing how these DND campaign goes start to end
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Inkarnate Map Maker
Not now. Maybe later when I have some time away from it, but definitely not soon.
I think i tried Inkarnate's demo. I prefer Dungeon Draft and Dungeon Alchemist, but I'm not making cities and countries for strategy maps, I'm making more tactical floor plans. Here's more attempts at some of the girls.
I wanted Chloe, as a warrior, to be a bit more fit than originally depicted. Full on whey-fu muscle mommy is a bit too far
Fingers and skin tones are so hard to land right if you're not trying to just flatly recreate a screenshot. Olga is too dark here. But at least her day off isn't so bad.
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I did this collage for fun for some friends once and I thought it was fun, I'll share on this thread just because there's barely any content lately.

Alisa and Alicia, both with serious heroine faces, both “breaking” with a delicious look of shock, both each with their own stalker, and both with a delicious waist and midriff that incites you to want to plant your offspring in them, am I right?
Why is Cloe's lora so much better than any other Kuroinu girl?
I wish Olga's lora was that good.
Also, those pics posted were made by the lora creator.
Did any of you guys manage to accomplish similar results?
Other than the VNs/anime, where can I read some Kuroinu lore, if there is any.
No fanfics. Actual lore.
Is there any serious wiki hidden in google, just like the Taimanin wiki was?
I think it's a case of getting out what you put in. Using the same model that the lora was trained upon helps a lot. Same with not modifying the character. She's dressed as always depicted, with a pretty typical anime pose. Put her in comfy clothes and it gets a little lost.
How heartless was Olga really?
What if you were isekai'd to Kuroinu's world and had the power to save the girls from the demon army, how likely it would be for her to fall for you without mind breaking rape or magic?
I read so many fanfics that at this point I can't barely distinguish between what is canon and what is not.
The narrator says the monsters raped women but then the narrator also said Alicia's knights fought the hardest so I ignore the narrator. If they didn't draw it - or have a character give a voiceline over it - I just ignore it. Coincidentally every woman that is drawn, named, or has a voice hasn't been raped by monsters prior to Vult capturing them. And nothing in the country looks particularly war torn either. And no one has friends or family that has been raped.

She's the only person across all routes to remember that Chloe is getting raped when she is forced to watch. Every other woman basically abandons their friends/family or turns on them when they are forced to watch them get raped.

So she hugs Chloe and tells her she loves her or shares her cape with her and just tries to console her every time. It sticks out really hard since no other character has anything remotely like this & then has this exact same response multiple times to a point that Vult just gives up and Olga is even smirking when he does so. It even happens with Olga & Celestine in her own route where she ends up consoling Celestine about the war in what is basically her last convo before she removes her own soul. This is Celestine's only decent conversation too since everything else is with Vult or that one with Claudia at the start.

If you wanted her to fall for you - the easiest way is being isekai'd around the time she rescues Chloe. Or just being kind to Chloe really. The better you are around Chloe - the easier it is to get into Olga's bed. If you treat Chloe like shit - she is gonna hate you forever. Granted that would be hard for a regular human. You need to be able to be useful or actually get into the Black Fort alone etc. Otherwise prob rescuing her + Chloe and escaping then constantly being the intelligent reasonable voice in the room.

Haven't bothered downloading it.

I never bothered putting it up anywhere because of bad takes.
A perfect example of why you should ignore the narrator:
The god birthing ritual for the dark elves. It's a single bit that's like 3 sentences long and has no bearing on any dialogue before or after it's mention. It exists entirely to make Olga seem schizophrenic and it makes no sense when you think about it even slightly. The narrator in Kuroinu exists to cause problems and is entirely useless flavor text. And of course Liquid Nexton decided to expand on only what the dumb narrator made up in 5 minutes before the VN released instead of any of the things they actually put effort into.

Every character has stuff like this involving the narrator and I think you should ignore every single bit of it. A lot of the war stuff involving the narrator is really stupid too.
>Or just being kind to Chloe really. The better you are around Chloe - the easier it is to get into Olga's bed
Kinda fucked up to be nice to her BFF just to get laid. Chances are is you're kind to Chloe she'll likely want you more than Olga does.
>I'm nice to you to hang your hot friend.
Maybe I'm not a cut throat thot , but then again women really have no loyalty to each other...
Do we have more pictures of this character? God she's so hot.
Olga is kind of a mother figure to Chloe after she rescued her from child sex slavery. Being kind/understanding to Chloe is very different in this situation. And if you showed up when Chloe got rescued - she would have been extremely young. Possibly still a child. It would have been you and Olga alone with nothing else to do whilst raising a thoroughly fucked up kid.

If you can't get laid in this situation then you clearly have extreme autism. This is textbook log cabin/alone together romance stories complete with adopted kid.
I'm not thinking of rescuing Chloe from whatever fucked up childhood she had, I'm think you met her as an adult. The fun narrative to me is the softening of the heart of stone. In a semi fuedal setting I always like the patriarchs that didn't torture their bastards, so Chloe's origin really irks me. They seem like The Joker where if a single person in Arthur Fleck's life was a good person, he'd have come back from the edge. Olga and Chloe seem like they are above all, wounded. And I can save her, bro. And i really wish i could get the Chloe Lora to reproduce her hair right.
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Would do this but stick to the Chloe route.
I dunno, i think Olga would look pretty cute gardening
Is Kuroinu Redux worth playing?
Is there a SFW route, just like the Taimanin Yukikaze true endings?
There are no good or sfw endings in any kuroinu.
If you buy they game on steam they're all safe for work. You have to get the 3gb patch for the 40mb game lol
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Where can I find the loras for <lora:sdxl2-flat2-512b:-0.3> and
I don't know what loras are those.
I wonder if missing those is the reason why my results are garbage, even though I'm doing everything else just like he did (models and prompts).
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I don't know, anon. I also didn't use those Loras.
It works for me, but it takes forever.
If I try to generate an image using any other model, I can do it in seconds, but with Animagine XL 3.0 and Cloe Lora it takes at least 15 minutes.
I wonder if it has anything to do with being SDXL.
Are you generating images of that size directly? What graphics card? I haven't tried SDXL because I have been focused on learning to draw.
Can you generate a picture of her as she'd appear in a non hentai production? Pants and an actual shirt
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>Are you generating images of that size directly?

>What graphics card?
RTX 2060 (6GB VRAM)

I'm having trouble with her eyes. Like >>7977680 mentioned above, I might actually need the other loras xmilaidoux used in order to get results like these:
but I haven't been able to identify those either.
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I tried dressing her as a bride, but no luck.
I guess Chloe is too much of a slut for that.
You try the cold shower lora or the sfw one? How do you describe the hair in your prompt?
All I did was using this lora
with this model
>got the info from the images generated in Civitai
>made small changes
Give her cute pajamas
Amazing, love her erect nipples. Got any Celestine stuff?
These were the most conservative pajamas she could find.
How long before we can generate our own spin-off/alternate route anime with the same style and quality as OG Kuroinu?
We may not have the same skill as the Touhou fanbase to make something like Fantasy Kaleidoscope, but AI will soon have.
We'll avenge Prim and Claudia!
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>the same style and quality as OG Kuroinu
AI is already there practically. Maybe even surpassed.
>No dick
I'd just like to see Claudia and Chloe battle in background while Celestine and Olga parley. Basically this scene: https://youtu.be/1ls0FC6oTV8
>Kuroinu sakuga fights followed by hardcore sex scenes
A man can dream.

It surpassed the VN art style, but not the anime style imo.
>mfw AI is the closest will ever get to have more content with the anime artstyle
Lad, with way AI is progressing as long as morons don't try to sell shit pretending to be legit, we'll be able to animate and share our own fan fic. I for one would love to see Vult fighting like Guts vs Olga and Chloe.
Original VN was still in the developmental stage for Hikage Eiji, these days he's professional on any title he assists on,but Kuroinu 2,and both of the Gaidens is where his art really shines.
Is there a full collection/online gallery of these uncensored dakimakuras?
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I think Celestine's loras don't quite resemble her anime design as much as Chloe's do.
Also, curiously, I notice that the more I prompt, the worse results I get.
It's like:
>generate an image
>decent result
>generate a second image
>worse result
I do hope the day where we can generate images or entire videos with the same quality of the anime comes soon.
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My main issue with xmilaidoux's Kuroinu LORAS (from what I've tested) lies in the facial features.
While 9 out of 10 attempts result in a decent body, the face, particularly the eyes, often falls short.
Considering the abundance of Chloe's facial material from Kuroinu's first episode, I expected better results.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Prim deserved better!

I'm still angry that SD isn't there for generating multiple people. Instead of Olga and Celestine I'll get 5 amalgamates of them, some Cronenberging into each other. I just wanted a picture of Olga giving a Victory/Peace sign in a robe with Vult as a Behind the Scenes picture. Giving with CFG and LoRA strengths and step counts gets tedious with a 1080.
Yeah this is why I started to learn how to draw - found I really like genning for hours on end and now I am transferring that energy to actually drawing. People need to stop panicking about AI art - it's good for adding detail but any sort of complex posing with two characters and it can only do very basic things and messes up far far more often than it succeeds. In order to even make AI better at genning we'd prob have to change how tags even work on the boorus. Really AI is gonna be used more to add detail or concept stuff for artists to use as a tool.

All artists have to do to beat AI consistently is add a 2nd character to the drawing and have them interact in some way. Done.

I really want to make some yuri art between the girls once I get better. That and see about making some assets for a Doom mod w/multiple squadmates or a strat rpg type. I lean towards Doom just cause I like exploring hubs in between story missions - If you ever played something like Ashes Afterglow, Stalker, Deus Ex, or Mass Effect that's what I would go for. Was even thinking of picking up modeling and doing something fully 3d instead of making a billion art assets in Doom.
What is this?
There are ways generate multiple people, it's just generating each individually then photo-shop one onto the other
use adetailer, it should fix the eyes
This is what I mean though - it requires vastly more effort/time to get it to gen two characters that look like they are staring into each other's eyes or interacting properly in some way. In the time it took you to gen it - you probably wasted hours depending on the pose if it's anything beyond extremely basic stuff. If they ever get AI to work with 3d models and rig/pose them or even take multiple pictures and turn it into a high quality model and then rig said model - artists are gonna be in danger then. Probably even animators too. It will be much easier to be consistent then. You could even get much much more consistent background details just by actually generating then using the exact same room every time.

It doesn't take that long to start drawing pictures with multiple people. Right now I'm trying to get my anatomy more consistent by reading Loomis.
>Prim sex scenes have no clear audio because they are overlapped with Alicia's
>look up for Prim's voice actress
>extract her moaning from another hentai where she also played a cute little girl
>edit Prim's video and add audio
I just don't have the patience to draw. I try all the time and it makes me depressed I'm so bad at it.
Alicia is genuinely my hentai waifu, i love her, im a sucker for purple eyes blonde girls
I wish she wasnt fucking some old fart and instead i could save her and her kingdom
and then she falls for me and we marry and shit and all of that stuff
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After all the plap plap plap is done
>I wish she wasnt fucking some old fart
Yeah, I'd like it if Chloe wasn't getting raped by all manners of nightmarish creatures.
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>I wish she wasnt fucking some old fart
But they look so happy together!
Kuroinu made me have a fetish for Stockholm syndrome because of this 2, they look so beautiful together.
Hope we can see more of this ones
I hear the only way to get enjoyable expanded material on this setting is the fanfiction. With that in mind what are some reccomedations for the best ones?
Unfortunately not.
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love happy pregnant elves
Makes me really happy people have grown to appreciate these two. They are made for each other.
The fact that he makes monster niggers seethe so much is just icing on the cake.
I like to believe Alicia is calling him "anata" (honey, darling, etc.) in a sweet cute and calm voice in this scene
This is exactly what K2 was lacking, and why it will always be an inferior copy.
I felt nothing, I saw a clip of Chloe getting raped by a slime and actually felt nothing. I think I just let go of her, and now feel kind of hollow.
Can it do Ruuruu and Melmel?
I busted to this scene a bunch of times
If you and a Kuroinu girl were isakeied into a slice of life anime, which girl would want? I think if you got Olga out of all that strife she'd be a sweet book nerd.
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Out of strife I think discovering a new life with Chloe would be cute.
I'd marry and impregnate Olga!
man that's the prettiest alicia I've ever seen
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Thread needs more Maia.

On a sidenote, how many babies you think each girl birthed after the new kingdom was established?
This thread needs more EVERYTHING period.

there's barelypeople posting, more Maia, more Kaguya,more Alicia, more Paru posting her self-insert ideas, ANYTHING!
Ok fine, what if I Gave Chloe the Venom Symbiote?
no idea what're you talking about....
You asked for anything dick nips!
Vult tried. Gave her a green Symbiote, she puked it up. I'm mad we gott a slime rape scene.
Carnage would fit her more.
I want Paru ai stuff like the people in the thread made for the real Kuroinu girls.
impressed with how good these look

now somebody generate something for these two
I want more Paru
These 2 are great side hoes.
Really glad others like those two knights. Also glad they changed their scene. The VN has them raped by some trolls, and it's the biggest turn-off ever.
They also had a brief scene in episode 5 or 6 getting fucked with the nuns.
Do we ever see any other elves, dark or otherwise? With their pink vulva i posit they're Italians.
Only with humans, thankfully. The whole goblin shit reeks of coded interracial/blacked shit.
Fucking stupid
Cry more about things that don't exist.
Complaining about monster sex in Kuroinu is like complaining your hotdog has ketchup. You insecure cucks are a dime a dozen.
>monstercuck calling anyone insecure/cuck
Like clockwork. Weren't you nigger lovers BTFO'd in a recent Taimanin thread? Cope harder.
My HentaiOTP
So K2A pretty much killed the series didn't it.
Elves in Kuroinu are supposed to be rare from what I recall. Like dark elves are super rare and sparse. Celestine was regarded as a goddess, because she is one of the few white elves with foresight.
She's one of 3 high elves possessing a piece of the goddess Larentia's soul,if she has powers, it comes from that. Anna Florence and Evelyn didn't have that.
I hope we see more dark elfs from Kuroinu in future
Is Paru doing more AI?
I miss those :(
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happy, unraped dark elves
I love Celestine.
Going on walks in the park with Celestine
Cozy dates in a cafe with Celestine
Rubbing lotion onto Celestine on the beach
Hiking with Celestine
Watching movies together with Celestine
Holding hands with Celestine
Entering into holy matrimony with Celestine
Making Celestine climax wiyh just words and fingers prior to consummation on wedding night
Tender lovemaking with Celestine in several positions and locations in the honeymoon suite
Impregnating Celestine
Raising steadily increasing amount of half elves with Celestine
Hugging and kissing Celestine after returning to work
Trading backrubs with Celestine
Taking showers with Celestine
Cooking for Celestine
Enjoying meals cooked by Celestine
Tending to garden with Celestine

[spoiler]I wonder if there's still chance for me to find some real person to do this with. For now, at least i have the fantasy.[/spoiler]
You have any more in that style? Mind sharing what settings generated it? I really like it
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sure here's the catbox

have you tried adding stuff like "exposed belly, navel, midriff, revealing clothes, womb tattoo", i.e. stuff you expect to see on her normally, to the negative prompt?
Anybody have an of the ai voices
a what of the ai voices?
maia definitely going to have a bunch. vults group said they wanted to fuck her for ages.
holy manface
thanks for catbox
What a bummer then.
olga is so hot
maybe i should rewatch this. i dont remember her
that good. i love how olga looks
licking it like good bitches
same. celestine is my main girl tho
one of my favorite hentais. i love it when she gets spitroasted. fuckkk i should rewatch it
i fucking love how satisfied she looks
on her knees fuck thats hot
whatever they use i'd love to see more of it
her tits body and thighs look so good here
Celestine is literally the reason i love elves
she is just absolutely fucking perfect. she looks so fucking amazing
i have busted so many nuts to those tits
damn olga is so good
not bad
maybe i should search more chloe stuff. i always forget about her
i love celestine so much
FUCK shes hot as hell
perfect tits and body holy fuck
i need to see those perfect tits fucked. holy shit
i fucking love ai porn
FUCK YES i love when girls get spitroasted
perfect pussy, tits, and body. i love her face expression
she looks so great
nice tits
nice booty
nice body and tits. especially her tits
great angle
she is literally the reason i love elves. what i would give to bust a fat nut in her with my face burried in her tits. then titty fuck her and cum all over her face
i love fapping to kuroino
this thread is really making me want to rewatch this
so many under rated girls in this thread. god damn
>You have to get the 3gb patch for the 40mb game lol
Yeah, that's fucked
I miss you babe, hope you're still around and coming up with AI ideas.

It was a shame that I never got the chance of reading your fic.
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Love Celestine and her fat tits
what an obscene holy woman, walking around with fat tits like that
I love the angle and shot. It is hot seeing her tits swing like a pendulum.
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Are there any details on her bonus scene from Kuroinu Gaiden?
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I love Alicia's flat stomach and slim waist, anyone else=
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some Wassup dude reposted my shot of Alicia's waist on Opiumud's discord, so I'm posting another one since he liked it
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>a fucking coliseum
>the Black Dogs are frequently compared as being equal in strength to these 100 man units
>a fucking roman coliseum in the center of the capitol city with three walls, a moat, and a keep
>Vult is a captain which is said to lead a company which is composed 10 squads of 10 soldiers essentially 100 soldiers in strength
>geofu the capitol city prob has a population of over 100,000 people
>Vult's army to 3 times the size it was at the beginning of the war
>Vult's army was 300 troops in total if you do the math
>Luu Luu killed 500 monsters + black dogs at the battle of Rad - fun thing too since they ran out of healing potions at the battle of Ansur just prior
>A shit ton of soldiers died or got injured sacking Ansur because they raped women inside of burning buildings and thus ran out of healing potions by the end of the battle
>rather than rushing to open the gate the monsters spent 15 mins raping the women whilst the rest of the 'army' got pelted by arrows outside the gate
>Olga's golems did a successful forceful breakthrough on Vult's army before the war even started
>a fucking roman coliseum in the center of the Alliance that I'm supposed to believe job'd to 100 unarmored mercs + unarmored monsters when they clearly outnumbered them and the fucking male soldiers were wearing armor and using shields + bows to fuck up the stupid monsters
>I'm supposed to believe they are all a bunch of weak pacifists when even the women fight and all the men are armed and they have a FUCKING COLISEUM IN THE CENTER OF THE CAPITOL
>seven fucking battalions + a main army + the ridiculous defenses of the Alliance. the half naked women that make up a company at a few forts other than rad which was all halflings aren't even a disadvantage considering how stupid the black dogs and monsters act in battle
I hate this. All the details point to him losing the war. I'm gonna be bitching about this for all eternity too.
Majin label is my favorite hentai producer. Kuroinu was peak hentai animation. Why they weren't given the reins for the sequel is beyond me.
Relax, it's just an eroge.

I really like the idea that the former town of Celestine, this good and benevolent goddess is turned into the capital of the Sex Empire and a place filled with perversion and sexual slavery.
Kuroinu is S-tier girls with F-tier writing, you'll have to get over it
And F-Tier animations

Opiumud making Beardsley and Alicia sing "mon amour", I'd rather see Beardsley sing Hellfire like frollo since his passion for Alicia drove him crazy felt almost like Frollo for Emerald....

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