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I find this stuff pretty hot. Please, recommend some doujinshi like that.
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Maybe this matches
>Rosa has become to pokemon champion and is on the of the world
>secretly depressed cause she's too strong and nobody is a real challenge for her
>during her journey she stumbles upon a female trainer who loses a battle with no money
>forced to pay with her body
>Rosa wants to lose and be abused to to know what it feels like
>Challenges some thugs and throws the battle
>"Oh no I have no money! How can I make this up to you?"
>Thugs fuck her while she secretly gets off to being insulted and used like some weak fucktoy
>Rosa wants to lose and be abused to to know what it feels like
>she secretly gets off to being insulted and used like some weak fucktoy
Yeah, sounds fun.
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>Girls willing to be raped

[Oyster] Shoudou | Urges
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This shit is the best, there is nothing better than a woman who likes to be "defiled".
not /h/ but /aco/ but you would have a laugh if you tread Ghastly's Ghastly Comic and the hilarious method one of the characters develop to avoid being raped by John Malkovich
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>Girls willing to be raped

In the author Kiliu's worlds, women never refuse any sexual advances and never report anyone, also their husband/boy friend never notice.
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She spent a lot of time an effort setting up her rape.

Watashi no Pharaoh-sama!
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I hope nobody minds monster stuff, been looking for the artist/author on this one here about a girl giving herself away to keep her husband alive
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Artist is わんだふる (wandafuru)
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101680967 (cover image only, but has fanza and dlsite links)
Sweet thanks a bunch man
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"willing to be raped"
wtf are you looking for, consensual unconsensual sex???
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I don't have recs but this is relevent to the theme
This sounds amazing.
spoilers: it in fact was not relevant
>thread topic is girls willing to be raped
>anon posts a clip in which a girl is willing to be raped
>it is somehow not relevant
make it make sense
still spoilers:
she was just pretending to be willing. she is affecting the personality of an evil scientist lady for spoiler reasons and was actually MC's shy softspoken childhood friend all along.
the trauma later gives her amnesia and makes her revert to the mental ability of a toddler.
>women willing to be raped
Soooo…. All of them?
>Girls willing to be raped
Then it's no longer rape anymore
>willing to be raped
That's not how it works, anon.
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I like female protag that is cool that she's being gangraped by a bunch of mooks and doesn't hold grudges

I wish I have an easy girl like her
Is it really rape if the girl didnt mind being raped?
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Rape is about the intent of the raper as much it is about consent on the rapee part
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This one's sad, imagine getting raped by the only guy you trust.
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She's enjoying it tho, I think she's fine.
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Higyakusha ni Kutsuu o
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Midara na Shisen
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Nude Model
[Jacky Knee-san]
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This short series is pretty amazing.
Meek and submissive girl gets raped by practically every guy she runs into.
Recently became one of my favorites
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Some women get off on being sex slaves, they love being raped at the whims of their master(s)

Wife Slave
[bai asuka]
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[Fan no Hitori]
[Index #18: H-Misc (nhentai) - 61t.jpg]

Next time, click the tiny triangle after the post number and Choose "Image Search"

Saimin Joushi _ Hypnosis Boss
Creator(s): jirou
Thanx bro, I'll remember
>Thanx bro, I'll remember

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
This story seriously bums me out. Like, I get she's choosing to do this, but for such a brillant girl, it's very short-sighted. The guy will keep her around until his feelings for her fade because she's not the same person he fell in love with on top of the fact that she genuinely doesn't like him. So odds are if he ever does find a real partner, he'll trade her off. She'll be a cum-dump for what, 14, maybe roughly 20-ish years before her looks start to go. Probably sooner since she's living like a dog rather than a person.

Then no one will want her and she'll be a homeless, STD riddled hag whose dopamine receptors are so fried not even heroine will be able to make her crack a smile. All of this at around 30-35. She'll either kill herself or die from natural causes not much longer after. It's like...Metamorphasis Lite.

God, why can't I just turn off my brain and read the pretty porn mag.
Stick to vanilla faggot.
>This story seriously bums me out.

OK, I will give you another future.
It is clearly stated in the story that she can not handle the pressure of the expectations of others and becoming a sex slave is her way of 'ending it'. Some people jump off of buildings to end themselves others do like her and just 'step out' of their life.
He knows this so he uses her as his personal sex slave. She is very smart and he uses her to help him advance in life. In time he gets her pregnant, marries her, and they have a child. He orders her to be a good mother out of the bedroom and slave in the bedroom (lady in the streets, freak in the sheets). The pressure of motherhood does not crush her, rather the children they have fill her life with joy. In time she understands what he has done to her and she loves him with a passion that exceeds that of a slave and is that of a loving wife.

There that is a an alternate ending that should make you happy.
I appreciate the thought, Anon. No point in ruminating on stuff I don't like when there's plenty of stuff I do like out there.
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Not exactly what you're looking for, but the maledom vibes on this one are immaculate
You just explained what makes it so hot. In fact I wish more stories went a little into the long future ruin.
Where did you get the english translation of part 2? I could only find part 1
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another sex-slave story where she would rather fuck anyone than have it be known that she has fucked everyone
(hentai logic)

fallen leaves diary series
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NGL Latest chapter of Winvurga almost had me tearing up a bit
everyone went through all that effort to save her and she resisted only for her to just give in to stop seeing the others get hurt, feels bad man

More Freeuse than rape, but I'm trying to find a particular doujin that I saw YEARS ago. Hoping to find it here, because it was good and seems similar in theme.

>School to train Free Use girls, all extremely enthusiastic about it. Goes in chronological order
>Morning commute has them chained to the train bars for people to poke and prod at them
>Activities involve having increasingly large dildos inserted into them as training, with Sports Day culminating in a giant spinning one as part of a school record
>Progresses like this for a while until Parents' day, where their dads come by to observe classes
>Scene where one of the girls clings to her dad's arms while the classroom dildo desk reams her from below, him looking very uncomfortable with the lesson
>Upon graduation they go on to be public holes or something

Been searching for years, but never asked in a thread. Hoping someone has the code miraculously.
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It sounds like something Mayonnaise would create.
This is probably the story you remember.

Slave System Chronicle
It's close, but I don't think this was it. Thank you for the rec though! The one I remember had a bit more of a cutesy style than Mayo's works, and this one doesn't have the Parent-teacher meeting scene. I'll go look through his other works though.
esl spic kys
>Girls willing to be raped
Words don't mean anything.

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