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There is sex happening but you can only see the penis-in-vagina part through a thin layer of cloth, or you can see the penis but not the vagina.
pretty sure this doesn't count as loli, but if mods judge otherwise I won't argue.
That'll be it for the initial dump!
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Not really sure if this counts
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>(Semi-)Covered Penetration
This also counts as implied sex, right?
Let's say yes for now, but the more the dick is visible *as just a silhouette through thin clothes*, the better.
This one always makes me diamonds
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I love this shit
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very nice
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Is oral sex ok too?
fine by me
kind of
What's the tag for this?
Hidden seggs
strange fetish
Vascaino fetish
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Good thread, sadly don't have anything to contribute with

Are there some tags with which I can find more?
Pelvic_curtain, see-through_silhouette or covered_penetration work pretty well for this but there's very few images.
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That doesn't sound like the one.
Is this a known character?
Yes? Just check the pixiv tags
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Same, with the lighting
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Not semi-covered

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