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Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies? Why's it so hard to come across a story featuring a sexually dominant protaganist that isn't
>some faceless ntr protag
>an ugly bastard
>a blackmailing child
>a rapist
Is this what Japs like? To self insert as cowards? Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue of some guy stumbling their way into sex then protesting while some 10/10 is raring to suck him off. Is it that offputting to write someone with a little bit more confidence and initiative?
>watch porn
>doesn't want to see pussies
I mean, they are essentially marketed toward japanese NEET neckbearded virgins. However since you posted a game screenshot I'll add, rape is the most directly translatable fetish for video games, it can be slipped in as a direct consequence for combat victory. Not that it stops them from designing games where the whole point is to lose to see the sexy lady protag get fucked by monsters or whatever.
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I wish...
>>7914745 I'm so tired of the stupid rape garbage in my hentai. Call me a prude faggot but consent turns me on.
Vanilla hentai is for you then. The wonderful is thing it already exists in huge quantities, so i hardly empathize with your complaint.
Because it takes no effort to make and still sells well
>Uses Rance as example
Honestly, after Rance who can compete?
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where the fuck did you get my picture
>said the pussy
NTA, but I can see his point. The vast majority of vanilla or harem stuff will have either a bland self-insert with no personality or a protagonist who is deathly allergic to sex.

Its much worse for ecchi series like Skill Taker, where MC does aggressively pursue a harem and fantasizes about fucking girls all the time, but when the time comes for that, author decides MC is going to get addicted to tentacle play instead. So he stays a virgin for almost the entire manga (someone can correct me if I'm wrong, lost interest way before the ending)
>Post an example of what you're complaining about
>Huuuuh why would you post this????
Yes, for the cucks of East and West. Had a guy in an old friend group say Rance was a rapist that deserved to die.Never even played the games but I'm like....99% sure that isn't the way they want Rance to come across.
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This is wish fulfillment,and a some sort of weird vaccine that soothes the egos of Japanese men. This is what actually happens.
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But you know,a buff tall man driving a car that makes pussies tingle just by the sound is a little too raw for most Japanese men,because it actually happens. So they have porn where some violent yakuza does it,or an ugly fat motherfucker like that picture, so they feel like the woman is soiled and nasty so they don't feel as bad about losing her,instead of realizing they're a mediocre beta and having an alpha swoop in and take her to life of luxury.
>I mean, they are essentially marketed toward japanese NEET neckbearded virgins
And some people have so little hope of getting laid that they start fantasizing about rape because it's the only scenario where them having sex with a woman feels at least somewhat plausible.
The alpha fucks her until he's board then she settles for a Bata once she's used up
I mean, it makes sense in some cases when you see the news
>Japanese woman found out to had sex with son's friend
>Japanese woman found out to had sex with her own child
Blessed Japanese women, not being able to be charged with rape LMAO
It's surprisingly not, considering that cheating is almost part of Japanese culture, the average to decent-looking husband work himself to the bone while the bored wife looks for some action and Japan justifies it with "It's A-OK as long as it's not emotional cheating"
Hell, housewives eat cuck TV novels all day long, it was a matter of time until it became part of the culture
Anons refuse to do even the bare minimum research as usual
>being a prostitute doesn't count as cheating
But anon, that's the boyfriend phase, the husband phase is being a cuck
>Anons refuse to do even the bare minimum research as usual
>pulls off garbage youtube street interviews
This is a good chance, any similar game like rance ?
Mmh, shooting a little bit in the dark ... but i'll try.
Kuroinu if you want something harder.
Kyonyuu Fantasy if you prefer your hentai to be softer.
Literally 99% of anime protags are self-inserts of pussy japs, that's why NTR is so popular nobody wants to see girl fucked by shouta-kun they want to see them fucked by Chad-sama
>scenario where them having sex with a woman feels at least somewhat plausible.
Either the woman initiates or the MC takes it by force, surely this has to be the reason.
Yeah,like bruh….bet you think those YouTube pranks are real too.
He literally me fr fr
Real or not isn't even the point.
Street interviews are always biased toward outlandish shit. No one watches videos full of japanese women saying they don't cheat, because because taht would be boring.
"Research" anon takes himself so seriously, but he's just a gullible idiot for confusing entertainment with reality.
Rance is not a pussy tho
Yeah,I was just saying it’s funny how the only things I can think of where money is a factor is femdom like Discipline.
You know husbands and salarymen are always going to soaplands and do compensated dating as well, right? It's an issue regardless of gender.
My mans, most NTR is netorare, where the manga is specifically framed so that the reader inserts as the cuck.
The majority of NTR is made in service for people who want to be the cuck, not be the chad.
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>here is your MC bro
Yes, Rance is based. If you think ot os bad with hentai, regular anime is worse. Protag usually does nothing or tries to push his girls away.

Rance is a rapist though. He saves the girl, pretends the be the kidnappers, rapes her while she is blindfolded, then actually saves her. He does bond with some of the ladies normally, but you see the options. He is a bad guy who pretends to be a hero. Instead of taking normal payment for a job, he extorts as much as he can because he knows he is the people's only hope.
Some animes I can think of where the protag wasn't a bitch are The Testament of Sister New Devil, High School DxD and Trinity Seven.
The answer is simple, because the japanese create their entertainment (And this includes all of their porn, whether it's real life, animated, interactive in the form of a VN or a simulation style game like Koitatsu, etc.) like comfort food. Yes you fucking dickheads, I'm using a food analogy, get used to it cause I'm gonna keep going with it.

They want their entertainment like a cheeseburger. And not a fancy cheeseburger from some hipster fucking place that charges you $22.50 for a burger without a side of fries, just a regular burger. Meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, bun. No fucking garlic aolli here motherfucker. They don't want something that might seem weird or exiting like one day you're going to eat Thai food or something, and you've never tried it, and maybe you like it and that's great, or you didn't and now you know, but the point is that you made the choice to go into the little adventure that is trying some new type of food, Japanese don't do this. They just want their cheeseburgers.

Take for example, JRPGs, they're all the same game, Oh the combat system changes here and there, but it's always the same flawed protagonist gathering a bunch of interesting chucklefucks, the cool old warrior, the genki girl, the comic relief clown, the romantic interest that just happens to be the party's healer, etc. and you have your adventures going out to save the world where you fight God with the power of friendship. Or romantic anime where it's always the same dense fuckup who cannot tell there's 3 to 5 girls who want to suck his cock, or shounen manga where people just keep fighting until a new therat emerges that kicks the good guys asses and we need to go into a training arc, etc. It's all cheeseburgers, they don't want new or different.
Spitting facts.

The average hentai consumer doesn't want a chad protag. He prefers someone he can relate or look down to rather than a caricature of a man who reminds him of his own lack of masculinity.
You talk and sound like a tumblr user overly obsessed with tropes.
Not really, I'm just a gamer that has been playing games since the early 90s, so I noticed this stuff ages ago. Shit never changes for the slant-eyed nipponese. Every JRPG follows the same template, whether we're talking about Final Fantasy, Kindgom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Xenosaga/Blade, Persona, etc. they may be thematically different, but the scafolding is the same. and it follows the same traditional ways of telling that story that the japanese like.

It's not like we're that different really, there used to be a time where here in the west it was making new game after new game and seeing what stuck while in the east it was Final Fantasy 10, Dragon Quest 8, these franchises that were all the same thing, just repackaged, nowadays that's what's happening here in the west, with Call of Duty just being the same game year after year and other games following suit, which is why gaming is boring nowadays. There's no one doing anything new unless it's some liberal cuck trying to tell us that the future is female or black and you should sepukku your dick, and doing it so horribly that' it's less a message and more being patronizing pieces of shit.
>Why are hentai protags always such pussies
Why do you bother watching the hentai where the protags are always such pussies
watch better hentai retard, simple as
>Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue
Can say the same about pretty much every woman in hentai as well.
this is why i didnt read vn anymore, me at highschool would tolerate whatever the flaws a vn has but as i grow older the patience is dried up. bro imagine, how could i enjoy a vn if i needed to prepare myself to wince everytime i clicked the page for the inevitable cringe that is the japanese highschooler self insert protags, and if he somehow didnt make me wanna kms, his harem or his story probably would.
thats why i liked that one nitropus mc in the one of their cyberpunk alternate 19 century story because that bastard didnt act like a retarded highschooler and act like a much mature person despite his story context because he is canonically a 70 yo ish oldfag with minor mental baggage. i also remember liking demonbane's mc, didnt remember much abt him except he is funny asf and relatable, its baffling me that i could related more to a random man from a fucked up world where u fight cthulu monster with a literal deus ex machina than ur regular japanese highschool boy.
>Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies?
Do like the idea of them getting pity sex from a girl.
because the menhera addicted to that shit need to self insert
>Why are hentai protags always such pussies
Because that's also the target demographic
Try a VN from either wstar or one of the Amakano games.
there aren't
to be relatable to the "men" that make up most of the audience
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It's cute when a girl lets a sorry loser have sex with her.
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Some literal fucking nobody? Come on, post a real hentai protagonist!
I'm convinced Rance fans are mostly closet homosexuals. All they seem to care about is him, and it's hard to blame them when his girls are all ugly, Key-adjacent moeblobs.
Meh, when your guy was trying and failing to get his hands on Marie Mamiya, Pig God sama was already the protagonist's wife as toilet paper.
>t. huge fagget projecting his homosexual tendencies to others
Then who's your favorite Rance girl?
>High School DxD
Nah. For an MC who takes pride in being a pervert and grabbing oppai, when he finally has his own harem, he often pussies out and sometimes even faint.
Nitroplus VN's are great stories on their own and often better seen through their all-ages versions.
I like Venus Blood, but the art hasn't improved in like 10 years. I like the gameplay though.
>I mean, they are essentially marketed toward japanese NEET neckbearded virgins.
That's the annoying part. By all accounts the male insert power fantasy should be an absolute slayer. But the people who buy and make most of this shit are still just a pussified in their own fantasy as they are reality.
Characters like that DxD faggot are even worse if you ask me. Every other line out of his mouth is HEHEHEHE DRRR I LIKE BOOBIES!! WANT HAREM! And even though he's in a harem situation, with all the girls openly wanting to fuck, openly down with share and whipping their tits out at hello, he still acts like a massive pud. He's not different because he's a pervert and the openness of his perversion just makes it all the more galling when he pusses out to where I'd even prefer the retards who are oblivious.
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>dude that appears in one VN once that nobody remembers vs FUCKING SHUUSAKU
Seriously dude. This isn't even a competition.
>a rapist
Nothing wrong with giving women what they want.
You look at popularity, i look at performance.
Random fat ugly bastard pimps main heroine in record timing, while Shuusaku is till waiting help from his brother. Please tell me that you dude can at least solo someone other than schoolgirls, and i might reconsider.
If that's what the Japanese audience wants, that's what they get.
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Japan is a broken nation of broken men.
It's hard to find a good doujin written in [current year] that doesn't involve a Hypnosis App that takes away the ability of a girl to say "No"
The implications of that are so grim it's not even funny. Japanese men's greatest combined desire/hivemind is a hypnosis app that doesn't/can't exist.
Succubus/elf/paralysis/huge breast/loli/futa/tentacle doujin saturation of the past doesn't even compare to it. It's frightening that this is the modern extent of their wishfulfillment.
Hopefully I'm overthinking it, or maybe just 'hypnosis app' doujins were translated this year or something. Even the NTR dudes need to use an app to train the girls these days.
29000 mind control tags out of a total of 736,378 doujins/mangas. A little bit more than 4%. Let me guess, you like schoolgirls and teachers? They're the usual targets of hypnosis apps, so that could explain why you feel they're over-represented. As a whole though, it's not that common. My milfs sure aren't systematically mind controlled in every doujin.
I think Rance is exactly what he wants instead of what he's talking about
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Rance himself is very overcompensating
It annoys me because it's just such a lazy premise.
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Katsuma from Aku no Onna Kanbu.
What does he bring to the table?
>consent turns me on.
What turns me on is the girl enjoying it, unironically. Not in the mindbroken sluttish sort of way where sex gets reduced to organs squeezing against one another and that somehow feels so great because... it just does, okay? No, I mean enjoying it as in realizing her true feelings for someone through it when she feels completely exposed and is at her most vulnerable and THAT making it feel amazing because she knows that person can give her more pleasure than even she herself is capable of. This trope is particularly great when it comes to incest, I feel like. But it also makes sense for incest to be "noncon" or whatever most of the time because of taboos associated with it and I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff I enjoy could be classified as rape in a court of law nowadays.
Yes, hypnosis is one of the worst fetishes there are. IMO paralysis is at a similar level but none of the other ones you mentioned are as bad. The worst part about this is that the "hypnotized" girl either becomes emotionless or her personality gets completely overwritten (ego death). Japanese men so weak they can't even take seeing the pain that actually raping someone involves (even though it's almost always SEVERELY toned down in rape hentai). And netorare is also awful because it means they WANT to see a girl getting fucked (consensually or not, doesn't really matter) by a dominant male but acknowledge that they themselves are not such a man and never will be, so they need someone else to do it for them. Grim.
You silly billy anons. Hypnosis porn is not about or the ego death, or the emotionlessness, etc. Hell, it's not even about the fucking itself. It's about control.This is why you see hypno or mind control porn doing the downright stupidest shit to have ever been written into a doujin, or light novel, or a visual novel.

For example: The panty checking. You know, where they remove their panties and show you their skid marks, while we're talking about panties, wearing them on your head is also dumb shit. The weird cosplay/lewd outfits, the nipple clamps and multiple vibrators being worn all day, I don't need to have been born with a vagina to realize that should be uncomfortable as fuck at best and downright painful at worst, the downright retarded behaviour from common sense manipulation (Like making the sexy teacher "punish" the mind controller by fucking him during detention) it's never about the porn, it's never about the fucking, it's all about "look what I made them do!"

It's power fantasy, it's the porn equivalent of the typical self-insert issekai bullshit that 's popular now in anime where some loser gets sent to a medieval world with all the skills to be OP as fuck.
Come on. Of course it's true that hypnosis is about control and power fantasy, but it's also true for like 90% of the other fetishes, so they're not wrong for trying get more specific.

I'll add my own cent to the phone hypnosis popularity: ease of access and ease of use.
Everybody has a phone nowadays, hypno-apps are always easy to find, and even the most retarded protag is able to make them work, somehow. Thanks to technology, even the most spineless protag can overcome his cowardice. Phone hypnosis is basically the fast food of rape.
That said, i don't subscribe to the japanese men broken bla bla. Way to stupid of an argument for me to defend.
Nta. My friend draws hentai mangas and I once asked her about the phone hypnosis thing. She said it's mostly because of the panel reduction. Hypnosis app gives a simple explanation and allows to jump straight to the interesting parts (plaping). Otherwise you have to waste a lot of panels to explain the hypnosis power, how it works, how the protagonist learned it or is learning how to use it currently.
Rance is every girls dream man. You're just coping
Yeah, it totally makes sense for the artist; but for readers, panel reduction isn't even close to be the main appeal of hypno-app.

Lol no. Girls have their own husbando/dream boy and it's not your guy. Rance is neither handsome or bishoujo enough to be even considered.
yes there should be more Rance games
Actually it's not even remotely difficult. Your incompetence is not a whole unrelated nation's problem.
The guy that gets sexually assaulted?
Blue haired chick. Short haired tomboys trigger something primal in me.
Hurts to look in the mirror, huh?
Because people (90% vanilla fags) need to self insert into cartoons of all fucking things?

Much like the no eyed black hair MC..
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Best girl
Weeaboos are weak and spoiled, no different than the average twitter troon
Why do you think they cry on every board about "muh based japan" when japan put out shit like this
That's anime not hentai protag. Hentai protags are either silent, ugly bastards, or the rare nice guy who just finds himself in a situation and rolls with it.
Because being desired, being a cute boy who turns women into sex-crazed animals simply by existing, is chad as fuck.
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Is casual sexism, misogyny and outright woman hating also a factor in play?

Has anyone wondered or asked why hentai can just be so mean spirited and malicious towards women sometimes. I go browse any dime-a-dozen hentai or doujin and I can bet good money I will always see dialogue where the male characters and rapists are such morally reprehensible villains who hate the female gender or view the female gender as less than human. Or I can go to any hentai site or danbooru, go to the rape or "hardcore" tags and I see so much unwholesome porn where countless female characters are rape victims, are kidnapped and bound with horror in their eyes. Not also helped by the fact that so many female characters that're sexualized and brutalized in hentai and doujins tend to be minors and under-age girls in highschool.

Am I pearl clutching here? Why do so many hentai and doujin gotta be so mean spirited, malicious and hateful towards women? Everyone insists there are plenty of women artists, authors and creators in the anime, manga and hentai industry AND in the doujin scene. Yet how come so many h-manga and doujins look and sound like an Elliot Rodger manifesto or is a grim dark world in which it is the very thing every man hating feminist describes where the female gender is oppressed and every single man and boy is a Pedro Lopez or Richard Ramirez or an Elliott Rodger.

Oh and gotta love how pic related is made by a Jap artist in Twitter, but deleted immediately after a few days or some hours after they uploaded it as an edgy work of art. Prolly for being-edgy-in-the-internet points and maybe to not get in trouble from any HR department who might do some background check on his online postings.
Let me guess, you lived a sheltered life?
Pornography in general IS misogynistic in and of itself, It's all about getting young women who are too stupid or too desperate to sell their dignity so we as men can have an aid in our masturbation sessions. So do us all a favor and get off your ivory fucking tower, it's not our fault you cannot find 2003 midnight at Cinemax "My First Porno" for young 12 year old boys to discover late at night, the kind where there's only one sex scene and it's all tits, handholding, and don't show any penetration.

And also, just for future reference for when you finally lose your virginity: women like it too. Not to the levels of rape obviously, with a few exceptions that do fetishize and dream of being raped, but women enjoy being rouged up, abused, and man handled on the bedroom. Some women just wanting the vanilla version of you being aggressive, all the way to the other side where some women want to be hit, spanked, slapped, chocked, and to leave the bed with bruises. It's all a mater of degrees.
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As always, ALWAYS! NTR is cancer and is one of the worst man made horrors to have ever been made by humans.
Yeah I'd avoid the top too
Guys like (You) and that attitude and reasoning of your's is the reason why so much hentai is garbage and oversaturated ugly ass rape, NTR and ugly bastards stories. All because vanilla and happy loving relationships are "too boring and lame". 1st World Issues much? Why the fuck do 1st Worlders love romanticizing and fetishizing tragedies and broken relationships so much? It is reasons like that which NTR is a 1st World product whereas that shit is rightfully frowned upon in many other places that isn't the West. God what stupid fucking "joke" you have.
The answer is simple, you third world scum: it's because in first world countries, we have unemployement insurance, functional heathcare, retirement funding, etc. so we have no need for the traditional marriage, it's just a relic of the past that kept going just by tradition and inertia until feminists put a stop to that, and now marriage is on the decline. Because make no mistake, that shit was done precisely so that you could have economic security. Or what? you're gonna tell me you've never noticed how it's the poorest countries in the world that shit out children? the ones where famine and plagues still are a thing? where people live barefoot in mud huts?

It's because unlike 1st world countries, they need to figure out whose gonna care for them when they're old, so they have to have children, and they have 13 of them because 1 will be still born, 3 will die of dengue or cholera, while 2 of your daughters will be raped and killed, and another 2 children will die in some meanignless war that barely rates a scroll bar on CNN or the BBC. So you still have 7 left, one of them will take you in. This is the reason why we're having less children too, because now children are a hassle, expensive, and risky. You could leave your entire soccer team of children in the mudhut where you're from for example, but if I leave a child unatended at home and someone calls the authorities I could lose my kid and possibly even be arrested.

So, they get married at 18 and start pumping babies out while the the going is good, and start guilt tripping them about taking care of them in their old age from the moment they can understand it, whereas we in the 1st world country have all the tools to take care of ourselves. What does this have to do with NTR? the fact that with the morals of marriage gone, we don't have to stick to handholdy sex in the missionary positions for the purposes of procreation. we can be freaky.
Westoid LGBTBBQ degeneracy has nothing to do with japs being massive cucks. It's just that cuckshit and other fetishit does not require efforts to shit out in comparison to the oversaturated and highly competitive vanilla market that requires top notch art to at least gain attention. Cucks and other degens will eagerly devour any garbage as long as it has their flavor of degeneracy.
Vanilla is not a fetish.

TL;DR make humanity a favor and just die out already.
Easy there pal, when he said "NTR is a product of 1st World Nations" he ain't exactly wrong and it can be viewed in a nuanced manner.

Yes, NTR, while popularly known for being a creation of Japanese hentai, can easily be concluded and viewed as something cooked up by bored single virgins who have a lot of free time in their hands. They say idle hands is the devil's workshop, so I would say dudes (or dudettes) who're single, got not much better to do and have boat loads of free time AND are horny. Are bound to develop some freak ass fetish, consume loads of porn and this giving demand for most of the garbage fetishes and porn most of us who aren't NTR fags or hardcore rape fags, loathe.

NTR consumers are highly likely to be bored and horny 1st Worlders with free time. And to give people in the third world some credit, NTR wouldn't fly there or be popular due to the defeatist faggotry that comes with NTR cuck fetishes. And third worlders VALUE honor, pride and saving face/public image.
This isn't a hentai protagonist thing, it's a visual novel protagonist thing. More accurately, bishoujo protagonist thing. It's the baseline of purityfag shit that isn't yuri. The rapists you mention started as an intentional subversion (someone already posted the janitor, Rance fits too) before becoming its own unironic niche (ugly bastard evil shota etc.)

Basically, nobody wants your niche. Purityfags have their useless self-inserts, maledomfags have their rapists. You're more likely to see the guy you're talking about in, surprise surprise, otome games which are aimed at women.
Having said that, there are some old dating sims which do feature normal guy protagonists. True Love and Dokyusei.
Lots of good points there, except one:
>And to give people in the third world some credit, NTR wouldn't fly there or be popular due to the defeatist faggotry that comes with NTR cuck fetishes. And third worlders VALUE honor, pride and saving face/public image.
It wouldn't fly there but not because of the self defeatism of NTR, but because the existing NTR content isn't aimed at them in the first place. It's made for a japanese audience after all. There's already a gap between the sexless young man/overworked salary man that serve as protagonists, and the other first world countries. It's got to be even bigger with the third world, to the point NTR feels alien to them. A lot of them probably don't even register the cuckoldry aspect, writing it off with "MC so weak, lol funny. Anyway, where're the big tits?"
Sometimes I believe NTR just has to be the author/mangaka themselves trauma-dumping their failed relationships in doujin form. I can't help but feel that sometimes, just sometimes, alot of these NTR plots and doujins is the authors/mangakas summarizing their failed IRL relationships which may or may not had nasty breakups with their exes. I get that sometimes NTR is some sick demented "power fantasy" for cuckold faggots self-inserting as the darker skinned or more masculine NTR Bull-Chad and the "Beta Male MC" who gets cucked is their perceived "rival" or blank slate representation of some person or character they hate and do not like. Maybe just maybe some NTR is just the author's/mangaka's trauma dumping therapy session explaining their failed relationship and vilifying their hated Ex through manga-doujin form.
Every ryonafag I've ever met is female.
What about him?
why does Rance have such a brown dick? lmao
Bottom is hotter than top in every single way possible
I do too, but I just self insert as a badass.
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More female fat ugly bastards when?
But krillin can fly without a car and shoot fuckin lazer beams. What a dumb bitch.
either you are trolling or have brain problems.

thinking so deeply about things you cant enjoy them.
if you take any form of fiction, for instance a movie about action heroes, there are many incorrect things in the movie you could sit around and talk shit about. anyone can do it. what you need to understand is just because you are the only one doing it doesn't mean other people can't. you think being the only one behaving like an overly critical twat that you're somehow got a unique perspective nobody else considered.

the reasons fettishes exist is because at some point people get over vanilla content, like how many times can you watch a boy and girl enjoy sex together before that gets boring. there are some fettishes that become more dominant because those contain subfettishes. vanilla isn't even a fettish so it cant contain subfettishes.

Calm down you two. I love both of them and they're made to mating press cute docile office women/train riding school girls.
I was contemplating of making one.
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Why is 90% of 4chan's userbase comprised of retarded newfags like you?
>pussy hentai protags
why use rance as the op pic
We do not need an ugly bastard protag
There’s also a lesser-known, weird sort of pseudo stereotype when it comes to Japan and it’s obsession with girls being “pure”. It’s not JUST getting your cherry popped that makes a girl impure, because it could be argued that because she didn’t enjoy it, it doesn’t count. But if a girl has sex, rape or not, and she has an orgasm, NOW she’s a 100% slut, used goods.

Came across that info when I went on a web-walk years ago after watching Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. At one point, Panty insulted Stocking by saying, “It doesn’t take much to get YOU off, huh?” And that struck me as really weird.

I mean, yeah, insult a girl by saying she has no taste in men, or she dates losers, but saying it like THAT, like “it’s easy for you to have an orgasm” as though that’s a BAD thing is REALLY fucking weird, so I did some searching and found out that little bit of cultural retardation.

It’s also the reason why even nowadays, you’ll find hentai with consent where the girls will still act reluctant and tell guys not to do something they’re clearly enjoying. (The old classic stupidity of, “Stop, if you do that, I’ll cum!”)

It’s also why it’s kinda hard to find “slutty” hentai (where the girl is *gasp* actually ENJOYING sex) which DOESN’T devolve into the girl acting retarded/mindbroken and going into some super degrading shit like scat, public humiliation, or her being just an outright whore. (especially ganguro/gyaru girls. Not the kind with the reverse-panda-eyes, but the tanned skin in general)
IIRC their logic on that, is that a women liking sex, even if with their husband, is just trouble because if she likes sex, it means she could end falling into lust, and even if acting lustful only towards her husband and not looking for it with other men, a woman being lustful is not only sinful but shameful too, and thats a no-no.

Honestly, a lot of japan problems are purely cultural and they wont change that any time soon because any relevant cultural change means going against their elders and leaders and thats the biggest no-no on asian cultures at the end of the day.
I remember reading this somewhere on the web ages ago, some blog about living in Japan or some such shit, and the guy running it made a post about sexuality and dating in japan, and one of the things I remember clearly just from the Wut? of it all, was that during sex there's only one active participant, it's usually the man, which on the face of it just sounds traditional, until he went on to describe it and the man just does things to his girfriend/wife, and she just takes it. Like, she doesn't react or doesn't get involved.

Which, I dunno if it's true, I never bothered investigating further into it, but it weirdly fits with everything you hear coming from there, the idea that starfish sex is some sort of standard there, fits with all of this, and also with the declining marriage and birth rate in japan, why would women wanna get married and have children if they're not supposed to enjoy sex? it's baffling.
Japs will be japs
Not him, but those are good points. Porn obviously isn't reality and like you said, it varies from partner to partner. While rape is popular with both genders, I'd say there are also just as many men who saw some gonzo porno and thought the same type of aggressive sex was normal as there are or were women who like it; though I mostly blame the DDLG shit that was popularized by e-thots in the early/mid 2010s.

Nigga, it's fiction.
>Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue
>Can say the same about pretty much every woman
>enjoying it as in realizing her true feelings for someone through it when she feels completely exposed and is at her most vulnerable and THAT making it feel amazing because she knows that person can give her more pleasure than even she herself is capable of
I live, as in that is the reason I continue being, because that is the feeling I wish to impart to a woman.

inb4, "it'll never happen lol"
And yet I strive onwards.
>Nigga, it's fiction.
Ultimately, whatever you write or draw regardless of whether or not it is real or fictional. Is a reflection or your character and what type of person you truly are. So make it what you will whenever you see any Western or Eastern artist drawing rape porn, NTR and ryona. Hopefully a majority of such artists and people don't have skeletons in their questions and harbor any malicious thoughts.

You all know how insidious some people are and how the most vile predators can seemingly hide amongst the most normal of people.
>Is a reflection or your character and what type of person you truly are.
That's completely idiotic. And you're a moron.
Ah, the liberal cuck, proselytizing in the land of the heathen. How about you fuck off back to whatever it is that you came from and leave us "potential rapists" and our chink forum behind so you can go and be an ally someplace else? Maybe someplace where they'll listen to you for once?
Then explain why a majority of rape, NTR, ugly bastards and ryona is just so mean in spirit? Why do these artists feel the need to be disturbingly detailed with their rape scenes and really specific in destroying a relationship or marriage or wrecking a home with NTR plots. Explain to me why and how such artists are not malicious and wish they can inflict such harm and turmoil to people IRL if they can get away with it.
>Explain to me why and how such artists are not malicious and wish they can inflict such harm and turmoil to people IRL if they can get away with it.
It is not reasonable to make such an assumption without a significant amount of evidence. So, citation needed.
jap self insert and the average jap is a pussy
I'm not required to explain jack and shit to you. And even if I did, you wouldn't argue in good faith since you're not willing to entertain any point I or anyone else could do about this subject. You've made your position quite clear.

So, once again, fuck off be an ally someplace else.
>regardless of whether or not it is real or fictional. Is a reflection or your character and what type of person you truly are.
>classmate enjoys the Friday the 13th series, guess that makes him a murderer
>housewife reads cheating and bodice-ripper novels, guess she enjoys getting gang-raped in an alley
>artist draws a naive loli getting molested by her male teacher, guess that makes them a kiddy diddler
I'll stand by what I've said relating to the subject matter:
NTR, rape, ryona, guro and even feet (fucking ew) existing as fetishes and genre/subgenres of porn isn't because some coomers and or gooners are secretly these wannabes of John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy or any prolific serial rapists. It is ultimately just bored and horny 1st Worlders in America, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea with plenty of free time and disposable income to spend in and or produce their niche fetishes.

Sure this is SOME truth to what >>8083367 says. It is undeniable that there are predators, groomers and other evil pieces of human garbage who do consume the same type of porn and it's subgenres. Yes there are some artists out there who have been outed as groomers, predators or sex pests who use their art, platforms and discords to lure in and entrap their victims. But ultimately these pieces of shit people are the minority, anyone with two braincells to rub and has common sense already knows actual IRL rape, sexual assaults is bad. And the predators and groomers that use their porn art, platforms and the genre communities as their "hunting grounds" do already get properly called out, shunned, ostracized and appropriately punished.

Lastly, rape (or gangrape) porn in any porn or doujin seems to just be elaborate hardcore s&m sex/group sex with or without roleplay elements, AKA; the "rapist perpetrator(s)" and the "victim". Its all just elaborate hardcore sex with mental gymnastics foreplay without any of the violence and trauma that real rape has.

Also I suppose this too
Weird (sometimes unhinged and nonsensical) cultural differences the Western mind cannot fathom. Hell, I am Southeast Asian (Filipino) myself yet even I sometimes don't get my fellow Asians too, the Japanese and their weird fetishes. Or SEA people from Muslim countries who're literally weebs engaging in otherwise haram and decadent Anime, manga and video games.
We actually need it. Don't include us on your sick fetishes anon

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